Member Reviews

If you liked MHA, you'll like this one. Unless you have a big aversion.

This was a really cool concept. I think there's an over saturation in media period that focuses on ordinary people transforming for some reason into super hero or super villains. This one feels different though. It's the same genre, but with a lot of new elements that I think make it more interesting and refreshing. Also, the characters all being adults is nice. In a lot of media like this there seems to be a lot of kids involved, and I like that this isn't like that.

I also find this very compelling to read. The chapters all end at good points to make you want to keep going, and the end of the whole volume DEFINITELY makes you want to get the next one immediately.

The only reason I don't give this a 5 is cause some of the school stuff kind of pulled me out of it. It didn't feel wrong or like it didn't fit the plot, it just pulled me out of it for some reason, not 100% sure why.

Overall though, definitely recommend, this was super interesting, really action filled and very enticing.

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Review to come October 14th, earlier wasn't possible due to my blog being all full. Also will be posted on Goodreads and other places.

I received this book from the publisher + Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I was very much curious about this manwha when I saw it pop on my Twitter feed! And boom, there it was on Netgalley! Me doing a prayer in the hopes that the Yen Press/Ize Press gods would be kind, and yes they were! Thank you!

In this one we say hello to a world which has something that normal worlds don't have. Humans with insect abilities/insect attributes (how I will get to that). Cue to our MC who has a couple of dragonfly wings. Which doesn't make his life much easier. One he has to hide them, not the easiest or the most comfortable. Two that means that he can never let anyone get close to him, which also means no dating or drinking. We see him go through his life, pretty much as the prince of college. I have to say that those first pages? I wasn't finding him very likeable, but when we learn of his secrets I could understand him better. And I liked him even more when something horrible happens and he has to save the girl that likes him (and he likes back). Then things really get into a maelstrom because now his secret is out! Because it is not the end of the story, oh no, it is the start of a new chapter and I was very excited to see what would be next for Suchan. 

Well, what is next is a hidden society full of peeps with insect abilities/attributes. Not just dragon flies like Suchan, but also cockroaches, ants, even some scorpions. There are options there. You can go to school/college or just live a life as a citizen. Which I loved. A safe (or as safe as it can be) haven for people who are not like normal humans. People who are shunned by society. Suchan of course chooses college and not just because he wants to learn, but also because there is something special that happens to the top student when graduating. Something that really sets everyone off to get to that top spot and something that made the book already full of action because hot dang. If you thought college was going to be easy with some teaching and learning new things? Oh better be ready for a full Battle Royale (well, without murder it seems) to just get a course! It really set the tone and I was very eager to get to see what courses there would be and what they would learn there. 

I loved seeing Suchan getting better at his dragon fly skills. It was so cool to see him go from a guy who wants to hide them and doesn't really know how to use his wings to a guy who does some epic things.

The teachers were a bit of a mixed bag. I am glad that to say that I wasn't a fan of the old grumpy big old dude teacher but as the story progressed, especially given events later on, I warmed up to the guy. He still is a bit of a dick, but I  could see more of his reasons why. 

Plus, next to this already high stakes college course we also have two evil antagonists! Especially the woman antagonist is one big hot mess and she is ready to make everything very bad for everyone. I really love the addition of two antagonists, because now not only do we have even higher stakes but there is also the mystery. Who is the woman? Why is she so dedicated? Who is the boss? Why can't everyone just get along? 

There are some fab battles and some fantastic moments that had me on the edge of my seat (well, curled in bed). I just couldn't stop reading. This was just WAY too good. 

Oh, and I am sure you are curious on how people got these attributes/skills? Well, I will say one thing, be careful with bug spray/bug juice. It may do something else next to getting rid of the insect/bug for you. 😆

The art was also fabulous and I loved the style.

All in all, I am invested and I need more of this manwha. I need to know what is next and I also need to know if there ever will be a good cure, because I am sure that while a lot of these people are OK with it, there will be enough that want to be cured and just join the normal society again. I would highly recommend it! Action, insects, gore, battles, and more!

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Wow full color! And really rich, *full* color throughout.

I wasn't familiar with this title before, but I was definitely captivated throughout! It seems some people who used a weird bug spray got their DNA combined with insects?? So to help against the ones who would use this for nefarious purposes, as well as to teach folks to live with the parts of themselves that are insects, there exists inside (South) Korea The Nest, a college and dorm situation.

We're met with similar events of schools-with-superpowers-- battles, learning about different types of insects that have combined with people, but there's also nearly immediately a PLOT against the school that hasn't been quite revealed yet and also, a big cliffhanger at the end of this 300+ page book that had me googling to see when volume 2 is coming out (it's December 12). Interesting characters and setting, gorgeous art, nd highly informative about insects! Neat!

Thank you to NetGalley/Ize Press/Yen Press for the eARC in exchange for this honest review!

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Disclaimer: I received an advance copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Suchan Jang seems to have the perfect college life – he’s popular, lots of friends, straight-A grades, and girls adore him. The only problem is that he’s a human-insect hybrid.

And that’s the premise behind “Jungle Juice Volume 1,” the opening salvo of Hyeong Eun’s Webtoon manhwa about people with insect body parts, complete with a kind of insectoid Hogwarts. Fortunately, JUDER’s artwork won’t trigger discomfort in people who hate bugs – like me – and the first volume is somewhat reminiscent of a slightly offbeat shonen manga. Expect lots of bug-people fighting, some bloody deaths, and plenty of scholastic mayhem… sometimes involving chainsaws.

Suchan Jang was a perfectly ordinary boy… until he used a can of Jungle Juice (a pesticide spray) to kill a dragonfly. The next morning, he awoke with a full-sized pair of dragonfly wings on his back. Despite his popularity, he has to keep his abnormality a secret from other people, and he’s pretty successful… until a mantis-man attacks during a movie date, and Suchan has to publicly expose his wings in order to save his girlfriend.

Needless to say, everyone now treats him as a freak, including the girl he likes. Devastated, he tries to kill himself – only for Huijin Park, a girl with antennae, to usher him to a place where he can fit in. NEST is a college town for people who are also insect-human hybrids, and Suchan’s only chance of finally returning to normal is if he graduates at the top of his class. It sounds simple enough, right? As if life at a fictional school for strange/special people has ever been that easy.

The chaos starts on registration day, when Suchan immediately discovers that signing up for classes is very competitive… and physical. At this college, survival of the fittest is key. Even if he can manage to get into the college, his scholastic path won’t be the easy one he hoped for – especially since the mantis-man is roaming on campus, along with an insectile femme fatale who has nothing but bad intentions towards NEST and everyone in it.

“Jungle Juice Volume 1” is a pretty solid opening to a shonen-style manhwa series – we have the relatable male lead who finds himself with special abilities (including a signature power he only learns about later), and ends up at a special, action-packed school with other people with similar abilities. Except since various characters have different insect hybridizations, they have different abilities – stingers, immense jumping, explosions, and Suchan’s agility, flight and ability to foresee attacks.

So while the school-for-special-people is in full effect here, Hyeong Eun keeps things fresh by introducing different insect-people and abilities, including one whose abilities are still a mystery. But the story is set in. a dark, brutal environment, and there’s no telling who might get eaten by a cannibalistic mantis-man or chased by Jun Ju, a giant muscular grandpa with a chainsaw. The author doesn’t shy away from the survival-of-the-fittest aspects of life at NEST, but at the same time, doesn’t depict it as a bad thing to be compassionate towards others.

Suchan is a little bland, but fairly relatable – his misery over being socially ostracized has left him desperate to become fully human again, but he also is beginning to learn about the benefits of being a dragonfly man. Huijin Park is a kind, stalwart girl who seems earmarked to be the love interest, and Hyeseong Cha is introduced as a kind of friendly rival character to Suchan – rough around the edges and blunt to a fault, but an overall goodhearted guy, it seems.

JUDER’s artwork is a little rough around the edges, but very striking – it glows with light and vivid colors without becoming too overwhelming, or losing the simplicity of the manhwa artwork style. Furthermore, their artwork seem to be improving as the first volume goes on. The biggest problem is that the action scenes are often hard to follow; it’s not very easy to see exactly what is going on if people are really beating the stuffin’ out of each other.

“Jungle Juice Volume 1” is a solid first volume to a promising series – and with a powerful antagonist and a cliffhanger, there’s sure to be more intriguing developments to come. Even if you hate bugs, this is worth a read.

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Thank you so much to netgalley for providing an arc of this comic in exchange for an honest review!
5/5 stars

I am so impressed with this new comic! (which I believe is a webcomic now being published-yay!). I wasn't sure what to expect going into this, but Jungle Juice is a fully illustrated(in color) comic that starts the story of a young boy who inhales the remnants of a dragonfly after using a bug spray called "Jungle Juice" and ultimately gains abilities that a dragonfly has. He also sprouts wings, which he has to hide in the real world, but when a friend is in danger he suddenly shows the world his wings. A group of people with similar bug powers see this and invite him to a school for people infected with bug DNA. He has one chance to win a ultra rare cure to his buggy-ness and the story continues from there(it follows his story as he tries to wing this cure).

I really liked the style the illustrator used to draw the characters. I felt like it was comic style, but the characters looked a bit more like manga characters due to their larger eyes. I was impressed by how the entire 300 page graphic novel was in color.

Another thing I liked was that the story made complete sense. Sometimes when you read graphic novels, the creators cut corners and leave out panels that would help the story to make sense because of time/budget constraints. This was not the case for Jungle Juice. Everything made sense and I didn't feel like the story was hopping around or the panels were out of place. I felt like I got every detail I needed for the story to feel complete and make sense.

I am really looking forward to continuing this series. Hopefully another volume will be out soon! I highly recommend this comic, and think you would enjoy if you are into the superhero/superpower trope, and also if you like the scifi genre.

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This was excellent! It felt like if Spiderman had a baby with a manga. I really liked how different characters were different levels of ‘bugified’ if you will. The art style was gorgeous, the pacing was on point, and I had a fun time.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Yen Press, Ize Press, Hyeong Eun, and JUDER for the opportunity to read this graphic novel in exchange for an honest review.

Storied with brilliant full-color artwork throughout, Jungle Juice follows Suchan and his experience after his DNA is combined with that of a dragonfly. It is the Jungle Juice bug spray that is causing this phenomenon. Suchan just wants to live the awesome college life, but he has to hide his dragonfly wings. When a mantis man attacks, his wings are revealed to the girl he likes, and he is exposed as a "monster."

Little did Suchan know there is an entire secret society in the mountains where bug people live, those affected by Jungle Juice. This phenomenon and the people affected are kept secret from the general populace. Within Nest, a reversal to being only human is available, but this Cinderella concoction is highly limited. Suchan must join the university in Nest and be top of his class to earn the cure!

In the meantime, he makes new friends and grows into himself as part dragonfly, as well as learning that being among the bug-man society might not be all that bad, except for the villainous insect-humans. There's a few problems ahead.

Oh that cliffhanger! What an amazing series! Gorgeous artwork with brilliant action drawings for fight scenes. This story reminded me a little bit of My Hero Academia, but those with quirks (the bug people) are hidden from regular society and it's all strictly insects and arthropods of varying species. A really fun read for a teen or new adult audience that I will be sure to recommend!

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To suddenly have insect abilities would be really cool. Except for everyone being afraid of you. This has happened to so many people, accidentally from a DNA manipulation bug spray. There is a community for the "infected". A special school. Highest graduate will earn an antidote. Class registration is not the typical registration. Nothing is typical when you are part insect. As one learns more an more, do you want to be "healed" or embrace who you are?
VERDICT: Great addition for high school libraries serving those that enjoy graphic novels and adventure.

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Jungle Juice Volume 1
By Hyeong Eun & JUDER
Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC copy for an honest review
I enjoyed Jungle Juice' it was a easy read and the art work is really good, it has an interesting concept and the characters are well done and look nice. The story had me hooked and I would highly recommend it to others. I am looking forward to volume 2.
Rating: 4 Stars

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I only needed to see the cover to make me want to read it. And I loved it! It's spectacular.

The atmosphere that is created in the book suck us to the pages and to the characters. And we don't want to stop reading.
It's full of action and some intrigue, but the main character is super adaptable, and doesn't let himself be stepped on, he sees opportunities to improve everywhere. But he keeps his human side at the surface. I thought it was wonderful.

The art is spectacular, and the entire volume is in color, which helps the story relate to the drawings, because of the animal theme.

I really want to read the second volume.
I have loved it.

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Wow! This manhwa has such an exciting and gripping story. Never saw anything similar to this idea. Crossing humans with insects is very innovative. Also the characters and fights are very complex and fun to read. The drawings are beautiful too!
Already excited for volume 2!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Yen Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started this, but I enjoyed it more then I thought I would. This is action packed and full of beautiful & colorful art. This is a very unique manwha/webcomic about a college student who accidentally fuses with an insect after spraying it with bug spray. His life is changed forever and he enrolls in a special college for other students who have bug powers. I’m interested to see where the story goes and how the villains work in this universe. Are they overcome by their insect nature, or is there more to it? Also I’ll say it, Professor Ji is hot. I was hoping he was a main character. Hopefully more questions get answered in the next season!

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