Member Reviews

Holiday Vibes by Sarah Brenton had well-developed characters and a plot that was entertaining. This was a really great read. I highly recommend!

**Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the e-ARC. All opinions expressed are voluntary and my own.**

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The cutest holiday romance. I have never read a real estate agent novel, so this was a super fun read. I loved the office romance and friends to lovers vibe. I loved how genuine and real their friendship and romance felt. I always love a holiday romance but for those who don't the Christmas vibes were very subtle. The perfect read for a slow fluffy romance that feels good and makes you warm and fuzzy.

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Jessie + Nic 🫶 New favorite holiday romance! Swoony and spicy wrapped into one adorable story. I love the characters, chemistry, and the sweet story line. The fast pace made this incredibly hard to put down. Will definitely be reading again. My review is a 5/5 for content, and 4/5 for spice 🌶️. I loved every page.

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I expected a light holiday rom-com but instead found a romance that was funny, naughty and gut-wrenchingly emotional. And I loved it. Holiday Vibes is the second instalment in the series Over The Top Love, which perhaps should have given me a clue to the range of emotions it takes you through and the Foley family dynamic (and characters). Now I’m dying to read the first and third (coming out in soon).

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Rating — 2 ish stars ⭐️
Vibes — Just missed the mark
Read — January 2024

There were some funny and enjoyable moments but there were also some weird and annoying moments tbh 😵‍💫

Picking up the Holiday Vibes mainly because Jessie (the FMC) worked in a sex toy company, I was really looking forward to reading about sex positive characters / environments but I personally feel like the amount of jokes, punch lines and scenes—normal moments like baking cookies—were overdone and overpowered by dick jokes (and other shenanigans) to the point where I just sighed anything dick related was mentioned... 😬

Now that I know what the Holiday Vibes is about, I actually wouldn't mind giving it another read to add more to this review.

P.S. I've got beef with Jessie's twin brother 😒 lol thx!

~ Thank you Sarah Brenton and NetGalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my honest review ~

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I am highly selective when it comes to my enemies to lovers, this is not totally an enemies to lovers, but clearly they don't see everything eye to eye but their story is one worth reading.

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There's nothing I like more than enemies to lovers holiday romance....but then one with spice too?! yes, please! I loved it. The characters are likeable and the whole family adds to the story. Very enjoyable read! Now I need to read more by this author.

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The first book in this series I didn’t like. At all. This book redeemed the series.
I was given an ARC of this for my honest opinion.
I enjoyed both main characters. I found their stories interesting and by the end I was rooting for both of them. The idea of this happening during their family holiday was fun. The spice was good. The family dynamic was fun and you really felt like you knew each character.

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Wow, wow, wow! Holiday Vibes by Sarah Brenton is so much more than just a festive romance. With complex characters, witty banter, and the perfect amount of spice, I DEVOURED this novel. The grumpy/sunshine trope has always been a winner for me, but I never knew I needed grumpy/snarky. When the heroine describes herself as a grudge-holding bitch, I instantly know this is someone after my own soul. I adored this book and am looking forward to reading books one and three.

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This book was just such a fun time. A good Enemies to Lovers Christmas read where the characters actually have good reasons to dislike each other, that aren't too difficult to forgive in the end.

This book has the most unhinged family I've ever read about, but damn if they aren't insanely fun. Every character is so fleshed out that they feel like real people, and you can't help but love them.

There was a lot of miscommunication but it wasn't as frustrating as I'd expected, just really exciting and kept me hooked all the way through. Glad they turned my least favorite trope into something enjoyable!

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC

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This was so good. It was a completely different take on a holiday romance and I loved every word of it. I am som going to have to read more in this series! I loved the quick witted banter and I just totally loved Nic and Jessie. 5 star read doe me. I loved it!
I just reviewed Holiday Vibes by Sarah Brenton. #HolidayVibes #NetGalley
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I loved this book! I would definitely recommend this one!!
I received an ARC on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Jessie and Nic have been more or less enemies forever and are basically at war with their family over Christmas.

The attraction is there, but Nic still has to figure out what he wants from his life and whether he still wants to be an action star.

I really liked the story and felt for both Jessie and Nic, because sometimes decisions aren't that easy to make, especially when there's a whole continent in between.

Have fun reading for yourself!

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I expected fluff, but that’s not what I got. I got more. This story was quite a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me, I cried so much for Jessie. I liked the dynamic of Jessie and Nic, yet it was so sad that they held back because of the pain they carried. I was rooting for them the whole time to finally figure things out. Besides the sad things, the story was funny as well because of the whole Foley family christmas camaraderie with the sex positivity being the cherry on top.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of the book.

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I loved this book! It was exactly what I was hoping it would be. The Foley’s are a family that I would love to be apart of and get to witness their Christmas.

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The book Holiday Vibes was an enjoyable read. I would recommend any book written by Sarah Brenton. Happy Reading!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely.

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This was a fun, spicy, enemies to lovers romance. Nic is Jessie's twin's best friend, but the two of them "hate" each other. Jessie's whole family loves Nic, so he's part of family gatherings, including Christmas. Jessie is home for Christmas and Nic is there and they give into their simmering attraction that has long lived underneath their "hate" for each other. Neither can admit they have real feelings for each other and complications arise.

Things I liked: the holiday setting, the spice, the characters back stories.
Things I didn't like: most of Jessie's family is weirdly terrible to her up until the end and then suddenly does a 180 for no apparent reason.

Would definitely recommend to any romance fan. 3.5 rounded to 4 stars.

Thanks to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and NetGalley for the free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The story of Jessie and Nic. A festive romance, he is her brother's best friend but will she give him a chance? Great read.

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Over The Top is the perfect name for this series because this book was so ridiculous at times I thought about not finishing it.

Jessie Foley is coming home for Christmas to her big, loud, fun family. Included is her twin brother's best friend, actor Nic Fontana. She's known Nic all her life and doesn't really like him all that much even though she's definitely attracted to him. He's been the cause of more than one heartbreak in her life. Spending this Christmas together brings up old and new feelings for them both.

My problem with this book? I hated every member of Jessie's family, except her dad who did nothing but read a book the whole time. Her brother is an absolute jerk of a human who announces he's getting married but never told his twin? Because he couldn't trust Jessie not to ruin it for him? And no one else in her family stood up for her? Honestly, no wonder Jessie wallowed in self-pity for 90% of the book. Her family sucked. Setting aside the worst of the family antics and the over the top obsession with all things penis, I give it 3 stars because Jessie deserved better than what she got in this story.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I adored Holiday Vibes! Such a sexy, steamy read with dynamic, relatable characters whose chemistry you can FEEL coming off the page. Jessie is funny as all heck and works for a sex toy company, and Nic is her twin brother's best friend, a smokin' hot successful but struggling actor who is basically a part of their family.
The side characters in this are great. I love Jessie’s brother and how he has this free spirit vibe where he can bounce back and forth between defending his sister when needed but also supporting his friend.

This also gives all the holiday celebration feelings. This feels so wintery cozy. I loved the more descriptions that came out about the house and the family traditions. It ended up super sweet.

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