Member Reviews

This was a fun read. It’s a super loose reimagination of Camelot and I’m not super familiar with the original Camelot story, just the basics so this was a wild ride for me.

I love a good enemies to lovers and this is amazing. The absolute hate that comes from both of them is hilarious and exhausting all at the same time, but when it happens the spice factor sure does get turned up.

I have about a dozen questions now that the end is here. What happens next? The last 5 pages I thought, wow this is great and I love this to WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

There are a lot of characters and some of them were a little hard to keep track of at first but once I figured it all out, the story went fast. The world building is great. The powers introduced are fresh and different. The potential power we might see has me so excited for the next.

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3 stars ⭐️ this book had everything i was looking for in my next read but some of it fell a little flat unfortunately. The first 15% had me but I found it really hard to relate/like the main characters, Veyka and Arran. There is so much that is said but nothing at the same time it felt. Veyka was lost for so much of the book where I felt like I wanted to kill her myself haha jk! But you’re supposed to be a QUEEN, so please stand up. Arran was ever much so the broody, powerful, male main character but his liking towards Veyka outside of her physical attributes wasn’t a lot. I also felt like her boobs came up in every chapter which I thought, was a bit repetitive, like I understand, she got a nice rack. And if I took a shot for every time “beast” came up, I’d be blacked out and in the hospital right now. The last 30% did catch my intrigue again and the cliffhanger. I feel like the character I truly liked died in the first 10% of the book so that sucked but that’s also what the story is about LOL All of this to say, I felt like there was promise with how the book was set up but the execution fell flat for me personally.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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This book was amazing! Can I just say Veyka and Arran were giving me some serious Bryce and Hunt vibes. (from Crescent City) ❤️❤️😍😍! I freaking love them.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️
I am a sucker for anything King Author! It is one of my all time favorites! And Emberly Ash just took that classic story and knocked it out of the park!! She retold it with a plus size heroine added in some wicked hot FAE, some elemental magic and of course witches. It’s full of grief, anger, backstabbing rivals and plot twist that you will never see coming! The book also ends on a major cliffhanger! I am already counting the days for book number two. The way this story was told was so beautifully written and detailed perfectly. It was just chef kiss 💋 5/5 recommend this book. I would put this as being just as good Blood and Ash or Plated Prisoner series!!

✅plus size FMC
✅touch-her-and your die
✅shifter romance
✅elemental magic
✅enemies to lovers

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So somehow I have ended up reading ANOTHER story which is a twist on Arthurian Legend.
And I love it.

This one has some great new interpretations of the traditional characters and their roles, and even on the round table itself.

Love that we have a main character who is strong and fast but also bigger, and I’m not meaning just toned curves, or just taller that usual. I mean tall and buxom with wide hips, big thighs and a soft belly, AND strong and fast. Love that, you don’t come across it often, and I appreciate the hell out of it.

So we touch on a lot of our usual topics in this one, we have:
• Childhood trauma
• Feelings of inadequacy
• Familial Love
• Dysfunctional Families
• Trust and betrayal
• Friendship
• Death & Loss
• Sex & Love
• Abuse and manipulation
(as always please read trigger warnings!)

Its also not Grouch and Ray of Sunshine match up going on here, its my personal fave, which is two broken people helping each other to heal.

Our author here is not afraid to kill her creations and to break our hearts in doing do. She is also not scared to have her creations betray us.

The whole time I was reading this I knew there was gonna be a bitch of a cliffhanger and boy oh boy was I right.
Rating this one was weird, because I loved the story and I cannot wait for the next one. But I had a very personal ick that it touched on hahaha but that doesn’t take away from the story!

If I could I would do 4.5 starts, but I can’t, so lets go 5!

PS: This quote “Walls of them. Buildings. An entire city built of books case into focus around me.” ….. The dream.

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Posted on Goodreads:
A little bit of a miss for me. I really liked the idea behind the characters but wish we got a little bit more of their backstory- I think this would have helped me empathize with who they are in the present. Really, enjoyed the last quarter of the book when things picked up a bit!

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Crown of Earth and Sky
Emberly Ash

“I see you— all of you. And I am not afraid.”

I LOVED this fae fantasy romance. Enemies to lovers sucks me in every time. Perfect amount of spice.

Definitely recommend!!!! Can’t wait for book two!
If you love Maas or Armentrout you will love this!

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LOVE!! But how dare you leave me on that big of a cliff hanger at the end!

Veyka’s physique, Arran’s beast, the enemy to lovers, the twist of betrayal… all of it was amazing. There were points when I was kind of like okay let’s get to the action but it was all well worth it. And in my opinion the perfect amount of spice 😏I need the next book STAT!

Thank you Emberly Ash for the story, and Victory editing and NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC!

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Crown of Earth and Sky by Emberly Ash offers a captivating blend of high fae court politics, romance, and Arthurian mythology, which had me instantly hooked from the first sentence. I really enjoyed following Veyka's journey as she grapples with past trauma and is thrust into a position of power she was never meant to hold, all while her council, mother, and betrothed view her as an incompetent waste. The book hits all the right notes with beloved tropes like enemies-to-lovers, forced proximity, found family, fated mates, and that irresistible "even look in her direction and I'll kill you" vibe. Plus, the spice in the romance is delectable, well-written, and never awkward. Arran Earthborn, much like Casteel from FBAA, is perfect book boyfriend material with his attraction to Veyka's bloodlust and ferocity.

However, I must admit that in the first half of the book, there was nothing compelling me to pick it up, and I had to remind myself to keep reading. It was only after the halfway point that the story truly grabbed my attention, and I found myself eagerly diving into it every night. Additionally, while I enjoyed the plot and setting, the main characters, Arran and Veyka, left me feeling somewhat indifferent until the last third of the book. Lastly, I wasn't a huge fan of the last chapter, as the cliffhanger felt wedged in and I believe the book would have been more well-rounded without it. Despite these minor drawbacks, Crown of Earth and Sky offers an enthralling fantasy experience for any lover of the Romantasy genre.

-This review will be posted to Goodreads as of 09/26/23.

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Y’all I’m surprised at how much I loved this book. Crown of Earth and Sky is the enemies to lovers fae romance I didn’t know I needed. There’s forced proximity, elemental and terrestrial magical powers, rage and grief, some betrayal, and an excellent mystery aspect I wasn’t anticipating. The FMC and MMC are written exceptionally well and are so well developed that I was completely invested in them from start to finish (their relationship is also done really well). The world building in this book is immaculate and I LOVED the side characters- I can’t wait to see them in the next book. The ending was amazing (cliffhanger). 100% would recommend for all romantasy lovers, this book is in another league.

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I recommended this book to everyone and their momma because it was SO good! It is a unique, spicy Arthurian retelling that was such an epic adventure all the way through. The realm is divided into 2 sects, elementals, and terrestrials. Arran, a terrestrial fae that has earned the name The Brutal Prince, is arranged to marry Veyka, an elemental princess who suddenly finds herself in a powerful position, to keep the balance in their world in an ancient tradition.

They absolutely LOATHE each other, but something dark is happening throughout the realm causing them to work together. They will have to put their differences aside or watch their world fall apart.

Betrayals, secrets, intrigue, and SPICE. Fated Mates, Enemies-to-Lovers, fae romantasy, Found Family, shifters, magic. I 100% highly recommend this book!

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If you like a morally grey love interest, a badass FMC, plot twists and murder mystery
…….then this book is for you!
Wow! I’m so glad I decided to read this book!

The story follows Veyka Pendragon who was recently crowned due to her brother’s murder. Veyka finds herself navigating her new court life, while also fighting to keep her newly betrothed Arran Earthborn from finding out her greatest secret, oh and trying to find out who ordered the murder of her brother.
I really enjoyed the unique flora and fauna magic system in this book, it was well written and not something you normally read about. This book had political intrigue, banter, the potential for amazing side characters and a deeper storyline that I am eager to explore more in the next book!
Veyka is a badass. She doesn’t need anyone to protect her and I love how we learn more and more about her background and childhood throughout the story. I disliked her at the beginning. The only thing on her mind was finding out who ordered her brothers murder and how to seek revenge but I grew to love her over the course of the book.
Arran is my new book boyfriend. Who wouldn’t want a steaming hot brutal prince to be your betrothed? He not only can control flora but he also has a beast side! He is protective and is trying to do what he can to keep the peace, even if that means following Veyka everywhere!
I am excited to see where the next book in the series takes us and of course I want to see more Veyka and Arran!!!
I received this book as my first ever ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!

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Absolutely loved this book and cannot wait for the next. World building, magic, and steam is all there. Fabulous plot. Give me more.

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This book was more than I ever expected it to be. Veyka has become my favorite FMC. She is so multifaceted and reminded me so much of Aelin from TOG with the way her brain is steps ahead of everyone. I loved Arran. He is the perfect compliment to Veyka. Where she is spontaneous, he is steady. Where she is darkness, he brings out the light in her. They are so perfectly matched for each other.

This story dragged me in from the first line. I became so entranced in Veyka and her life and they way she navigates her hardships. Her need for vengeance is almost her shining trait. She is cunning and goes about her duties in ways that shock you. I could not predict her every turn which was super exciting.

I highly recommend anyone who enjoys fantasy read this book!

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I'm super invested in this new series. I loved it, amazing plot and delicious spice.

One of my favorite thins is the dual POV, I find it perfect when you can get to know both main character and their inner thoughts, specially when there still is a level of mystery with the main plot so you keep creating theories a you read.

Can't wait for book 2 in December.

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4.5⭐️ Wow, I truly could not put this book down! I devoured this book, like neglected-all-responsibilities-to-read-this-in-two-days devoured. I haven’t read a King Arthur retelling quite like this. I really liked the uniqueness of it.

The plot was really intriguing. The fae court can only have one heir, and as twins were birthed, and Veyka being second born and without powers, was locked away and tortured by her mother in hopes to instill powers in her. Once Arthur become king, he frees Veyka and locks mommy dearest away. That is until he dies and Veyka is betrothed to the Brutal Prince. I really enjoyed their chemistry, while I was a bit confused why Veyka hated Arran, I can chalk it up to her PTSD, hatred for being crowned Queen, and him being in closest proximity. Their enemies to lovers plot line was great. I thought the second go around of the enemies part could have been dragged out a bit, but by that time I already knew they were mates so I understand why all was forgiven so quick.

Veyka is a badass FMC, whom I obviously don’t believe is powerless. I’m sure she has mind reading capabilities and is of decent that had not been seen for hundreds of years. But we gotta get that chosen one trope in here some how. Also, what happened to the mom? I need to know where she has been

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, will definitely be recommending to those who like ACOTAR, Legendborn, any type of smutty-fae-romantasies, and will hopefully be approved for an eARC of book 2 because that cliffhanger 🤯 *cough cough*

Huge thank you to the author and NetGalley for an eARC I’m exchange for an honest review

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I received an ARC of this book from the author through Netgalley. All I can say is, WOW! First of all, I love the cover, and in this case, you can judge a book by its cover. I didn't want to put this book down for a second, and when I did, it tortured my mind, distracting me from anything else I needed to pretend to be doing. I suspected it would end on a cliffhanger, and it does, but for some reason, it doesn't bother me. Truly, the new wrinkle introduced at the end could not have been solved in the pages of this book. It's a story that requires multiple volumes.

Veyka Pendragon is Arthur's twin sister and they are both members of the elemental fae, living in Annwyn. The heir to the throne, Arthur, has been promised to a terrestrial fae in a generations-long agreement to avoid a war between the two factions. But that doesn't work out, so it falls too Veyka to become queen, and a new betrothed is chosen for her. Neither she nor Arran Earthborn are thrilled about this, but Arran seems more duty-oriented than she, who is focused primarily on revenge. She has secrets that lead her to conclude she should not be queen, but she must keep them secret because to reveal them could lead to all-out war.

The story is jam-packed with Palace intrigue, fight scenes, sex, and a simmering relationship forming between Veyka and Arran that neither expected. There are several attempts on Veyka's life, and although she is well-equipped to defend herself, she discovers that she can rely on Arran.

I think Arran was my favorite character because I loved the narrative when told from his POV. He is not given to histrionics or strong emotions, so when he describes Veyka from across the room at an event, it made me laugh. He sums it up by thinking, "If I didn't get inside her soon, I was going to die." A minute later, as he continues to peruse her body, he thinks, " She was actively trying to kill me now, I decided." There was also this that I thought was cleverly worded: “She dared them to look at her and judge her wanting. I looked at her, and all I did was want.”

One of the quotes from the book that I liked, more from a words-of-wisdom POV, and not something I haven't heard before (but we can always use reminders), was "... power was not the same as strength." Veyka, who was born without any fae magic is proof of this adage. Of course, there are plenty of hints about what kind of magic may be hiding within her, and I'm excited to read the next installment and find out.

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Loved this book!! Can't wait to continue reading books by this author. Excellent characters and world building. I loved the lore and world building and use of magic. The descriptions of the architecture and of the surroundings are done well, easy to visualize! Definitely would recommend this book.

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4.5 ⭐️/5.0
3.0 🌶️/5.0

Wow. This book is so good. Do you want to start a new epic, Arthurian-fae, dark, adult fantasy series? Here it is. The chemistry between Veyka and Arran is *CHEFS KISS* The slow unraveling of the history and backstory of the characters of Annwyn is deliciously tortuous. The spicy scenes between Veyka and Arran are both hot and beautifully told. I want to read book 2 IMMEDIATELY!!! Unfortunately, we have to wait until December 2023 for the second book. 🥲

At its heart, Crown of Earth and Sky is a love story between two individuals who endured emotionally scarring childhoods in their respective fae courts: Elemental and Terrestrial. They built up walls to protect themselves, understandably so, and now they are thrust together to rule over Annwyn, thanks to an ancient pact created by their ancestors. And when I say thrust together…. I mean arranged marriage. Lol

We Get:
Arranged Marriage
Forced Proximity
Enemies to Lovers
Arthurian Fae Fantasy Realm
Dual POV
Court Politics and Intrigue
Spicy Adult Scenes

Recommend if you like a steamy, dark, fae fantasy read for adults. Both main characters are dealing with their individual trauma, but slowly you get more information to see what made Veyka and Arran the fae they are today. This does end in a cliffhanger, but December isn’t too far away. I cannot stress enough how the heat between V and A is just smoldering; there are so many times when I thought “please bang it out” because the sexual tension between the two is so intense. This is a complete fantasy world that has so much to reveal. If any of what I vaguely described (as to not give away anything) sounds remotely interesting, please read this.

Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for this ARC. My review is voluntarily provided. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book was entertaining. The first half of it definitely got me interested in the plot and characters, however, the second half kind of fell flat for me. It felt drawn out and took me a week to read due to how, almost repetitive, it felt. I didn't really fall in love with any of the characters either, they were just there. I think Arron could've been more comforting, he felt very hypocritical and

Some things I enjoyed was that it wasn't cheesy, which I really appreciated. Also the magic system was great. Lastly I liked how unafraid of killing the character were.

Overall a 3.3/5 for me. Thanks NetGalley for the digital copy.

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3.5 stars

I really enjoyed this and am now really looking forward to book 2 as I think I'll like it even more.
I'm not a huge fan of spice, but those scenes were really skippable without taking away from the book, so while it is spicy, I wouldn't be put off reading it because of that as you can skip it too.
I love any sort of Arthur re-telling and this was no exception to that.
My one critique would be that some world building happened towards the last third of the book and that could have come a lot sooner but think book 2 will pick up from it all really easily.
While I found the beginning a little difficult to get into, I fled through the end and was hooked.

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