Member Reviews

Oh boy, I truly don't want to write this review, as much as I didn't want to read this book at some points.

First of all, I hate to be mean and I'm sorry in advance, but I was quite frustrated with this book. It started really well, with a Dystopian world and the main characters having visions about another reality.

But then, after around 25%, I just started feeling it wasn't for me.

First of all, I feel like the main character was quite frustrating with how she changed her opinions in an instant, just because of a vision or suddenly understanding some metaphysical thing. She also totally forgot sometimes that she wanted to rescue her family, because she was having a good time dancing and drinking cocoa. Truly.

I've sensed trouble when there was a mention of Bermuda Triangle, and the hunch was right. The place Maya ended up in because of altering her consciousness had very culty vibes and she was basically treated in a patronizing way and scolded for not just believing in the things they say (mind that she was previously in a dystopian, brutal world). Yoga and eating vegetables was an answer to everything, and as much as I know that our current world isn't doing well, I feel like praising extremes, like no technology at all, just doesn't buy me. All of this was packed in some fancy words (like metaphysical) that honestly made no sense at times. ('I could feel the density of thinking matter brewing inside his mind like a cloud.' Huh?)

And then the star of the show arrived, the line that enraged me, said by one of the characters in a matter of fact way. 'It's hard to feel fully initiated into womanhood when you haven't experienced a man, you know?'. And I don't know, maybe I'm overly sensitive, but it was just truly lacking taste.

Overall, I feel like the idea was there in the beginning, but the further we went into the story, the more nonsensical and irritating it got.

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It’s been a minute since I read a dystopian/utopian novel, but Sita Bennett reminded me of why I used to love them so much.
Growing up as an introvert, I experienced teachers/authority figures saying that you cannot be a leader unless you’re loud. I wanted so badly to be like the main characters I read about and oh how I would have loved to read about Maya back then. This book is so powerful for our introverts that don’t typically see themselves as the heroes in fantasy novels.
It includes yoga philosophy and warnings about climate change. And of course, a beautiful reminder that softness/empathy/vulnerability is its own type of strength.

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"Maya of the In-Between" is a captivating novel that stands out in the dystopian genre with its fresh and unique concept. The story unfolds in a world that is both hauntingly familiar and eerily different, offering readers a thought-provoking exploration of a dystopian reality. The narrative weaves seamlessly through the in-between, creating an atmospheric blend of suspense and curiosity. The protagonist, Maya, is a compelling character navigating a world that challenges the boundaries of the known and unknown. The novel successfully captures the reader's attention with its originality, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a dystopian experience that breaks away from the conventional tropes, offering a refreshing and engaging journey.

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This wasn't really my jam (I'm a tough sell on fantasy as it is) but I think the story is good for those who love fantasy/dystopian novels. It'd be one that I recommend if my library's patrons were looking for something different.

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"Escapism was the pill we all swallowed to survive the uncertain times."

This was my first metaphysical fantasy and I think that it might personally not be my cup of tea.
I liked the beginning of the book and the creation of the dystopian world. I found Maya's existence in the dystopian world to be very relatable, and there was a fair amount of action.
But once she reached the utopian world, the action slowed to what felt almost like a standstill. I struggled to relate to Maya after that, and I didn't really like Björn either.
I think the author achieved the message she was trying to send and I'm sure that this book is great...if you're part of its intended audience.
Thanks to Netgalley for the free e-ARC!

3/5 stars

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publishers and of course the author for gifting me this advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely adored this book, right up my street and gave me all the feels. Full of adventure and journeys of self discovery in this esoteric novel that follows Maya who sets out to go against all the odds to find the universe she has been painting.

Definitely a book that will stay with me for personal reasons.

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Thank you NetGalley & Sita Bennett for the opportunity to read an ARC of Maya Of The In-Between. I enjoyed both the dystopian & utopian aspects and the spiritual love to the world.
I highly recommend!

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