Member Reviews

I enjoyed this novel. It was definitely filled with action, and I liked how the story flowed together and your able to keep up with all the characters that were tied into this storyline. Definitely a great read and I enjoyed it.

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I’m all for mermaids, but personally this story wasn’t for me. Mystery murder of a mermaid queen, who is reincarnated and then goes on a journey to find her murderer. Her guardian you may ask? It’s her professor!

Over all Zoe was annoying to me, and the romance felt forced. I think this was my biggest problem. The connection between the love interests just wasn’t there for me.

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Pacific Tails was an overall entertaining and fun read, although it could have used a bit more developmental editing. I found the plot slightly consulted. The mermaid worldbuilding was really interesting to read.

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I need a second part because this book leaves you wanting more. Wanting more Tails, more action, more magic, more pages to lose yourself in for hours.
This is the first story I read in wich the main caracters are mermaids, and it's an amazing first time.I thought the magic system was great, and that's because of its simplicity: the colour of the tail determines the magic the mermaid possesses. Added to this is the appearance of other supernatural beings such as werewolves, demons, or witches, who don't steal the spotlight from our Tails. But the icing on the cake is the amount of legends and folklore montioned in this book. That's a 100/10.
The plot has also obsessed me. We have a murdered mermaid queen who is reincarnated as a young girl, a man become the guardian of this reincarnated queen who must help her restore her magic and her kingdom in less than a hundred years or both will die, deceptions, treasons, and a great unknown. Who, and why, murdered the queen? If this doesn't convince you to read this book, the prologue sure it gets.
Zoe and Baxter are incredible characters, who make mistakes and repair them, with firm convictions, and ready to do anything to protect those who they love. They felt very real, and I enjoyed accompaning them throughout their adventure across the seas.
I wish I had more time to read because I didn't want to stop, although I had to, and that has taken me so long to finish it. But it was worth it, and I need more people to read it so I can discuss it with someone.

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I might be biased because I'm a swimmer who has always dreamed of being a mermaid but I enjoyed this story. It was strange because it felt too long but also some things weren't thoroughly discussed? Felt like I wanted to dig deeper. However, I haven't read a book like this before and overall, I really liked the story, characters and the mermaid powers.

3.5 stars rounding up.

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I was super exited about this book, murdered mermaid queen's reincarnation has finally been found with only a month to get her power back and save her kingdom. Amazing premise however it lacked a little in the delivery. I get this is a high stakes fantasy but the storyline felt rushed at times and then stuck in some parts.

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Thank you Netgalley and BooksGoSocial for the chance to read Pacific tails by Michelle Sauer. I have always loved stories with mermaids and other paranormal creatures. This is a debut novel from the author and is the first book of a planned duology. I enjoyed the fast paced story, with twists and turns, and a slow-burning romance. I did find the middle of the book, a bit muddled but I was able to read through. This is listed as a New Adult book, but I felt it was more Young Adult instead. I am looking forward to reading the 2nd book.

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3 stars

I wanna start by saying this had amazing potential but fell short so quickly.
The story is so fast-paced that it becomes confusing. Like I had to reread so many parts because I lost track of what was going on.
I liked the mythology of the mermaids, especially in the beginning, but then it gets messy with the scavenge hunt, and I find myself skimming some parts.
Now, the chemistry between our mcs felt forced at times and underdeveloped.
Still, this book has great moments, and those were fun to read and entertaining, so check it out if you feel curious about it.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The story is interesting but I didn't connect, not even with the characters.

[but I still recommend it!! someone else might like it!!✨]

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a day late but, this shit was amazing, my first mermaid fantasy book but I absolutely loved it, plus the student x teacher rly had me like aaaa I love it, I just knew aisling was a bitch I hate her, love Lil tho

thank you netgalley for the arc

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I really enjoyed this book! I found the worldbuilding extremely beautiful and interesting! The writing was extremely easy to read and I would love to read the next one.

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Melantha - Mermaid Queen of the Pacific Ocean has been murdered shortly before giving up her throne to marry a mortal. Before she dies, she manages to perform a resurrection spell and appoint a Guardian in charge of finding her new incarnation, for which she has a limit of 100 years.
Apparently, Zoe Vaughn, a college student, is the incarnation of Melantha, but she and Baxter, her Guardian, have just one month to find the 5 pieces that make up the royal pendant and claim her Kingdom. Otherwise, Zoe, Baxter and all the merfolk of the Pacific are doomed to die.
Pacific Tails is a novel aimed at new adults, quick and easy to read and very entertaining. It has an appropriate ending, taking into account that it is the first book in a duology that will immerse the reader in a reading full of action, myths and romance. It is worth reading and I hope to read the next book very soon. I already want to know the end of this story!
I thank the author and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.
The opinion I have expressed above is based solely on what I think and feel about this book.

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Mermaids are, without a shadow of a doubt, my favourite fantasy creature to read about, I immediately find myself scanning shelves for the latest mermaid tales and so I was thrilled to receive an arc for Michelle Sauer’s Pacific Tails!

What I loved most about this book was, firstly, the unique premise of our female protagonist, Zoe Vaughn, being the reincarnation of the murdered Mermaid Queen of the Pacific Ocean, Melantha. It was such an interesting concept (as I am always a sucker for reincarnation stories and the mystery behind them) and completely different to other mermaid novels currently out on the market.

Also, the world-building in this novel was absolutely exquisite—I could imagine every single object, place and person described in this novel and that’s what I love as a reader. Part of what makes a novel enjoyable (and quite frankly readable) is the author’s ability to easily bring their world to life in the reader’s mind. Michelle Sauer clearly kept this at the forefront of her mind when creating this wonderful novel, I felt like I was travelling along with the characters.

However, there were some things that I wish could have been changed or removed entirely. Whilst I always try my best to overlook minor character flaws, I did find Zoe a little too naïve and overly trusting for a main character who has recently been betrayed and has lingering trust issues. She also did step out of line multiple times when it came to Baxter, even going as far as to dictate his friendships out of insecurity and pure jealousy. Additionally, the romance between Zoe and Baxter did, at times, feel very forced and rushed as if the author was trying to quicken the intensity of the romance or skip to ‘the good parts’, as it were.

There were also moments within the book, without spoiling anything, that I felt took away from the story or interrupted important moments for the characters and sometimes the characters themselves and their actions could be described as predictable. Nonetheless, I did still find this book very enjoyable as the creativity with the world-building and the overall feel of the book.

Note—I was provided with an ARC of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Pacific Tails will be published on the 23rd October and is the first instalment in a planned duology so make sure to go and pre-order / buy it as soon as you can, you will not regret it!

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publishers and of course the author for gifting me this advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first book in a duology series by Michelle Sauer and follows the life of Zoe who is a talented swimmer who wants to move due to being bullied but before she is due to move she is told a secret by one of her teachers Professor Baxter, who says she is actually a reincarnation of the mermaid queen of the Pacific Ocean, and to enable her to regain this title she needs to embark on an adventure to find 5 stones but she only has a month left to complete this mission.

I thought this was a great book, full of suspense and adventure and felt I read it quite quickly. I am definitely looking forward to seeing what happens in the next book.

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Get ready to immerse yourself in the spellbinding world of "Pacific Tails," the inaugural installment of Michelle Sauer's thrilling duology. In a poignant twist of fate, Zoe, seeking escape from relentless bullying in California, is on the verge of boarding a plane to Connecticut when her mythology professor, Baxter, drops a bombshell: she is the reincarnation of a betrayed and murdered mermaid queen. Eager to distance herself from painful memories, Zoe is unexpectedly thrust into an extraordinary adventure, embarking on a quest to recover the 5 missing pieces of a mermaid pendant with Baxter. Their race against time unfolds with heart-pounding intensity.

I was utterly spellbound by "Pacific Tails"! This narrative unfolds with breakneck speed and a tension that keeps you on the edge of your seat. It masterfully encompasses all the essential elements of a literary masterpiece. It takes readers on a spine-tingling adventure, delving into impending danger, gripping suspense, rich historical tapestries, a sizzling love affair, humor that elicits laughter, sarcasm that stings, and character arcs that mesmerize. The world-building is immersive to the hilt.

This review is given of my own volition, and I had the privilege of receiving an advance review copy at no cost.

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Another DNF unfortunately 😪
I really tried, guys. I managed 75% until I found myself skipping pages 😪

To start off, the book had such a good premise!! It started really good and pulled me into the story. However, it quickly went into a downhill spiral...

A lot of spelling and grammar mistakes, as well as randomly missing words, really take away from the experience of enjoying the book and of actually liking it 😪

Zoe was wayyyy too naive and trusting with every mermaid/merman she met 🤦‍♀️ she was constantly on about what her teammates did to her in the swimming team a few weeks/months ago and that she doesn't want to trust anyone because of that and yet here she is... trusting. Every. Single. Ocean inhabitant. 😪

Then there were scenes were Zoe full on pissed me off. Like massively...
Scenes as followed (not really a spoiler):

Example 1:
"Baxter and I are going. Your so-called friendship with him ends here."
I'm sorry, but what the actual fuck? I'm all for a little jealousy and think you have to be slightly jealously if you actually like someone... BUT, telling someone they can't be friends anymore?! Nah, fuck that. That's toxic bullshit.
Baxter made it abundantly clear that he didn't have anything with this woman and Zoe still goes full on bitch mode? Nah, not happening. If you're insecure that doesn't mean you can run around telling people what they can't do ffs.
Baxter should've reacted the same way when she flirted with a fucking Ghost right infront of him 🙄

Example 2:
There was a point where she just runs off like a petulant child cause she thinks everyone betrayed her.
This is a uni student 🙃
A "grown up" woman 🙃
Who has a limited amount of time to save herself - and Baxter - from dying, and now decides "nah, you can fuck right off just cause you haven't told me about your friendship with some woman" 🙃
AND she didn't say where she was going or how long she was gonna be gone for and what she would be doing (acting like a child most likely)... Fucking communicate with the guy you're in love with for fuck sake! Or have your tantrum after you saved both your asses 🙃

The "twist" at 64%? Way too predictable from the first moment you meet the person it involves 🙃 no surprise at all which was disappointing...

All in all, great idea for a story, too many errors and an annoying FMC who thinks everyone should do what she wants.
Don't know if it gets better again but 75% in I'm calling it a day sadly 😪

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A great story and without the extra "noise" I would say it is a great book, it just wasn't my cup of tea. There were a lot of details in the story that I didn't feel were necessary, clouded the true story, and interrupted the parts that really mattered.

I loved the story that follows Zoe and how things come to be for her but I wish there had been a little more mystery and intrigue before she changes forms. That part of the story felt rushed. There is also the tension between the two characters that you can see is building, but doesn't give you the warm fuzzies inside that make you yearn for the characters to finally act on their feelings. There were parts in the middle of the story (I don't want to give away spoilers) that felt a little rushed as well but that could have been because they were parts of the story that weren't necessary and seemed like the author rushed through them just to get them out of the way.

I will say that they do warn you that this is not the final copy of the book and I am sure they are making many adjustments and edits so the final cut may end up having removed the unnecessary parts and make some areas feel less rushed. I don't want to discourage you from reading this because as I said, I didn't read the final copy. I highly encourage you to check it out for yourself as you may feel the exact opposite of myself!

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**Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC! This review is my opinion.**


I hate saying that, but this book was just...meh for me. It had all the ingredients for a great novel, but it was missing that spark. The characters seemed predictable; I could guess what would happen. I needed more character development and history. I needed the writing to be way better (big let done). This could've used some work, but I did enjoy the mermaid mythology. That's what saved this book.

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There's a lot here that could be made into a great story but for me, it's just not there yet. It's marketed as new adult but the writing is definitely geared to a much younger audience. It's a bit choppy, and that makes me not care about the characters. It jumps right in and doesn't give much lead up or background information on the protagonist. I think you can do 'dropped into a crazy world that I know nothing about' really well and make it believable and make the reader invested (see: Legendborn), but I didn't feel that with this book. I might have a different rating if this was a true children's book.

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n unsolved murder of a mermaid queen. A shattered stone pendant cursed and lost. A kingdom's existence in peril. All of it, dependent on a college student and gifted swimmer, Zoe Vaughn, who thinks her life is falling apart.

Pacific Tails was a magical read that was easy to follow, more than a little predictable but, lovely all the same.

This was a genuinely intriguing story, centred around our main character; Zoe Vaughn.
Zoe grows from a downtrodden, unconfident girl into an intelligent and strong individual.
We follow Zoe's journey across the world, chasing her destiny.

I thoroughly enjoyed Pacific Tails, yes it is marketed for a younger audience than myself and it is predictable and somewhat cliched in parts, but this doesn't detract from what, overall, is a cosy read which manages to hold your interest throughout.
I'm looking forward to seeing what the next instalment brings!

Thank you to Michelle Sauer and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advance readers copy in exchange for an honest review.

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