Member Reviews

THE JULIET CODE by PEPPER BASHAM is the third novel in the Grace and Frederick romantic suspense series. I have thoroughly enjoyed each book and am hoping there may even be another of their adventures in tge future. I love the sometimes serious, often hilarious,banter between the couple and the way their very different characters meld into a detective force to be reckoned with! They are on honeymoon in Venice when their friend Detective Jack Miracle comes across them and they get involved with him in trying to find a set of paintings featuring Shakespeare’s Juliet, which are missing…….
They become part of his client, Mr Daniel Laraby’s, house party on the island he owns, with a strange mix of guests, each one of whom could be the thief……
With clues in the paintings leading to treasure, curses and murder, a ghost, various circus tricks and sword fighting wth a parasol, Grace is thrilled and Frederick is worried about keeping his wife safe…..
Underlying the story there is a lovely Christian message.
I highly recommend The Juliet Code as a most enjoyable, exciting and inspirational read. I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Barbour Publishing. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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A good mystery with sufficient plot twists to keep you entertained...though the romance was a bit heavy and overdone for me.

This was my first Pepper Basham book and I've heard lots of great things about the author so I was excited to read. Honestly, I felt like the mystery took a backseat to the romance between the married couple MCs. It felt so repetitive, with every chapter going back to her love for his 'sleuthing' and finding him so romantic and perfect. It made the book feel too surreal, with characters who didn't feel real to me and to who, I couldn't fully relate. However, I did like that the mystery had a few twists and turns to get to the real culprits and that the inclusion of God was present and well-written.

All in all, a solid read and I might try some more of her books, especially book 1 in this series before the couple got married.

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I loved reading The Juliet Code. It had me hooked from the beginning; the mystery and adventure started right from page 1, and I could not put the book down. The relationship between Frederick and Grace was so beautiful and innocent; it did not overshadow the adventure.

I will look into reading more books from Pepper Basham.

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You are going to love the banter between Grace and Frederick, such fun and love!

Now our girl Grace, an avid reader, wants to make her parasol deadly, and we are there as it actually happens.

We are gifted with beautiful Venice, and end up on the coast on an island. There the danger begins, and why? Well, answers come, and we soon wonder whom they can trust? Everyone becomes a suspect!

While we enjoy this newly wed couple, danger is lurking, along with a hidden treasure, along with stolen paintings. What is the correlation of the paintings and the island? Well, you will find out!

In the end answers come along with danger, and some not making it to the end!

Page turner for sure!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Barbour, and was not required to give a positive review.

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The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham continues Freddie and Grace, a newlywed couple, on their hunt to solve a mystery. One of the favorite aspects of the series is the mention of previously published mystery novels that Grace keeps referencing to. Shows that she really likes the mystery elements and wonders what would this person do in this situation. The mysteries are cozy mysteries style mysteries, which are fine. I adore any type of mystery that keeps me guessing. Since they are a newlywed couple, Basham does show the sparks of a new couple that are learning to explore the deeper relationships of a married couple. With this mystery, there are clues in the Juliets' paintings, which make it more interesting as the people come across the paintings. Basham does a wonderful job at bringing the setting to life too. She describes what is needed when needed and not too much. Just enough to play with the readers imagination. Overall, The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham is a delightful mystery, but I wish it was not the end. I would love to see more of this type of story from her.

I received a complimentary copy of The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham by Barbour Publishing, but the opinions stated are all my own.

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The Juliet Code
Pepper Basham
Dec.1, 2023
* Christian fiction
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
#3 in the series
Outstanding! Newlyweds Lord and Lady Astley finally reach their honeymoon destination only to encounter a new mystery in need of solving. I adore this series and book 3 is the best yet. The strong Christian message brought me joy. The sizzle between Frederick and Grace is refreshing.
5 stars

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This is the first time that I read a book written by Pepper Basham.

The Juliet Code is the third installment of the Grace and Frederick mystery series. It’s well written with fantastic and charming hero Frederick and heroine Grace! So many things are included into this lovely Christian fiction of suspense, danger, intrigue, just enough to keep me turning pages until the very end. Follow this team into their lives filled with so many twists and turns.

*I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley and Barbour Publishing. All opinions expressed are my own. *

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Juliet Code
Pepper Basham has a talent for blending murder, mayhem and romance. This story was filled with twists and turns, humor and some rather unexpected surprises. I like that the some of the same characters from Cairo Curse reappear here. There were a multitude of characters, and I struggled a bit keeping all of them straight. There are thieves and family mysteries and a mysterious old home embedded with secrets. Many of the characters are not who they claim to be. The author’s humor is a light touch to some serious happenings. I appreciate her effort to include some spiritual influences. I absolutely loved her novel Authentically Izzy and Positively Penelope- the author has a talent for creating a delightful story. Thanks to Net Galley for an advance readers copy.
#Net Galley #Pepper Basham #Barbourbooks

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"Her darling sleuthing partner ahppily filled her days with hisorical and artistic adventures and her nights with deliciously roguish ones." The Juliet Code is full of the signature Freddie and Grace whicsy and newlywed sweetness readers have come to adore throughout the series! I thought the story was a bit like the Knives Out - Glass Onion movie, only with a Regency twist!

If you haven't read any of the Freddie and Grace series, it starts with The Mistletoe Countess followed by The Cairo Curse and then The Juliet Code. I would start from The Mistletoe Countess and keep going! How fun it would be to be able to binge this series all at once! I'm almost jealous of the readers who get to, you are in for an adventure of light-hearted mysteries and mishaps I would love to enjoy again for the first time!

Once again, Grace steals the show with her delightful combination of naivete, and ever present joyfulness. Her love language is daring adventures and near death experiences and she has experienced plenty of them! Her married life certainly hasn't been dull! This story is set in Venice, on what is supposed to be a relaxing honeymoon, but ends up being fraught with ghosts, treasure, stolen art and murder. Definitely not the activities I had on my honeymoon itinerary but perfect for Grace! I enjoyed the themes of hurts and grace, hope and loss, as well as letting God use you where you to bring hope to others. Well done Pepper Basham!

"The best stories should always include faithful friends." I loved the inclusion of super sleuth Jack Miracle in The Juliet Code. How great would it be if he and his new partner got a spin-0ff series! I would definitely read it! Will there be more of Freddie and Grace??? If there are, I can't even begin to imagine what adventures or who they will encounter next! It will be exciting for sure!

Choose The Juliet Code if you like:

Clean lighthearted romance
Mystery and mishaps and murder
Stories filled with grace and hope

Thank you Pepper Basham, Barbour Books and Net Galley for the complimentary copy of The Juliet Code. The opinions expressed here are my own.

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"The Juliet Code" is a Christian mystery set in 1914 in Venice. This is the third book in a series, and you can understand it without reading the previous books. However, this book did spoil both events and the mystery in the previous books, so it's best to read them in order.

Grace is full of enthusiasm and a lively imagination fueled by books. She gets a thrill from adventure, and I love how resourceful she is in the face of unexpected adventures. Frederick's finally getting into being a sleuth and actually put together many of the clues before Grace did. She figured out the secret code leading to the treasure, though. Anyway, they were working with Detective Jack, so he mostly led the questioning and detecting. Frederick and Grace spent a lot of time mooning over each other (as it is their honeymoon) and having fade-to-black bedroom scenes. It was a fun romp, but I had the ghost whodunit figured out before even Grace (who had all of the clues) and the same with Laraby's stunt. The ending got confusing, partly because the author switched from the known names for the characters to their true names and relationships. The scenes were so poorly described that the 'suspenseful' ending just left me confused. It felt like the author forgot how she initially described the place, nor did the scene seem possible.

Things I hope are clarified in the final version of this book (and this isn't put on the review sites): Too reckless: Grace finds a rope ladder that we have reason to believe is decades old and has been out in the weather, but she didn't even check that it's still weight-worthy before using it. Shifting Description: Jack takes Path 1 to the Main Cave where the action happens. It's described as going down steps which turn into a tunnel with earthen walls which opens into a massive cavern. There are "towering" cave entrances on three sides, and it's open to the sea on the fourth. He walks over to one cave entrance, where the water's edge nearly touches the entrance and a boat is secured at the entrance. He walked into the cave, going up a short passage into the main cave. Frederick took Path 2 into a huge cave with several cave entrances partly submerged underwater. Light comes from an opening above him, and there's a pool of water in the center of the cavern. He walks through the Main Cave entrance, which isn't completely submerged yet, and the water is chest high. (The entrance height sure shrunk.) Several people then walk through this entrance (one even pushing a wheelbarrow) and the water remains at chest height. Grace took Path 1, only the steps end in the huge cavern; there's no tunnel. She sees a "cliff-framed cove" and a boat near a mostly submerged cave entrance. It's now neck-deep at the boat (standing on the bottom). Grace swims through the same neck-deep water area and through the entrance, but she sees a lot of shipwrecked boats beneath her. When swimming back through the entrance, these masts are now only about 4' below the water level, so they should have been visible at the beginning. This area had no wrecks before the tide came in and it wasn't deep enough to have any. And why was there a heavy metal chain on top of a mast instead of rope, and why hasn't it fallen off in the motion of the tide ages ago? I liked how the author previously gently mocked unrealistic adventure novels versus reality, but this setting was not only confusing but unrealistic for the sake of 'suspense'--and then the author jumped over major parts about how they got out of danger.

Grace and Fredrick learned to trust God with each other's safety. There was no bad language. There was implied married sex. Overall, I'd recommend this fun mystery, but I hope the end is rewritten to make more sense as it was hard to follow.

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THE JULIET CODE is a delightful romp from start to finish. The author does a wonderful job of conveying history as well as gorgeous scenery. The characters, as always, are super entertaining, and the mystery is quite clever and will keep you guessing. Highly recommended for fans of light-hearted historical mysteries with a dash of romance. This is a book meant to entertain, not to be taken too seriously. If you like Agatha Christie, this book (and the series in general) is like a lighter, funnier version of those classic mysteries. I look forward to the next installment.

I received a complimentary e-galley from the publisher in exchange for my review; all opinions are my own.

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The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham was an Advance Reader's Copy courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for my fair and honest review. This is the third book in the Freddie & Grace series and is Christian historical fiction.

Freddie and Grace are now in Venice for the next stop on their honeymoon. The book opens with Grace chase scene, this time from a Venetian canal through the center of town in pursuit of Grace's stolen handbag. After the successful retrieval, they stumble upon Grace's favorite detective, Detective Jack Miracle, and soon find themselves investigating art theft in Venice.

If you watch my videos, you already know just how much I love this book. I gush about it here and I will be posting a separate video when the book launches on 1 December 2023. So, stayed tune to my channel for that video. This book is perfection. Freddie and Grace have character growth, the story is well plotted with plenty of twists and turns. There is intrigue, danger, faith, love, and hope threading throughout the novel.

But more importantly, this novel has two quotes which are the epitome of what it means to be in love with your spouse. Both quotes come from Freddie, and I quote them in my video, but the key words from those quotes are "insurmountable faith" and "wise men do not go looking for more". The quotes are so impactful that I took an unprecedent step and messaged Pepper on Instagram to tell her just how impactful they book was.

Continuing characters that carry the story through multiple books isn't the norm for a #BlameitonaBasham book. Sure, characters appear in different books but usually they transition from a protagonist to a side character. Freddie and Grace have remained the protagonists in this series with a parade of new and returning side characters. Their familiar banter and escapades have earned them a place in my heart. They have grown and matured from the first book until this. Their love for one another has gone from a marriage of convenience to two people falling more in love with each passing day. Their humor, their faith, their insecurities, their openness all combine to make two protagonists that leap off the page and into your heart.

I do not know if there are more Freddie and Grace books to come. I pray that there are. They have become one of my favorite couples of all time and I want more adventures as their life together and their family grows. I want more of the side characters lives, I want the faith and the determination to always finding a silver lining.

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This is one of my favourite books/series in 2023 and I read a lot of books - so it's high praise indeed. This book contained it all: romance, mystery, suspense, danger and humour. I love the main characters of Grace and Fredrick. They are well written and just plain interesting.

I enjoyed the plot of the story and the setting for it. I have read the whole series and I would be the first in line for more if the author chooses to write them. I sincerely hope she will! This can be read as a stand alone but I recommend starting at the beginning of the series as each book builds upon the previous.

I receive complimentary books for various sources including, Netgalley, Authors, and other such sources. I am not required to write a positive review and have not received compensation.

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I don't know if these two are ever going to get a proper honeymoon but they are sure making memories that they will never forget! I love that we get to follow them along on their married life as they solve crimes! So many romance books end with the characters getting together and we get a page or two of them together or if you're really lucky, a chapter. I am LOVING that this is a whole series!!! Keep them coming please!!!

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To quote Henry Tilney (Northanger Abbey), "once I had begun [this book], I could not lay it down again; I remember finishing it in two days - my hair standing on end the whole time."

This was an exciting romp and became a page-turner by the end. The plot was engaging, well-developed, and kept me guessing. The setting was fascinating. There was an interesting cast of characters, and I was particularly drawn to the plucky, curious, and observant Grace, who reminded me of Catherine Morland.

In fact, this books made me think of a lot of the "greats" in fiction, from Sherlock Holmes to Agatha Christie’s Tuppence and Tommy, even to The Count of Monte Cristo. It made itself unique, however, in its portrayal of a husband-and-wife sleuthing team who have a happy marriage (even if the husband is reluctant to solve mysteries).

However, I had some small, personal quibbles with this book, which might not bother other readers. There was a line in the story that bothered me: Grace, considering the possibility of being attacked during her investigations, tells her husband something along the lines of "I prefer your particular type of assault" in a seductive way. Connecting the word "assault" in any way with happily-married consensual sex just bothered me. On a smaller note, the name "Jasmine" seemed, to me, a bit anachronistic for a late 19th/early 20th century Italy, but that's completely unimportant and had no bearing on my review, and I could be wrong about that.

While the messages in the book could be heavy-handed, they were good and true and important. I appreciate the way Basham writes fiction with a purpose. One of the things I appreciated most in the book was that when Grace gets anxious, she uses Philippians 4:8 to ground herself in whatever is true, good, worthy of praise, etc. It seems like a good strategy to try!

Overall, this was a really good read that had me hooked by the end. I would definitely read a future mystery with loveable couple Grace and "Freddie" if Basham writes more. Even though The Juliet Code established very clearly what happened in the first two books, I enjoyed this one so much that I think I'll go back to read The Mistletoe Countess and The Cairo Curse, too!

Warnings for readers that are more sensitive/conservative: this story does get dark and has an untimely death. (I wasn't expecting that, as I thought the book was just about an art heist; that's my bad for not reading the first two books in the series, and only reading the very upbeat "Positively, Penelope" by Basham before this. Also, the book contains multiple mentions of the newlyweds wanting to have sex.

Thank you to Pepper Basham and Barbour Publishing for this eARC. I was not required to write a positive review. I will post a review on Goodreads no more than 30 days prior to publishing as per Barbour's request.

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A very different story, some which was realistic and other parts very far fetched, in my opinion. The characters displayed some strong characteristics and showed strength.

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The Juliet code is a historical fiction story that will keep you up and engage from the first page. For me this was my first book of the series and I’ll definitely be reading the first two books, enjoying everything even more because I’ll know they lived to have a third story.
This series is about Grace and Frederick suddenly and unexpectedly finding themselves inside mysteries turned death threatening. Juliet Code happens in Venice, and they ended up working with their dear friend Jack, Detective Miracle, to solve a dark and old mystery. While they solved the case they met other important characters such as Lydia Whitby that hopefully, we’ll see more in the next book.
Love the book!!

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The Juliet Code was like being in a new country but wearing your favorite comfy sweatshirt. It was the cozy feeling of already knowing Freddie and Grace but the excitement of a new adventure with them. The beauty of following the same main characters in multiple books is the opportunity to see the characters growth, which we see perfectly with Freddie and Grace not only individually but also as a couple. Their love and respect for each other has grown and flourished since meeting them in Mistletoe Countess. Grace still has her amazing personality and excitement to solve any mystery that comes into her path but I noticed her stop and think a lot more, using past experiences to help her make wise choices. And we see Fredrick struggle with the fear of almost losing Grace in the last book and him relying on his faith in the Lord knowing in life or death God is holding them, and that was beautiful.

We follow them on their honeymoon in Italy where they meet up with a friend, Detective Jack Miracle as he is working on a case relating to stolen paintings.
Of course our favorite couple couldn’t turn down the opportunity to help and soon they are sucked into an investigation that turns deadly. Throw in ghosts, hidden treasure, friends old and new and a parasol and you have yourself another lighthearted mystery with Freddie and Grace.

I enjoyed this book so much and love that Freddie and Grace never get boring to read about and that’s because Pepper Basham does such an amazing job at building her characters. I could read another 3 books about them and still be wanting more. You will be guessing until the very end and close it with a smile on your face.

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I adore this series and Book 3 is pure delight. My fav mystery duo, married couple Freddie and Grace, head to Italy for their belated honeymoon and find themselves swept up in uncovering the forces behind an art heist. I couldn't resist their genuine chemistry, the mystery that kept me guessing, and a strong Christian message that brought me joy. Can be read solo but I suggest reading Books 1 & 2 for complete reading pleasure. Highly recommended!

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Who doesn't love the idea of a honeymoon in Venice? Frederick and Grace Percy (Lord and Lady Astley) were rudely interrupted as newlyweds on their Egyptian stopover in "The Cairo Curse" and are trying for a honeymoon reset.  Book 3 in this Edwardian-set series, "The Juliet Code" sees them settling into married life while sharing another sleuthing adventure. It's a standalone historical whodunnit, although the set-up chapters reference the main events in the couple's Cairo stint, and various sub-plots and character arcs continue from one story to the next, so some readers may feel they want to begin at Book 1. It's a fun story worth reading to get acquainted with Gracelynn/Grace and Frederick.

Grace is an American heiress who married, "Buccaneers" style, into the British aristocracy. She's been grappling with the arcane social ropes ever since her introduction in "The Mistletoe Countess" (Book 1). Two books later, she is an evolving version of the character I warmed to initially. There were missteps in Book 2, when author Pepper Basham made her a particularly irritating version of the juvenile cutesy/quirky/bookish trope readers are supposed to find endearing in Christian romances.

Thankfully, in their new Venetian adventure, Grace is behaving more like a true partner for the likeable Frederick. This shift in their dynamic enables him to show the realistic protectiveness of an Edwardian husband toward his wife, instead of patronizing her like a child. There's a relaxed intimacy between them conveyed in some charming moments through the story. This is a 'kissing book' as they're known in the clean and wholesome Christian romance genre, meaning the MCs' physical bond as husband and wife is symbolized by kissing. These moments are always tastefully written and not overused.

No sooner have Grace and Frederick arrived in Venice when series character, Detective Jack Miracle arrives in Venice hired by a rich client, Daniel Laraby, to find a stolen painting, one of a famous set of nine known as "The Juliets."  Jack ropes Grace and Frederick into his investigation and the subsequent mystery serves up tomb robbing, an imposter, murders, greed, secrets, and betrayals, with the usual twists, red herrings, and dramatic conclusion.

The art theme and evocative Venetian backdrop is a strength of the story that sets it apart from the usual fare. Ms. Basham writes a pleasant, polished prose well pitched for the sub-genre, and elevated by her lovingly described settings.  Her Third Person narrative is not overburdened with multiple viewpoints. The story unfolds mostly in the POVs of Grace and Frederick, with valid. well-timed shifts to that of Detective Jack Miracle. Unfortunately for the timbre of the book, the character voices are virtually indistinguishable. An American heiress and a couple of British aristocrats are horses of a different color, yet other than a few quirks, they basically think and sound like the same person. This uniformity sometimes makes for bland reading, weighing on the bustling pace of the plot, the appeal of the characters, and the freshness of the story.

It's a mystery with a body count - fewer than the pile-up in "The Cairo Curse" - and an interesting cast of characters, which occasionally became hard to keep track of. However, they all had a role to play in the plot and sub-text, and for readers who enjoy an Agatha Christie approach, a plethora of suspects is part of the fun.

I liked this light, genteel mystery and appreciated the author's efforts in creating an immersive setting and good quality escapism in a book of decent length.  3.75 from Regency Chronicle, rounded up to a 4 for Goodreads and such.   For those unfamiliar with our star ratings, that means we recommend "The Juliet Code" as well above average in its light Christian historical mystery adventure lane.

Thanks to the author, Barbour Publishing, and NetGalley for an advance review copy. Cover image courtesy of Barbour Publishing © 2023.  Review by Pam Baker © 2023 The Regency Chronicle.

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