Member Reviews

i am a huge believer in fate and absolutely believe that the universe throws things at me for a reason. do i ever find out the reason? not always. but do i trust the process anyway? absolutely.

i’ve heard of the red string of fate, but i’ve never dug too deep into it so picking up red string theory felt like a no brainer. jack and rooney are complete opposites. jack believes in science and facts and things he can see with his own eyes, but rooney believes in fate and things that are left to interpretation most of the time. they have this constant battle of beliefs but they eventually settle for something in between.

maybe it’s because i’m going through it in my own life but seeing jack and rooney have this constant pull toward each other had me screaming at jack to give it a chance. it’s not everyday that you see these types of coincidences, and to not act on them when it’s the universe trying to tell you something? come on. you HAVE to. i know i would.

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Lunar Love was a favorite in January. And I loved the plot of this one so I had to read this one early. I'm a sucker for things about books with fate in it. And this one is dual POV! I love it! I couldn't wait to read Jack's perspective.

Tropes included--
slow burn
opposites attract
workplace romance

This slow burn was a little too slow to me. I wanted more to happen. But the end was sweet. And Jack was a cute book boyfriend. And I loved the little cameo from Lunar Love.


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Roo, short for Rooney, is the daughter of Wren who is a famous artist. Wren had her big break when she recorded the birth of Roo as a piece of art. Roo is now older and is an artist herself, but she hasn't made it big like her mom yet. She also goes by the name "Red String Girl," as she doesn't want her artwork to be famous just because she is her mom's daughter. Her goal is to purchase back that video of her birth, but it goes for a lot of money.

In NYC, Roo has a display in Washington Square Park where it is interactive and testing out the Red String Theory. The Red String Theory is proving fate is real.

On the first day of Roo's display, she goes to the local printing shop where she meets Jack. Jack lives in California and is just visiting for a short period of time. They seem to hit it off just chit chatting while waiting for their print-outs. Unfortunately, Roo's display also gets shut down on opening day. Having a bad day, she decides to go to the Lantern Festival in town, where she bumps into Jack!

What will happen between Roo & Jack? Will they ever see each other again when they live on opposite coasts? Will Roo be able to buy back the video of her birth?

I enjoyed this book a lot. The beginning was a bit slow, but it definitely picked up and it was the perfect book to read and relax after a long day. My favorite parts were reading the Chinese words and how certain parts of the Chinese culture were added to this book. I learned a few facts about space as well! I also enjoyed the recipes at the end of the book and I can't wait to make them!

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Fate and science collide in Red String theory— a lively romance that centers around Rooney, an NYC based Chinese-American string artist, who believes that one day she’ll meet her string-mate, aka one true love. Cue Jack, NASA engineer who explains everything via scientific experimentation, but has a soft spot for certain experiments it would seem.

These two are adorable, and their night in NYC is swoon-worthy. The NYC to LA scene swap is wonderful, and I love Jessen’s plays on fate vs. scientific explanation. Fantastic surrounding characters too (Sprinkles the cat, Wren, the NASA team, etc.)

(*Steam level: kissing*).

Thank you to the publisher for an arc to review!

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The writing is easy to follow and moves along well. I wasn’t feeling personally engaged and stopped after chapter 1 (5%), but I imagine the target audience will enjoy. Solid three stars, four to five for the right readers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the ARC.

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Thank you to Netgalley and publisher for an arc in exchange for my honest opinions.

Publication: January 9, 2024

Rating: 3 stars

I wanted to love this story more than I did. I've always been fascinated in the "fate" aspect of romantic's lives. That is probably the hopeless dreamer in me. So seeing that part of the synopsis, I requested this book. It wasn't a terrible read but wasn't an amazing one either. I found that it dragged and I couldn't get behind Rooney and Jack's relationship. I couldn't see their chemistry.

Perfect for fans:
- Opposites attract
- Strangers to lovers
- Dual POV
- Insta-love/attraction
- Red string theory
- Fate v. Science
- Slow burn
- Light banter

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The second book by Jesson does not disappoint! I absolutely love this one as much as the first! Continuing the idea of each person has a red string that connects them to their loved one, this book digs deeper into this idea and keeps you hooked!

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Was it fate that I picked this book up? Maybe!

I just adore Lauren Kung Jessen's books. They're sweet, educational, and plotted like a Rube Goldberg machine. This one combines two of my favorite things - art and NASA. Rooney is a ball of chaotic sunshine that I'd love to eat dumplings with and Jack is an uptight engineer who I'd love to have on my team at work. Together they make each other question everything and it's a match made in heaven (Seriously, Lunar Love couldn't pick a better one)

Disclaimer: This is what I call a "no door" book: a few kisses, but nothing sultry happening off-screen. A-okay by me, but it is something people want to know going in!

*Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

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I absolutely loved Lunar Love, so I was beyond excited when I was approved for an ARC of Lauren Kung Jessen's book. I've even been in a major romance book mood lately, so I was so happy to start this recently. However, the story quickly devolved for me and I am sad to say I DNFed the story at 20%. I liked the antics at the beginning with the print shop and art installation mishaps, and the meet cute again at the lantern release, but otherwise this book didn't work for me. I felt like the reader was being pummeled in the head with the "red string theory" aspect of the story and I got bored of that quickly. The conversation between the two MCs did not flow well in my opinion and felt stilted. I was bored and uninterested and decided not to continue reading. I know other bookstagrammers who received ARCs and loved this book. so maybe I'm an outlier here. I think smoother dialogue and more nuanced discussion of the red string theory would have saved the story for me. Thanks anyway for the ARC.

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I thought this was a cute read with a more innocent romance. I definitely enjoyed these characters more than the ones from Lunar Love, but the pace was a bit too slow for my pace. The connection between the two MC’s came across as platonic and made it hard to believe there were any real sparks. The side characters weren’t fleshed out and only popped up to further the plot so the story felt sort of flimsy. I liked all the talk of fate but was hoping it would hit deeper than what I got from the book. It was an okay read that would be perfect for anyone looking for a sweet, nice romance.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc.

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Red String Theory is an utterly charming romance between a free-spirited artist and a NASA engineer. Rooney and Jack meet by chance in New York multiple times in one day. They end up spending a magical evening together. They lose touch, unable to find each other, but feel altered by that night.

Rooney very much believes in fate and serendipity, while Jack is more science-minded and believes our actions solely dictate our lives. They eventually connect again and though they are very different, they see the beauty in the other person and how they are. The novel is told in dual perspectives, which I really liked. Rooney and Jack are so adorable and likeable. Each on the cusp of furthering their professional careers. I really enjoyed this romance and getting to know Jack and Rooney.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing this ARC. All thoughts are my own.

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4.5 stars.

Red String Theory just made me so happy while reading. The premise is one of my favorite things…soulmates. How could I not be happy??

Rooney, our FMC, is an artist that has based her entire art identity about the red string theory: a theory that each person has a red string attaching them to their soulmate. Upon chance, she meets Jack, who is the scientist to her artist and doesn’t believe in fate. They spend one beautiful day together and circumstances mean they are apart until another chance meeting. Hmmmmmm Jack…that sounds like fate to me.

I thought Red String Theory was adorable. It includes a lot of information about Chinese culture and shows how both Rooney and Jack struggle with their identities and where they fit (obvs together, duh).

Overall, this is a smut-free romance that is sweet and heartwarming. It’s my second by Lauren Kung Jessen and I hope it won’t be my last.

Thank you to Forever Publishing for the review copy.

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Look, I’m incredibly biased. Lauren Kung Jessen is one of my favorite/go-to closed-door romance authors. This was sweet, full of swoon-worthy banter, and I loved the integration of mythology and science of red string theory! I will continue to read and recommend anything by LKJ <3

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First I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for the e-ARC copy of Red String Theory by Lauren K. Jessen. First I will note that I loved the author's debut novel and when she announced the release of this title, I had it in my wishlist to purchase almost from the date she announced its upcoming release on Instagram. Which made me so excited when I was approved for the ARC of this book!!!!! I read this book while on a cross country road trip and I will say that I thought it was smart, funny, and charming. I loved the dynamic between the FMC and MMC and thought the premise of love based on fate or choice was a unique trope that is not super common in romcom novels. This is a closed door book with very minimal physical contact (some kissing). It was definitely a slow burn novel that focused on the intellectual dialogue of the characters and their relationship development over the course of a year. It definitely gave vibes of Serendipity (the movie) and I enjoyed it tremendously. Definitely read this book if you get the chance! The author is definitely still an auto-buy author for me!

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This book had no business being so darn cute!!!!!!!! I’m usually into romance books with spice, this has no spice aside from a few kisses, but wow- the connection between the characters was beautiful. I loved how real it was and how it happened over time, no instant love here. I read this authors previous novel called LUNAR LOVE and really enjoyed it but I LOVED this one. It was so well written and I loved how the two MCs progressed on their own journeys which ultimately brought them together.

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Read this if you like:
•the red string theory
•strangers to lovers
•insta love
•opposites attract

This book was cute. It was a slow burn. The concept was cool. Thank you Forever for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Rooney Gao was born in museum. You can say art has been with her since the day she was born. The film helped lead her mom to her successful career as an artist. Rooney wants to be success like her mom. But instead of riding off her mom’s success, Rooney chooses to remain anonymous in her work. She strongly believes in the red string of fate and incorporates that into her art.

While preparing for an upcoming project, Rooney runs into Jack Liu. She leaves him with her red scarf. As fate would have it, they meet again at a lantern party. Rooney spends the evening acting a personal tour guide for Jack around NYC. As their night comes to an end, Jack send Rooney off in a taxi and a simple good night kiss. Two strangers, returning to their normal life.

Rooney begs the taxi to turn around, but when she gets back to the restaurant, Jack is nowhere to be found…One kiss, a wrong number and they’ll never see each other again…

Jack works for NASA and has been passed up for multiple promotions. But not this time, he’s determined to break that cycle. Jack suggests Red String Girl, RSG, an artist he remembers from his trip to New York for an upcoming work project. Little does he know, this project will bring him back to Rooney. Is it a coincidence or is it fate??

Perfect if you like:
🧣Strangers to Lovers
🧣Artist X NASA
🧣Opposites Attract
🧣 Insta-Love
🧣Fated Mates yarn
🧣Dual POV

My thoughts:
This is Lauren Kung Jessen’s second novel, and it lived up to the hype!

Rooney throughout the book inspires Jack to step out of his comfort zone. He makes friends with his coworkers, he takes risks he never would have before. On the opposite end, Jack helps Rooney become re-inspired for her installations.

I loved the Asian representation throughout the book. Between all the myths and traditions, absolutely loved it!

There are lots of art & science references. I felt like I might have learned a handful of Snapple facts about Mars and the solar system! Also, I love allll the older 90s/2000s movie references.

Jack’s Fate Test #6 had me in happy tears. The sweetest acts of love. Do you believe in fate and soulmates?

Thanks to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing), for the ARC in exchange for my honest review 💛

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I loved the premise of this book - red string of fate. And I love how opposite Rooney and Jack were. Rooney lived her life on fate. Jack lived his on science.

I did find this book on the slow side and struggled getting into it though

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"Red String Theory" by Lauren Kung Jessen is an enchanting rom-com that weaves the delicate threads of fate into a heartwarming love story.

Rooney Gao, a believer in the red string of fate, finds her artistic inspiration and love life entangled in this whimsical tale. The narrative is sprinkled with charm, drawing parallels to the works of Helen Hoang and Jasmine Guillory. As an artist, Rooney's struggle with creative block adds depth to her character, making her journey relatable.

The introduction of Jack Liu, the perfect guy who challenges the concept of destiny, adds a delightful twist. The story unfolds against the backdrop of New York, with a magical date under February skies and the aroma of fried dumplings. Jessen skillfully crafts a narrative that captures the essence of love, destiny, and the courage it takes to embrace the unknown.

"Red String Theory" is a delightful continuation of Jessen's storytelling prowess, leaving readers with a warm and hopeful feeling.

Very grateful to the publisher for my review copy through NetGalley, opinions are my own.

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Red String Theory follows artist Rooney as she finds romance and a deeper knowledge of herself. When she first meets Jack, a scientist who couldn’t be more different from her, they never expect to see each other again. Rooney believes in the possibility of fate and Jack believes in science. When Rooney is chosen to work on an art program at NASA, she is shocked to see Jack again. As Rooney struggles to channel her creativity, she gets to know Jack better. Is there a future for their relationship when so many things stand in their way?

Red String Theory is an imaginative and lighthearted romance. Jack and Rooney get a second chance at romance when their paths cross in unlikely ways. I loved Rooney’s artistic visions and really appreciated her creativity. It was relatable how at times she felt artistically blocked. I loved how she grew in confidence and was able to put on shows that showed her true artistic vision. Jack is a very scientific guy who learns to embrace a little bit of fate along the way. I enjoyed the ultimate message that the red threads of fate do not mean that something is bound in stone, but rather are meant to give magic and hope along the way. Readers who enjoyed Jessen’s debut Lunar Love will equally adore this book. Readers seeking second-chance romance, a hint of magic, and a sweet love story will enjoy Red String Theory.

Thank you to Lauren Kung Jessen, Forever, and Netgalley for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

For publisher: My review will be posted on Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Storygraph, and Barnes & Noble etc

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