Member Reviews

"How to Heal Your Inner Child and Let Go of What Hurts You: Freeing Myself of Negativity" by Saira P Khan is a compassionate and insightful guide to overcoming past traumas and reclaiming inner peace. Through personal anecdotes and practical exercises, Khan gently leads readers on a journey of self-discovery and healing. The book emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and nurturing the wounded inner child within us all, offering valuable tools for breaking free from negative patterns and fostering self-love. Khan's writing is both empowering and comforting, making this book a valuable resource for anyone seeking to let go of past hurts and embrace a brighter, more fulfilling future.

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"How to Heal Your Inner Child and Let Go of What Hurts You" by Saira P Khan is a profoundly insightful and empowering guide to overcoming past traumas and reclaiming one's emotional well-being. Drawing from her own experiences and expertise as a therapist, Khan offers readers a compassionate roadmap for healing their inner child and breaking free from the cycles of pain and self-destructive behavior.

Through a blend of practical exercises, introspective prompts, and gentle guidance, Khan gently guides readers on a journey of self-discovery and healing. She explores the wounds of childhood with sensitivity and compassion, helping readers to understand the ways in which past experiences continue to impact their present lives.

What sets Khan's book apart is its emphasis on self-compassion and self-care as essential components of the healing process. Rather than simply dwelling on past pain, Khan empowers readers to cultivate a sense of love and acceptance for themselves, fostering a deeper connection to their inner child and creating a foundation for lasting healing.

Throughout the book, Khan's writing is warm, encouraging, and deeply empathetic, creating a safe space for readers to explore their emotions and confront their inner demons. With each chapter, readers are invited to engage in self-reflection and introspection, gently unraveling the layers of hurt and fear that have held them back.

Ultimately, "How to Heal Your Inner Child and Let Go of What Hurts You" is a beacon of hope for anyone struggling to overcome past traumas and find peace within themselves. Saira P Khan's compassionate guidance and practical wisdom offer a lifeline for those seeking to break free from the pain of the past and embrace a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is a valuable tool and I will be buying this to revisit many times. I liked it's format and the writing style which made is easy to read and understand.

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This is a reasonably good basic self help book, but it is quite basic and repetitive. It is a good place to start though

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An interesting read and great for an introduction to the exploration of childhood trauma.

I would recommend this for someone who is beginning their self-awareness journey, though suggest the content is too basic for trained professionals.

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While this book at some good information in it, it felt very repetitive and seemed to be lacking in scientific evidence and support. I would have liked to see more science behind the things mentioned. It does however give some good advice on the topic and is a great starting point for people who are just starting their healing journey.

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How to Heal your Inner Child and Let Go of What Hurts You by Saira P, Khan was exactly what I needed at this moment in my life! I love when a book comes along when you need to feel like you are out of control and cannot take your emotions anymore. I learned so much. I am Grateful for having loved the cover enough to stop to see what it was called and then learn more!
Thank you #NetGalley for the review copy,
I was given a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I want to thank Netgalley for an advanced ARC

I requested this because since June I have been on a journey for self-help books with inner shadow work, healing inner Child and also ways to learn new habits and also find new ways to improve my mental health.

Reading this book was interesting and I Did find some useful parts that I have taken to move forward with, but over the whole book some of what it was talking about became repetitive.... do I think this book could help others ..YES I DO.... but do I think this book was for me, not exactly but I am happy I read it and see where it was going.

If anyone wants to start their self-help/ Healing journey then do pick this up because everyone can take something from this book to help them move forward.

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A beautiful step in the journey of healing our inner child. A great book for guiding the beginning of your healing journey to find happiness, health, and peace.

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This feels like a book by someone who knows exactly what you have experienced in life, someone who has been there too and found a way to heal and get on with life. A powerful, understanding and helpful book that immediately makes you feel less alone and then holds your hand till you heal and find a better place.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me a copy of this book to read. This was so insightful and honestly I rate it a 5/5, I will absolutely be looking into adding this to my collection.

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Very interesting, with good information! Good for self reflection and kind of confrontational at moments. It's a heavy intense read. I made a lot of notes and I will reread this book!

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This book was informative, but when I tried to download the workbook to actually do the quizzes and exercises the link just led me to another copy of the same book, although the KU cover said “workbook.” I tried several times but could not seem to find the actual workbook, even when I directly searched it on Google. A good idea, but I not super practical without access to the workbook.

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It took me a while to get through this book, not because it was badly written or unhelpful but because of its heavy content.
The book takes the reader on a journey of self reflection, understanding and acceptance.
The structure is well planned and offers the reader an opportunity to learn new things step by step. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when it comes to healing and letting go but the reading experience felt guided and I never got lost in my memories. I also liked how the author explains everything in detail, so no matter how far you are in your healing journey, you are not left behind.
This is a book I will probably reread several times and with every reread, there will be new things to learn and realize. Truly a great resource.

Although all themes are treated with care, I would still advise to only read the book if you feel ready to accept the past and all that happened to you and how it still affects you now.

Disclaimer: The ARC was provided to me by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The ARC category in no way impacts the rating of the book.

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How to Heal Your Inner Child and Let Go of What Hurts You
Freeing Myself of Negativity

A very useful book. I, of course, could not read this in a sitting.I grabbed a journal and took notes. It is helpful for most people. Actually ALL people. I loved how The writer knew the big secret of not being a self-help book with no real help. Thanks to SAIRA P KHAN for keeping it real.

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Thank you NetGalley for the book in exchange for a review. I found this book so powerful, im reading it again and sending it to my husband when it goes out. We have a six month old, and to do best by him we need to heal our inner child. I loved every second of this.

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Oh my gosh, I love this book cover and the title. I had to read it to learn more about inner child healing. I was familiar with the topic but Khan goes into such detail that I was able to learn new techniques. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Four stars.

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