Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for giving this ARC, and this doesn't influence my review. This was a great read! Some tropes include: morally gray hero, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, who did this to you, fae fantasy romance. MANNNNNN the MMC!!! I was so obsessed with this book! Before reading, you should know that this is high steam! Like high steam! Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot.

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If I could describe this book in one word, it would be delicious. I ate this book up and would definitely say fans of Romantasy would absolutely love it!

I'm talking Fae, a fair bit of Smut with plenty of action and a bad ass female lead. There's a lot to like here, with a morally grey love interest known as the brutal prince. I mean, come on, what more could you need?

This is based on Arthurian legend, which I personally love. It did seem quite long in places, so the pacing threw me a little but was definitely redeemed by that ending! I absolutely need book 2 now! I bloody love a cliffhanger, and the ending is definitely that!,

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I am extremely grateful to have received this book! It was absolutely phenomenal!

Emberly Ash was able to make this story flow so beautifully. The world building mixed in with the story in the most effortless way. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It keeps you on your toes and guessing the whole way through. This story has a slight retelling of King Arthur and the Knights of The Round Table. It has fae, magic and animal shifters.
The world building is what kept me hooked and the story held me captivated. The story takes place on the Annwyn Continent, which is dominated and inhabited by its own realm; elementals and terrestrials. The elementals has elemental magic. There are fae with powers of water, air, ice, and so on. They have all except the power of earth which belongs to the terrestrial fae. Terrestrial fae can in fact shapeshift or control animals, or bend vegetation to their will. .

Veyka, elemental Princess, is the new Queen of Annwyn, a role she never wanted. Arran, The Brutal Prince, terrestrial, has been chosen to rule by Veyka's side as King of Annwyn. Throughout this book is a lot go growing, change and understanding. The world Emberly created had me enthralled beginning to end. A world with many secrets and traitors has Veyka watching her back even against the people she's suppose to trust.

The chemistry between Arran and Veyka was entertaining and hot. Veyka has this sass, stubborn, sneakiness to her that makes me love her! Arran has this dark, grumpy, bossy vibe that is down right attractive. Both are beautifully written and given this undeniable attraction to one another that neither want, but can't resist.

Go and read this book you will not be disappointed! Watch out for that cliff hanger though! Emberly knows how to captivate us and then drop and a bomb so big it'll have you looking for the rest of the book!

Well done Emberly Ash!

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This book is AMAZING! If you have made it this far, just read the book. I promise its great and if you disagree please email me!

Spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Plot ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
First Person- Multiple POV

Enemies to Lovers
Who did this to you
Touch her and die
Arranged Marriage
Fated Mates
Found Family
Great Spice!
King Author Retelling

I received an E-ARC in exchange for my honest review, however a few chapters in I knew I was going to be obsessed with this book! I ordered a physical copy as soon as they were available, before finishing the ARC. I have been an avid reader my whole life, primarily fantasy. I started reading romantasy this year and consider myself pretty critical of the romantasy books out there. I generally need good world building, solid magic system, or to just become utterly obsessed with the characters to enjoy a book. Thankfully this book checked all of the boxes! Emberly Ash has obtained a life long fan! I stayed up until 1 am to finish this book and I had to work the next day. I am a data analyst and lets just say I didn't get much done the next day as this was all I thought about!

Also Arran is now a the top of by book boyfriend list!

"That is your mistake, Arran. You assume that your soul is the only one that is ruined. Bust listen when I tell you... This thing within me, if it is a soul, is blacker than the starless night about the Split Sea. And no one can save me not even you. Because I do not wish to be saved."

"What do I want? A quick death. Barring that, I only dream of one thing- Revenge."

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I love the idea of a fae retelling of the Arthurian legend, and this book did not disappoint. Veyka is unexpectedly thrust into the position of Queen after the death of her brother, King Aurthur. A position that she doesn't want nor is she ready for. Faced with her grief and desperate to figure out who killed her brother, Veyka is unprepared to meet Arran. Also known as the Bloodthristy Prince, Arran is the most powerful fae in a thousand years, gifted with strong magic and the ability to shapeshift. He is also Veyka's betrothed. As the two battle their feelings for each other they must also learn to work together to discover the evil threatening their kingdom.

This book was exactly what I needed to read. It drew me in from the beginning, starting with action and immediately jumping into the story, and it continued like this throughout the book. If the will they won't they between the two main characters wasn't captivating me, it was something about this world and the magic used within it that kept my attention. And the story continues this way until the very end, when OF COURSE it ended on a cliff hanger that made me groaning. In a good way of course, I just don't want to wait to find out what happens next!

The characters in this were great. Veyka was amazing, strong and independent and overall just super relatable. Arran was what you expect from the male love interest, in all the best ways. The side characters were great but I would have loved to see a little more of them. I feel like I just got a glimpse and right when I was starting to get a feel for them I wouldn't get a good scene with them for a while.

Overall this series was great and I can't wait for the sequel to come out!

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Mind-blowing, truth-wielding power upon the page. There are so many facets to this story that I don’t know where to begin. This story held me in an inescapable death grip of pure, tortuous angst. The depth of anguish explored brings a clarity to the mental health represented in this book. Behind a story of mythology and fantasy is a powerful message of healing and self-worth. The darkness that inhabits Veyka is an important character in itself, showing the damage that can be wrought within one’s own mind. How well self-doubt can drag you under while you claw your way back to reality. Each and every character is written with such depth. Stunning layers that make it impossible to rightly know where loyalties lie and who is good vs. bad. There were moments I expected, but all the great shifts in the story caught me completely off guard. To me, this is a sign of a truly gifted storyteller. When you feel betrayal to the depth of your bone right alongside the protagonist. When your heart breaks at each loss, fighting to contain tears. (I failed at that! There were plenty of tears, making it difficult to even see the page.) I felt such a connection to these characters that it actually hurts to close the book,to say goodbye even temporarily to this group of dynamic, relatable and sensational characters. The evolution of the match between Arran & Veyka ran the gauntlet. I don’t think there was a single emotion that was missed along this journey. That expression is the perfect descriptor for Veyka & Arran, “ran the gauntlet”, it’s synonymous with “going through Fire and Water”, marching up to the cannons mouth”, “taking one’s life in one’s hand”… I don’t think I could find better words to describe their relationship. These two butt heads constantly but come together in a fiery passion when push comes to shove. I am on tenterhooks awaiting the next book. The conclusion has left me in mental coma which I fear I can’t shake, a perfect cliffhanger, hitting its mark dead-on. There is no way I will miss the next book for I must know what comes next.

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This book was a literal chef's kiss! It was interesting, fun, and had me hooked from start to finish!

A King Arthur retelling with shifters? I mean you couldn't have hooked me faster than that. It was so well done and the characters were top tier. They were fun, strong, smitten and I loved every gosh darn minute of it.

Emberly does an incredible job with this retelling, where I knew in the back of my mind it was a retelling but it read so well on its own and in its own space that I loved it even more that way. The shifters, the fae, the fantasy were so well done and so much fun to read. I loved this book and I'll be thinking about it frequently. And that cliff hanger? Book two cannot come soon enough!!

Thank you NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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🌟📚 Book Review: "Crown of Earth and Sky" 📚🌟

If you're in the mood for a captivating fantasy romance that delves into the depths of revenge, secrets, and the complexities of power, "Crown of Earth and Sky" is an absolute must-read.

From the very first page, the story immerses you in a world where Veyka Pendragon, the new Queen of the Elemental Fae, grapples with a burning desire for one thing: revenge. Her ascension to the throne was nothing short of a circus, a charade that conceals the treacherous plots of her own court. As she navigates this perilous realm, she must also safeguard a dangerous secret.

The arrival of her betrothed, the enigmatic Brutal Prince, Arran Earthborn, adds another layer of intrigue to the story. Arran is no ordinary fae; he's the strongest terrestrial fae in centuries. The fate of their world hinges on their union, yet Arran's brutality and the threat he poses to Veyka's secrets create a tension that electrifies the narrative.

What makes "Crown of Earth and Sky" truly exceptional is its reimagining of the Arthurian legend in a dark and steamy fantasy romance setting. The Arthurian elements are skillfully woven into the plot, adding a layer of familiarity for fans of the legend while offering a fresh and inventive twist.

The writing style is rich and immersive, drawing readers into a world where choices are fraught with consequences. Veyka's inner turmoil and her struggle to choose between her duty and her desire for revenge are palpable, making her a deeply relatable and complex character.

This book isn't just a romance; it's a thrilling journey into a world where power and passion collide, where secrets have the potential to reshape everything, and where choices carry the weight of kingdoms. The dark elements in the narrative add depth and intensity, creating a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

In "Crown of Earth and Sky," author Emberly Ash has masterfully crafted a tale that combines fantasy, romance, and mythology in a way that leaves a lasting impression. If you're looking for a fantasy romance with a deliciously dark edge and a plot that keeps you guessing until the very end, do not miss this captivating read. It's a crown jewel in the realm of twisted mythology retellings. 👑🌌❤️ #CrownOfEarthAndSky #FantasyRomance #BookReview

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I could not get into this book, it didn't keep my attention. I really thought I would like it, but for some reason I have a hard time liking retellings. The cover is really cute and the description was really intriguing, just not my type of book. I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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what an amazing book!! I was hooked from page one by the characters and setting. I loved the concept of Arthur's retelling mixed with Fae, the fact that the FMC is actually a warrior and most of all that we have here two morally gray main characters! I mean, Veyka and Arran are just perfect and it was endearing to see how their relationship evolved and how much they care for each other.

I'm looking forward to know how they will handle things in the next book!

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing a copy in exchange of an honest review.

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Angsty and bloodthirsty. Major perks to the author for adding trigger warnings at the beginning. We love an author that’s self aware!

Overall this was a fun read and the romance pretty steamy. This was very fast paced so at times it WAS a tad confusing. I would find myself wondering how the characters even ended up where they were because it all happened so fast. Slight enemies to lovers, revenge, King Arthur retelling (sort of) if those are your cup of tea this is for you.

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2 stars
DNF 30%
I was so excited to read this book! I loved the premise and I think that this had the potential to be a great book. It just wasn't for me.

So much happens in the first 20% of the book that I lost track of what was actually going on. The main character Veyka just frustrated me, she had such a CBA attitude to anything and everything (obviously for good reason), but I just couldn't connect to her. Also, the politics of the court were lost on me as I didn't feel like I had enough background history of the area.
Thank you so much NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review 💚

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Wow, what a great story!
I was hooked from start to finish. This book had an all of my favourite tropes, top of the list was enemies to lovers! And that cliff hanger😆
I absolutely cannot wait until December for book 2! I hope I can get an ARC again!
This was absolutely one of my favourite reads this year, it had my mind reeling at all of the possibilities of the ending, and it was not what I expected!
A great book to read if you love romance or fantasy! I’ve recommended this to everyone!
Thank you Emberly for a fantastic novel!

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OK I need book 2 like yesterday!! That cliffhanger killed me.

I loved this book. Vekya was so compelling - forced into being queen during her time of immense grief AND secretly seeking revenge for the death of her brother kept me turning the pages. Then you have Arran who is a powerful, sexy, warrior who is now arranged to be married to Vekya and the tension between them is steamy! There was romance, mystery and secrets, trauma and grief, and a bit of a pride and prejudice/enemies to lovers vibes.

This book really set up a lot of the next book in the series and I can't wait to dive in!

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As always, thank-you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for letting me read this as an ARC before publication!

This book is genuinely good, which is high compliment coming from me now I think.

The MFC is a total badass, really has her head screwed on, cunning and manipulative in such a good way.
The MMC is dark, broody, protective and all round badass as well - so we’re off to a flying start!
All the characters are likeable and none annoyed me which happens a lot in fantasy books! I feel like there is always that one character that grinds my gears but that’s not the case here!

The book is based off of Arthur and The Knights of the round table. Now admittedly, I knew absolutely nothing about this but the story was unique and far enough away from what I’ve now researched so that it is it’s own story.

The plot is intriguing and gripping. It really has you hooked from the get go with the opening line of “I should have died in the womb”. The drama, betrayal, lies and deceit leave you guessing and wanting answers.
The ending seems a little bit rushed - or maybe that was me reading as quickly as possible, obsessed with finding out what happens- but it does end with a bit of a cliff hanger, hungry for the next book in this series, which I have no doubt will become quite popular.

The love story throughout is just enough of a sprinkle to add some spice and dynamic to the main characters without becoming overbearing or the main focus. It really brings them together from enemies to lovers and the whole ‘touch and her die’ attitude.

Overall, a very good book, a great read, action packed, and one I would recommend, especially to those just starting the journey into fantasy.

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I really enjoyed the way the author has taken Arthurian legend and spun it into something new; I’m a sucker for good worldbuilding (it always factors into my reviews!) and this book doesn’t let down there at all. A lot of work has clearly gone into this.

The story was captivating and I was definitely brought into Veyka’s quest for revenge, and by the end of the book her character growth was feeling realistic and believable, even if it was quite slow in coming. Arran still feels a bit of a mystery to me, so I would like to see more of what makes him tick (beyond what’s in his pants…)

On that note the story is spicy (VERY spicy) and does not hold back on that front. For the most part it complements the story and the characters, and doesn’t feel too gratuitous even while being graphic. Mentions of swinging breasts could be used as a drinking game.

This is an enjoyable story, and the end has left me wanting more. I will be impatiently awaiting December!

Thank you for NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Are you trying to kill me with this ending?! 😱 love a good Arthur retelling with all the fae and spice and enemies to lovers trope 👏🏼 The twists and turns in this book had me on the edge of my seat (more like comfy couch but you get what I mean). Such a good book and I will be slowly dying until book 2 comes out in December 🥲

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A fiery tale of a reluctant queen entrenched in a quest for revenge ✨🤩🔥

Veyka, Queen of Elemental Fae, finds herself tied to the Arran, "Brutal Prince" of the Terrestrial Fae, and they become embroiled in her desire for vengeance. For me, this book had everything: ties to Arthurian Legend; a fiery enemies to lovers betrothal; secrets aplenty and a gasp-worthy ending.

The way Veyka's inner turmoil was portrayed was exceptionally gripping, the constant battle between keeping her secrets, finding her brother's killer, her traumatic past and being queen. This is coupled with Arran's burning lust and his beast's protectiveness fighting for precedence over his duty.

I cannot wait for the next book!

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Devastatingly addictive. I could not put down this book. It snared me in and it truly had me captivated.

It follows the story of Vekya who was crowned due to unfortunate circumstances and her betrothed Arran, the Brutal Prince. Without giving too much away Veyka and Arran cannot stand each other at first, merely wanting each other by body. But as the plot unfolds they begin to care for each other and the other's morals. The tension between the both of them is undeniably hot and there are so many references I could make from within this book that would prove so.

The fight for Veyka (and Arrans) country and redemption for her Brother is a fun retelling of Arthur Legend but it very much has its own take on things. I recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of ACOTAR, Violet Made of Thorns or just anyone who loves a bit of dark fantasy.

Some of my favourite quotes from the book;

""When I come to your bed, it will be because you beg me for it"."
"Instead of putting me out of my misery, she turned to speak to her councillor, leaving me there to die."

This might possibly be my favourite fantasy read of this year, I have already purchased the paperback and will definitely be following along for the second book after that cliff-hanger (FYI it releases in December). Thank you Emberly Ash for creating such an amazing story.

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WOW! I was in love with Emberly Ash's writing and characters from the very first page of Crown of Earth and Sky. The romance! Found family! Curvy body representation! Veyka was badass and matched Arran's warrior energy over and over. I saw myself in the main character of the book throughout the story. This book dealt with the throes of grief and trauma that was very realistic. I found myself tearing up, laughing, loving the smutty scenes, and on the edge of my seat whenever there was any hand to hand combat or the mention of anything mystical. The twists and turns in this book will shock you, upset you, and keep you up all day and night. You might even read it in one sitting with the way the author uses foreshadowing to her advantage. I want more of Veyka and Arran's love story, more of the terrestial kindgom, and the elemental fae. I love watching the dynamic between two completely different faes. One who grew up secluded from others without anyone to defend them while the other was way too powerful and had no choice but to defend themselves in the face of adversity. I enjoyed watching these two characters team up despite their differences time and time again. The yearning, the banter, and undeniable connection between the main love interests made this book for me. I enjoyed the romance plot more than anything else. These characters were cut throat and refused to bow to anyone and even each other at times. I highlighted so many juicy scenes and scenes that had me racing through the pages to find out more.

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