Member Reviews

This is my first contact with this author's work and I'm in love with her world-building and tangling of myths and magic.

A girl and a wolf, a pony, and a boy are on a quest to save the wolf from a hunter and also to do the right thing. On top of it, they discover a larger plot of rebellion and liberation that coincides with their goal to reach Mount Meru when we reach 70% of the book. And both children discover more about themselves and magic.

About 400 pages total this novel slows down when we reach the 40% mark but I would say that is the best choice. By slowing down the author allows us to dive deeper into culture, magic system, and world-building in a way that we connect with the world, culture, and characters in a meaningful way.

Although it was a slower section it was still very full and I loved Bhoominath, the city. It was my favorite location because I felt I was there and could smell the spices and hear the cacophony of the market stalls.

The book has constant small interruptions, chapters of one paragraph or two pages with songs, legends, letters, information, and traditional stories that enrich the world and our experience of it.

I love the magic connected to nature, gems, sons, and beasts with hearts of magical gems all threatened by a monarch of another race moved by greed for power, and control over one people and their gems. This cruel king oppresses and silences magic and love between races. Segregation and Racism, disrespect shown by a colonizer. But one of the major lessons of this book is that race doesn't determine good or evil, actions and choices do.

I loved the main character, because she is compassionate, kind, understanding, reasonable, courageous, and loyal she will fight for the right thing and see her quest through. awesome twists and double twists and a surprise at the end that although predictable I'm glad I figured that out. It made me smile.

Awesome fantasy read.
Thank you Netgalley and Publisher for this e-ARC.

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