Member Reviews

Really enjoyed this selection and the lives and troubles of the wealthy and excessive. Kwan really knows how to write a book with over the top wealth and I could not put it down.

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"๐˜ž๐˜ฉ๐˜บ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ญ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ...? ๐˜ž๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜บ ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ธ; ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ต๐˜ด."

Title really says it all. We read Kwan for the drama and dialogue, but here it goes on for too long in some parts. A more refined Crazy Rich Asians that should just go to teleplay as I don't think it suits the book format all too well with the spitfire conversations. The glamor of the plot would be more exuberant in a budget for costume design rather than words. What I'm trying to say is the novel would be best represented visually than written.

For fans of CRA, run to this!

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Crazy rich weddings and bi=racial families with complicated histories form the basis for this latest Kwan novel. An unfortunate death begins this story and takes the reader from Hawaii to England/France, and Los Angeles. The journeys and weddings are always unforgettable.
Kwan throws in prestigious schools, places, and brand names of the very rich--a world most of us can only dream about. A fun frolic.

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Another excellent, over-the-top romp from Kevin Kwan, perfect for a summer beach read. Rufus Leung Gresham, the future Duke of Greshambury, has just learned that the family's legendary trust funds have been depleted by decades of outlandish spending. His mother's solution to this family problem is to have Rufus use his upcoming sister's wedding as a chance to seduce and marry a woman with money in order to replenish the family coffers. Rufus, however, is half in love with the girl next door, Eden Tong, the daughter of a doctor who grew up on the Gresham family estate. As his mother's schemes get more ridiculous and desperate, decades-only secrets threaten to emerge and ruin everything.

This was just a FUN read, full of drama, theatrics, and humor. The chapters are short and the pacing is quick, making this easy to read. There are a ton of fun footnotes, as well as lots of enticing descriptions of food. The whole thing is a like a guilty pleasure soap opera drama that you just can't look away from. Just allow yourself to get swept up in the problems of the uber-rich and enjoy the ride.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved reading Kevin Kwanโ€™s Crazy Rich Asians series when it was first released, and absolutely loved the movie. That being said, they do feel a bit outdated, like period pieces โ€” and so I was intrigued by Lies and Weddings. I think that โ€” two things, 1) if I read Crazy Rich Asians now, I wouldnโ€™t like it as much, and 2) it felt incredibly flat and off-putting. The entire book was essentially: rich people have rich people problems, and I just did not care. Perhaps if there was any depth or commentary, Iโ€™d enjoy it more, but this book was more shallow than I like my books to be. Not to mention, the characters were incredibly underdeveloped, and the book just felt like Kwan was trying to one-up the amount of brand names he could drop.

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This was such a fun read. I enjoyed reading about Rufus, the future Earl of Greshambury dilemma. Marry to please his mom and save the family from their debts or marry the literal woman next door who has his heart. Of course being a Kevin Kwan book, there's the lavish lifestyles and exotic locations and there's murder and drama. Just a perfect escape book. Thank you #NetGalley for my ARC.

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Kevin Kwan is the master of super Rich Asian drama.

I do personally find the brands, schools, and other social markers to be exhausting but they do add something to the story.

This follows Eden, the neighbor and friend to three rich English siblings with a mother from Hong Kong as she attends a wedding and gets sucked into their drama. The lack of communication made this a frustrating read but still a ton of fun!

Thank you to Doubleday Books and NetGalley for the eARC!

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"Lies and Weddings" by Kevin Kwan presents readers with the glamorous yet troubled world of Rufus Leung Gresham, future Earl of Greshambury, whose family fortune has dwindled to nothing but debt. To save the family legacy, Rufus must attend his sister's wedding at a luxurious eco-resort and seduce a wealthy woman. As he navigates his options, including French heiress Solรจne de Courcy, venture capital genius Martha Dung, and his childhood crush Eden Tong, Rufus must confront his family's secrets and the consequences of his choices. From Hawaii to Marrakech, Los Angeles to England's oldest estates, Kwan's tale unfolds with humor, sophistication, and thrilling twists, exploring themes of love, money, and the lies we tell.

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I am always really fascinated by reading fiction about the ultra wealthy, and I was so excited to read this book. However, I felt like the pacing was really slow, and it took me awhile to get into this book. I understand that it takes a good amount of time to set the scene, and really understand who these people are, in a world where so few of us have access. However, so much time was spent on status, brand names, fashion, locationโ€” that it felt like too much of the book, and too little on the plot and character development. I didnโ€™t feel much romance between Rufus and Eden, or see much development with Rufus and his mother/sisters. In the end I didnโ€™t feel much towards any character, so I found it hard to connect with.

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What a delight. In this comedy of manners, we get to come along as the obscenely wealthy jet around the world. I googled all the locations, clothes, foods, wines, designers, cars, watches, handbags, luxury goods, and loved every minute of it.

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I'll be honest, I could read Kwan write about rich people forever. The sweeping, TV drama-like romance, the excess, the bombastic personalities, are always a blast to read. This admittedly didn't reach the same scope as Crazy Rich Asians but I think this was still a deeply entertaining read!

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This was such a fun book to read! Life styles of the rich and famous Kevin Kwan style had me laughing.
Rufus Gresham has a problem. The Gresham trust has been depleted and the family is in huge debt. Seems Arabella loves living the lavish life, including spending money.
Rufus's mother Arabella has decided he needs to seduce a woman that has money. She was definitely getting on my nerves or as my grandmother would say "a real piece of work". Well Rufus has other ideas. He loves Eden Tong the girl next store.
What a great way to escape my reality by diving into this drama, scandalous and hilarious story.

Thank you NetGalley and Doubleday Books for the opportunity to read this book.

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DNF'ing this one. If you haven't read Kevin Kwan yet, I wouldn't start with this book. It's not as funny as previous books, and the characters aren't as interesting or likeable. Honestly, it feels like the same meal reheated. Kwan is telling the same story, about the same characters, but lacking much of the charm of previous books.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review.

So as a huge fan of the Crazy Rich Asians series, I could not wait to dive into this. This has similar themes to those books but unfortunately I didnt love this. It wasnt a bad read but I just didnt love it like I loved the other books. I liked the story they played out and I love the uber wealthy nature of all of the characters. It was over the top and full of satire.

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loved this romance and seeing the couple grow during this time. loved that it happened during a wedding. loved it and fan of this author.

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4.5 rounded up!

LIES AND WEDDINGS was a fun ride filled with drama, rich people problems, and secrets. Mix that with satire and a good story and this was a great read.

In reading this story, I found it to be not only fun, but also complex as well if you knew what to look for. The author does a great job of mixing the drama so this reads like a bit of a soap opera with rich people problems, while also highlighting on the pitfalls of access almost unlimited wealth, the search for status, the corrupting nature of money, and the search for meaning and cultural identity. Kwanโ€™s ability to weave drama, betrayal, and secrets while mixing it with these aspects in a way that is not completely outlandish is a balancing act that he accomplishes in a stunning fashion.

And while this book is being marketed as a romance, I would call it romance adjacent. There is romance, but it more on the sidelines rather than a driving force of this novel. This did throw off what I was expecting from this book. Itโ€™s more of looking at class and race in a non serious, but still interesting, way rather than a full on romance.

Overall, this book was the perfect mix of everything. I think it your looking for a book with meaning, but doesnโ€™t throw it in your face, and is full of drama, the wealthy, and a good story, this is one you should pick up.

Thank you to Doubleday Books and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Rufus would be happy to live out his life in a surf shack in Hawaii, creating art and lifting up local artists, but as the future Duke of Greshambury, his family has different plans for him. His mother & sisters have cooked up a scheme for him to marry a French heiress with a royal bloodline, despite his feelings for the girl next door (literally). When it is up to him to save the family name and fortune, who should he pick: royalty, venture capitalist, or doctor?

Another funny and binge-worthy read about high society by Crazy Rich Asians author Kevin Kwan. I just love his style of writing -- a plot I want to devour in one sitting (I read until 6am, took a nap, and finished it immediately upon waking up) mixed with humor, fashion, and escapism. Such a fun read, full of twists and turns along the way. I have no idea if this has been optioned or not, but I truly hope I get to see it unfold on the big screen.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Doubleday Books for the digital advance reader copy.

So, I think you're either a Kevin Kwan fan or you're not.

His books are about the ultra-uberwealthy - people so fantastically wealthy that ordinary folks can't even imagine their lives. He name drops artists and fashion houses and architects and more throughout the story. He creates unbelievable settings that are truly beyond belief, and yet you can almost imagine someone somewhere spending money this extravagantly.

In short, if escaping into a romantic satire of the very, very rich isn't your cup of tea, don't pick this up.

I'll be honest, I didn't love it, but I did enjoy the completely escapist nature of it.

Eden Tong has lived an ordinary life in a cottage on the Greshambury estate, growing up alongside the uberwealthy Gresham children. Now, things are falling financially apart for the Greshams, and the oldest son, Rufus, is being pressured by his mother to marry rich - very, very, very rich - even though he wants to marry Eden, who is now a doctor. The story moves from Hawaii, the UK, LA, and Venice, as Rufus and Eden find their way to each other and survive the wild escapades of their friends and family.

There are villains to hate, a romantic hero and heroine to root for, and a story opener that may have your jaw dropping.

It's over-the-top. It's a soap opera on steroids. It's Jane Austen antics with Elon Musk money.

While it does explore the systemic racism of the wealthy and the ethics of being uberwealthy, it does so with a satirical, and sometimes, heavy hand.

All in all, I enjoyed it. I find Kwan's book to be almost pure escapism and I enjoy the excessiveness of his stories, but your mileage may vary depending on how many rich-people-problems you can take.

*strong language throughout, graphic sexual references

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Another fun, crazy and over-the-top book from Kevin Kwan! I am a big fan of Kwan since reading the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy and really love his style of humor mixed with real and genuinely good plot.

On its' own, this was a fun and entertaining story. A true romcom that starts off with a wedding next to an actively erupting volcano. This story centers around Doctor Eden Tong and the esteemed and wealthy Gresham family she's been beholden to her whole life. Kwan takes us on a wild ride that is wonderfully humorous and unpredictable.

As a part of Kwan's repertoire, I loved the easter eggs and references to his other novels that anyone who has read them will appreciate, and would make anyone who hasn't curious. This definitely falls strictly in the romcom category, which is why I personally rank it below his other books which felt like they had more of an underlying message.

While Kevin Kwan may never top CRA, this is definitely one you won't want to miss.

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In classic crazy rich Asian style, Kevin kwan again brings us into the lives of a high society family, this time an English lord who is secretly broke, his Chinese model wife who wants to marry their children well to be accepted in European society, the oldest daughter who would rather her wedding be a simple beach affair instead of the party of the century and opening to her mothers new resort, the youngest daughter with her Instagram following, and the prodigal son whoโ€™s in love with the girl next door but whose family want him to marry rich and titled. Plenty of drama, name dropping, and exploring if family expectations are really the way to live your life.

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