Member Reviews

The Juliet Code is one entertaining mystery overflowing with twists and turns and plenty of romance! 5 stars!

Pepper Basham has outdone herself and I couldn't have enjoyed the exploits of Freddie and Grace more. Even though the couple's honeymoon takes them to Venice, Italy, it's not your ordinary honeymoon! Grace fancies herself a detective and can't seem to help herself when a chance to solve a mystery arises. Freddie, in his utter devotion to her tags along, one part exasperation and another in admiration.

I love the way Grace's mind works and the way she expresses herself. I've noted so many great lines,

"It was quite delightful to think of herself as a character in God's book instead of just a wandering character without an author or book at all."
"I know we haven't the power to change the world, but we can start in our little corner where God places us."

I can hardly wait for the next installment of "adventures with Freddie and Grace". And lastly, huge applause to the art department for such a gorgeous cover that so beautifully reflects the story. I appreciate Barbour Publishing making a copy of The Juliet Code available for review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

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You definitely want to read the first two books (The Mistletoe Countess and The Cairo Curse) before you read this third book. Characters and events from those books will be often mentioned in The Juliet Code with very little background or explanation of who they are or what exactly happened.

I really enjoyed this book. Basham does a great job with the mystery, revealing layers and background information slowly. The cast of characters is big, with lots of questions about which side each one may be on. Be ready for red herrings, plot twists, retired circus performers, flooding caves, unexpected allies, and more bodies than I enjoy.

Besides the wonderful (for the most part) characters, great location (Venice!), rip-roaring action and exquisitely woven plot, Basham has great insights on God’s work in the world and people’s lives, bravery, faith, brokenness, and trusting God with a loved one’s safety.

“I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own." #TheJulietCode #NetGalley

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Oh Grace! I honestly believe this series is God sent. The banter and chemistry between Freddie and Grace reminded me of that in Georgette Heyer's 'Friday's Child,' and the adventure was reminiscent of 'Storm and Silence' by Rob Thier, yet wholly unique and much more enjoyable! It would be remiss if I didn't mention the faith aspect, which came about genuinely and was evidently a significant part of the main characters' lives. This is a favorite of mine by the author, and I eagerly anticipate Fred and Grace’s next adventure, along with the romances of the secondary characters that played out so well in the story.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this! The opinions are entirely mine!

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This book takes us on the honeymoon of Lord and Lady Astley. They have already seen their share of murder and kidnapping. Lord Astley decides to take Lady Astley to Venice by way of Cairo for a visit with his cousin who is sponsoring an archeological dig. Of course they find themselves in the middle of a mystery when they get there. Lady Astley has a vivid imagination which isn't helped by all the books she reads. She also has a very spontaneous nature that gets her into trouble. She approaches every situation as if she were Sherlock Holmes.

This book involves murder, tomb robbing, and kidnapping. It's not a suspenseful novel. But full of mystery. This is the second novel in the Freddie and Grace Mystery series. This book sort of fills the reader in on what happened in the first book so it would be possible to read this with out reading the first book.

The only negative I have for this book is that sometimes I felt like I was reading a history book instead of a novel. Other than that, I enjoyed it.

I received a copy of this book from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.

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With the Juliet Code Pepper Basham has created a romantic mystery filled with my favorites: Italy, art, and Freddie and Grace. She’s also won me over to kissing books. It’s a mystery that would make Agatha Christie proud. It was such a fun read, and one I highly recommend.

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