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Really fast paced and creative time bending sci-fi fantasy with a touch of romance. Blink and you may miss something important!

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4.5 true rating. Wow, I blew through the book. I was not expecting to literally stay up until ungodly hours of the morning because I needed to finish reading this book. A very fast paces time-loop fantasy adventure that was so much fun to read and to try and figure out what was going on just like the protagonists.
Kembral Thorne is such an interesting character, she is a force to be reckon with even when she is facing so many Echoes (which can literally be the source of your deepest nightmares). I think it is so interesting to see a character who just became a parent and the struggles they face with this new identity, no matter how much they wanted it or really love to be. Obviously a big part of what Kem goes through has to do with Rika Nonesuch (I gotta admit, some of the times of the characters and of the Echoes were a bit too much for me but it works in a world where things can literally be upside down). While at the beginning of the book it might seem that Kem and Rika are totally opposite to each other (as another character suggests), there is just something about their constant banter and teasing that makes you love their relationship.
The magic system in this world is quite dense for a story that occurs for the most part in the same place, and yet at the beginning I was so confused that you just need to trust the author that most of your questions are going to be answered. These magic elements I think definitely helped with the time-loop element of the story, which even if it is quite literally meant to be repetitive, there was always something at stake, as the characters descend deeper and deeper into the Echos.
I will definitely be reading the sequel to this book. Thank you so much to Orbit Books and NetGalley for the e-arc of this book in exchange of an honest review.

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Man, this was so cool. The reality hopping, the symbolic moon-birthdays, the concept of was all just so fucking awesome! Everything about The Last Hour was incredibly creative.

I loved the queer rep, especially with the non-binary character. As a fellow non-binary person myself, it was nice to see something that wasn't a total caricature or stereotype. The romance between Kembral and Rika was very well done, in my opinion--angsty, but not in obnoxious, naive sort of way.

That Kembral wasn't a teen was pretty great, too. Don't get me wrong, I love and read YA, but I also just really appreciate that our main character was a 30ish year old woman, who also happens to be a new mother. I feel like we don't get to see that kind of perspective all to often in fantasy?

And I've just noticed that it's the first in a series, which is great because I need more of this world. I will beg for an ARC for book two, no shame. Thank you to Netgalley and Orbit for this ARC in exchange for an honest review

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This book is packed full of action and fun! It also has a lovable cast of characters! The writing in this was so entertaining, and I ended up binging the last two thirds of the book in one day.

I have a love-hate relationship with Kembra Thorne, the main character. I found myself loving her and hoping for her success, but at the same time she frustrated me with how back and forth she was with everything! It was like she couldn’t make her mind up with how she felt and it was infuriating at times. Despite my frustration towards Kembra Thorne, I did really enjoy her at the protagonist for the most part. I’m a big sucker for characters who never give up, and that’s a huge part of who Kembra is.

I’m excited to see where the story continues, but I’m also uncertain on what else can be done with the story. I have high hopes though!

Thank you to Orbit Books for sending me an arc via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Melissa Caruso’s “The Last Hour Between Worlds” might be my favorite book I’ve read so far this year.

The main character, Kembral Thorne, lives in a world where there are different layers of reality, called echoes. One echo down isn’t that different from normal reality. The further you go, the more strange and dangerous things become. At a year end party, Kembral finds herself a part of a sadistic game, where powers larger than herself are fighting against one another to win. If they do win, Kembral and the party attendants, some of her closest friends, will be doomed.

There are SO many things I love about this book. A main character who is a mother! Lesbian love. High intensity. Characters who are easy to adore.

I am often intimidated by fantasies where I have to understand a lot of characteristics about the world. I feel like Caruso did a great job of explaining the intricate world she has created.

My one main complaint I would say is that it did feel a little long? But nothing that really made the book less enjoyable.

I cannot wait to read the next one! I think that this will be a book I think about often.

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The Hour Between Worlds is an imaginative and pulse-pounding fantasy where reality is not always what you think, and danger lurks with every tick of the clock. Kembral Thorne is a new mother and a "Hound." She is the best investigator who doesn't know when to stop being on the job. All she wants is to enjoy a few hours at the year-turning ball, but soon, she realizes something is wrong. Guests start mysteriously dying at the ball, and she suspects something sinister is at play. She must find who is behind the deaths as each hour changes to an alternative reality before the worst reality rings true.

Kem is a compelling character as she has the dual role of both a workaholic and a mother, which creates a connection for readers with her. Her maternal instincts to protect her child add a layer of urgency to her actions, as she wants to return to the same reality with her daughter. The novel seamlessly blends elements of mystery, sci-fi, and speculative fiction that are unpredictable. The novel's pacing is relentless, with each chapter pushing the reader deeper into the eerie and violent reality that has ensnared the partygoers. The sense of time slipping away, marked by the relentless strikes of the clock and the ascension down an echo with a new terrible fate. The idea that reality can be manipulated easily and with devastating consequences causes panic. This is sold with a romantic element, but it did not connect with me, and I found myself skipping over parts to get back to the action. The book is a testament to the power of wit and courage in the face of unimaginable terror. If you're looking for a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat, this book is for you.

I received an ARC ebook for my honest review. Thank you, NetGalley and Orbit Books.

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A clever and imaginative, locked-room fantasy mystery with likeable characters and frequent moments where I laughed out loud. I loved the author's choice to make the main character a new mother who is struggling with how she will manage a return to a job she loves. This is not an easy decision for an author to make (since writing in a newborn is complicated and unglamorous) but because this book takes place in one evening, with the newborn "off stage," the reader gets to understand and empathize with the main character's emotional turmoil without actually having the newborn present. Smart writing strategy.

I gave this four stars only because the plot gets a little overwrought, and the sarcastic/Deadpool-type dialogue is sometimes a little off-tone. But all in all, so fun, so enjoyable, and I'd highly recommend.

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Thank you, Melissa Caruso, Net Galley and Publishing for allowing me access to read the advance copy of The Last Hour Between Worlds in exchange for an honest review.

This was interesting for me. Initially, I felt immediately dropped into a world I didn’t quite understand and was trying to piece a lot of the context together for myself. I was quickly drawn to the storyline early on in this clever novel. I do think there were instances of repetition, particularly with inner monologuing. Overall this was a unique experience with instant engagement. I love strong, intelligent characters like the ones portrayed here!

Thank you. 3.5/5

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So, while this technically wasn't a 5 star in my head, it was close enough (wish both Goodreads and Netgalley would allow for half-star ratings, but what're you gonna do?). This was just so much fun! Kem, as the protagonist, was just... the kind of protagonist you root for. She kept giving me vibes of shonen anime/manga protag, but that protag was also a tired mom who finally got a moment away from her baby and just wanted to relax (yet, also kinda needs to be near her baby again). If that doesn't quite make sense, then she's just the kind of bull-headed, lovable protagonist that feels compelled to do the right thing. To help people and save people, even though that can be a detriment to her life and health. She's a little reckless, but it's not always in service of her own gains. She just wants to do the right thing and I loved her for it.

The book dances around relationship with Rika, where at the start of the book you can't quite get the vibes of what kind of a person Rika is. This is for good reason and, by the time things really get into the weeds, Rika becomes a lot more flawed, but a hell of a lot more compassionate. By the end, their relationship--their romance--just really made me feel so warm and happy. It's enemies (or, technically just more like rivals? Sort of? The Cat/Hound dynamic is definitely a strange one because they're not enemies technically; they sort of work in the same... overall circle, but with very different end goals and often in contest with one another.) to lovers back to enemies (or jilted lovers) to friends to lovers and it's delicious.

The way this is written could be a tad dense sometime (part of why this wasn't technically a 5-star as such), but for the most part it was vibrant and really described the weirdness and horrors of the various Echoes. I'm always a visual reader, but Melissa Caruso's writing elevated what I was able to picture in my head by a lot. While the majority of the book is in a static location (the party in a big mansion), the way the appearance of the house kept changing each Echo kept things from feeling too stale. Add in the tenseness of a literal ticking clock and ritual murder and you've got a compelling read.

I will say that the actual plot explanations--especially in relation to the various Echoes and how things actually work--could be a bit confusing. Especially at the beginning, where you're kind of more lost than Kem is. However, I do think that the author did pull it together at the end. It's just that some of the initial explanations were either slightly confusing or slightly info-dump-y. I don't think it was in an egregious way; it just felt like there were moments in the story where a lot of information came at you at once and it didn't always fully make sense to me the first time around. That's part of why it's not fully a 5 star, technically, too. Again, I do think things came together in a way that made sense to me at the end. It just wasn't completely smooth, I think.

Overall, this was such a fun, unique, and weird read. The way reality changes each Echo starts out slow, but gets real weird and creepy by the end of it. It wasn't technically perfect, but it was close enough that I'm real excited to get the finished copy in my hands. And learning this is actually a series (or a duology?) was nothing short of a gift. Highly recommend!

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I want to thank NetGalley and Orbit for approving me for my first ARC in exchange for my honest and genuine review.

This story was exactly what I needed. The detail captured in this story is beyond impressive, and I could not put this down. I loved the detailed world-building and the complexity of it all. I was fully immersed, and I found myself trying to solve the dilemma with the main and side characters. Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Thriller are some of my favorite genres, and this journey perfectly encompassed all three. It did not shy away from serious topics, epic fighting scenes, and painful sacrifices but still found a way to soften the heart with softer interactions between characters. I didn't want the story to end, but I knew it eventually had to.

I’m excited and strapped in, eager to see where this story takes me! I can’t wait for book number two!

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A fantasy murder mystery set at a glittering new year party, where new mother and skilled detective Kembral Thorne is the one person between the whole ballroom and a steady descent into hell.

I read this right after The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett (which I LOVED), and this book hit a very similar spot. Excellently conceived fantasy with amazing characters that were real and hilarious and heartfelt, and a gripping plot. I loved Kembral as the main character, for her loyalty and intelligence, and also for all the things she can't see until they're right in front of her. My only complaint is that sometimes the worldbuilding was quickly done in dialogue (like the battle between the Moon and the Void, which could have been fleshed out more) but that is such a minor thing. Overall, the villains were uncanny and complex, the romance perfectly paced, and also the character names were just fantastic ... loved it!!

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This was really great. I had a good time reading this and was never really quite sure what was going on (in a good way).

The main character Kembral was immediately endearing with a strong voice that made for a great single POV. Being a new mom still nursing a baby, raising the baby alone, and with a physically demanding job and role is a very unique main character profile for an action-heavy fantasy. (I can't think of another fantasy book with a new mom main character.) The author was realistic about the effect of lately having a baby while still letting Kembral be fearsome and compelling. The main character also didn't suffer from the current epidemic of the fantasy main character being the most inexplicably specialest, prettiest, powerfulest, and skinniest girl at school.

The relationship between Kembral and her love interest was surprisingly more involved and significant to the story than I expected given the premise. This is probably the best Sapphic relationship I've read and there's real depth to their relationship where I've found most others lacking. The male characters don't drive the dialogue or story and all of the female characters are fully formed and distinct. Really, in fact, the author seems to take great pains to not make the characters dependent on or bound to any gender rules or roles, but I'm always more cognizant of female characters.

Where fantasy books often fail is either not enough world building making the story flimsy or way too much lore weighing down the story to a trudge. The fantasy details and elements were gleaned through dialogue or purposely more opaque and learned through context throughout the story. I was confused enough to want to keep reading but never frustrated by the confusion. The world and magic was unique and complex enough to warrant a series, but I appreciate that this book could be read as a standalone.

The plot premise requires some repetition in details and themes to propel the mystery forward which might not be everyone's favorite but I think it's well-executed. If you found Inception, for example, aggravating because it was hard to follow what was going on and abruptly changed directions, this might not be for you. I would say overall, however, there were enough different plot dynamics going on (politics, murder whodunnit, and journey of magic trials) to interest most people.

I could see myself rereading this to catch the little bits I couldn't understand until the end and I will definitely be interested to read the next in the series and other books from Caruso.

Thank you Orbit for the arc!

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I truly enjoyed this book! This was such an elaborate and well-executed story. The concept of Echoes, and the way reality gets more and more warped the farther you get from Prime was so cool. The characters were all so unique and fully realised - not a single character felt like a one-dimensional background character. Every character had substance and personality. The ending was satisfying, and there were lots of exciting twists and reveals throughout! This world is fascinating and I look forward to reading more books in it!!

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As the clock ticks toward midnight, a group of party goers drop from one reality layer to the next in a repeating time story filled with horror, mystery, action, adventure, and romance. The Last Hour Between Worlds by Melissa Caruso is the newest review book from Net Galley that I just finished.

The two main characters, a Hound-someone who goes after people lost in the echoes of reality and a cat-a thief with a mysterious past, are the glue that holds a very complicated story together. While things start off a little slow, its not too long before the action gets rolling and things are revealed about the situation and the two main characters. The book is really well written. Melissa Caruso takes the reader from one startling revelation to the next and keeps us on the edge of our seats. How the heck will they get out of this situation?!

And while this is just the first in a series of books, let me assure you that it has a satisfying ending. No spoilers! But you will end up loving the two main characters just as much as I do and want to find out what will happen next with them.

The Last Hour Between Worlds is a really wonderful adventure. You should absolutely check it out when it comes out on November 19th, 2024.

Thank you to the publisher Orbit Books and Net Galley for providing me with an early digital copy of this novel.

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Very interesting concept with an execution that got a bit lost in translation for me. It was a very interesting premise, but it is a book that requires you to really focus, and that's not what I really want from a YAish novel. I also thought the writing style felt a bit juvenile, so, overall, not my favorite.

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I was obsessed with this book! The synopsis sounded really intriguing, and once I started reading, I couldn't stop, even though I had to read it on my phone, I had to know what was going to happen next to these characters-it was such a wild ride!

This is the kind of book that I hope gets made into a movie. It's so cinematic, the visuals of having this party descend, echo by echo, deeper into the crazy wildness that becomes increasingly difficult for humans to survive in-it would look so fantastic!

The first go round really introduced these characters and set up what was going on, and then the chaos of the evening-only for things to reset but be different? It was such an interesting idea, and I loved watching Kendal work to protect the party-goers, even though her friendly adversary now more leaning to adversary is there, and all the complicated emotions that brings up.

This book has an ode to new motherhood in it, since Kembral is currently on leave because she just had her baby girl. That she's a single mother, that the father just walked away, and she's not one to ask for help, well, that baby has been the one thing on her mind, and now that she's dealing with this situation, she's wondering what her future will look like, what she might choose, of how going back to work might look for her.

The way things ended, I'm so interesting to see what's going to happen with this big powers that are now watching her. And what effects that choice that she made will have. The possibilities and the scope are endless which has me teeming with anticipation for the sequel!

Loved reading this book, and I'm so excited for the sequel! And if we got a prequel novella, of the time that she went 6 echos deep to rescue that dog, to see what her life and job were like before the baby and now this game changer, I would absolutely love that!

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This book was a hit hard to follow for me personally, I finished it and was kind of confused about 1/2 the time. That being a bit embarrassing to admit, I think it’s important to note. It takes a bit of paying attention in this one to fully understand what it’s asking of you.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I ate this!! I was so surprised by how much I liked this book, from the first chapter I was hooked and I stayed interested the entire time. The echoes, the main character, the pacing? It all just felt so magical to read. I will be reading more of the authors work and begging for an arc to book two 😭

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This story is full of suspense, magic, and LGBT representation that will keep you interested until the last page. Highly recommend!

Thank you to Netgalley for this eARC gift in exchange for my honest review.

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Sci-fi fantasy alternate reality time travel murder mystery! Throw in a sapphic romance and I am SOLD

This was so delightfully original, I'm still in awe. We have a New Year's Eve party/mass murder event/universe-shaping competition through alternate realities, filled with delightful characters, meddlesome gods, and thrilling action. There's a bit of a Groundhog Day situation with the murders, but the clock is literally counting down on our heroes and they only have a limited amount of chances to get things right. The mix of genres was masterfully done. I gasped, I laughed, I loved.

"Is this the start to a series?" I asked myself, hoping, praying. I reached the last page and saw "The story continues in..." I wiped the sweat from my brow, relieved. I must live in a good Echo.

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