Member Reviews

Love this book. The relationship between these two is both beautiful and a little heartbreaking at times. Briar is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her and Dorian are now on my favorite's list.

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Love! No -ish about it!
I loved this book! The writing style of switching back and forth between a year ago when Dorian & Briar first met to the present day messy sitch they're in now is so fun. The gaps slowly come together and the whole story develops step by angsty step.
Awesome read!! Dorian & Briar are great even though I did want to shake them or slap them with their own book a few times.
Very swoonworthy!

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Briar and Dorian meet at a friends' wedding celebration. One thing leads to another, and they have a brief fling then they don't see each other for over a year. When they reconnect, it is because Briar is engaged to Dorian's brother and the family is gathering for their normal summer retreat. How can she be engaged to another man when the only one she wants is Dorian? How will he handle the fact that she might have lied to him when she told him she'd wait for him?

This is a tough review for me. I think the book is well written, but I don't like the story itself. I like the set-up of two people agreeing to wait for each other. I like the idea that she is engaged when they next meet up. Unfortunately, I disliked the end a lot and I found nothing redeeming about the side characters. I had no one to root for and no particular emotions of joy or righteous indignation. After a really good first chapter, I just didn't connect with the rest.

This is a contemporary romance. It is a kind of convoluted second chance romance. If you like a dose of family drama with your romance, give this a try.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book and finished it in one sitting. This book has a rekindling of a relationship(well ina bit complicated way) and deal with a fake relationship as well. The drama happens when these two are concurrent.

We also get to read both past and present storylines throughout the book and it is very clear and easy to follow. Briar and Dorian initially meet during friend's bachelor and bachelorette getaways. The pretty much get seperated from the group and really hit it off. Flash forward to present day, Briar signs a contract to be her bosses fake fiance for a summer vacation visiting his ill father. Of course who does she see on the island, but Dorian and she legally can't tell him the truth.

I could really feel Briar's struggle in this book on keeping up the act, but wanting to be with Dorian. So close, but so far away. I liked Dorian's easy going character, but it was also crushing to see him hurting and withdrawing as well.

This book brings a good mix of romance, drama, and family conflict!

Thanks to Montlake and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this ARC for my honest review.

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Fake-ish by Winter Renshaw
Genre: contemporary romance
Format: e-book
Length: 264 pages
Pacing: medium

Thank you to Netgalley, Winter Renshaw, and Montlake for an e-arc copy of this book. All thoughts/opinions are completely my own.

Read this if you enjoy:
❤️‍🩹second chance romance
❤️‍🔥 angst
⏳right person, wrong time

Dorian and Briar meet unexpectedly at a wedding and instantly connect. They spent 3 days together before they parted ways. Briar didn’t expect to see Dorian again, especially not a year later while she’s pretending to be his brother’s fiancee.

I loved the idea of this book; so often with fake dating it’s between the two main love interests. This synopsis just screamed ANGST and I am here for it. Some of the sub plots were completely unnecessary and the fake fiancee brother was on my last nerve the whole book.

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Great, easy read.

"My entire life, I've never had anywhere that felt like home...until I met you."

Briar and Dorian believe in love but not marriage. They meet on a joint hen/stag getaway and spend three magical, unforgettable days together. When they part, they promise to wait two years for the other. One year later, they unexpectedly come face to face again and Dorian thinks the worst. Unfortunately, Briar is unable to tell him the truth about her relationship with his brother.

These two were sexy, cute and made for each other. It felt like Briar was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and I did wonder how things would wind up to a HEA. I thoroughly enjoyed the way the truth came out! Dorian's siblings, Nicola and Burke, were both highly unlikeable. Nicola redeemed herself near the end, but that was about it. I really liked Dorian - he was an independent soul, who trod his own path, but had a caring heart. Overall, an enjoyable read.

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Winter Renshaw never fails to disappoint! Just her name alone is enough for me to pick up the book. The chemistry between Briar and Dorian was instant. The sparks were palpable. They had a connection that instantly had you rooting for them. There were plot twists that kept me on my feet. Briar and Dorian’s journey to their hea wasn’t easy but it was worth the ride. This was my first audiobook by Stefan Cordova and Kathryn Lynhurst but I must say these two did an amazing job with their performance!

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I am a huge romance fan, so this one was just up my ally. This wss okay read for me. I trully enjoyed reading this book thanks to netgalley for this arc

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Wow!!!! I believe Winter out did herself on this book. It was one great one. The emotions that Dorian and Blair go through. The two believe they lost the love of there lives but when things matter the best come out. Dorian brother and sister are not wrought anything, both high class, rich. But one might surprise you. Loved this book and you will too.

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3.5 stars

This was nice, I liked both main characters and the past chapters were my favorite but I wished the heroine had a backbone for most of the story because there were parts where she should have stand up for herself and she didnt and that annoyed me.
Still, this was an adorable read, and the romance between our main characters was delightful.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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FAKE-ISH by Winter Renshaw
What a fun read this one is! I always know when I pick up a book by Winter Renshaw I am going to get the full deal. A solid well written story, great characters and the secondary ones are as well. Dorian and Briar meet at a bachelor/bachelorette party and hook up. While they are both anti marriage, they enjoy having a good time. Since their lives are very complicated and they agree to meet up in two years. They do not have any contact for the entire time. Two years later as a favor to her boss, a large pay out on the line, and a signed NDA, she is a fake fiance to her boss. Confusion abounds. I enjoyed this and it is a 5 star read.

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This one hit all of the main points -- hating marriage, a fake relationship, wanting your "partner's" brother...the writing style was fine, but I absolutely hate the miscommunication trope, and since Briar was bound by an NDA, this trope was abound in this book. It was fine. The slow burn was ridiculous and then the spice was pretty lackluster, way shorter of what I was expecting with a cover like this! I guess I would read this author again, but I suggest ramping up the spice.

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Dorian and Briar both being anti marriage Briar has found herself in a situation She agreed to be her boss's fake fiancé for eight weeks while visiting his family's private island. If they pull it off, she walks away a million dollars richer and her boss's dad gets to spend his last days thinking his son is happily in love.
There's just one problem...Dorian, the man Briar met at a wedding a year ago, the man who stole her heart and asked her to wait for him is on the island. She can't tell him her relationship is fake. dual POV is that you get to see exactly what both parties are going through.

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They had the kind of soul connection we all dream about. Then it looks like boy loses girl, but is it possible to lose a connection that deep? How will they fix this mess? Smexiness, family dysfunction and greed, disillusion and letting go. It's just so GOOD! And the HEA is perfect!

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Such a good read! Briar and Dorian meet at her cousins bachelor / bachelorette party. They have a strong connection. But Dorian is managing a popular band and isn’t able to focus on a relationship. So he ask Briar if she’ll wait two years for him. But he doesn’t want to have any communication during that period because he doesn’t want it to turn into a long distance relationship. Where he’s on the road missing out of things with Briar. She feels the same way and agrees. A year has gone by and Briar agreed to be her bosses fiancée and spend two months with him and has family. Because his father is ill and he wants to show him that he will be ok and is happy. It’s the perfect set up for Briar. Until they get there and she meets her bosses brother, Dorian. Who she can’t tell the truth because she signed a NDA. I was hooked from the beginning and didn’t want to put it down.

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★ღ❤💍Romance in a nutshell💍❤ღ★

ROMANCE: /rə(ʊ)ˈmans,ˈrəʊmans/, 1. a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. 2. a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life.

Deep and introspective, FAKE-ISH from Author Winter Renshaw is everything that defines the meaning and feeling of romance. Told in my most favourite-ist first person dual POV, we got to know Briar and Dorian’s story in both past and present. I absolutely adored this plot layout. I kinda liken it to an onion only sweeter 😅 As I got deeper into the book and the instant soul deep connection between them was revealed, the more my heart beat harder and faster for their situation to be resolved.

And resolved it was in what was to me the most ironic and satisfying of ways. *sigh* 😍

Yeah, I did mention sweet and it is sweet-ish but FAKE-ISH relies on heavier deeper feelings of love. The stuff of legends and the kind you only read about in romances (ha!) and I was so absolutely invested in Briar and Dorian’s story that I actually didn’t get to 60% and realise in horror that I was reading a sweet book! I’m struggling to convey how much I loved everything about it. I wouldn’t call it angsty, but to use the term ‘weight of regret’ is how I’m trying to get across those soul-deep feelings. There is nothing surface level, light-hearted or easy about the chemistry and connection between them. And the feeling of loss, betrayal and grief is palpable on so many levels.

What struck me most the character of Dorian’s father Redmond. More than successful by all accounts, he was a man weighed down by regret. After the loss of Dorian’s mother, he never moved on and unintentionally alienated his children by burying himself in work, even with all the wealth behind him. So when 2 of 3 children are self-centred narcissists, is that a measure of success? Can you force your children under threat to experience love and marriage?? Or will it be FAKE-ISH?

Seriously this book contained ALLLLLLLLLL the feels and that is why it was the perfect romance. 5-genuine-not-fake-ish-Stars!!! 💍❤ღ★

#mumsalwaysreading #bookblogger #bookreviewer #marnsreads #marnsj

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Dorian and Briar's story is beautifully written and engaging. This second chance romance is filled with secrets, and twists and turns. The story is told from past to present. This helps to understand Dorian and Briar's past. I enjoyed it. Winter Renshaw never disappoints. I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review.

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I really liked Dorian & Briar and enjoyed their unconventional, emotional love story. I look forward to reading more books by Winter Renshaw.

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My oh my, this just done me in! A connection a year ago, a fake engagement to your boss, and then the moment it turns out your boss is your connections brother 😳 Yowza! We’ve got some angsty times, and some fun lovin times, and an overall good time!

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At a bachelor and bachelorette party, Briar meets Dorian, the manager for the band Phantom Symphony. As they follow the group, they end up abandoned by the party bus, twice, which gives them a chance to connect. The attraction between them grows and they don’t want the night to end. He asks her to wait for him, for two years, until the tour ends. Briar returns to work and is offered a large sum of money by her boss, Burke, to be his fake fiancé. His father is ill and he needs to be engaged or married in order to inherit. The money will pay her mom’s bills and give a feeling of relief to his dying father so she accepts his offer. She and Dorian had never talked about his family and she finds out the hard way that he is Burke’s brother. Trying to fit in with the family, she adds a touch of caring to a difficult situation. Since she signed an NDA, she is unable to explain the situation. Is their chance for a future lost forever? A delightful story as she is forced to keep up the deception against her desire to tell all. I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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