Member Reviews

I loved this book! I wasn’t sure what to expect going in, but it sucked me in. It certainly had many similarities to crazy rich asians, but since I loved that series, that wasn’t a bad thing.

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First off, let me state that I have read all of Kevin Kwan's books. I loved Crazy Rich Asians. His books exploit how rich Asians live which is in the excessive. They have no concept of money and just spend, spend, and spend. In this book, the spending catches up with them and the Gresham Trust is exhausted. Arabella, the matriarch of the family, feels that the only way for them to keep up the family status is to have her children marry into rich titled families.

I truly dislike Arabella. She is probably one of the most self-centered women ever and nothing about her was endearing. It was all about her with no regards to her children's desires or wishes.

At this point, I believe I am done reading these books. Reality seems to delude rich Asians.

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I have loved Kevin Kwan's writing since that very first smash hit, so I was super excited to get this one before release. Kwan delivers exactly what his readers expect from him at this point - a dizzying story full of social climbers desperately clinging to all the trappings and clout that comes from their riches (or assumed riches). This one packs a little bit more of a heart wrenching punch in the gut, though, with how things work out for some of the characters. Still, there's a happy ending in there, you just have to wade through a bunch of lies and some really awkward weddings to get there.

I will say that this one was particular hard to track, at least at first, so don't put this book down once you get started. You'll start to forget all the players and the jumping in timelines will confuse you even more. Reading this was akin to being strapped to a merry-go-round that never stops. After awhile, things start to blur together, but eventually, the ride stops and everything becomes clear. There were times when I doubted that Kwan could even bring this one back around - that's just how much of a mess these characters are - but sure enough, all loose ends were neatly tied up before the last page. And what a relief it was to finally be done with some of these characters, which shows just how adept Kwan is at making them seem so real, you feel like you're actually hanging out in their self-absorbed, social climbing obsessed presence. But, the more I hated the accessory characters, the more I loved Eden and Rufus for being different from the pack.

Fair warning, though, some of the language and stories told in this book are shocking and a bit foul. Don't say nobody warned you ;)

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Lies and Weddings
by Kevin Kwan
Pub Date: May 21, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
A TIME MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK • From the iconic internationally bestselling author of the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy: A forbidden affair erupts volcanically amid a decadent tropical wedding in this outrageous comedy of manners from the iconic author of Crazy Rich Asians.
I enjoyed the storyline, following a man who wants what the heart wants and a mother who wants status instead. The heart opens with a doozy of a predicament and shocking start. As we move though the story, the characters come to life, and I found myself engrossed in the choices they were making and where this story was headed.
Overall, if you like a little romance with a a LOT of money, societal discord and familial drama, this right here just might be your jam.
4 stars.

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I just love Kevin Kawn’s style of writing and this novel did not disappoint! The detail on every page is incredible, my favorite part is the footnotes, the stories there alone are wonderful. Just like any of his books it takes a moment to get to know all his characters but soon enough I was immersed in the world and fell in love with the people inside. Such a fun read and I can’t wait to celebrate its release!

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Kevin Kwan has a skill of introducing so many amazing characters and you find yourself fully invested in each one. I did not want it to end. Such a great read. Loved it and highly recommend. Thanks NetGallery!

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Lies and Weddings is another solid story by Kwan. If you like stories with family secrets, this is one for you. There is also a solid female lead character who comes into her own. Eden Tong should be self assured, the daughter of a physician, a physician herself but yet she is cowered by the constraints of the established norms of British immigrant prejudices and the desire for standing in an archaic society. The desire to be part of the accepted society is not just the Asian story but one the Kwan know well. All of the characters in this story struggle with expectations that they assume they must meet but do they have to meet them to be happy? Like other Kwan books, the wealth is astounding and this glimpse into the mega rich is intriguing. At the same time, the level of waste is astounding and we find the two main characters struggling against conspicuous consumption. While Kwan’s previous works dealt with Asian/Chinese wealth, this book extends his examination to the UK and Los Angeles, CA. Kwan continues to confront the notion of wealth and society and the desire to find happiness. The end is both an ending and maybe a beginning which we may see Kwan continue in a subsequent work.

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I was excited to see the new book by Kevin Kwan, Unfortunately the more I read, the more disappointing it became. There was a good story embedded in the book that got lost in the cheap name dropping and gossip sheet text. The listing of schools and connections after each name quickly got tedious. There was a lack of charm, compared to the “Crazy Rich Asian”. Series. The over top life styles is one of the fun bits of reading Kwans earlier work. I went way too far in the book and tramp,Ed over the core story. It made the narrative hard to follow at times. Not sure even a deposit editing can make this book work. Kwan’s mean spirited description of Los Angeles was a very low point that made me want to put the book down.
Good ideas, not well executed.

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Fun and decadent read. I enjoyed the wild wealth described- it was a great escape. I was a little disappointed at the ending with Rufus and Eden- it left it kind of up in the air. A definite resolution to their relationship would have been more satisfying. But otherwise I enjoyed this book!

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This was pure escapism. I’ve never read a Kevin Kwan book before and while I know the plots are over the top, I still enjoyed the ride. It felt like a slightly meatier romance with many luxurious details that put you right into the scenes like the descriptions of exotic locations, mouth-watering food, and envious fashions. But with that being said, I’m probably not the target audience for a book like this. The amount of wasteful spending and excessive consumerism was a bit of a turnoff for me. I fully understand that this is supposed to be a fantasy life and that even some of the main characters in this book are also turned off by this display of wealth, but the frustration I felt took me out of the story some times.

With all that being said I did like the characters and their struggles. I did see the end coming but that didn’t matter so much to me seeing as how it was a quick and fluffy read. 3 1/2 stars. And thank you to Netgalley for the advanced copy!

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I'm a huge fan of Kevin Kwan but this book was not my favorite of his. The story itself was good but I struggled with the dialogue. Arabella was not realistic was a person, she was dramatized to an extreme that really pulled you out of the story. There also was an unrealistic pregnancy that didn't make sense. I'm sure there are readers who will enjoy this book, but it was not my favorite. I will still read whatever Kevin Kwan writes though! Thank you to Doubleday and NetGalley for this ARC.

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This book is the type of thing Kevin Kwan does best-frothy, OTT, lifestyles of the rich and famous satire with an HEA. It does a good job of earning its title, with plenty of lies and multiple completely ridiculous weddings. Many of the characters are totally extra, Arabella especially. But Kevin Kwan is great at writing down-to-earth leads that make you root for them because they are untouched by the chaos around them.

I gave this four stars because of five because I think the satire carried the book-the plot itself was basic and predictable. It was still a fun read, though, and had everything that I love about Kevin Kwan's novels.

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An exciting, and typical, Kevin Kwan romance. This was a sweet, quick read that has all the things that make Kevin Kwan's books so perfect: some how very relatable ultra rich characters, a mostly expected plot twist, and at least one over-protective out-of-touch mother wanting to dictate the lives of their children.

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In Kevin Kwan's newest novel, Lies and Weddings, we visit another family of millionaire/billionaires who seem to have the world at their fingertips, but quickly reveal that nothing is at is seems. Kwan masterfully creates commentary on extreme wealth through laugh out loud comedic situations. Family dynamics are constantly spurring on the plot as, in typical Kwan fashion, the matriarch's main focus is marrying her children to the "right one". Kwan manages to be funny, while still examining family and romantic relationships in a way that is authentic and meaningful to the reader.
Kwan's prose and quick plot move the reader rapidly through the chapters. Interspersed throughout the present day story is the backstory that works together to bring the book to a masterful conclusions. Even the twists and turns the reader can predict, are still exciting as anticipation builds for the big moment in the story. Readers will cheer for Rufus Gresham as he tries to break free from his mother's plans for him. They will run the gambit of emotions watching Arabella Gresham try to manipulate and control the world around her, cringing at her over the top criticism and struggle for power, but empathizing with her motivations and intense desire to protect her family. The Drs. Tong are constant friends who have lived next to the Greshams for years, but as the story evolves, even these friends are not what they seem. Lies, deceit, over the top weddings, global travel...everything you've come to expect from Kevin Kwan is here! I couldn't put this book down!

Thank you Netgalley and publishers for the advanced copy. My only complaint is now I have so much longer to wait for the next book!

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I had an arduous time setting this book aside. I kept wanting to read “one more chapter,” which I attribute to the testament to its writing.

Some of the characters exhibit multifaceted characteristics, some were challenging for me to find redeeming, and some were so superficial, yet it was necessary for those characters to be in the storyline. That is what makes great writing.

This book effectively blends elements of amusement with moments of profound reflection, facilitated through the characters' experiences and introspections. A remarkable feat, successfully recapturing the enchanting atmosphere of another acclaimed series, "Crazy Rich Asians."

Special thanks to NetGalley and Double Day Books for sending me this digital review copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book was a sheer delight for me on my cruise holiday. As always Kwan has such a sharp wit and the ability to make us even love the villains. It was definitely worth the wait and I hope there will be a sequel.

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Yet another wonderful read from Kevin Kwan. These stories are like listening to aunties gossip for hours. So much intrigue, scandal, and fascinating tidbits. I love Kevin's writing style and his books never fail to entertain.

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Kevin Kwan’s new book, Lies and Weddings, had an entertaining plot. The story is replete with Kwan’s famous footnotes, his explanation of trendy fashion, and his description of everything wealthy. This is light reading, akin to a Cinderella story, and will likely appeal to anyone who is interested in fashion, titles, and wealth. There were several twists and turns that were interesting, but not unexpected. The best part of the story is the last chapter where Arabella says, “Marry her.” This phrase made me laugh out loud as it was perfectly orchestrated.
Thank you NetGalley for a ARC.

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Unofficial Synopsis:
Rufus, the future Earl of Greshambury has a small problem. His family’s trust has been depleted. So now he’s faced with a tough decision, marry for money and help the family, or, forget about money and confess his love for the girl next door?

Will things work out as planned? Or will a secret, thought hidden for two decades, reveal a shocking twist?

This book was like a soap opera. While there was a lot I liked about this book, there were a few things that were tough for me as well. I found the chapters a little too short for my liking as it seemed just as soon as I got into the character, the chapter would change. That was my biggest drawback though and there was plenty to like! There were plenty of laugh out loud moments, I found the footnotes to be particularly hilarious. The drama in this book was superb and just so entertaining. There’s not necessarily a lot that happens in this book, but it is fun! There is some serious name dropping that happens throughout the book, but it wasn’t in an obnoxious way, it worked out and made perfect sense for the story.

I adore the cover of this book as well! It is just stunning, and I can’t wait for it to be made into a fancy special edition with some gold foiling. I can already picture it in my head, and I’ve spent the money lol.

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This was a great book to get lost in -- a perfect vacation book! The resort setting is dripping with money and wild adventures. Similar to Kwan's earlier books, the backdrop of Lies and Weddings is true to his formula. The romance wasn't too in-your-face but was present. I loved the witty dialogue between characters and greatly enjoyed the chaos that the Gresham family brought. This is a great book for someone who is seeking a little escapism while being thoroughly entertained. I enjoyed and recommend Lies and Weddings if you're looking for a fun book to devour!

Thank you to NetGalley and DoubleDay books for the opportunity to read the ARC.

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