Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing, and Paulette Kennedy for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

You can't help but fall in love with Loretta and her story. It's the 1950s in rural Missouri - Pete and Loretta (Mr. and Mrs. Davenport) are the picture-perfect couple. Pete is a professor at the local bible college, Loretta is a homemaker, and they have two children.

But behind closed doors, Pete and Loretta's marriage is another story, one of perpetual unhappiness, especially after a local girl is found murdered. Loretta begins to receive messages from the next dimension, but Pete paints a picture of lunacy. With the help of a local parapsychological doctor, Dr. Curt Hansen, Loretta can channel these messages, which is a blessing. Pete sees this as the devil's work...

After reading "The Devil and Mrs. Davenport", I can say that the 1950s is another decade I want to read more about. This book reminded me of "The Lobotomist's Wife" and while the 50s were on the cusp of women entering the workforce and making a life for themselves, that decade is an eerie part of our nation's history. Women couldn't open bank accounts without permission from their husband or a male relative, divorce wasn't an option without substantial proof of adultery, not to mention the rise of institutions and unjust medical experiments. Paulette's writing transported me to this time.

Loretta's character was fascinating - inspired by Shirley Jackson - this talented and fearless woman, who is trapped literally and figuratively. I loved learning more about Loretta and her relationships with other women and men in the story, and how she sought out people to help her, despite her husband's wishes.

I don't want to give anything away, but I really enjoyed this story and the parapsychology element. Especially the mention of Rhine cards - I have read a few books that referenced Rhine cards, which was another fascinating experiment in the 1900s.

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An incredible and heartbreaking exploration about faith, forgiveness, family and what it means to live your truth.

The Devil and Mrs. Davenport is a fascinating story about Loretta Davenport, a wife and mother living in 1950’s America. Loretta shares two children with her husband, Pete, a god fearing man who expects his family to live by his rigid religious rules. When a local girl from their small town goes missing, Loretta learns she has the ability to speak to those that have passed on, including the missing girl. As Loretta works to solve the mystery, Pete does everything he can to save his wife from the devil.

I could not put this book down! The exploration of faith and belief was incredibly interesting, and horrifying at times. Seeing what those things can make a person do will never cease to amaze or fascinate me. I also really enjoyed the exploration of the metaphysical and seeing some of the history of parapsychology and learning more about that. Watching Loretta find her voice and her place was so satisfying, and she is a character I will remember for a long time to come. The mystery aspect was woven in seamlessly, and added the perfect amount of tension and feeling of mounting unease. On top of that, the time in which this novel takes place adds its one horrific elements. The world was not an easy place for women then, and when you add the religious fervour to that, it was downright terrifying. This book asks the question - who is the devil? This book is a must read, and such an important one as it makes us really take a look at misogyny, patriarchy, religion, abuse and ask ourselves how much things have truly changed.

I wholeheartedly recommend this novel! Just make sure to check out the trigger warnings beforehand.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Midcentury gothic in the vein of Shirley Jackson. Perfect for readers looking for a healthy dose of female rage in their stories

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"The bestselling author of The Witch of Tin Mountain and Parting the Veil mines the subtle horrors of 1950s America in a gripping novel about a woman under pressure - from the living and the dead.

The first day of autumn brought the fever, and with the fever came the voices.

Missouri, 1955. Loretta Davenport has led an isolated life as a young mother and a wife to Pete, an ambitious assistant professor at a Bible college. They're the picture of domestic tranquility - until a local girl is murdered and Loretta begins receiving messages from beyond. Pete dismisses them as delusions of a fevered female imagination. Loretta knows they're real - and frightening.

Defying Pete's demands, Loretta finds an encouraging supporter in parapsychologist Dr. Curtis Hansen. He sees a woman with a rare gift, more blessing than curse. With Dr. Hansen's help, Loretta's life opens up to an empowering new purpose. But for Pete, the God-fearing image he's worked so hard to cultivate is under threat. No longer in control of his dutiful wife, he sees the Devil at work.

As Loretta's powers grow stronger and the pleading spirits beckon, Pete is determined to deliver his wife from evil. To solve the mysteries of the dead, Loretta must first save herself."

Parapsychologists are my catnip.

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Gripping, emotional, and impossible to put down, The Devil and Mrs. Davenport is a must-read story of good versus evil with a paranormal edge.

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Paulette Kennedy’s third novel, The Devil and Mrs. Davenport, is a homage to both Shirley Jackson and the American South in the 1950s. Loretta Davenport is a mother and wife to a professor at a Bible college. When she begins to hear voices after a girl is murdered, Loretta’s mid-century domestic lifestyle is upended, exposing her to the casual misogyny that has isolated her and made her a target of her husband’s religious fervor. The only person who can help her claim her new gifts and reveal the girl’s murderer is a parapsychologist, but in 1955 this is harder for a woman to accomplish, leaving Loretta with a choice: take control of her life or accept her isolation. A novel with a distinct vintage vibe, Shirley Jackson would have no doubt loved Paulette Kennedy. Gothic and supernatural fans will be drawn in by this feminist narrative.

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The Devil and Mrs. Davenport is a short, captivating read stretching decades from 50s to 70s, my personal favourite time of America with all the jazz and rock n roll and culture yk. anyways. coming back to the book, it mixes paranormal with science which is so cool imo. it always fun when you get to know about something paranormal and there are scientific facts backing it up which helped the execution of paranormal so well. All the characters were really likable except the ones that weren't but all of them had the depth that made them seem like normal people with real issue. Women supporting women will never not be my favourite part of the entire book. Men haven't always been nice and they still aren't. ofcourse not all but most. So females looking out for each other will always be the sweetest thing ever. That being said it kinda reminded me how the life of white American women in the 50s is still a present reality for SO MANY south asian women, thats really sad.
I'm just happy that the FMC got her happy ending. My girl deserved it more than anyone in the entire story and so did the ghost girls.

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Loretta Davenport appears to be the perfect 1950s housewife, with two loving children and a doting husband who is an assistant professor at the local Bible college. After a bad bout of the flu, Loretta begins having unsettling visions - she believes they are sent by God, yet her husband believes they are the work of the devil. Loretta tries to understand and control these visions with the help of acclaimed parapsychologist Dr Curtis Hansen, but as her world literally and figuratively crumbles around her, and her visions become more intense, she will discover that sometimes evil is closer to home than you think.

A few of my favourite horror podcasts had flagged this as an upcoming release they were really excited about, so when I saw it on NetGalley, it was an immediate request. This book started off so promisingly - it has an excellent first line - but after the first few chapters, it quickly descended into your regular run of the mill predictable suburban thriller, with a sappy romance subplot to boot (if this is your wheelhouse then you might love it!). At times I felt like I was watching an episode of bad 90s supernatural TV like The Ghost Whisperer or Charmed and almost DNF.

Even if it fits the parameter for Gothic fiction, I never got that sense of unease and terror that I have from other Gothic novels - the author cites Shirley Jackson as a huge inspiration, but this had none of the subtlety and brilliance of Shirley Jackson.

Although I felt that the book evoked a sense of voice, place and time well (if a little stereotypically), I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was reading about a mid-century housewife’s experience written through a modern lens, and was therefore a bit inauthentic. The book covers a lot of sensitive subject matter, including the mental and physical load of women and mothers; post-natal depression; religious abuse; misogyny; domestic violence; alcoholism and the taboo of being LGBTQI+ in the 1950s, however I think it tried to cover too much ground, and felt as though some of those topics were inserted just to try to redress the issue because we know now better. Another gripe I had was that the falling apart of the house didn’t add anything to the story and seemed to just be there for the easy metaphorical comparison to the protagonist’s life falling apart.

I have read a lot of excellent reviews of this book, yet I found it cheesy and predictable - a total summer read. I was under the impression that it was going to lean more towards the literary Gothic, and perhaps if my expectations were not so high, I wouldn’t have been so let down, but I can’t imagine I would have liked it any more than I did.

Thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

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Paulette Kennedy has a talent for writing characters who are timeless. Loretta, a 1950's era housewife, is one of those characters. Married at 16 to a dominant, ambitious assistant professor at a nearby college. Their life is, from the outside, the picture of domestic bliss. Two beautiful children, a nice home.

In the fall of 1955, Loretta is struck with an intense fever. While she is bedridden, she starts to hear a voice, from beyond. At the same time, a local girl is missing. Loretta takes the signals and messages from beyond and relays them to the police, who then find the missing girl. Loretta soon meets Dr Curtis Hanson, a parapsychologist, who is interested in studying and testing Loretta's gifts.

At the same time, Loretta's home life is unraveling. Her husband starts drinking (again) and coming home later and later. He starts to control where she goes, and who she speaks to, and soon, he wants to control her every movement.

What happens to Loretta is not an uncommon story. Not the 'voice from beyond' part, but the domineering husband part. One could say it was just the 'time', some of these ideals are still apparent in society today.

Paulette Kennedy has written another fantastic book about powerful women who do not know their strength until it's tested.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This book was a bit of a slow burn, ramping up the awfulness of being a 1950s housewife (or at least how bad it could be), until it was quite a horror story. Loretta has ESP and there's a supernatural aspect there, but the real evil here is her husband. It was a little stressful to read some parts here, but it definitely held my interest towards the end. Loved the other characters in the book and I was rooting for everyone that wasn't her husband, Pete, haha. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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This book was powerfully written and propulsive. It painted such a vivid picture of life in rural America in the 1950's. Loretta, the protagonist, was instantly sympathetic, and her journey was mesmerizing.
Married to a preacher, yet the one to have a God-given gift, she immediately is a threat to her husband, who accuses her of sorcery. Her journey to harness her visions is fascinating, and you root for her to rise to her potential in the face of a patriarchal society determined to silence her.
Paulette Kennedy is a fantastic writer. Her imagery is rich and her storytelling deft. I knew immediately I was in the hands of a master. the twists and turns are marvelous, and the ending will leave you breathless.
Five enthusiastic stars.

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I haven’t read a book quite like this for a long time- I’m a bit obsessed with it!

The premise is really clever, and the 1950s setting adds a layer of eeriness to this seemingly perfect domestic set-up. It gives Don’t Worry Darling vibes, with Loretta being very isolated in her marriage to her heavily religious husband.

I’m trying so hard not to give spoilers here, but when she started essentially communicating with the dead I enjoyed the development of deciding if that’s a blessing or a curse. I think it really captures the time, as husbands panicked when they lost control of their wives. It must be the Devil, right?

I will be adding more of Kennedy’s work to my TBR- thank you for my advanced copy by NetGalley. I can’t recommend it enough!

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This was a pretty good read! I can see it being included in a lot of book clubs when the publication date rolls around.

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Possible spoilers

This feels like a horror story of what it could be like to be a 1950's housewife!

The especially angle added an extra element.

The bad guy was easy to guess from the start, and the ending was predictable BUT I enjoyed this a lot.
Great main character, suffocating atmosphere, and tension at the domestic situation.
A good read.

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So this was going to be my “now reading” post, but instead I think it’s going to be a DNF announcement. I’ve actually been reading it for a few days, and it’s not that it’s poorly written or anything, it’s just not really holding my interest. Ordinarily I’d force myself to keep going, but I’ve decided that’s not the energy I want to bring into 2024.

I’m 1/4 of the way through, and feel like I’m reading less than ever because I just don’t care enough to pick it back up. So instead of pushing through it, I’ve decided I’m going to normalize DNF-ing books that aren’t holding my interest.

No more forcing myself to finish books in 2024!!

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The atmosphere and main character were really done well. I found the story interesting and I enjoyed reading about a darker take on the 50s.

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The Devil and Mrs. Davenport is a really interesting take on evangelicalism with a thriller vibe going on. Very early in the book we discover that Loretta (Mrs. Davenport) has the gift of ESP (extrasensory perception). However, her husband, Mr. Davenport does not feel like this aligns with their Christian values. Loretta receives a referral to meet with Dr. Hansen, a psychiatrist who is researching gifts like hers. Although Mr. Davenport doesn't approve of her seeing this psychiatrist she goes anyway. Loretta very quickly becomes valuable to Dr. Hansen's research, the local police department, and Dora, a young girl whose sister had been missing until Loretta was able to locate her body with her ESP.

I really enjoyed the aspect of this novel that centered on Loretta finding her independence and asserting herself. As an exvangelical myself I could relate to a lot of the outdated religious/traditional family concepts that were thrust upon her. While Loretta didn't fully renounce her religious beliefs in the end I do feel like she came to terms with the fact that not everything is quite as "black and white" or "right and wrong" as more traditional teachings would have one believe.

I also enjoyed the thriller/whodunnit aspect of the missing girls but I wish the ending and retribution hadn't felt quite so rushed. I would recommend this book to anyone who is reckoning with their own faith or looking for a good thriller with an evangelical twist.

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"The Devil and Mrs. Davenport" by Paulette Kennedy provides a captivating view of the world of 1950s America. It is there where the haunting grip of the living and the ethereal intertwines.

Kennedy begins innocuously with the arrival of autumn, yet swiftly spirals into an entrancing tale of a woman, Loretta Davenport, whose life takes an unexpected turn following a local tragedy. The juxtaposition of domestic tranquility and eerie occurrences drew me into a world where the ordinary collides with the supernatural.

Kennedy weaves suspense and mystique around Loretta's experiences, portraying the tension between her awakening abilities and her husband Pete's apprehensions. The dynamic between the characters crackles with intensity as Loretta's journey of self-discovery unfolds amidst the pressures of societal expectations and Pete's attempts to maintain control.

I felt drawn into the nuanced exploration of empowerment amidst adversity. Loretta's evolution from a constrained existence to embracing her extraordinary gift is portrayed with finesse. Kennedy delivers a touching reminder that sometimes the greatest challenges can unearth unforeseen strengths within us.

Kennedy's evocative language immersed me in a world where the supernatural coexists with the everyday. This story subtly imparts the lesson that embracing one's true self often requires courage and a willingness to defy societal norms.

"The Devil and Mrs. Davenport" is spellbinding! It left me contemplating the fine line between the seen and the unseen, the familiar and the unknown. It is a journey that invites introspection and encourages embracing one's unique strengths.

"A hauntingly beautiful tale of the supernatural woven into the fabric of 1950s America."

"A gripping story that blurs the lines between the ordinary and the otherworldly."

"Kennedy's text casts an irresistible spell, drawing readers into a world of subtle horrors and hidden strengths."

"A mesmerizing exploration of empowerment amidst societal constraints and unearthly forces."

"Elegantly crafted, this tale of mystery and self-discovery is impossible to put down."

"A riveting saga that challenges conventions and celebrates the extraordinary within."

"This novel weaves a captivating web of intrigue while investigating the depths of the human spirit."

"A perfect blend of suspense and the supernatural that left me spellbound."

"A hauntingly evocative journey that tiptoes along the edges of reality, inviting readers to ponder the mysteries within."

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🇺🇸 Set in the 1950s Ozarks, USA
POV: We follow the turbulent life of Loretta Davenport, who seems to be grappling with a chronic illness in a time rife with societal pressures on women and mothers along with medical misogyny.

Mood Reading Match Up:
-Historical fiction with 1950s true crime and relationship dynamics that still resonate today
-Experience of chronic illness with magical realism and supernatural elements intertwined
-Themes of escape, domestic abuse, toxic gender roles, true love and support, hypocrisy, redemption, systemic oppression of women and the societal expectations placed on men

🐺 Growls, Howls, and Tail Wags 🐕
✏️ Writing: The third person narration was clear and engaging, effectively conveying the emotions of claustrophobia, confusion, and anger. The narrative captured the oppressive atmosphere of the era and the personal struggles of the characters.

🫥 Characters: Initially distant, the characters, especially Loretta, grew on me. Her plight was heart-wrenching yet believable, showcasing strength even in moments of despair. The book avoided the ‘all men are jerks’ trope, presenting a range of male characters, some of whom defied the misogynistic norms of their time.

🗺️ Worldbuilding: The 1950s setting was vividly rendered through detailed descriptions seen through Loretta’s eyes. It offered an immersive experience without feeling like a history lesson.

🔥 Fuel: The story’s tension revolved around Loretta’s fate and her family’s dynamics, interwoven with the mystery of a predator targeting young women. The narrative kept me guessing about outcomes and character developments, even after I predicted the perpetrator.

🐢 Pacing: While more on the plot-driven than character-driven side, the book had a slow-burn feel. It required an emotional investment in Loretta to fully engage with the unfolding events and I found I often had to take breaks because it was so sad and heavy of a story.

🎬 Scenes: Though some scenes are predictable, they resonated emotionally and often remained relevant today (sadly), highlighting the societal and legal constraints of the 1950s that parallel contemporary issues.

🤔 Random Thoughts: I thought this would be more of a paranormal story where we are wondering if we can believe our main character (i.e., is she possessed or unhinged?). Although the story shows us irl terrors, it is more of a historical fiction, so you may be disappointed or find it slow if you picked it up for possession or demonic horror elements.

Overall, I thought the it was a poignant and thought-provoking novel that transported me to a different era while holding up a mirror to ongoing societal issues. It’s a story of suffering, resilience, and the quest for freedom in the face of daunting odds.

Content Heads-Up: Medical (psychosomatic accusations, nausea and vomiting, chronic fatigue, hallucinations). Misogyny. Relationship violence. Mental and emotional abuse (from spouse). Murdered and missing women.
Rep: Primarily features White American characters.

Format: Digital advanced reader copy from Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley

“Reviews are my musings 💖 powered by puppy snuggles 🐶 refined by my AI bookworm bestie ✨”

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I was fascinated by the author's depiction of 1950s Missouri and the subtle ways in which the era's societal norms and expectations shape the characters' experiences. Loretta's struggles to assert her own identity and agency within a stifling marriage and community resonated deeply. I appreciated how the supernatural elements served as a metaphor for the ways in which women's voices and experiences have been marginalized and silenced throughout history. Pete's character served as a chilling reminder of the dangers of toxic masculinity and religious fundamentalism. Dr. Hansen's character provided a refreshing counterpoint, highlighting the importance of empathy and intellectual curiosity. A compelling and thought-provoking read that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and psychological thrillers alike.

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