Member Reviews

I had a really hard time keeping track of the plot and the characters in this book. I felt that there was too much filler information that took me out of the story and after they returned from Hawaii I really lost interest. This is the first Kevin Kwan book I've read and it definitely has an original writing style that I could see a lot of people enjoying. This just wasn't one for me.

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Freakin loved this book! Oh, my goodness, I had been waiting to read Lies and Weddings- I am a huge fan of the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy and this one did NOT disappoint. This series always takes me away into another land of wealthy, weddings and lots and lots of drama. There was such fun banter and humor mixed in, and I'm hoping that we get to see a movie adaptation soon. 4 stars!

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3.75 out of 5. I still read all the new Kevin Kwan books hoping to find the same magic I found reading crazy Rich Asians. Although this is not Crazy Rich Asians, it is a highly entertaining read, with the same level of absurdly wealthy and absurdly hilarious in their adventures characters like Crazy rich Asians. I so enjoy his descriptions of settings and fashions, you feel like you are looking at the pictures in a Vogue spread. Although it ties up a bit too nicely and predictable, the way there is fun, and the characters are quite engaging.

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I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
When I think of Kevin Kwan’s writing, I think of footnotes, extravagance, and spectacle. All of those are present in Lies and Weddings.

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Oh Kevin Kwan! Heart eyes your way.
This is a fun look at the lives of wealthy elite, their weddings and the drama that comes with falling for someone who isn’t in the right tax bracket! Loads of characters and instant drama!
Ate it up!

Thanks NetGalley!

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If you enjoyed Crazy Rich Asians, you will love this book. It has the same type of feisty characters, insane wealth, and complex relationships.

I was a little lost in the beginning of this book, but once I figured out who everyone was, I was sucked right in.

I loved our main characters, but I wish Eden would have felt more worth. She seemed to accept less than she should have, and I was rooting for her to demand more respect. 🤷

Overall, a good read for vacation or summer lounging.

Thank you to netgalley for an eARC to review.

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I have yet to read "Super Rich Asians" (although I loved the movie) so this was a new author for me and I loved it! I loved the slow burn romance. I loved the mystery. I had a very hard time with Arabella and felt so badly for Francis but by the end, I felt some sympathy for Arabella. I have now added the "Super Rich Asians" trilogy to my TBR.

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If you are fan of this crazy rich world Kevin Kwan's latest does not disappoint. It's a fun page turner with twists and exotic locales. A perfect vacation read.

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I have loved all of Kevin Kwans books. I could not figure out how everyone was tied together until it was revealed at the end. I really loved Eden and how she took everything in stride but I wanted her to go after Arabella so bad!!

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I LOVED the Crazy Rich Asians series. It was so much fun and just hilarious. I expected the same from Lies and Weddings. Once again, Kevin Kwan reaches deep into high society and gives us a fun story filled with beautiful scenery and the most exclusive places in the world. Many of us "regular folk" will never experience what it feels like to be uber-rich and in many ways, his stories give us a glimpse of the high life. That said, it was a pretty quick read that I call "eye candy" because it doesn't require us to dig deep for meaning or a special message. I read it because it was fun, hilarious, and had characters to root for and hate simultaneously. I especially liked the little explanations of terms and places at the end of each chapter. As a former history teacher, he saved me time from having to look these up on my own. While Eden and Rufus were at the heart of the story, the book itself was a bit predictable. The end was not a surprise, nor was the build-up to many of the "ah-ha" moments. However, it was a page-turner that had me laughing and crying and just plain curious about what was going to happen from page to page. Sometimes, you just need a book to take you away for awhile and Kevin Kwan did it again with Lies and Weddings.

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I always really enjoy Kevin Kwan's books. They're incredibly lush and an absolute adventure. II found Lies and Weddings to be a tad long for me.... I think it got a little too winding in the middle, but overall, it was a warm yummy treat, as per usual.

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A fun, over the top look at ultra rich people’s lives!

I loved Crazy Rich Asians and was happy to see this book coming back to similar approaches.

There is a lot going on. I wanted more depth in the main romance and more focus on a few of the other relationships rather than so many, but it was fun to see how it all came together (predictably, but still interesting!).

My favorite part were the amazing descriptions of locations and food! I felt like I was there!

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3.5. I think this was a solid book that was well written and explored some interesting themes. I do recommend it.

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Kevin Kwan creates another compelling story of over the top wealthy characters living fabulous lives until the rug is pulled out from under them. Description of exotic locales and events will have you dusting off your passport. Twists and turns in the story will surprise you and the ending is very satisfying!

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The Gresham’s are known for their extreme wealth. The only problem is that no one knows the Gresham Trust has been depleted, and their place in society is threatened. As Arabella’s daughter plans her marriage, she has made it her duty to find a wealthy and notable woman for her son, Rufus. One that can save the Gresham name and fortune. Arabella’s plans fall to the wayside, though, as Rufus has his eyes set on Eden Tong. Having grown up next door to Eden, his plans to tell her his feelings about her may derail the hard work his family has done to secure his future.

How will the Greshams financially recover, and will Rufus find love and happiness or a safety net for the family name?

This novel feels like a globetrotting vacation that you never want to end. From Hawaii to Marrakech, to Los Angeles to England, the reader is privy to the inner sanctum of the extremely wealthy. Such a fun and engaging novel. I highly recommend it.

The publisher provided ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Kevin Kwan once again supplies his fan base with a glimpse of a world most of cannot even imagine where money provides a life of privilege but at what cost! While supplying all of us a rom-com you don't want to end, you cannot help but be thankful you are not a part of the rich and famous. Thoroughly enjoyable!

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Pure entertainment. After a little bit of a letdown with Sex and Vanity, this is very reminiscent of the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy. (Or maybe enough time has passed that it feels fresher?) The satirical take on the world’s ultrarich (and I guess a Trollope novel I have yet to read??) is the perfect amount of snark v fantasy. The footnotes are just perfection.
Possibly best for people who like to hate watch reality tv, read britlit, and don’t like romances to be overwhelmingly romancey.
Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the arc.

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Rufus Leung Gresham,learns that the family fortune has been depleted. Arabella, his scheming mother has the solution. Rufus must attend his sister’s wedding at a luxury eco-resort, and seduce a woman with money. Arabella will be the most vile person in this story and the way she talks down to everyone and is always plotting ways to get what she wants. You will be wanting someone to take her down a peg or two.

This story will have you globetrotting all over the world and showing self how centered and absorbed these rich people can be.

The only down to earth person is Eden. She is a doctor and has managed to live next door to the Gresham's her whole life. She may be friends with them but never truly fit into their world.

A glimpse of the truly rich and how they spend endlessly and only care about themselves.

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Kevin Kwan's latest novel, Lies and Weddings, is a rollercoaster of humor, and family drama. Kwan's ability to transport readers to diverse locations around the globe adds a rich layer to the storytelling, immersing them in a vivid and atmospheric experience. The dysfunctional family dynamics depicted in the book resonate with fans of similar themes, drawing parallels to the beloved TV show Schitt’s Creek. Overall, Lies and Weddings is a compelling read that seamlessly blends wit, charm, and a captivating exploration of familial relationships, making it a standout addition to Kevin Kwan's impressive literary repertoire. The footnotes had me chuckling the whole book, do not skip them!

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC of Lies and Weddings.

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We went from two chapters of talking heads to a chapter of heavy exposition and I just wasn’t enjoying it. I stopped after chapter 3 (5%). I adored the “Crazy Rich Asians” series so I was disappointed to see the new direction Kwan chose in his writing. I don’t know if this will appeal to his fans of his trilogy (it seems like it's harder for all of us to get into), but it’s not my cup of tea.

Thank you to NetGalley and Doubleday for the ARC.

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