Member Reviews

“The Uncharted Flight of Olivia West” is a historical fiction book by Sara Ackerman. I knew about the Dole Air Race before reading this book - the dangers, the “craziness” of someone sponsoring a race, and that many lives were lost in the attempt to reach Hawaii. I rather wish that I’d read the author’s note before reading the book, because I think Ms. Ackerman’s note did a fantastic job separating the truth from fiction in such a great manner. Anyway, to the book - as is so common for me when reading dual POVs separated by time periods, I so much preferred the POV of Livy’s in the past. I never warmed up to Wren, though I wanted to. If the early days of flight interests you or a female pilot’s early days of flight interests you, you may want to pick this book up. Yes, there’s a bit of a love story in both timelines, but in Livy’s it’s rather sweet [I felt it was a bit of insta-love in Wren’s]. Plus, that cover - what a fantastic cover.

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I haven't read any Sara Ackerman before getting this book and I am so glad I requested it! The Uncharted Flight of Olivia West is one of my most favorite reads in a long time. I found the 1920s chapters to be completely captivating. I wanted more Livy!! Wren's chapters set in the 1980s slowly grew on me as the book went on and by the middle/end, I loved both characters! The pace is wonderfully done, keeping you in the action and the setting descriptions made you feel like you were IN the book. Love love love, I cant wait to recommend when it comes out in Feb 2024!

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