Member Reviews

I loved the realization that they both needed to tell the other something and that the feelings hadn’t left. It makes me excited the read the next one!

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I really like this and thought it was such a great entertaining story! I loved this second chance romantic paranormal suspense. No spice but I'm totally fine with it because the story was so good you dont need it!
I literally could not put this down til I was done with it! Totally enchanted me. 5 star read for me!!!
I just reviewed Her Second Chance Shifter: A Fun, Fast-Paced Clean Paranormal Fantasy Adventure by L. MacNaughton. #NetGalley
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The nitty-gritty: A fun, fast-paced, feel-good fantasy with engaging characters and a sweet romance.

I was delighted when Lawrence contacted me and asked if I would read Her Second Chance Shifter, and I’m so glad I did. This is part of the Feel-Good Urban Fantasy series, and I was excited to find three other books in the series on Goodreads, so there’s lots more to enjoy. If you’re in the mood for a lighter fantasy with plenty of humor, action and yes, feel-good emotional moments, this might be the perfect book for you. Also, I will mention this is a “clean romance” for those readers who seek out those books.

Seven years ago, Viola saved the life of the fae Prince Ademar, and as a reward, his parents Eberon and Itannia took her to the fairy realm to learn the art of enchantment. It was a difficult decision to leave everything behind, including her boyfriend Brock, but Viola knew it was the chance of a lifetime. And she doesn’t regret anything. Now she’s back in the human realm and living with her mother, who is gravely ill. In order to make money for her treatment, Viola is using her enchantment skills to make karthic boxes—magical containers that trap magic inside—to a rather slimy man named Sylvain.

Brock was hurt when Viola abruptly left town—and didn’t return for seven years—but he’s moved on. After the accidental death of his brother Jimmy, he’s running Jimmy’s bar and trying to keep it afloat. He also has a secret that he was never able to tell Viola: he’s a shifter and can turn into a bear.

When Eberon and Itannia suddenly appear with some very bad news for Viola, she and Brock find themselves working together to find Sylvain, who is misusing the karthic boxes Viola has been making for him. With only three days to complete her task, Viola must locate Sylvain, figure out the connection between Sylvain and the rare liqueur Jus de Lutin, and tell Brock her big secret.

For a fairly short book, MacNaughton packs a lot into his story. I loved Viola’s backstory about spending time in the fairy realm, where she not only learned powerful magic, but gained beloved friends as well. I thought adding a bear shifter to the mix was an interesting choice, and it really worked. Viola and Brock are both keeping big secrets from each other—her magic and his shifting ability—and it was fun to watch them agonize over whether to tell each other, knowing that if they want to get back together, of course they have to be honest.

There’s lots of action, including plenty of tension and danger, and MacNaughton’s pace never lags. In between these more action heavy moments, Viola and Brock both have some emotional epiphanies. Viola comes to terms with why she left to live in the fae realm, and when she’s offered that chance again, she has a hard choice to make. Brock is afraid of what Viola will think of him if she learns he’s a shifter. I liked the fact that the author leaves out a lot of unnecessary drama between the two, and I enjoyed their sweet romance.

We meet some interesting side characters as well. I loved Zane, a demon who works in the bar with Brock. Zane actually has his own story, a prequel called Her Date With the Demon (and yes, I need to read it!). The ending includes an appearance by Prince Ademar, and it’s clear that the next book in the series will revolve around him and his unwanted arranged marriage. Romance readers who love happily every afters will enjoy the ending, which neatly ties up all the various subplots in the expected “feel good” way. 

If you’re looking for a quick, fun read, then I highly recommend trying this series. I’ll definitely be back for more!

Big thanks to the author for providing a review copy.

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Her Second Chance Shifter grabbed me straight off the bat. Immediately you’re pulled into the world of shifters, fae and the paranormal and a second chance romance that has you screaming at the MCs to just communicate and get together already!

I really enjoyed the pace, world building and deep love shared between the MCs. This was an unexpected gem and I would recommend for people who enjoy launching straight into a new world and hanging on through twists and turns.

Thanks to the Publishers and Netgalley for the Arc, I’ll be keeping an eye out for the next one.

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I was in the mood for an easy, fun fantasy read. This is what it ‘said on the tin’ and fitted the bill perfectly. Not a long read, but great fun. Thank you to Remette and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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Viola gave up everything to become a powerful enchantress. She's framed for a crime and her ex can't resist helping her.

Love these characters. The dialogue is snarky and sassy. The romance is a bit too subtle for me. Would have enjoyed more romantic scenes. Really enjoy the plot though. A fun read.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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I received this book as an ARC and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

2.9 ⭐️

This book was okay, But personally not my favourite. I personally feel this book is wrongly marketed, As it is much more fantasy than romance. Like 95:5.
As interesting as this book was, It didn’t feel like much of a romance, because we only really got about 30 seconds worth of them together. There was no backstory shared of them, and hardly any scenes of them together.

HOWEVER, As a fantasy book, I enjoyed it. I felt like it would have been more interesting if we were able to see her in the other realm, As again this was brushed over. The magic was easy to understand, but again this could have been expanded on.

Overall, This book felt rushed and is not my favourite. I would have liked it more it if the book went into detail about their past, as it felt as if I knew nothing about the characters.

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