Member Reviews

As always, Camden does not disappoint. A bit of mystery, a bit of love, a character with a dark secret.... such a simple recipe but so woven together so well and in a way that you just can't put down before you finish.
I also love how the book puts a woman in a new, nontraditional for the times, role and lets her succeed as a woman and professional.

For the last two years, New York Police Department Lieutenant Jonathan Birch has been escorting dentist Dr. Katherine Schnieder to the nearest subway station when her shift ends at midnight, even though that isn’t part of his official duties. Katherine would like to take the relationship further but has no idea how Lt. Birch feels.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that there is something undeniably attractive about a man who can cook. Give him the ability to bake flawless focaccia or chocolate biscotti and … well, I’m sold on Jonathan and can see why Katherine is so taken with him. Meanwhile, she enjoys her work as a dentist, treating those who would not be able to afford care from New York’s more mainstream dentists. Their personal and professional lives coincide when Katherine realises one of her recent late-night patients might have been involved in a bomb attack, so she contacts Jonathan … an action which has consequences.
One of the things I like most about Elizabeth Camden’s novels is her ability to create intelligent female characters and place them in a story in a way that feels both progressive and entirely natural. Dentist Dr. Katherine Schneider is no exception. But the novel isn’t all about dentistry (great news for the squeamish). It’s more a historical romantic suspense that takes two not-quite-ordinary people and gives them a gripping story.
If I had to find fault with While the City Sleeps, it would be that Nonna’s secret recipe for chocolate biscoti remains a secret …
One of the things I like best about historical fiction is the opportunity to learn something new—like the fact Dr. Edgar Parker really did legally change his given name to “Painless” in order to win a lawsuit. Dr. Parker was decades ahead of his time in hiring dentist who reflected the diversity of his customer base—including female and Black dentists. I also appreciated the way he kept his prices affordable (because everyone deserves decent dental care), and kept his clinics open beyond the normal nine-to-five to give working people the chance to receive treatment.
I didn’t especially enjoy Elizabeth Camden’s last series (I didn’t even read the final book), but While the City Sleeps takes us back to what I most like about her work: her ability to weave a fascinating novel around real-life history, and to inject that with a strong yet understated Christian element.
Recommended for fans of Christian historical fiction, especially those featuring women in non-traditional occupations. Thanks to Bethany House and NetGalley for providing a free ebook for review.

OH I loved this one! I really didn't see the twist coming and diving into Jonathon's background was informative and fascinating. Having never been the New York, I love the read about the past and the people there. Learning more about the police force and how they worked back then. How Jonathon kept his past a secret due to prejudice about his heritage and family.
Katharine and Jonathon's romance was sweet and organic. I like to wonder how he had so much time to walk her back to her living quarters though...
4.3/5 stars.

While the City Sleeps is a historical novel written by Elizabeth Camden. It is book one in the Women of Midtown series.
Summary: Katherine Schneider is a dentist in 1913 New York.
She loves her job-and she loves that Jonathan, a handsome young police officer, is always waiting to escort her home at the end of her long night shift.
One night, while a patient is under the influence of laughing gas, he reveals disturbing details that might just be a threat against the city.
Katherine brings her concerns to Jonathan and as he investigates, he discovers a plot that might just bring New York to its knees.
Can he and Katherine work together to stop the threats from becoming reality?
Will Jonathan be forced to reveal his past-something that could bring the end to his career and lose Katherine’s trust forever?
My Thoughts: This book is wonderful.
I really enjoy historical novels, and Elizabeth Camden is one of the best at immersing you in the time-period and making it come alive.
The book has an exciting plot, plenty of drama, and a nice, light romance.
The characters are well-written, and I always appreciate that the author places her female leads in unusual roles for the time period.
It gives such a unique perspective to her books.
If you enjoy historical fiction, I highly recommend this book-it is definitely worth the read!
I would like to thank Bethany House for providing me with a free digital copy of this book in exchange for my review. Thank you!

An enjoyable historical fiction book by Elizabeth Camden. She never disappoints!
I received a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

This is one of the best Elizabeth Camden stories I've read in a while! I absolutely loved the storyline! 🩵
We're solving a mystery set in 1913 New York City.
We're watching a sweet love story unfold, despite the many bumps along the way.
And we're learning to love two very quirky characters.
It's an incredible tale and you don't want to miss it! 🩵
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

In the past, I've enjoyed Elizabeth Camden's novels mainly because of the writing, the attention to historical details and the plotlines, so I was expecting to see the same in this one and while it was satisfying in some aspects, it fell short in some others.
Set in 1913 NYC, this one follows the story of Katherine Schneider, a dentist from Ohio who has moved to this city for a fresh start and has been enjoying her time here. But everything changes one evening when one of her patients reveals some potentially dangerous stuff while under the influence of laughing gas. Katherine decides to seek the help of a police officer - Lieutenant Jonathan Birch on whom she's had a crush on for a few years. And though Jonathan has been escorting her from her office to the subway every day for two years, he's not a very chatty person and refuses to reveal anything about himself. Now that Katherine is in danger, Jonathan is determined to protect her while working to find out the culprit behind the explosions in the city. But this might also force him to confront the past that he's been hiding away from.
This one started off well with an interesting premise and a mystery that kept me wanting to know what would happen next. Both Katherine and Jonathan were pretty cute with their mutual pining at first but I wasn't too fond of the way their relationship progressed(or stalled?) in the latter half. While Katherine was sweet and sunny I found her a bit too nice and hypocritical at times - especially the way she treated Jonathan in the second half😅 While I could understand her feelings towards those who lie, I feel like the way she reacted was a bit unfair towards Jonathan, though he's also at fault for hiding things. Jonathan also made a stand for himself by making it clear that he would apologize but he wouldn't beg her for her forgiveness. And though that's great too, I felt like both of them were putting their egos at front instead of just loving each other as they are. And that made me feel like the romance and the relationship between them was a bit shaky. But it was very realistic in a way!
It was hard for me to completely root for either of these characters though there wasn't a huge problem with them. Ironically I found the side characters more interesting - especially Gallagher(wasn't a fan of how things were handled with him). The plot and the mystery had me engrossed though so I enjoyed that part! So, overall it was okay but perhaps not my favorite Camden book.

Katherine is a dentist in New York City. When she puts a particular patient under laughing gas, he rambles about "sad Loorna Doone," "Saint Patrick," and the "boring gray lady." She dismisses the ramblings until a ship called the Loorna Doone catches fire. She relays concerns to a local police officer she has a crush on. Jonathan Birch has secrets of his own. While he investigates the fire and a series of bombings, parts of his past are exposed that might get him kicked off the force, expelled from Katherine's life, and humiliated by his rival Sean Gallagher. When Katherine's life is threatened by the suspect, he becomes even more determined to set things right.
Great insight into the city in the early 1900s. Wonderful characters. I live Katherine's parents and her friendships and her growing relationship with Jonathan. I like that Jonathan realizes he built his foundation on sand, though I wish we saw more of him rebuilding on the Rock. There were also two deaths that were pretty sad. As far as accuracy goes, a set of apartments above a shop is referred to as a boarding house once, investigators ask Katherine leading questions, and the terms "jail" and '"prison" are used interchangeably. This was hard to put down! Exciting investigation.

I love Elizabeth Camden's books because she always pulls so much from history, and I always learn something new while enjoying my favorite authors.
I read/listened to While the City Sleeps since I was traveling and I feel that Kathryn Markey was the perfect voice for lady dentist, Katherine Schneider. I loved watching her relationship with Jonathan progress and see how protective he was of her.
Wonderful story and I am now looking forward to her next book!
I received a copy of this book for review. All opinions are my own.
Publication date: 13 February 2024

My thoughts: WHILE THE CITY SLEEPS is the latest book by one of the few favorite historical writers I read. Based on real life events this is a page turner as the reader tries to figure out who-dun-it. I liked the idea of Katherine's career and found Jonathon both likeable and unlikeable. He tended to go off randomly with his temoer and attitute. If you like historical romance you will love this book. Recommmended. I was given a copy free and all opinions are my own.

Katherine Schneider is a female dentist who overhears a terror plot while the patient is under the influence of laughing gas in Gilded Age New York. She tells police officer Jonathan Birch, who has been smitten with her and asks for his help. Together, they investigate and find a criminal underworld intent on destruction. Camden weaves together a successful romantic suspense novel filled with bombs, danger, and historical tidbits.

I love Elizabeth Camden's books for a lot of reasons. She always writes about strong heroines who are inquisitive, smart, and bold. Her books also feature dashing heroes, as well as lesser known bits of history. While the City Sleeps is no exception. Within these pages we are offered a unique story of a woman dentist in early 1900s New York as she and a police officer work together to solve a mystery in in the nighttime hours. With twists and turns, clever characters, historical detail, and a sweet romance, the latest from Camden is sure to please fans both old and new.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

As someone who loves historical fiction, especially when that historical fiction is mixed with mystery and romance, I can't believe how unique this book felt for me! I mean, for one, I had never imagined a female dentist in a historical setting, let alone one who would become involved in a mystery! I was hesitant about it being Christian fiction (I enjoy clean/closed-door romances, but not when they are coated in the word of God), but this one wasn't too bad, and I could mainly skip the parts leaning a bit more towards religion. I would definitely try this writer again!

I really enjoyed While The City Sleeps. It was an interesting tale of New York city in 1913. Katherine is a lady dentist and Jonathon a NYC cop. I loved the plot that was full of twists and suspense. Faith was a vital element to the story. The setting was very interesting to read about. I highly recommend While the City Sleeps and I look forward to reading the next book in the series.
So settle into a comfy chair with a cup of tea and enjoy a great read.
I was given a copy of While The City Sleeps with no expectations. All thoughts are my own.

This is my first full-length Elizabeth Camden novel. I loved her novella Toward the Sunrise and expected great things of this novel, especially because so many of my friends love her writing! Unfortunately, I didn’t feel that my expectations were justified… especially at first.
To start off, I loved the setting. NYC is, for some reason, absolutely fascinating to me. And I love early 1900s fiction, so that was a double gift. I really appreciated how the author presented the good side of NYC and especially the hard work of night workers. And it all tied into the title excellently. I was less charmed about the historic aspect, because I felt the book distinctly lacked in 1900s feel. That’s likely a me problem though, as I’m not very used to modern historical fiction. And I definitely enjoyed all the historical information, even if sometimes it seemed to be dumped and not woven in?? I did struggle a lot with the writing style. It felt very tell-y instead of show-y, almost forced at places. So often I felt like the author was summarizing things, trying to jump over time or from event to event too quickly. I particularly struggled with that in the first 10-20% of the novel. It seemed so difficult to get into the characters’ heads… specially Jonathan!
And yet that may have been intentional. Jonathan was SO not typical and I loved it. I don’t want to spill all his secrets but I assure you he has QUITE the story. I loved his uniqueness; I was not so thrilled about his personality. I have a really, really hard time with liars (more on that later). I was also super irritated by his rivalry with Gallagher. I know, I know, it’s part of the plot and it winds up well. But they acted like schoolboys instead of grown, professional policemen most of the time and it. drove. me. nuts! Katherine I liked more. She was very sweet. (Except I was furious about their sneaking into MW all those times and then getting mad at the chaperone for flipping out. THEY LITERALLY, DELIBERATELY, BROKE THE RULES. And him a policeman IN UNIFORM! I was just NOT impressed). Anyways, Gallagher was a super cool dude who deserved his own story. Also Katherine’s parents were THE BEST, and I loved Alvin & Jack so much.
Besides my dislike for the hero, I enjoyed the suspense and drama of the plot. Especially the portrait of 1900 police (you know my love for the blue) and also dentists, because that’s just cool. And the Martha Washington and the owls. And the whole side part about the Italians. As a MCK myself, I LOVE seeing different cultures in books. And the message was fabulous. I, personally, have a lot of trauma related to lying and deeply struggle to forgive people who lie. Seeing Katherine handle that very issue was excellent and something I happened to need to hear right now. And while it took him the whole book, our lying hero did eventually get his act together and fix his two glaring issues. So the end of the book did redeem the beginning for me. I appreciated the mystery a lot (so complex!), and I particularly liked the drama of the climax and the heroism of the police.
Overall, I’m not sure what rating to give this? Probably 3.5, not quite 4 stars. I’ll definitely try Elizabeth Camden again and might even reread this—but it just wasn’t fully a hit for me.
Content: kissing, mild violence; catholicism; mention of a very minor character having an out-of-wedlock affair. I was personally distressed by the interrogation scene. It’s nothing bad; just hurts my heart. Lindsey from Books for Christian Girls has a better content review. ;)
*I received a complimentary copy of this book for promotional purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.*

Katherine "toyed with ideas for professions to feature in her "While the City Sleeps" monthly column. Her column began shortly after she arrived in New York as a project to get her mind off a broken heart. It had been an impulsive decision, inspired by the people she met during her late-night employment. Until she started working at night, she had no idea about the huge range of jobs people carried out while the rest of the world slept."
Elizabeth Camden has a way of combining interesting and unexplored historical details into a fascinating story. She brought historic New York City to life. Her female protagonist has an interesting career as a dentist - that was rare in the early 1900s. Where the dentist lived was also interesting as she lived in a female boarding house. That part added another layer to the story.
Katherine's column about those who are busy while the city sleeps takes her out at night. This has put her in touch with a policeman who feels like he needs to escort her home late at night. Even back in 1913, the city did not truly sleep.
And the policeman's back story is quite unexpected. His background is rather complicated for a police officer. Can he move on from his past?
Katherine hears something from a patient that puts her life in danger. Having to hide out is not ideal. But she wants to help put a stop to the danger that her city is now facing.
While this story is not always action-packed, the pacing is excellent. Suspense is one of the elements. The chapters provide plenty to keep a reader guessing. Even with knowing many of the details, there are many unknowns. The story still unfolded in an unexpected way.
I really enjoyed this book and am glad that I could read it through NetGalley. I wanted to read and review the book. All opinions are my own.

You know when the dentist asks you questions with pointy objects in your mouth and he seems to understand you? Ever wonder what the dentist thinks about your ramblings when you’re incoherent?
Meet Katherine. She’s a lady dentist and you will root from her starting on page one. When something Katherine hears while performing a dental procedure may be important to a case she tells the police.
Meet Jonathan. Helloooo Jonathan. He is absolutely the protector of your dreams. When Katherine gets put in peril he is determined to find the bad guys.
This author literally is an auto love for me. She makes history come alive with a surprising subject. Tuberculosis? Yep. Vanilla? Sign me up. Dentistry? Totally. Actually no. I’m good. No cavities for this old lady yet.
If you want glances and longing looks, mysteries, danger, and characters who face their own weaknesses then you need to read this book. It will tear your heart and stitch it all back together in a happily ever after reality.
There are bombs ticking and time becomes a precious commodity. See if Jonathan and Katherine can make a difference in a sleeping city.
I received a copy through NetGalley and these are my own thoughts. I highly recommend ANYTHING this author writes!

While the City Sleeps by Elizabeth Camden is a historical fiction set in 1913 NYC. Kathrine is a dentist who works the late shift at an office that uniquely caters to the poor and working class. Jonathan is a police officer working the graveyard shift who has taken it upon himself to walk Katherine safely to her apartment every night when her shift ends at midnight. Their budding romance/relationship is well established at the start of the book. One night a patient while under the influence of laughing gas speaks what appears to be nonsensical gibberish. Events later reveal to Kathrine that what she heard was actually clues to criminal activity related to the Mafia.
I enjoyed the unique setting of how this nefarious plot was discovered and of how the focus was mostly on what happens in the city while most people are sleeping. NYC holds a fascination to me no matter the time period. I loved how both characters didn’t shy away from danger but did what was right even if it put themselves in danger. I loved their relationship though I did feel as though they weren’t on the same page spiritually. I felt that Katherine possessed a more mature relationship while Jonathan just seemed to have a more surface level faith. That being said I loved Jonathan and his quiet, strong, and unassuming personality. I appreciated that Kathrine had friends that weren’t afraid to speak truth to her which is a good reminder to look for that quality in friends and to be that friend to others. Some times it did seem as if people acted in a way that felt slightly contrary to the time period. But that could be me inserting Downton Abbey aristocracy upon American working class. 🤷🏼♀️ All in all a very enjoyable read with a unique premise and plot and I look forward to reading the next installment in the series.
Much thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary copy to review. A positive review was not required and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

4.5 ⭐️ While the City Sleeps is a Christian historical romantic suspense novel set in 1910s New York City. It tells the story of Katherine, a dentist, and Jonathan, a police officer with a past he’s worked hard to forget. I greatly enjoyed the suspense elements of the story and the themes of perseverance in the face of societal norms. I also appreciated that the romance takes a natural pace, not overnight insta-love as in so many romantic suspense books. I look forward to reading the next book in the series when it is released.
Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Katherine Schneider and Jonathan Birch are both night owls. She a dentist and he a NYC cop who both work the night shift. Jonathan, on admiring Katherine from afar, offers to escort her home each night when her shift ends, to which she accepts. But for the first two years he acts his profession when escorting her - a cop who is providing protection detail to a citizen of his city.
Secretly they have both developed feelings for the other but both are prevented from sharing their affections with the other because of their histories: his involving being born into a notorious New York family and she a bruised ego from a broken engagement.
Meanwhile, unwittingly Katherine provides evidence regarding a potential link to a series of bomb attacks. Jonathan is informed and gets engaged in the case. Here is where the story takes off as more of the story involves the mystery surrounding the ongoing threat of bombs planted by the Sons of Chaos, an anarchistic group, who wants to play havoc with the institutions of the famous city.
And with any good romance, there comes a point of rupture, that devastates the couple and the reader. But as the mystery of the bombs continues and Jonathan's role grows, romance may be rekindled.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Camden has a mature writing voice and style that engages her reader such that one happily keeps turning the pages. Her attention to descriptive detail is first rate as we are able to visualise New York's bustling port, the Martha Washington set of apartments (where Katherine lives) and various other landmarks.
I enjoyed both characters, though at times they were frustrating. Katherine is an open book and very stubborn, a little slow to forgive and forget while Jonathan, though often charming, is similarly stubborn and grapples with envy of an old school chum. Camden presents them as vulnerable and authentic characters allowing her readers to love them at times and frustrate them immensely at other times.
Like many such stories, the crime-stuff gets wrapped up a little too easily while the romance powers along. I get that but it leaves a little dissatisfaction for me at the story conclusion.
I'm very fortunate to have received an early ebook copy from Bethany House via Net Galley with no expectation of a positive review.