Member Reviews

Rotting Beauty did not live up to the interesting synapses, it might be because I di not enjoy zombies and things like that but I have enjoyed other zombie themed books so I'm not quite sure.

The story wanders aimlessly and doesn't necessarily focus on like one plot, often going into unnecessary details while not focusing on the important plot points.
The characters also just lacked depth making it difficult for me to connect with or care about them in any way.

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thanks to NetGalley for the eARC

DNF at 35%

summary: Sleeping Beauty with steampunk zombie horror?

thoughts: for starters: I don’t enjoy zombies in general, so maybe I wasn’t meant to love this? it was just getting really gory, and not after the manner of well-written horror. not my cup of tea! or cup of zombie brains! or whatever.

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4/5 stars, thank you to NetGalley for providing an ARC of this novel.

Rotting Beauty was a fun take on the classic Sleeping Beauty story. It was an exciting, compelling read that kept you on the edge the entire time. I thought it was fun and the beauty/horror of the story made for a fresh, innovating, and intriguing new story.

#RottingBeauty #NetGalley

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This was an interesting and surprising take on the Sleeping Beauty story and a retelling I could really sink my teeth into.

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I sadly did not end up getting to this in time. I did, however, purchase a finished copy for myself because the cover is extremely gorgeous and I feel like I will enjoy the story when I get to it.

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3 stars

The overall writing was okay. It's definitely more of a young adult book with the writing style. The characters were just okay and could've had more development. The premise was interesting though.

It was enjoyable but I don't think I would reread it nor recommend it.

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Thank you to netgalley and Elizabeth King for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion. This book was so good I couldn't put it down. It was a fast read and definitely would love to read more by this author.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC.

Rotting Beauty is a horror retelling of Sleeping Beauty, which is an idea with a lot of promise. However it doesn’t deliver. The one dimensional characters and awkward dialogue take away from the story but the plot is also convoluted by including too many ideas. It’s horror but it’s also a fairy tale but it’s also trying to be steampunk. It has not only fairies and zombies but also djinn and witches. There’s a lot of action with no heart.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies did a much better job. Honestly, just read that.

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This book was so good! It was intriguing and really drawed me in. I'll be reading more of this authors work.

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Thanks to NetGalley, the Publisher, and the Author for an ARC.

This is a YA horror fairytale reimagining/retelling which I quite enjoyed.

The cover is excellent and draws one in immediately. The summary is quite well done and seals the deal to pick it up. The fairytale sleeping beauty with zombie retelling also really grabs attention.

The plot has tons of twists which keep it mysterious and well paced. It's not your usual fairytale and turns expectations around. The main characters are interesting and the world building is nice. It is very much young adult with a bit of gore and violence, but not too excessive.

I would definitely recommend this book if YA fairytale, horror, retelling is your kind of thing.

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such a stunning cover!! how can you not request?? the story fit well with the cover too. 100% gonna buy this in a physical copy <3

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I am a massive fan of fairytale retellings, especially those that are darker and horror leaning. I thought this was a fast, engaging read that did not disappoint. If this were 2009-ish I would l say the zombie aspect is overplayed but in 2023 it's something we aren't seeing *everywhere* in the way we were back then, so it was fun to see a retelling including them.

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I love alternative fairy tales. This was a really fun and fast read for me. I highly recommend this book.

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Rotting Beauty would have been a great spooky read, sadly it just wasn't as enjoyable as I had thought it would be. It started in the middle of action which was great but I felt that the more the story progressed, the slower it paced. The writing was pretty but I found it over-descriptive at times which toned down the action.

As for the characters, they didn't feel like...a group. Their individual stories were interesting but when all three of them were in the same scene, something didn't work out. Garett was explored better than the other two but what I found dumb was how quick he was to dismiss the existence of djinns, ghouls etc when he's already met fairies and witches AND when it's already stated that Garett has faced " beasts, sea monsters, fire-breathing necromancers." I know he's supposed to be the 'rational' one in their trio but, sir, really? After eveything that you've seen you're still sceptical?

Because the story started in media res, and because we hadn't had the chance to get to know Briar's life pre-curse, her wanting to save her kingdom and her people when we haven't actually seen her interact with them in any way wasn't as impactful as it could have been.

Speaking of supernatural creatures, I felt that they weren't as explored as they should have been. We know they exist but it didn't feel like they clicked together, they're just there.

Overall, I could see the author's love for the story through the writing but it might have needed a better execution

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As a massive dark fairytale and horror fan, Rotting Beauty was a perfect fit for me. Consider this the classic Sleeping Beauty tale crossed with zombies like the walking dead. This is a wonderful book and filled the vibes I've been chasing for YEARS after reading Alice in Zombieland (listen, if you haven't, please read it!). This is full of interesting twists and turns that really keep you on your toes. This is funny and lighthearted while also having some exciting things to keep you on the edge of your seat. A wonderful twist on a classic.

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I really enjoyed this, it isn't very often that I'm actually able to binge read a book in a day but I did it!!

I found this to be unputdownable, I was hooked and I love a good retelling, Rotting Beauty was based on the fairytale Sleeping Beauty and there were mentions of other fairytales in the world too but they all have a twist, with Rotting Beauty it was in the name, our main character Briar, our sleeping beauty, Cursed to prick her finger on her sixteenth birthday to sleep for a hundred years, except everyone around her also slept but they were rotting.

A zombification of Sleeping Beauty and I am here for it. I was entranced into this story and I'm really looking forwards to reading book two, which I think is Beauty and the Beast so I can't wait! Perfect read for Halloween I think this was!

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Thank you Netgalley and Publishers for this eARC

Rotting Beauty takes on the classic Sleeping Beauty and turns it into its own.
Rotting Beauty sees Briar wake up 82 years later to a kingdom of Zombies.
The writing in this novel is great and with the well developed characters, it makes the story come together, the pacing is a little slow but it's still a great read.
I've not come across a retelling like this before and it's certainly done well.
If you like the walking dead and your fairytales this is a great combination.

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I am not a person who usually reads or engages in media with zombies. But I decided to give this book a chance and I was pleasantly proved wrong. I think this book is perfect for lovers of the tv show IZombie or the novel, “Beautiful Creatures.” I am giving the book 4 stars only because the pickup was a tad slow for me, but once you get into the book you’re taken on a wild journey full of twists and turns. I LOVED that I couldn’t guess what was going to happen. I can tell the author put in great effort to create a unique and new take on a beloved fairytale.

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Sleeping Beauty meets the Walking Dead.
I loved this book, whilst dark in nature, I actually found it quite funny!
Briar is awoken from a sleeping curse after 82 years to discover her Kingdom are now all zombies!
While on the road to safety, Briar realises that something isn't right, she's slowly rotting like the rest of her people. Can she find a cure? And at what cost?
This is a fast paced story of friendship, survival and sacrifice.
The group of MCs in this book are very fun to read, it really feels like you're joining a group of friends on an adventure. Would absoutley recommend to anyone who loves a fairytale with a twist.

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What a take on a classic! I actually really enjoyed it and I loved the new vibes that just added to my favourite fairytale! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book.

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