Member Reviews

This was my first Arthurian reimagining. Well, the first one I finished. I've tried others and they just haven't stuck yet (though I still have a few on my tbr I'm looking forward to). And I have to say, I am so hooked on this series. Veyka is a badass. She's so strong, so determined, and so incredibly skilled. There was never a moment I didn't love her. And Arran? That man can have me I swear. He was so protective of our girl, but still saw her strength and abilities and respected them, even when he insisted on tailing her everywhere anyway. Their chemistry was palpable and I adored watching them grow—especially Veyka. And let's not forget about our other Round Table Knights. The supporting cast was so great. I loved how they understood Veyka and what she needed and were patient while she worked through what she needed to. She was never really alone, and it was beautiful to see.

The writing was wonderful as well! The descriptions of the settings and the details from sparring matches to full-on battles were so immersive. If I had any qualms about anything, it would just be that sometimes it was a bit repetitive. But other than that, I'm completely in love with this world and the fae that live in it.

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Amazing author! Great book, wonderful read for any fantasy lover. Highly recommend this novel. I cannot wait to read more from this author.

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Veyka, a princess full of secrets, is surprised by the twists of fate and ends up unexpectedly becoming queen. By her side, she will have to deal with the future king, Arran, The Brutal Prince, who is not inclined to make her life easy, being one of the strongest and most aggressive terrestrials in recent millennia.

In a magical world that aims to retell the legend of King Arthur with a new perspective, the author takes us on a whirlwind of emotions and twists, surprising us with the development of the characters throughout the story.

Although the beginning was full of strong emotions, for much of the story, only the more sexy scenes brought some adrenaline. The last part, however, completely compensated for the time invested in the more monotonous parts of the story.

I always enjoy these renewed visions of mythology and history in general, so it was very interesting to read this new perspective, completely different from the original story.

Overall, also considering my personal taste in reading, this was a pleasant read.

I want to express my gratitude to the author Emberly Ash and to the NetGalley website for providing this eBook. The opportunity was truly appreciated. I am very excited to read the rest of the series.

Veyka, uma princesa cheia de segredos, é surpreendida pelas voltas do destino e acaba por, inesperadamente, se tornar rainha. A seu lado terá de lidar com o futuro rei, Arran, The Brutal Prince, que não está para lhe fazer a vida fácil, ou não fosse ele um dos mais fortes e agressivos terrestrials dos últimos milénios.

Num mundo mágico que pretende recontar com um novo olhar a lenda do Rei Artur, a autora leva-nos num turbilhão de emoções e reviravoltas, fazendo-nos surpreender com o desenvolvimento das personagens ao longo da história.

Embora o início tenha sido de fortes emoções, durante boa parte da história apenas as cenas mais picantes trouxeram alguma adrenalina. A última parte, no entanto, compensou totalmente o investimento de tempo nas partes mais monótonas da história.

Gosto sempre muito destas visões renovadas sobre mitologia e história no geral, pelo que foi muito interessante ler esta nova perspectiva, completamente diferente da história original.

No geral, também muito pelo meu gosto pessoal no que toca a leitura, esta foi uma leitura agradável.

Quero expressar a minha gratidão à autora Emberly Ash e ao site NetGalley por disponibilizarem este eBook. A oportunidade foi verdadeiramente apreciada. Estou muito entusiasmada para ler a restante série.

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Crown of Earth & Sky

undeniable attraction
Forced proximity
Arranged marriage
King Arthur retelling (done SO well)

Veyka & Arran are from two different territories joined together generations ago by Veyka’s ancestors. Veyka should have never even taken her first breath & unexpected events lead to her seeking revenge with The Brutal Prince by her side.

I loved this book. @emberlyashauthor I am
S H O C K E D that this book isn’t all over Insta. I received an early copy on NetGalley & just got around to reading it. Kind mad I waited so long 😂

I was absorbed by the storyline, the banter, the twists and turns. This has earned a place in my list of top books of the year!! I am determined to convince more of you to read it. Literally have recommended it nonstop since I started & finished it. The ending had my jaw on the floor & had me messaging Emberly because I was kind of mad 😏😏 in a good way of course.
The retelling was super subtle & absolutely so well done. Some retellings are so cringey and this one was not at all.

Add to TBR, put it on your wishlist, tell mom or the
S/O that you need it. Just freaking do it.

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I just had a hard time connecting with the FMC, and for me that makes a book hard to push through. plot was good, banter was good - I just couldn't make sense or connect. Will look forward to other works by the author, because I think this type of FMC just wasn't for me.

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I was a little hesitant going into this one, I'd DNF a few netgalley reads this month and was worried I was in a slump so I slugged through the first 20-30% of this one, I found it strange to refer the m/c as wide throughout the book but that was whatever, I ended up enjoying this in the end, I had a free day where I was able to finish this book uninterrupted and I'm very much looking forwards to the next book soon, I liked both of the main characters and the spin on the King Arthur retelling was interesting and I'm intrigued as to see how the second book goes!

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This was a fae retelling of King Arthur and I loved the subtle nods to this classic tale that appeared throughout. This was also so much more than a simple re-imagining, however! Politics and Spice battle for the main points of this book.

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This was a really enjoyable fantasy romance read! I was intrigued by the world and the characters, and I absolutely couldn’t put it down.

Veyka and Arran have ✨chemistry✨ and as an absolute sucker for the arranged marriage trope, I ate it up.

While this does have adult content, some of the fantasy plot does read a little bit YA. There was quite a bit of characters noticing very obviously weird things and conveniently not questioning them. Like at all.

The magic system also could have been explained a little bit better. There’s supposedly a cost when magic is used, but we never see it in action to really get an idea of how it works. There are also zero characters other than Veyka who are concerned about it, but it seems like it could be a big deal?

I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone looking for a New Adult romantasy!

Side note: I know this was a King Arthur retelling, but you can’t tell me that Arthur and Veyka make sense as twin names.

*Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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UMMM?!?!?!?!? That ending was crazy, I am speechless.
This story instantly reels you in and has you questioning what will happen next.
I am soo excited and nervous for book two! I need it now!
Veyka is really good at keeping secrets and Arran is good at uncovering them. That leads to a pairing that you can imagine is fell of arguments and banter and a lot of sexual tension.
This story was paced very well and opens up a lot of plot lines for book two and has me very hyped up about it.

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Firstly, thank you NetGalley and Emberly Ash for giving me an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Unfortunately, I did not like this book at all. I found the synopsis to be rather deceptive. I admit the book was not badly written at all and I think my dislike of the book is more of a me problem rather then the book itself. The world was interesting alongside the storyline, but I just could not push through. I went in relatively blind for this book so I was not aware as to how spicy this book was, and unfortunately I personally don´t feel comfortable reading such a high level. I Also did not enjoy some of the language that was used in certain scenes. In no means was this a bad book and not hate to the author. I´m going to quote Taylor Swift "Its me, Hi, I´m the problems it´s me"- this sums up my review.

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I’d like to thank NetGalley for approving me for an ARC of this book.

💥 Our story starts with a bang. When Veyka’s twin brother Arthur is murdered she finds herself the new heir to a kingdom she doesn’t want and a marriage alliance she didn’t ask for. I really enjoyed this opening to the story, it really set the scene and got me excited about what was to come.

🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻The spice hit very quickly with Veyka and Arran infatuated with one another but because they are both very stubborn and strong it takes them a while to admit their true feelings. I personally thought the banter and slow burn between these characters were done really well.

📖There are some subtle nods to the story of King Arthur which were cleverly intertwined in the story. When you add the impressive world building this story becomes more than just a classic reimagined.

🌟I now need book two to be available because this story ended on a cliffhanger that I wasn’t ready for. I need to know what happens next for Veyka and Arran and I’m also adding Arran to my list of swoon-worthy book boyfriends!

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thoroughly enjoyed this Arthurian retelling! It has everything: spice, fae of different kinds, shapeshifters, witches and mortals, and lots of action!
I love that Veyka is not a skinny, fragile woman. She’s full figured, strong, and skilled with weapons. Aaran is a huge, threatening- but handsome shape shifter fae.
I loved the twists and turns in this book and I can’t wait for book 2! Oh and did I mention the spice? 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5

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This was a fast paced keep you on your toes book from the very beginning. Veyka is the fmc we all wish to be. She’s an independent spitfire and I love that about her. This is the first installment of the series and it did not disappoint. Fae +spice is always a good time! I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait for the next one!

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This was a great retelling of King Arthur but make it fae. Flawed characters, varied magic systems, mystery and intrigue, and of course romance. I thought it balanced all of these very well and was incredibly engaging. I can't wait to continue the series!

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Book review 📚
Crown of Earth and Sky by Emberly Ash - 4.5/5 ⭐

Once again I was drawn this book based off the stunning cover. Absolutely flawless and intriguing at the same time. I was delighted when I realised it was a King Arthur retelling as I wasn't expecting that at all.

As the first book in a soon to be series, it was brilliant. There's enough happening that keeps you engaged but it's also not overwhelming that it will outshine the other books when they're released. I loved the magical fantasy twist to the story, Fae are a huge favourite in readers (me being one the guilty!)

The characters were amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed how so often the personalities of the MC clashed! But it worked so well and kept it interesting. It definitely was not love at first sight that's for sure. Veyka was an amazing character and love progressing with her through the story.

Easily a near 5 star read, some small errors but easily overlooked when the story keeps you gripped! Thank you to NetGalley and Dialogue Books for allowing me to read this ARC - this is a HONEST review from my own personal opinion.

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So, so good! The storyline was captivating, the relationship between Arran and Veyka was hot, but I like that the story wasn’t overwhelmed by steamy scenes. And that’s odd for me to say, because I generally like my smut with an extra dose of smut on the side. The steam would’ve been nice, but it wasn’t necessary to advance the plot. I can’t wait for more of this series!

One side note, the typos and editorial mistakes were a bit glaring, so hopefully those kinks are ironed out.

I received an advance review copy of this book for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this book.

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A unique King Arthur retelling with fae! I enjoyed the world building and the learning about the different magic systems. I liked Veyka and kept rooting for her throughout the story as she navigates her new role of being Queen and her dictated courtship with The Brutal Prince. There were times the banter between the two of them made me giggle while reading along with the other emotions I felt while reading! Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for an advanced copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own!

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publishers and of course the author for gifting me this advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

I was drawn to this book because of the cover and title and then the description sounded equally as good so I was so pleased when the story also followed suit and was really good.

This is the first in a series - Secrets of the Faerie Crown (and I love stories about faeries)! Another retelling (which I am not usually so keen on but the Faeries won me over) about King Arthur which actually had accurate pointers to the original story throughout which made it more imaginable. The story was full of adventure, mystery, and spicy fae :D (happy face) and to be honest I really whizzed through it. I am so happy that it was so enjoyable and book 2 needs to really hurry up and come out soon!

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I am always ready for a new mythology retelling, and the King Arthur retellings are always a wonderful treat! Crown of Earth and Sky was different than any of the retellings I’ve read before. With a main character, Veyka, who is not from the original mythology. She is forced into becoming Queen of the united fae land of Annwyn when her beloved twin brother, Arthur, is murdered. The perfect king, she is anything but the perfect queen. And with their ancestors pact that a High King and High Queen must rule together as equals, one from we the elemental fae and one from the terrestrial fae, she is now forced to be betrothed to the Brutal Prince of the Terrestrial fae. But she only has one thing on her mind. Revenge for her brother’s murder.

I loved the set up of this! Veyka was secluded away from court growing up because of her lack of magic. Her mother tortured her for years until her father finally died and Arthur was able to rescue her, locking their mother in her rooms. She is finally free for the first time, and able to connect with her brother the way they should have had the chance to growing up. But it’s all taken away. Just as Arthur prepares to marry the terrestrial heir, Guinevere, humans break in and behead him. Veyka is left to pick up the pieces of her shattered self. But she’s incredibly depressed, listless. Giving up control of her kingdom to the royal council, and spending her days fighting and sleeping and having sex to dull the pain. This part was incredibly relatable. If you’ve ever dealt with depression, this behavior and attitude is scarily on point! It made me really sympathize with Veyka, even when I didn’t like her decisions.

But those decisions, we learn, all have a purpose. She’s much more cunning than it appears at first. She’s is selfish, however. Not thinking of others or what might be happening in the kingdom beyond what she sees. I loved that her selfishness wasn’t blunted here, and I really enjoyed her arc through this book as she learns to care and look beyond to others. She wakes up in a sense. The growing threat facing her and those she’s come to care for making her see what is at stake, and what her part in things should really be. It’s the perfect way to shape her from a very selfish being to one who is doing her best for her kingdom. She’s also nervous about her lack of magic being found out, knowing it would tear the kingdom in two. So her motivation is completely understandable. Still, with help, she’s able to reach past this barrier and start to become the queen we know she can be. That she shows traces of throughout the book.

A lot of that is due to her betrothed, Arran. He was raised a soldier and was never expected to become high king once Arthur was born the heir for the elementals. He’s gained a reputation for his brutality and has rare magic. Including a beast form! But truly, he’s dutiful and wants to see a peaceful Annwyn. He and Veyka clash immediately. Her irreverent, selfish attitude grating at him, but still, he can’t help but want her fiercely. They are drawn to one another and aren’t able to contain the lust between them. They’re truly good for another too. They each help the other to grow and understand more of the other’s perspective. They grow closer throughout until they end up relying on one another and feelings develop.

Their relationship is so well done. I loved the instant chemistry between the two of them. It was palpable right away, but their clashing personalities took a bit longer! Watching the two of them slowly adjust to the other, learn about one another and open their eyes to who the other truly is was wonderful. It was paced perfectly to be believable. And right to the end, Veyka is struggling to accept what’s right in front of her. For a girl who’s been through what she has, it’s completely understandable she would have issues with relationships and feelings, not to mention trust. There’s also the connection they seem to share, which gives her access to the beast inside him. I loved this facet of their relationship. The way she literally speaks to the beast inside him. The way to beast reacts out of his control to her. It’s sexy and sweet at the same time, which can be a hard line to balance, but this does it perfectly!

The plot of the book surrounds the two of them joining together, the quest for revenge against Arthur’s killers, and control of the court. There’s also a larger plot looming in the background that Veyka keeps dismissing and making me want to shake her! While Veyka and Arran are seeking clues and trying to sniff out information, it’s clear the court is running its own way and that every issue is actually tied up together. Veyka has been playing the game to try to get information, but things go off the rails as more people find out, attacks occur, and witches get involved! I loved this whole thing. I always love court intrigue, and this fae court now comprised of two somewhat rival races of fae is being thrown together with the factions that are within her own ranks. Uncovering all the mysteries and the people involved was so much fun for me.

It’s hard to write intrigue and mystery, so I’m always really impressed when it feels natural and done this well. The ending was also done fabulously. I love that we get both a happy wrap up to the plot of this book, and also a cliff hanger that leaves us wanting, setting up the plot of book 2! I can’t wait to read that and see where this is going. I’m so excited by the two things revealed at the end. I was able to see them coming, but I still loved every moment of it! The relationship between Veyka and Arran is in such a fragile, yet tentatively good, place. The knowledge of what they are would certainly send Veyka over the edge! And didn’t the witch tease us nicely?! But that’s overshadowed by what happens to her. I was waiting for that all book so I nearly cheered when it happened. Though where she is…I definitely need book 2!

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Veyka, grieving the loss of her twin brother and future King, Arthur, falls into the pit of despair. She was never supposed to be queen, but she will do it for the good of Annwyn, even if it means an arranged marriage with the Brutal Prince, a terrestrial brute.

This book is very spicy, but still very much plot driven. I love Veyka from the start. She’s literally kicking ass with her daggers and wants to fight everyone. The banter and tension between Veyka and Arran was perfect, and I knew it’d be 🔥 as soon as I started in Arran’s POV😂 I loved both of their character development. I was also surprised not only by the traitor(s) in the midst, but the cliffhanger! PLEASE ADD ME TO THE NEXT ARC BECAUSE I NEED ANSWERS 😂💖

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