Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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Absolutely Amazing!!! This was so freaking good° and such a great spin and storyline on superheroes. Great story. 5 star read!
I just reviewed Storm Chaser by Ariel Dominelli. #StormChaser #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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Thank you to City Owl Press and NetGalley for allowing me to read an arc of this book in exchange for a review!

I did really like Xochi and the world she was in-- how just barely-different it was than our own, enough to blink, enough to throw off and notice. that's something always fun with alt-world books-- the similarities and differences!

I thought the book seemed a little disjointed, but I did overall appreciate it-- particularly how gorgeously queer it was. Relationships were a very strong thread throughout, with a focus on all sorts of relationships, that of siblings/best friends, friends, allies, former lovers, lovers, and enemies.
I look forward to reading the next book!

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Xochitl Ramirez is powerless. But when her mom's death incriminates the strongest man in the world, she becomes determined to shine a light on these so-called heroes. So, she starts her blog, “Storm Chaser,” and armed with only a camera, she exposes the truth behind New York City’s billion-dollar “hero” industry

A sapphic sci-fi superhero story that checks all the boxes. Wonderful!

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The ideas here were SO good, but entirely too much was going on at once, and it felt jumbled, paced wrong, and out of order. The concepts are super cool but the execution is basically word vomit. The problem is those awesome ideas? There were entirely too many of them competing for relevance. Maybe a more experienced author would have pulled off weaving together that many plot threads, but this author was not up to the task. I wanted to like it so badly but it was tough to get through.

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