Member Reviews

KEVIN KWAN IS BACK!!!!!! Amazing read - couldn't put it down! Everything is fantastic - likeable and hateable characters, opulent fashion, gorgeous locations and the footnotes are BACK! Happy, happy joy, joy - I was in a reading slump before grabbing this and am now energized to dive into my TBR pile. Thank you thank you thank you for the opportunity to receive an ARC copy of Lies & Weddings - please let me know when I can expect a sequel!!!!

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Another absolutely fantastic humorous book written by Kevin Kwan. I thoroughly enjoyed the Crazy Rich Asian trilogy - so I was very excited when I got approved for an ARC version of this book. The story line was great, it kept me engaged. The anger and hatred I felt for Arabella was real. I wish in the end she ended up on the streets. Ha! And the ending made the book completely worth it! Cannot wait to read more by Kevin.

Big thanks again to NetGalley and the publishers.

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Since Crazy Rich Asians, I have looked forward to Kevin Kwan's outrageously lavish and darkly funny stories of love and excess wealth. This is another fun entry in his series of frothy, fun reads.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance ecopy of this title. In Lies and Weddings, we revisit some of the Crazy Rich Asians. This group mostly lives in England, and a huge wedding is being planned in Hawaii costing an astromonical amount of money. Those who are not betrothed are subject to meddling fix-ups, while middle class friends and neighbors struggle to keep up and/or get out of the way. Another fun, farcical romp from Kevin Kwan. I hope this series continues!

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I've read all of the "Crazy Rich Asians" series & enjoyed them quite a bit, so happy to be an early read for Kwan's latest, "Lies & Weddings". This one is in the same general area of the trilogy - more poorly behaved rich people of Asian descent behaving badly & very over-the-top. If you liked or are curious about "Crazy Rich" series, then you'll love this, like I did. My sincere thanks to Net Galley & the publisher for the complimentary DRC - my pleasure to review it.

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While not as good as Crazy Rich Asians it was a fun vapid romp. It was an enjoyable quick read like eating a dessert of cotton candy. The details of how the rich and famous live is always so precise and amusing. You can’t help but love Eden and Arabella is just a complete caricature

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Lies and Weddings is an epic, globetrotting adventure that follows Eden Tong, a doctor of no importance, and the royal Gresham family, esteemed patrons of Eden and her father. Like the author's previous series (Crazy Rich Asians), this book was full of wealth and excess with outlandish characters and situations. It's a book that almost no one can directly relate to yet it manages to be entertaining and heartwarming.

Underneath the craziness of the story, I enjoyed reading about the different family dynamics as well as the discussions of race. This book is dripping with brands and places I've never heard of, but it's the little moments in between that I enjoyed most.

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Kevin Kwan has given us some truly outlandish characters in the past, but Arabella makes Cruella deVille look like a fairy godmother. While focusing her sights on launching her handsome half English/half Chinese son Rufus into the realm of the world's most powerful and rich, she manages to sabotage everyone and everything around her. When her husband (Viscount of Greshambury) finally reins her spending in, she finally realizes the truth that not only are they broke, but an upstart alcoholic ,drug addled and horribly rude twenty-something now owns her husband's ancestral lands--manor house and all! And he is not willing to negotiate any loan repayment terms. Arabella's only solution is to marry off Rufus to a princess with loads of cash. Unfortunately for his mother, Rufus has already fallen for Eden Tong, his childhood playmate. Eden doesn't have the breeding, lands or cash that are required to get the family estates out of hock but she is loyal,honest and knows more about Arabella's children than Arabella knows herself. Arabella doesn't give up easily though and finds out some information that could ruin Eden, but will Rufus care when the truth about his love is known? If you like scheming Asian tiger mothers, British royalty and peeking into the life of the jet set, you'll be swept away by Kwan's latest offering.

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Kevin Kwan has given us another look into the lives of over-the-top excesses and the lives of people with too much money. The story moves around the world, following a family whose home is an estate in England. The titled family is broke and has borrowed huge sums of money to keep up the lifestyle. The matriarch of the family owns luxury hotels all around the world which are also going broke. Her answer to the money question is to marry her children off to rich titled spouses in spite of the fact the children have minds of their own. The reader follows the family and their friends and extended family through the world of the excessively rich and entitled and the story comes to a very satisfying ending. Thank you, Net Galley, for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Kevin Kwan, author of the Crazy Rich Asians franchise, has done it again with this new novel. It had all the things that I typically like about his work: charming characters, less charming characters, comedy, romance, pop culture references. I truly think I'd read anything he wrote as I always end up enjoying his books and this one was no different.

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The wonderful author of the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy is back with another great romantic adventure. Viscount Rufus, the heir to a great British estate, has always been in love with Eden Tong, the Canadian-born Chinese daughter of the family doctor, who lives in a cottage on the estate. Rufus's Chinese mother has other ideas for her son's future spouse, and because the family is on the edge of bankruptcy, his wife must be very wealthy. Lots of action, fun settings, great characters, and lots of surprises in store for readers! I truly look forward to recommending this title.

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Rufus Leung Gresham, future Earl of Greshambury, has a problem: the legendary Gresham Trust has been depleted, and behind all the magazine covers, Instagram stories, manors, and yachts lies nothing more than a mountain of debt. The only solution, put forth by Rufus’s scheming mother, is for Rufus to attend his sister’s wedding at a luxury resort and seduce a woman with money. But Rufus wishes to follow his heart (and in his mother’s eyes betray his family and squander his legacy) by confessing his love to the literal girl next door, the humble daughter of a doctor, Eden Tong. When a volcanic eruption burns through the nuptials and a hot mic exposes a secret tryst, the Gresham family plans—and their reputation—go up in flames. Can the once-great dukedom rise from the ashes? Or will a secret tragedy, hidden for decades, reveal a shocking twist?

Thank you to @netgalley, @doubledaybooks, and @kevinkwanbooks for the ARC! The author of the Crazy Rich Asian series (which I loved!) is back with an other juicy and hilarious tale of the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Throw in a murder and a family secret kept buried for decades, and the result is a true page turner. Kwan has such a penchant for capturing the truly absurd and ostentatious lives of the one percent in such a hilarious manner, while also humanizing some of the more ridiculous characters. He does it so well in this book! I loved that the story took the reader all over the world. Eden and Rufus were such excellent characters, and being so grounded really balanced out the more overly lavish characters. Arabella was aggravating but so well written. And who else caught the little Kitty Pong cameo? The drama, lies, scandals, and secrets were so so good and I really enjoyed this book! Look for Lies and Weddings on shelves in May 2024! 4.5 stars

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This was exactly what you'd expect from a Kevin Kwan novel: a fun romp through a world very few can relate to! Although it took me a bit to get into the story, ultimately I did appreciate the family and relationship issues. Designer names, glamorous settings, and wealthy lifestyles abound. Escapism at its best.

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Lies and Weddings delivers on Kevin Kwan’s typical themes on wealth, class, status and all that comes with it. Rufus Gresham, the son of a viscount, is expected to marry a certain type of woman, and one who comes from money after his family reveals that they’re actually in a huge amount of debt. However, the woman he really wants his the one he grew up next to his whole life, Eden Tong. Amongst weddings, whirlwind trips, and quite a few catasrophes, decades old family secrets are revealed.

While I enjoyed how the story came together and Kwan’s unique cast of characters, I felt the main relationship wasn’t built out enough to fully feel connected to them and their progression as characters. The reveal at the end was also a bit predictable, although I did still enjoy how everything unfolded. Side note, the footnotes are really fun and definitely worth taking the time to read each one.

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First time reading work by this author and I've been missing out!! LIES AND WEDDINGS, mostly focused on the wealthy Gresham family, is filled with chaos, hilarity, drama, and ludicrousness in all the best ways! I thoroughly enjoyed the author's sharp and sophisticated wit and the satirical take on high society. I do not like reality television but I found myself so swept up and immersed in this type of world, the characters and their struggles. As absurd as some of the characters are in the story with their idiosyncrasies, they all still felt believable, which I admired. I like how the plot kept exponentially heightening along with all the secrets that are revealed, and just when you think the plot can't get any crazier....

Without giving too much of the plot away, I do want to say that the mother character sure is something else! I would have said "piece of work" at the beginning, but as the story unfolds, I appreciated getting to learn and understand why and how she became who she is. If I had her as mother, I would be afraid to know how I would have turned out. I liked how prominent the theme of family is throughout, whether that's the family you're stuck with, family you're married into, or chosen family. I loved how pure and down-to-earth Rufus and Eden's relationship is.

This was such a great escapism -- in which it made my problems feel like nothing compared to the ones in this book haha -- the reader will find themselves on the sandy beaches in Hawaii with a volcano about to erupt, a hot air ballon in Marrakech, the most exclusive establishments in Beverly Hills, old family estate in London, and a luxurious villa in Venice. I had a feeling what the twist was going to be at the end and it did not disappoint! Be sure to read the footnotes, it adds a nice other layer to the story. Looking forward to reading all of the author's other published work to tide me over until his next book release!

Thank you to Doubleday Books and NetGalley for the digital advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Kevin Kwan, the mastermind behind the sensational Crazy Rich Asians trilogy, has once again dazzled readers with "Lies and Weddings." This uproarious comedy of manners unfolds against the backdrop of an opulent tropical wedding and is every bit as hilarious and glamorous as his previous works.

At the center of this outrageous tale is Rufus Leung Gresham, a young man grappling with the weight of the legendary Gresham Trust's debts. To salvage his family's dwindling fortune, he's tasked with an unenviable mission: attend his sister's wedding at a luxurious eco-resort and ensnare a wealthy woman into matrimony. The options before him are equally alluring and baffling. Should he choose Solène de Courcy, the French hotel heiress with a royal pedigree? Or perhaps Martha Dung, the venture capital genius with a penchant for philanthropy? Then there's the girl next door, Eden Tong, who tugs at his heartstrings. When volcanic eruptions disrupt the nuptials and expose a secret tryst, the Gresham family's carefully constructed façade disintegrates.

Kevin Kwan's narrative whisks readers away on a globe-trotting adventure from the shores of Hawaii to the skies of Marrakech, offering a glitzy portrayal of high society and aristocracy. His storytelling is immersive and dynamic, enriched by his satirical observations on love, wealth, and societal expectations. The plot unfolds with hilarious twists and turns, and Kwan's witty prose infuses every page with humor and charm.

As secrets unravel and buried tragedies resurface, "Lies and Weddings" keeps you guessing, and its clever commentary on relationships and the extravagant lifestyles of the elite adds depth to the narrative.

Kevin Kwan's signature humor, sharp wit, and delightful storytelling come together once again in "Lies and Weddings." This novel is a feast for those who revel in tales of lavish excess, family drama, and the absurdity of high society. Prepare to be entertained, amused, and thoroughly engrossed by Kwan's latest literary creation.

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Did you watch/read Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan? If you like CRA, then you won’t be disappointed by Kwan’s latest book — Lies and Weddings.

The Gresham family dukedom is on the brink of financial ruin after a lifetime of lavish spending. The final nail in the coffin is hammered when Countess Arabella’s (uninsured) hotel project is destroyed by lava during her daughter Augusta’s wedding. Rufus, the future Earl of Greshamsbury (Earl Francis and Arabella’s son), has temporarily escaped the aristocratic lifestyle to pursue art in Hawaii. Faced with the Greshams’ impending ruin, Arabella schemes to marry off Rufus to a rich woman and to thwart any chance of romance with his childhood crush Eden Tong.

Goodness… There is so much to talk about with this book.

Yes, ofc, there is the craziness of rich Asians still going on in this book and all the ridiculousness that comes along with it. And, yes, this is ultimately a fun romantic comedy (no smut).

But setting that aside, I found this book endearing because of Arabella--the character I liked the least and yet probably understood the most. Arabella is a controlling, conniving Chinese mother and is married to the (British) Earl of Greshambury. Her children are, therefore, Eurasian/hapa. In an exaggerated form, Arabella embodies the struggle Asians have in keeping up with the Joneses. She does this for the future of the dukedom and, most importantly, for her children. She casts disdain on anyone beneath her social class and who may threaten her security. However, most of her insecurity actually stems from her own self-loathing for being Chinese, which she projects onto other Chinese people. She only identifies with being Chinese when it conveniently befits and excuses her critical behavior, or when she wants to play the victim against her “British” family. Arabella is essentially stuck in the tension of being Chinese by descent but British in every other respect. (As an Asian-American, I feel this racial identify crisis!)

L&W is a fun, quick read. L&W has all the drama, gossip, and decadence of CRA. (I will say that L&W is more akin to CRA than Sex and Vanity.) And, true to form as seen in Kwan’s books, L&W has the same amount of name-dropping (from who you know, what you’re wearing, and where you went to school) and over-the-top antics of rich/titled persons as his other books. Be prepared for all of it!

So grab a glass of wine and pop yourself some popcorn as you curl up with this gossipy, better-than-reality-tv book!

Thank you for this eARC! :) It was one I was very much looking forward to! <3

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