Member Reviews

1st of all Thank you Net Galley and the author for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

The premise of this book was what got my attention since I was looking for books to recomend to get into the Christmas mood and this book didn't disapoint me.
Eve had a disastrous days before Christmas when she founds her boyfriend cheating on her with his collegue, while she devastated and breaking Christmas gifts she founds that her now ex boyfriend bought her and engagement ring from the jewerly where she works and this is how this story began.
Eve and her co worker Joe get into the mission to deliver the last 5 rings the jewerlers promised before Christmas.
This 2 are the cutest couple, I mean they really aren't but he's had a crush for her for months and he was scared to say anything because her relationship was stable even when he knew about them breaking up he never tried anything with her, he only wanted to be there for her. He's seriosuly so adorable and what any girl should expect from a boy.
Overall the book was good and an easy read if you want to get into the Chris mood.

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I think this is the first time I’ve enjoyed a book but didn’t finish it.

This book is funny and well written, but I think my heart just wasn’t in the story. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s set at Christmas and I’ve read it throughout October, but I’ve only managed to get 7 chapters in and as much as I’m enjoying it, im just not dying to read on to find out what happens.

The plot is a bit predictable, but that’s the nature of the trope. The author’s writing is truly brilliant, it’s just a bit different from what I’m usually drawn to.

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This cute, funny, enjoyable story made my day while reading. It lifted my spirits and I enjoyed it from the first til the last page. Perfect feel-good romance. I will read this author in the future for sure.

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Really loved this one.

I love me some christams romance. This was just at my ally. Thanks to Netgally for this book.

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First of all, thank you to Netgalley for giving me a copy of this book to read and share my review.

It’s a feel-good contemporary Christmas rom-com novel and it had potential, it just didn’t reach its full potential. It is super cheesy exactly how the author described her book. I liked some parts of it, but I did have a hard time trying to finish the book. I just can’t help but feel like the romance between Eve and Joe seemed forced and kinda lacks chemistry.

I did feel like the 5th ring “scenario” was done/written somewhat perfectly, but I guess that’s it? Also, Joe is a medical student and yet he is already called a doctor?

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4 1/2 Stars

This story starts with Eve finding her long-time boyfriend in a compromising position with another her shower. Instead of apologizing, he tells her she's home early. There is little to no remorse. Instead he looks for ways to gas light her by acting as if it's all her fault because she didn't come home at the time he expected. Left licking her wounds after kicking her ex and his girlfriend out of her home, Eve is heartbroken and it's almost Christmas.

After a mixup at the jewelry store where she works part-time, Eve and her fellow co-worker, Joe are enlisted to try to make things right and deliver the five rings before Christmas. Along the way, Eve finds that Joe is a wonderful man who treats not just her, but others with so much respect and caring. It opens her eyes to the fact that her ex boyfriend was nowhere close to Joe as far as character is concerned. And he definitely didn't prioritize her enough.
Also, unbeknownst to Eve, Joe has had a crush on her for a long time and he's been fighting it. He knows she's not in the right headspace for him to tell her that now. Yet, his actions talk for him if only she'd pay attention.

This was such a sweet story. I really enjoy Kristen Bailey's books - - and this one might just be my favorite one so far.

AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The audio version was quite enjoyable with solid narration that fit the personalities of the characters. It really flowed and kept me immersed in the book. 4 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for early copies of both the ebook and audiobook. I voluntarily chose to review them both and the opinions contained within are my own.

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Five gold rings, a warm, funny tale of the delivery of five rings over Christmas. Slightly different from Kristen's usual tales, it is still enjoyable, funny and worth reading.
When Eve splits from her fiance due him being "noshed off" two days before Christmas eve she is devastated. To keep herself busy over Christmas she decides to deliver 5 gold rings to customers with the help of her friend Joe.
Cue funny escapades, tender moments and ultimately the guy getting the girl.
A very enjoyable read and a welcome addition from Kristen's pen.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC of this novel.

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Five Gold Rings is infused with all the holiday cheer and lots of heart. It would cheer up even the Grinch so, if you’re in the mood for some holiday read, Five Gold Rings is the perfect choice.

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What a sweet holiday rom-com. Definitely a slow burn, but the sweet friends-to-lovers angst is delicious. The situations the MCs find themselves in are silly and ridiculous and a lot of fun. The story has a lot of heart. Absolutely perfect for the holiday season

My favorite thing about it must be the tiny little details that are dropped in throughout the novel showing just how perfect for each other Joe and Eve are.

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I loved this book so much!

When I first requested Five Gold Rings my expectation was that it would be a cute holiday read with some Hallmark-esque vibes. It was so much more than I bargained for. It had all the feels and even had me crying at one point (which I was NOT expecting!).

The relationship between the main MCs felt incredibly genuine, even though it developed quickly. My favourite parts were seeing how their interactions with each of the five ring recipients helped them to learn a bit more about themselves.

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a feel good holiday read. It will make you laugh, rage, cry - you'll feel all of the feels! I am so excited to read more from Kristen.

Thank you to NetGalley, Kristen Bailey and Storm Publishing for an advance copy. These are my honest thoughts.

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Everyone should have an adventure like the characters have in this book.
Eve and Joe both work part time for an older couple that own a jewelry store. Two days before Christmas, Eve comes home from a conference to see her boyfriend in a compromising situation with another woman in their bathroom. In her following frustration, among the Christmas gifts ready under the tree, she finds that he planned to propose to her over Christmas with a ring from the store where she works. When asking her bosses about this, they call in Joe, a former medical student who is currently working several jobs, but has had a crush on Eve for as long as they've worked together.
In the chaos, a pre-Christmas delivery goes awry so Joe and Eve go on a mission to correct the misdelivered items and deliver the subsequent deliveries. This leads them on a mission to not only deliver their 5 Golden Rings before Christmas Day, but also on a journey of healing, understanding their feelings of love, loss, friendship, and marriage.
It's the kind of book that will make you yell at the characters, howl with laughter, go back and reread wonderfully written lines, and sigh with contentment. It's a great story and perfectly heartwarming for a holiday read.


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Five Gold Rings is a book that I fell in love with and didn't want to end. Eve comes home from a work trip early to surprise her boyfriend, Chris. They've been dating for 3 years and share an apartment together. When Eve walks in the apartment something feels off. As she goes looking for Chris, she sees clothes tossed aside and the bed is unmade and messy. She hears noises coming from the bathroom and when she goes in she sees a woman going down on Chris in the shower!! It's a few days before Christmas! Eve is so shocked that she can barely function. As she storms out of the bathroom, she goes directly to the pile of gifts under the tree. Eve picked out all of the gifts for Chris' family and they were supposed to drive there tomorrow. Nope, they're now flying out the window and breaking down below!

The woman that Chris was with tells Eve that they've been together since the summer as Chris is saying it was a one time thing! Unbelievable! As Eve continues to go through the gifts under the tree she finds one for her from Chris. She opens it and inside is a ring! This idiot was going to propose to her even though he'd been cheating on her for months! She picks up the ring and throws it out the window, too. Chris screams and is distraught over this. Too bad! Chris and his friend leave quickly as Eve is so upset! She goes to Chris' closet once he's gone and begins to throw his clothes out the window, too. Someone will have a nice Christmas if they find this stuff, especially the diamond ring!

When the weight of everything hits Eve, she starts crying and drinking any alcohol she can find. Her Christmas plans are no more. Eve's twin brother, Noel, calls to find out what time they're meeting for dinner the next day. She and Chris were supposed to stop and eat with him on the way to Chris' family home. She doesn't want to tell Noel what has happened because she doesn't want to ruin his Christmas. She tells him she's unwell and will not be able to make it. Noel can tell something is wrong, but can't get her to tell him what. He leaves it alone and says he'll call her tomorrow.

As the apartment starts to close in on Eve, she decides to head to the jewelry shop where she works part time. She needs to keep busy to take her mind off of this nightmare. Mr. and Mrs. Caspar are the owners of the jewelry shop and absolutely love Eve. They are surprised to see her and Mrs. Caspar knows something is very wrong. Mr. Caspar is busy helping customers and doesn't notice. Eve breaks down and tells Mrs. Caspar everything. She feels terrible for Eve and wants to do something bad to Chris! When Mr. Caspar comes back and finds out what's happened he is very upset for Eve. Chris bought her ring from them and he barely looked at anything before making a lackluster choice.
They both agree that Eve can stay and work in the back on paperwork that is pilling up. As she works, Mrs. Caspar makes a call to Joe, another part time employee. Joe has been secretly in love with Eve for 2 years, but has kept it a secret since she had a boyfriend. Mrs. Caspar sees this as his chance.

Eve is feeling a bit better with hugs from the Caspar's and some warm tea. When Joe arrives he is wearing very little as he was a buff butler working one of his other jobs. Joe is very good looking and has a good body so this outfit can only help, right? The Caspars realize that they have made a huge mistake. The five gold rings for proposals over Christmas were delivered all together to the wrong address. The person that got the rings was supposed to get 5 pairs of cufflinks. The Caspars ask if Eve and Joe could pick up the rings, drop the cufflinks off, and deliver the 5 rings to the 5 people around the area? They both agree to do it and see it as an adventure! Eve's plans are not happening anymore and Joe figures he can show up late to his family's festivities.

They're off to spread joy at Christmas and they're doing it in Joe's mini. Will they be able to get the rings to the right people in time for their proposals? Will Joe ever admit to Eve his true feelings for her? Will Eve be able to stay sober long enough to help Joe? She's trying to forget her terrible boyfriend by drinking anything she can find. Joe will have his hands full taking care of Eve and delivering the rings. Little do they realize that while delivering each ring they will be asked to do many different things. You will laugh so hard at times you'll cry while reading this book. You'll also cry at times as it cuts straight to the heart! This is such a fun Christmas romcom and I would love to see another book featuring Eve and Joe. After finishing the book you will still be laughing to yourself over things that they had to endure on their delivery adventure. I loved Five Gold Rings by Kristen Bailey and look forward to reading more from her. I rate the book 5 stars with my highest recommendation. Do yourself a favor and read this book. You will enjoy every moment! I'd like to thank NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an advanced copy of Five Gold rings in exchange for a fair review. #FiveGoldRings

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Five gold rings was the perfect romcom to start the holiday season. The MMC and FMC are easy to love and wanting to ‘see what happens next’ made it hard to out the book down. Highly recommend if you are looking for a feel good book to get you in the Christmas spirit.

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This was an entertaining, well-written book. It was fun, sweet and kept me reading. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others.

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Ahhh this was such a delightful read! I loved the premise, the romance, the exploration of different kinds of displays of love (the loud, the gaudy, the sentimental, the heart wrenching loss of it sometimes). Such a sweet reminder that we all deserve unconditional love, and someone that appreciates our worth. This definitely had laugh out loud moments and holding back tears moments. Perfect read to get into the holiday spirit. Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

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3/5 !

Thank you netgalley for providing me with this arc in exchange for an honest review

this was such a cute read, I adored eve and joe's friendship so much, never thought they'd serve friends to lovers but here we are, it was well written and I loved their humor the most. eve's character was a bit boring for my liking whereas joe's character was more intriguing and entertaining than hers. at some point the whole story got a bit repetitive, plus there was this part where joe's father talked about how he drugged joe's cocoa when he was trying to catch santa during Christmas as a kid and I found that insane and odd to say the least.. and I really didn't know where the story was going and was fighting for my life to get through the second half but the last 15% was worth it! overall, this book was good and I definitely recommend it to anyone interested in a quick holiday romance read, FIVE GOLD RINGS IS OUT NOW!!

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Thank you Storm Publishing for the ARC. PERFECT Christmas romance concept. This would make a fantastic movie. Unfortunately I just couldn't buy into the FMC's big feelings for the MMC given her recent, surprise breakup and the fact she was drunk the entire time.

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This is a light and funny holiday romance! The best part, each ring delivery felt like it's own mini story!

This book definitely starts out with a bang when Even walks in on her cheating boyfriend right before Christmas. She goes on a destruction rampage and ends up at the jewelry store she works at crying her eyes out. The owners call her coworker Joe to help and they end up going on a ring delivery adventure.

Each delivery brought some fun antics from getting seasick to being in weddings. Of course Joe and Eve got to know eachother better along the way. Elf costume, Christmas pjs, grocery store clothes, and an old car named "Olive" make it more of a cheery adventure than a sad break-up story. Both characters are down to earth, have fun, and go with the flow.

This is definitely a fun book to read during the holidays. Even the crappiest situation can be fun if you make the best of it!

Thank you to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this ARC for my honest review.

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Eve's Christmas does not get off to the best start when she walks in on boyfriend Chris cheating on her. Cue, epic meltdown. Bereft, Eve seeks solace at her workplace, a jewellers, run by elderly couple Mr and Mrs Caspar, who waste no time in calling in Eve's colleague Joe, who they know full well has had a crush on Eve for a while. Together they set off to make five last minute Christmas deliveries... of five gold rings.
I went into this knowing full well how this book was going to end. But I also went in with the assumption it would be a trashy Christmas romance, and I was very much proved wrong on that one. It's funny. It's genuinely funny. And that's rare, in this genre! I could visualise the whole thing as a Christmas movie.
As someone who's not traditionally a Christmas romcom person (yet who has also just read 5 in a row, in October) I have to admit this one has converted me. I will be rereading this next Christmas!

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Many thanks to NetGalley, Storm Publishing, and Dreamscape Select for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of the new book by Kristen Bailey, perfectly narrated by Harrie Dobby, and for allowing me to take part in the book tour - 5 stars!

Right before Christmas, Eve finds her boyfriend in the shower - with another woman. So while her perfectly wrapped presents for his family sit under the tree awaiting their arrival at his big family party, Eve reacts by throwing all his things out their window. She also finds a surprise present for her in the mix - a ring bought at the jewelry store where she works. She flees there looking for comfort from the owners. But the owners have their own issues - some mixups and 5 rings left to deliver before Christmas. They enlist another coworker, Joe, who has secretly been in love with Eve, to help deliver the rings.

Even though it's almost Halloween and I should be reading scary books, it's never to early for Christmas stories, right? Especially when they are filled with laughs, heartfelt moments, and lots of crazy situations. You'll travel along in Joe's old Mini while the pair deliver the rings and make Christmas magic. The characters are wonderful and you'll be rooting for all of them. The narration was pitch perfect too - including the singing! A must read going into Christmas from the author of the hilarious and sweet Sex Ed!

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