Member Reviews

I found it hard to write a review for this book, because while the blurb interested me a good deal, I just couldn't get into it. Perhaps the writing didn't click with me, I'm not sure... but I kept putting it down or passing it over for other titles.

I'm sorry, but it's a DNF for me, I may well return in future, in which case I'll update here!

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I could not finish this book. The purple prose in the beginning pulled me away too much to stay interested in the book. I didn't want to initially review and give it a bad review but this is my personal experience.

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EN: This is the magical story of a woman who wishes to free herself from her shadows and a man who wants to discover who he is. It's the tale of a platonic love that binds them far beyond what both can imagine. It's a story of hope for all those who feel lonely, hurt, broken.

In a gothic and somber setting, the author takes us through our own pains, in a work that is much more than just a work of fiction - it's a genuine succession of therapy sessions in the form of a book.

The descriptions of the settings and characters, as well as their emotional depth, engage readers in the story, surprising with every page.

In my opinion, the only critique goes to the first half of the book, which ended up having a slower and repetitive pace, but it was entirely compensated by the entire plot of the second half, which I devoured in two days.

I must say that this work is the best I've read this year and goes directly into my top 5 of all the books I've ever read. Its intensity completely enveloped me, and I really needed several days to recover from reading this book before moving on to the next one.

I want to express my gratitude to the author A.M. Alcedo and to the NetGalley website for providing this eBook. The opportunity was truly appreciated. I'm very excited about acquiring the hardcover version of the book, which looks beautiful.

PT: Esta é a história mágica de uma mulher que deseja libertar-se das suas sombras e de um homem que quer descobrir quem é. É a história de um amor platónico que os une muito para além do que ambos imaginam. É uma história de esperança para todos os que se sentem sós, magoados, partidos.

Num ambiente gótico e sombrio, a autora leva-nos às nossas próprias dores, numa obra que é muito mais do que meramente um livro de ficção - é uma autêntica sucessão de sessões de terapia em forma de livro.

As descrições dos ambientes e das personagens, bem como a sua riqueza emocional, envolvem os leitores na história, surpreendendo a cada página.

Na minha opinião, a única crítica vai para a primeira metade do livro que acabou por ter um ritmo mais lento e repetitivo, mas que foi totalmente compensada por toda a trama da segunda metade, a qual devorei em dois dias.

Tenho a dizer que esta obra é a melhor que li este ano e vai diretamente para o meu top 5 de todos os livros que já li. A sua intensidade envolveu-me completamente e precisei mesmo de vários dias para me refazer da leitura deste livro antes de seguir para o livro seguinte.

Quero expressar a minha gratidão à autora A.M. Alcedo e ao site NetGalley por disponibilizarem este eBook. A oportunidade foi verdadeiramente apreciada. Estou muito entusiasmada quanto à aquisição da versão de capa dura do livro que está lindíssima.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publishers and of course the author for gifting me this advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

Fantastic book! A definite 5* read. Full of fantasy and adventure and the importance of allowing ourselves to heal. As a nurse and someone who is more spiritual than religious, this book really sang to me.

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I’m going to be processing this one for a bit. There were times where it lost me or I struggled to hold onto the plot but the final 20 percent brought it together in a deeply sad beauty.

Norah is a therapist with past trauma of her own. On a hard night she meets a man who is wrestling with his own pain, Dex. They form a friendship as they begin a professional partnership.

Then everything is turned on its head as part of Dex’s past comes back for him and drags Norah into an unseen world.

If you’ve experienced trauma or ever wished for a guardian angel or even just a friend this might deeply touch you.

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I liked this a lot, the characters and the plot was just amazing. The way everything happened had me hooked like aaaa
thank you netgalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review

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This is one of my favorite books of 2023. I fell in love with Norah and Dex. I honestly wish I had a Dex in my life; everything about him is intriguing and love able. The concept of this book is so brilliant, I have discussed this book with a lot of people and it is definitely a great discussion! I absolutely recommend this book and would read it again!

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This book was sooo amazing and I loved the characters and the story. Very atmospheric which is something I gravitate towards and love my books to have. Definitely a good read for the fall.

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Thank you to NetGalley and BookBuzz for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 Stars!!

I wasn't sure what to expect from this story, but I ended up really enjoying it. The beginning was slower to start due to the world building, but once you get past that it's truly captivating. The relationship between Norah and Dex became a favorite of mine. Their platonic friendship was written so well that it became tangible. This story covers grief, found family, mental health, and fantasy components. I will add that most of this story read like a poem for me. It was a slower read, not due to any negative reason, but simply because I would read and have to process what I had read. This was an enjoyable read!

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An enthralling journey that blurs the lines between fantasy and reality. The story revolves around Norah, a mental health therapist, and Dex, an enigmatic old man with a painful past. Their unlikely friendship takes them on an extraordinary adventure into an underground fight club, where they confront their darkest selves and hidden truths. Alcedo's narrative is a gripping blend of fantasy and literary fiction, exploring themes of healing, self-discovery, and the bonds of found families.

The characters in this novel are exceptionally well-crafted, and their emotional journeys resonate deeply. Of the Stars is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of confronting one's past. A.M. Alcedo's storytelling is both captivating and thought-provoking, making this book a must-read for anyone seeking a unique and immersive literary experience.

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A mesmerizing blend of fantasy and self-discovery that had me hooked from the very first page. This book is like a hidden gem waiting to be unearthed, and it's a must-read for those who crave stories that are both fantastical and relatable. Norah and Dex's journey into an underground fight club is a thrilling ride filled with unexpected twists and turns, but at its core, it's a story about finding one's true self.

As a reader who values authenticity and resilience, I was deeply moved by the characters' struggles and triumphs. Of the Stars is not just a fantasy novel; it's a reflection of the human experience, filled with complex characters who learn to heal and define their own identities. Whether you're a fan of fantasy or simply someone looking for a story that speaks to the power of self-discovery, this book is a hidden treasure that deserves to be discovered.

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