Member Reviews

This is now my favorite book by this author as it has absolutely blown me away. So much happening in the book, it's pretty much nonstop action and I swear at one point I was sweating and holding my breath because of the danger. Danger, intrigue and a fascinating story taking place quite a bit at night while the city sleeps. We get to visit the underground subway and get an up close and personal view of the different functions of the NYC police department and the danger they put themselves into. The story made me think of my son as he's an officer as well. Just like in this time period many people don't respect LEO's. Touching on many subjects such as bomb making, and the mafia I found the book utterly fascinating. I will say the addition of the owl and her babies added a special touch to the story. Many things in the book are based on actual past history which I am always glad to read about and learn from. The characters are well suited for each other. Nighttime NY city life vividly brough to life like you haven't seen in a historical fiction before. This needs to be your next read.

Pub Date 13 Feb 2024
I was given a complimentary copy of the book.
All opinions expressed are my own opinion.

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This book had me staying up way past my bedtime to finish it! Elizabeth Camden has once again woven a spellbinding tale with her signature blend of historical accuracy, intricate characters, and a touch of romance. In her novels, including "The Spice King" and "A Dangerous Legacy," Camden transports readers to a bygone era, effortlessly combining meticulous research with a compelling narrative; “While the City Sleeps” is no exception!

Camden's strength lies in her ability to bring historical settings to life, immersing readers in the rich details of the time period. Her characters are vividly drawn, each with their own quirks and complexities, making them feel remarkably real. Whether it's the headstrong heroin, Katherine, breaking societal norms, or the enigmatic hero, Jonathan, grappling with personal demons, Camden's characters are relatable and endearing.

The author's meticulous research is evident in the seamless integration of historical elements into the storyline. Camden doesn't just create a romantic backdrop; she explores the societal issues and technological advancements of the time, adding layers of depth to her narratives. This attention to detail educates readers and enriches the overall reading experience.

In summary, Elizabeth Camden continues to be a master storyteller. Her ability to seamlessly blend history, romance, and compelling characters creates an engaging and enlightening reading experience. Whether you're a fan of historical fiction or simply enjoy a well-crafted love story, Elizabeth Camden's “While the City Sleeps” will prove to be a delightful journey into the past.

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While the City Sleeps is an excellent example of why Elizabeth Camden is one of my must read authors. She is so adept at combining intriguing historical facts with a great story that almost always includes some mystery, danger, and suspense along with a compelling romance. Her characters are perfectly well-rounded and usually have interesting back stories.

In her latest novel, readers will see 1913 New York City through the eyes of a female dentist and a police officer, both who work the night shift. The nonsensical ramblings of a patient under the influence of nitrous oxide begin to make sense when Katherine hears about fires on a ship he mentioned. Reporting the incident to the police puts her life in danger and her friend Lieutenant Jonathan Birch is determined to both solve the case and keep Katherine safe. As their feelings for each other grow, Katherine is puzzled by Jonathan’s secretive nature. His past is something he wants left in the past.

While the City Sleeps is a story that kept me on edge as one dangerous situation after another developed and relationships between several characters changed from day to day. Vivid descriptions made the narrative compelling reading and I enjoyed every minute. I highly recommend not only this book but any other book by this excellent author.

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A number of years back, I had the good fortune to judge an Elizabeth Camden book in a contest, and when I was done—I was completely hooked on what I quickly discovered was one of the best historical romance writers in the Christian market. Without question, Elizabeth Camden is now at the top of my “must read” list and one of the very few authors I will gladly plunk money down to buy her books—she’s that good!

As a Christian historical romance author myself, I have read countless books in that genre, but I can honestly say that Camden is not only one of the very best, but in a class all her own. Why? Yes, she is a truly gifted writer, no question, but over and above that, her plots and characters are truly unique and one of a kind, opening my eyes to historical events and eras like no other author has ever been able to do. When I pick up a Camden novel, I am assured that not only will I be captured by a fresh and fascinating new look at history, but swept into a tender love story unlike any other, expanding my mind and my heart in a truly satisfying way that that I simply adore. I cannot say enough about this author—she is absolutely one of the best—and as both an author and avid reader myself, I am so very grateful for her incredible talent.

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Thank you very much to Austen Prose PR, Elizabeth Camden, Bethany House Fiction, and NetGalley for sending me a copy of While the City Sleeps. All thoughts expressed in this review reflect only my own opinion.

I just love when I start a book and feel compelled to keep reading it at every possible moment until I've finished it! That's exactly what happened when I picked up While the City Sleeps, Elizabeth Camden's exciting new historical fiction novel, which takes the reader on a wild ride full of love, bombs, and Italian desserts.

I loved getting to know Katherine and Jonathan. My heart went out to Jonathan, whose secret past weighs heavily on him and impacts his sense of worthiness. Katherine it's sunny personality and idealism was a brigh spot in a story that could be very dark at times, although her naivete could at times feel cloying. The story also features a dynamic cast of side characters, including arrogant but brave police officers, crafty assassins, and loyal friends.

The characters endeared the story to me - but what kept me hooked was its riveting plot! This story juggles two main components: an intricate crime storyline, and a heartwarming but at times stormy romance. Both aspects of the story pulled me in, and I found myself devouring the book at every possible moment! I also appreciated the Christian messaging at the heart of the novel. Camden balanced her Christian themes expertly: it didn't take over the novel, but was sprinkled in at pivotal moments, to emphasize the faith-filled essence of the story.

I really enjoyed reading While the City Sleeps! The depth of Camden's research process shines through on every page, and as an avid historical fiction reader, I was impressed by her thoroughness as well as her skill in conveying her knowledge in a compelling way. If you're looking for a Gilded Age novel that balances mystery and romantic stories equally well, I recommend this book!

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While the City Sleeps is now my new favorite I have read by Elizabeth Camden. It was full of history, mystery and romance. I loved it. Five plus stars.

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Katherine and Jonathan are such great characters. Katherine is cheerful, optimistic and looks for the good in everyone. As a female dentist practicing in 1913 NYC, she works late hours at a clinic. Jonathan, a police officer who works the night shift, has been escorting Katherine from her office to the subway after her late shift for two years. They barely know each other but Katherine wishes for more with the handsome officer. When Katherine becomes part of a police investigation, Jonathan struggles to keep her safe, keep his feelings hidden and keep his past buried. There’s action, intrigue, and emotional struggles that keep the story moving. I really enjoyed the characters, the mystery, the setting, and the themes of forgiveness.

I received an advanced copy to review from @austenprose and @netgalley. A positive review was not required, all opinions are my own and voluntarily given.

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This story was great. It pulled me in from the beginning and I finished it in one day. The story is in the perspectives of Katherine and Jonathan. Two people who are drawn to one another no matter what each one dealt with in the past.
You'll find love, murder, investigations, danger, and two protagonists from different walks of life. I'll be happy to recommend it to others.

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Sad to say, I didn’t enjoy this one as much as I have enjoyed the previous titles by Ms Camden. For a change, I know the reason why. And it is because any stories about the mafia or gangsters are just not my cup of tea. I liked the history-based story about the dental clinic though! It’s hilarious that someone would name themselves Painless to get out of trouble. The creativity is inspiring!

I liked the two main characters too, and their romance is really sweet!

3 and a half stars for me.

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In 1913 New York, Katherine Schneider is a lady dentist working the night shift. During her late hours, she overhears something that seems like nonsense until something rings a bell in a local bombing, then she shares the rest of it with Jonathan Birch, the police Lieutenant that has been walking her to the subway from her office every night.
After this, they find themselves caught in a deadly game to save the city. Along the way, their fantastic chemistry develops, and they find themselves being forced to face hard truths.
This story was fabulous, and I was transported. The time-period, the mob ties, the truth, and their relationship were all a part of the story. It showed the depth of differing backgrounds and each character had opportunities for growth. Sometimes to face the truth about yourself is the hardest thing of all.
Elizabeth Camden is masterful with these characters and the story. I could feel the atmosphere of the city and even the sounds and smells as she described them. I picked this up and couldn’t put it down. The suspense was well-written and a pleasure to read. I was taken on a fulfilling and emotional journey as they worked to solve the mystery and save Katherine’s very life in the city.
I received an early copy of the book from the publisher through NetGalley and this is my honest review.

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In 1913, this tale unfolds with captivating characters and a plot filled with terrorism, deceit, romance, and second chances. Dr. Katherine Schneider, a dentist at the Painless Parker Dentistry in NYC, forms a unique connection with the reserved Lieutenant Jonathan Birch. Each night at midnight when Katherine finishes work Jonathan is there to safely escort her to the subway.

The narrative takes a thrilling turn when Katherine recalls a patient's ramblings about a ship, the Lorna Doone, that later catches fire, killing one of the crewmen. Sharing this revelation with Jonathan initiates an adventure filled with danger and suspense.

The dynamic between Jonathan and Katherine is a highlight. Jonathan's character evolves, revealing depth amid the dark secrets of his past and his many regrets. Katherine, despite past heartbreak, maintains an optimistic outlook. The story's relaxed pace adds to its charm, making it an enjoyable, laid-back read.

Fans of Elizabeth Camden will find this story delightful, and newcomers will discover a compelling introduction to her work.

I would like to thank the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book. I was under no obligation to provide a review and the opinions expressed her are my own.

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This book has all of my favorite things love finding in an Elizabeth Camden novel:
*FMC in a non-traditional role for the time period
*MMC with a challenging past, but great integrity
*Historical detail
#Swoon-worthy moments
Atthough I'm a small town girl, Camden does a great job of word painting NYC so that readers can experiences the sights, sounds, and smells.
Some of my favorite parts were:
*Chocolate biscotti
* The crew at Painless Parker Dentistry
*Sneaking up the fire escape
*Late night news reading
Two thumbs up for this gorgeous read!

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While the City Sleeps by Elizabeth Camden is a well-researched, highly engaging Historical Romance that I thoroughly enjoyed. One of my favorite aspects to this novel is the mystery. This book is such a good whodunit that kept me reading well into the night. I was turning pages furiously to see if my hunches were correct or not. In addition to the mystery, I really loved how deep this story is. There’s all kinds of themes discussed: various family issues, a great discussion on pride and what lying really means, difficulty to forgive once you’ve been hurt deeply by someone you care for, and regret after a loss. While the City Sleeps would make for an excellent book-club choice as there are tons of topics for discussion.

As far as characters go, I really appreciate how colorful and vivacious and unique all of Camden’s characters are. The women who reside at the Martha Washington Hotel are warm, supportive, and tough. I really loved learning about Dr. Edgar “Painless” Parker and his incredibly forward-thinking dental establishment. The world would be a better place if more people thought like Dr. Parker. As far as the hero and heroine go, I LOVED Jonathan. He is the best kind of hero. He is strong, capable, and handsome. He is also the kind of guy who runs into a bad situation to save as many as he can. Jonathan is a hero through and through. Of all his qualities, my favorite is his maturity. Jonathan has lived through a tumultuous childhood. He had to grow up very quickly in an environment that didn’t allow for kids to be kids. This allowed Jonathan to grow into an adult who is compassionate towards the downtrodden, but not gullible to the seedier sides of humanity. And this is why he is such a good cop…and a good match for Katherine. I’m gonna be honest, Katherine drove me bonkers. She is such a Pollyanna, and she is so confident in her certainty it is annoying. She definitely needed Jonathan to come into her life and help her mature into a better woman. And that is what I loved the absolute most about this story — how Jonathan and Katherine, together, make each other better people, people God always meant them to be. Having someone in your life who helps draw the best out of you is quite a blessing for sure.

While the City Sleeps is a great beginning to what I feel will be an excellent series by Elizabeth Camden. If you’re a fan of excellently written Historical Romances and Mysteries then you will not want to miss out on this story.

I received a review copy of this novel in eBook form from the publisher, Bethany House, via NetGalley. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I wasn’t sure, going into this book, what I’d think of the story. I’ve grown to appreciate Camden’s writings over the years, and while they aren’t always my favorite stories, I really enjoy the perspectives and amount of history she can weave into otherwise familiar plots.

This book was no different—it tackled a piece of history I’ve never read about before, and that made it a fascinating read for me. I admit; when I first started reading and realized one of the main characters was a dentist, I wondered how that would go since I can’t stand the thought of getting into other people’s mouths! That didn’t end up being too much of a problem, though, and I found the history of Painless Parker fascinating. Added to that, a good mystery and some involvement with Italian family rivalry and almost the Mafia, and this was a gripping read.

I was a little disappointed by the romance in the story; it didn’t seem all that realistic to me, and I didn’t appreciate how the characters deliberately broke rules in order to be together when there could have been other ways to spend time together. I was also disappointed that this book was advertised as a Christian story, but in the end, the character’s faith didn’t really figure into the story—other than one or two mentions of attending church and going to confession.

This was, overall, an enjoyable, satisfying read. The romance was sweet, the mystery intriguing, and the history fascinating. I doubt I’d ever bother to get a print copy of the book, but I’m not sorry I read it once. If you enjoy historical romances with a dose of adventure and some mystery, this book would likely be right up your alley.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book, and this is my honest opinion of it.

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Every time I picked up "While the City Sleeps", I was whisked back in time, and went on such an emotional journey with this story.

This is the first book in Elizabeth Camden's "Women of Midtown" series! Her writing style is so detailed, vivid, and I can only imagine the amount of research Ms. Camden must have done for this novel, as I truly felt immersed in the world of the story from the first page to the last. The writing jumped off of the page, her world-building is spectacular, and she seamlessly weaves history and fiction into her story. I learned so much about the era from reading this book.

Katherine is such an intelligent, strong, brave, and kind woman, who is an amazingly talented dentist. When one of her patients reveals information to her regarding a crime, and knows she must share the information with Jonathan, a protective man who is a police officer. As the two spend more and more time together, their feelings begin to deepen. I do not want to say too much more about the plot due to spoilers, but, I will say, this book truly has so much in it: danger, intrigue, secrets, moving moments, healing, romance, and so, so much more.

I love how the name of and meaning behind "While the City Sleeps", Katherine's newspaper column, ties in to the story (and is the title of the book of course!) as well!

If you enjoy Historical Fiction and Historical Romance, I highly recommend this book! I so look forward to reading, what I hope, will be many more books in this new series!

Thank you so much Austenprose PR, NetGalley, and Bethany House Publishers for the e-ARC of this novel, to Austenprose PR and Bethany House Publishers for the beautiful finished copy, and to Austenprose PR and Bethany House Publishers for having me on the book tour! All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Author Elizabeth Camden always writes fascinating heroes and heroines, and While the City Sleeps is her latest vibrant take on fictional characters with a sprinkle of real-life history. The New York City setting comes to life in the tale, as well, acting as a main character all its own with its interesting night life and unexpected personalities.

Secrets and potential crimes wind through this story of romance. The intrigue and reveals keep the pace flowing nicely as the reader meets and falls in love with the match between Katherine and Jonathan. While their acquaintance is already established off-page as the story begins, events in their lives thrust them beyond a tentative interaction to a mutual reliance on city knowledge and social connections. I especially love the details Camden incorporates to make an already complex situation feel like real life.

Romance is at the heart of the story, even as dangerous situations draw in emotions, sacrifice, and questions of loyalty. Jonathan is a Paul Newman-ish hero (at least that’s how I see him!) who has secrets of his own (like mad baking skills), a connection to an Italian community, a dry sense of humor, and absolute conviction to protect the innocent and stand for honor. Katherine is fully his match — when it comes to their relationship, I love how she is assertive in a way he isn’t and how their dynamic explores some believable realities of relationships right down to disagreements and some tough subjects.

I particularly empathize with the way Katherine approaches life: she’s spunky, determined, and brave. One tiny moment I noted that ticked all the romance boxes for me was when Jonathan had a cerebral attraction to Katherine’s handwriting. It speaks of their connection and their mutual respect for each other.

If you have enjoyed Elizabeth Camden’s stories in the past, this is a good place to get back into her writing as it is the promising start to a new series. I’d also recommend this book for fans of Jocelyn Green and Rachel Fordham.

Thank you to the publisher for the digital review copy. This is my honest review.

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This is the first of a new series, and I'm excited to see where else it goes. This was an intriguing and interesting read!

Katherine, a late night working dentist and Jonathan, local policeman with a dark past are the main characters. They have a super slow burn, but there is romance there. The storyline is engaging and kept me interested. They're saving the city from bombers and trying to figure out what the next concern is.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for a temporary, digital ARC in return for my review.

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Elizabeth Camden is one of my go-to authors, and she has another winner in _While the City Sleeps_!

I adore the cover (wowza!) and the NYC setting--I don't think I'll ever not love an NYC setting, haha!--and am super jazzed that this is the first in a new series for Camden. (Book 2 looks to feature one of the side characters from this one, so defo jump on this one now to be primed and ready!)

As ever with Camden, this both was educational and made me stop and think about what I might have done in similar situations. We often think XYZ things are black and white, until we're in the same boat and realize it's not always so clear--much as main character Katherine discovers here.

I think Katherine's "While the City Sleeps" column was one of my favorite elements of the read, not just since it inspired the book title! Me + books featuring newspapers = super happy (and, true confession, I geeked out a fair bit when William Randolph Hearst became a supporting character). Hearst was far from perfect, but him and his time/era--plus the newsies (and the "Newsies" musical), Pulitzer, Carnegie, and more--is one I've long been captivated by. Add in the Italian mafia, and hoh boy! Watch out!

Camden's "Hope and Glory" and "Blackstone Legacy" series are still my faves of hers, but this is a promising first book in the series, and I'm already looking forward to book 2's arrival.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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While the City Sleeps is an exciting historical romance. Elizabeth Camden writes in such an intriguing way that I wasn't able to put the book down and read it in one sitting. The loss of sleep was worth it to see how it ended.

We follow our two main characters, Katherine, a sweet hearted but niave dentist. She's hoping and trying to always see the best of people. And Jonathan, a man of honor and integrity who tries to be the man who protects those in need. He never thought Katherine was the one he would be trying to keep safe, but when she overhears something, it puts her in danger. And that takes our characters on a journey of danger, forgiveness, and love.

Their romance blossoms beautifully on the page, and the side characters make this story even more enjoyable. If you are looking for an exciting historical romance, this is your next read.

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Good book! I enjoyed the historical aspects and learning more about New York, the Mafia, etc. Definitely well researched with interesting details about life at that time. Katherine and Jonathan were good main characters. Their somewhat clashing personalities were an interesting combination- Katherine’s optimism and Jonathan’s reserved attitude. I also enjoyed learning about each of their jobs, and some of the other jobs of the ladies at the Martha Washington. This was my first book by this author & I look forward to reading more. 3.5 stars.

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