Member Reviews

This was a really strange manga. A bug spray goes wrong and instead of killing bugs, it infuses bugs with human DNA and suddenly... people have insect like qualities that can be used for good or bad. Suchan goes from being the elite social apex to the social outcast in the mere moments of a bug spray.

This was a weird manga. I liked the idea of the story: a superhero school for super powered half bugs. There was a lot of action in this story line. It does leave off on a huge cliff hanger.

This would be my worst nightmare. I would be the one wanting to kill a bug just to get stuck with like a battle head or something.

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THIS ONE was a read I really liked.
I liked the concept, a breath of fresh air in the story and something that creates some tension and excitement while reading it.
I never read anything like it before and somehow I have to get my hands on V2 once it's released because I really want to continue this series.

Great set of characters as well as a good mystery behind the main story.
I'm very curious to dig more into this adventure!

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Through a bizarre accident involving a deadly pesticide, Suchan Jang has evolved into a human/dragonfly hybrid. His life now revolves around keeping his dark secret from his pals, but when his effort to save the life of a young girl exposes his wings for all to see, he feels his life is over. Luckily for him, he discovers that he is not alone, and ends up in an elite school where other insect hybrids go to learn how to handle their newfound powers. But not everyone at the school uses their abilities for good, and there is a competition to be the top student, for the winner will receive a special prize - a serum that will counteract the poison, and render the user normal again.

Maybe Suchan is not so lucky after all . . .

I had a few problems with this book: though the artwork was lovely, it's hard to tell exactly what's going on in the action scenes, and with regards to the "Cinderella" serum, most of the students seem to relish their insectoid powers so much, I can't see that they'd want to get rid of them and be ordinary teens again.

The book does end with a cliffhanger, though I'm not sure I want to continue with the story.

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How interesting the combination of themes and ways of presenting the story of this webtoon that now becomes a comic.

I had not seen it on Webtoon and when I saw that it was going to be published physically I wanted to read it and the truth is that I was pleasantly surprised.

The story promises, it looks like it will be extensive and what we see here is just the tip of the iceberg. We are going to encounter many other things and I love that. They are one of those stories that develop slowly and you always want more.

I think it's wonderful that more and more webtoons are being published in other formats!

Thank you Yen Press, Ize Press for the digital copy I read through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved the idea and the art. The concept is appealing and I liked the beginning, but I felt it was too rushed, the characters were plain, and couldn't feel anything for them. I felt disconnected the whole time, so I decided to leave it. The execution just didn't work for me.

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Jungle Juice Volume 1 is an exciting, action-packed story about a boy with a bug, I mean big, secret. It's a fun tale that stands out from other adventure manhwa because of its sci-fi elements and college setting.

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At first I was super surprised and feeling like dont like it but throughout the whole story you can see the resemblance with other popular mangas or graphic novels. It has some classic formula of hidden powers and then the super secret school for a few selected students and this girl who is super powerful. I dont know clearly If I like it or not but it distracted me and entertained me so basically if you like BNHA give it a shot

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For a volume 1 of a series, this was pretty good! Turns out Jungle Juice started as a web comic, so there is a very subtle difference in how it’s structured, story wise, from regular made for book form manga, but it’s conversion to panel form is flawless. And the art…LOVE the art. The creator has a pretty unique style and I dig the facial expressions of the characters throughout the book. I guess you could refer to it as less refined then most mangas, but I quite like it. Though some of the fight scenes were a little hard to follow when they got heated.

So, Suchan Jang is a college student with good grades and is fairly popular with a lot of friends, and ‘interested’ girls. So, when ‘things’ happen and he ends up with a human sized pair of dragonfly wings, he can only hide it for so long. When a mantis-man attacks someone he cares for he springs into action to save her, revealing himself as a human-insect hybrid. As a result, he becomes a social pariah and tries to end it all only for a girl with antennae to stop him and introduce him to NEST. NEST is a college town for people-insect hybrids. If Suchan can graduate top of his class, he has a chance at returning to normal.

Should be easy enough, but right from the time he registers, it’s an uphill battle he wasn’t quite expecting. It’s basically a survival of the fittest scenario with the mantis-man and hybrid woman trying to take out NEST and its students, not to mention the other students…. Safe to say there is a lot of action and a lot of people with different abilities introduced. It vaguely reminds me a little of my Hero Academia because of this. So just be aware that it has shonen vibes with lots of fighting and gore...and even a chainsaw. Grandma Addams would be proud of that one. lol
And, of course, it ended in a cliffhanger which absolutely compels me to seek out and read the next one. Definitely recommend for fans of shonen!!

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Suchan’s life is perfect: he’s the top of the social pyramid at his new college, and he’s going out on a date with the prettiest girl at his school. But on their date, he’s pursued by a guy who thinks he’s the perfect prey. That’s because when the two were younger, they were both victims of Jungle Juice - a bug spray that spliced their DNA with the bug they were trying to kill! Now Suchan has been forced to reveal he actually has dragonfly wings, and the guy who has ruined his date - and life - has been spliced with a praying mantice. After that fateful night, Suchan’s life is turned upside down. He gets swept away into a secret world that exists unbeknownst to humans, full of other people just like him, where he enrolls in a deadly college and has to vie for the top spot if he wants any chance to get back to his normal life as a human. There is so much to unpack in this action story that has a bit of intrigue, humor, and a lot more.

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Jungle Juice surprised me by being very refreshing and different. Suchan Jang is a college student and loved by everyone, but he has a secret. He has insect wings attached to his back and not just any wings, but those of a dragonfly. He's scared people will notice and soon he's in a situation where he doesn't have a choice. But, he's not the only one and soon he attends a school where others are like him. They all got their powers from insect spray. The whole thing is very interesting and somehow so different. The place is brutal and you have to earn your place. Suchan Jang is surely somewhat heroic, but not annoying, which is good. We only see a glimpse of the story and I'm quite interested in what will happen.

The art looks awesome and the lines from the movements are very suave. The colors are amazing too, very rich and give that extra spark to the story. Perhaps the story moves a bit too fast for the first part, but at least it's interesting and well constructed. I also enjoyed how our main character doesn't like bugs, but needs to accept that part of him in order to evolve in a sense.

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I was not notified that this book was given to me to review and it wasn’t downloaded neither is it in my Netgalley app. I am particularly annoyed because I wanted to read this.

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This is unexpectedly good!!! I love this, the journey and everything is just perfect!! Love this, highly recommended this

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This was a great manga. I really enjoyed the storyline and the artwork was great too. I can't wait to see what happens in volume 2, especially after that cliffhanger!

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Thanks to NetGalley & Yen Press for the copy in exchange for an honest review.

What a fun story! And I learned a ton about bugs! I'm honestly more shocked there aren't more bug-people that are just generic houseflies since they're the most annoyingly prevalent species invading homes, ha.

As I type this a small mosquito is attacking my computer screen. I don't want to smash it in case I get the desire to suck blood...

Anyway, the story was really interesting and the worldbuilding was brutal yet complex. It's a fight or die kind of story. My only complaint is that the art style was hard to follow during some action scenes but I'm sure the artist will improve as the story progresses. Can't wait to see more of this series!

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4 ⭐️

Ongoing series and it's available on the webtoon app! The physical print will be releasing in Sept 19th! This webtoon is interesting in a sense that the mc becomes a half insect and half human due to a bug spray that combines the insect's dna with the near by human which was the mc. The webtoon itself is action packed and also follows the story of how the mc will adapt to his new life.

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Shu chan is super.handsome, very popular and doing well in college.
Of.course hes hiding a secret. He has a pair of insect wings on his back. When this secret gets exposed he has a choice to make about whether to embrace them or not.

The plot is a little slow and very confusing, but i did enjoy.the action scenes and the art style. I will definetly be keeping up on it!

Thank you to net galley for letting me read this arc!

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Jungle Juice is a webcomic currently being published on Webtoon and Vol 1. compiles the first 12 episodes of the series. Being an avid webcomic reader for at least half a decade, I was excited to read this one.
The premise of the story is that whoever uses the insecticide "Jungle Juice" to kill a bug is in danger of getting the bug's DNA mixed with their own and becoming a human-insect hybrid. The main character has been hiding his wings for years, thinking he's a freak, when suddenly everything changes and he finds out he's not the only one, joins a human-insect academy and begins his adventure in this new world he didn't know existed.
The art is awesome. I went ahead and the checked the original webcomic for comparison and I really like how it was adapted to the book format, the differences are minimal. The characters are also interesting and you can tell there's still a lot to come. I imagine the story will delve into the side characters back stories and expand on the ways this universe works, which will be cool to see too.
I've gotta say that having read a lot of webcomics, manga and watched a lot of anime, there wasn't a lot that felt new and distinctive. Yes, it has an original concept, the whole human-insect thing, but it follows the usual premise of a lot of other shōnen lit - it gave me My Hero Academia vibes, to be honest. Also it seems to suffer a bit from the ever-present exposition syndrome anime and manga have. Sometimes a bit of show, don't tell goes a long way.
That said, I think the fans of the webcomic will love owning this graphic novel and I hope it has a lot of success!
Big thanks to NetGalley, Yen Press and Ize Press for the ARC!

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Jungle Juice

Can you imagine using bug spray then gaining insect features/attributes? Well for Suchan this is his reality. Suchan grew dragonfly wings that he kept hidden from everyone until one day he saved someone while they were falling from a building. What is worse is now he is seen as a monster and back to being alone. He is approached by a mysterious woman who tells him there is a cure; however, what does he have to do for this cure?

I love the fact that it is all in color and the art helps draw you into the series. The plot is unique and I haven't seen or read anything. It mentioned what the bug spray does to people and a bit of what Nest is, but there are still a lot of unknowns. We are also introduced to some of the villains and other key characters. I like how the mc is learning and growing throughout volume one and hoping we get some more character development for the other characters too. If you don’t like seeing violence then this manga is not for you. Volume 1 ends on a cliffhanger, so you will want to know what happens.

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Great art and an even better story. Very intriguing and easy to follow. Will highly recommend everyone reads this title!

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4 stars - It was really good

This is a fascinating, action packed, and unique world filled with people who have been turned into insect humans. The whole idea of The Nest as a school and how they are training to utilize their unique abilities was just so cool. Suchan was a great protagonist who has dragonfly wings and abilities. He is determined to become the top student so he can be returned to a normal human, but we also see him start to accept his insect abilities.

Not only was Suchan a great main character, but all the characters in this so far have been great, even the villains. I especially found Professor Jun Ji interesting and his teaching style very funny and dangerous. I can’t wait to read more of this series to see what happens next for Suchan and his new friends.

Also, this is a Webtoon graphic so you can read it for free there.

CW: injuries, blood, and death; bullying

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