Member Reviews

I love Freddie and Grace. Pepper Basham does a terrific job of exploring their personalities and their relationship to each other while they're solving the mystery. And that mystery will leave you on the edge of your seat until the end. I couldn't guess who the culprits were until Freddie and Grace figured it all out. Oh my, I would love to see those Juliet paintings. What a great idea for a mystery story. I would recommend this to romantics and mystery lovers alike. There is also a great side story concerning their detective friend. I hope Pepper Basham decides to continue with that as well. Can't wait for the next Freddie and Grace. Read this one - it's a page-turner.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review

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I loved the first two books in Pepper Basham’s Freddie and Grace Mystery series. With unique settings, charming and often hilarious characters, sizzling sweet romance, and twisting mysteries, what’s not to like?! The Juliet Code continues the honeymoon travels of Lord and Lady Astley as they visit the romantic city of Venice. But Grace can’t seem to help stumbling into an investigation. This time Frederick is wholeheartedly along for the ride. They join their friend and professional investigator Detective Jack Miracle in uncovering the missing Juliet paintings. Really, nothing is as it seems, and I enjoyed puzzling out just what was going on and who was actually who 😉 . A treasure hunt, a curse, secret rooms, and dead bodies are the thrilling elements of this historical novel. Basham does a great job of bringing Venice to life. Her creation of a fictional island in the Lagoon is wonderfully done as well. As always Grace brings just the right amount of humor to balance tense situations, making her a favorite amateur sleuth. Her love of books and the references found in The Juliet Code will delight bibliophiles as well. Basham weaves spiritual threads naturally throughout the narrative. The broken world and God’s care are compared — there’s is always grace that accompanies hurt; hope that overshadows loss.

You’ll find well-written historical mystery and romance in The Juliet Code. Recommended!


Audience: Adults.

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I just love this Freddie & Grace series! The first two books were amazing, and this one just follows right along. I am, however, sad that this series has to come to an end...I hate the idea of leaving these two lovely characters behind.
But, I greatly enjoyed the reading of this book.
Freddie and Grace think they will finally get to really and truly enjoy their honeymoon, this time in Venice. To their surprise, another mystery catches up with them. Much to Grace's delight, and Freddie's chagrin.
There are so many things going on in this book. Lots of strange characters, and just when you begin to suspect one, well you get more information that adds another to your suspect list. This story kept me guessing the entire way through!

This book is fun, action packed, and just a delight to read.
I highly recommend it!

My Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review, and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 Review

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The further adventures of Freddie & Grace. This time they're in Italy, Venice specifically. What is to be a quiet honeymoon quickly turns into a mystery to solve when Detective Miracle, also from England, asks for their help on a case. Parts of the story almost felt like an Agatha Christie novel, with people turning up dead or hurt.. Every time a painting is from a series of paintings depicting scenes from Romeo & Juliet is stolen, someone usually ends up dead. Then while on an island for a party, another one if the paintings is stolen and more people die. Who's the thief/killer & how did they get on the island? Did someone cry wolf too many times? Is there a treasure hidden, with the clues hidden in the paintings? So many questions & not enough answers. A grand adventure for Grace who's a want to be detective & not so much for her much quieter husband Freddie.
I received an ARC copy from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Grace and Frederick are excited to spend their honeymoon together in Venice, they are surprised to find their dear friend Jack already there and in need of their help with a current case.

Swept into a another adventure filled mystery, newlyweds Grace and Frederick must use their skills to unravel what is happening to the missing paintings before something more sinister occurs. A delightful read with wonderful chemistry and interaction between the characters, I also liked the friendship that Grace and Frederick have with Jack, as well as seeing their relationship grow stronger. It was also fun seeing Jack team up with a spunky counterpart of his own, in this fast paced mystery.

A highly enjoyable read with wonderful characters, strong faith and growth, with a positive view of marriage, as well as plenty of adventure! A terrific addition to the series!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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What a fun story! The dynamic sleuthing duo of Frederick & Grace is delightful. This newly married couple are supposed to be on their honeymoon but continue to encounter trouble wherever they go. This adventure of theirs takes place in Italy when Grace's purse gets nabbed, and she chases after the culprit! From there, we experience a beautiful island, an art thief or two, murder, and mayhem. But we also enjoy fun banter, great friendships, and the sweetness of newlyweds! From beginning to end, this book is full of adventure and love. Definitely recommend!

I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham
Newlyweds Lord and Lady Astley Finally Reach Their Honeymoon Destination Only to Encounter a New Mystery in Need of Solving.
Frederick and Grace Percy finally make it to Italy to enjoy a delayed honeymoon and explore the beauties of the historic city of Venice. To their surprise, their friend, Detective Jack Miracle, is also in the city, investigating a series of art heists starting at the house of eccentric millionaire, Laraby Covington. Drawn into a world of boat races, mysterious houses, and parties of the rich and unusual in Venice, Frederick and Grace learn of the existence of the Juliet paintings, (Renaissance paintings feature Shakespeare’s tragic heroine) rumored to hold a secret code to an underground vault of similarly treasured artwork assumed lost over the centuries. As Freddie and Grace are pulled deeper into the mystery and their beloved Detective Jack disappears, can they use their wits and work as a team to find the thieves and Jack before it’s too late?
This is Freddie and Grace Percy's story.
This is Detective Jack Miracle's story.
This is the third book on the ‘Freddie and Grace Mysteries’ series by Pepper Basham.
If you like romance and mystery you will like this book.
The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham is a 3 star book.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Award-winning author Pepper Basham returns with the third novel in the Freddie and Grace Mystery series where mystery, romance, and humor abound.

In The Juliet Code, Frederick and Grace Percy finally arrive at their Italian honeymoon destination, only to discover their friend Detective Jack Miracle in the midst of an art heist investigation. They learn about the Juliet paintings, rumored to hide a code to the location of hidden artwork. The Percys are determined to help their detective friend find the truth behind the mysterious deaths of the paintings’ owners.

Well-known for her humor and romance, Basham allows Frederick and Grace to grow in their relationship, as they work together. Grace embraces the adventure as if Freddie planned it especially for her. Basham balances the romance, humor, and mystery in her faith-based storyline, creating endearing fictional characters the reader would enjoy meeting in real life.

Readers will encounter twists and characters with sinister motives as they join Freddie and Grace on this Italian adventure. While it can be read independently, readers are encouraged to read Mistletoe Countess, and The Cairo Curse to enjoy the beginnings of the Percys’ relationship. Hopefully we will see more Freddie and Grace Mysteries!

Recommended for adult collections in public libraries and mystery buffs. Fans of Agatha Christie, Dorothy Gillman's Mrs. Polifax series, Elizabeth Peters' Amelia Peabody series, and the Indiana Jones movies will enjoy this historical mystery!

Disclaimer: Book reviews are my honest opinion of books I either purchased or received free of cost from the publishers, publicists, and/or authors. I am not required to write reviews, nor to even post positive reviews.

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Pepper Basham has officially become a favorite author of mine. I have read 4 of her books so far and I have loved each one. Every book I’ve read was so much fun. There is witty banter/dialogue between the characters, such fun characters that are easy to fall in love with, and such good faith content.

The Juliet Code, which is the third book in the Frederick & Grace Mystery series, was no different and did not disappoint! It was so good to be back with Frederick and Grace uncovering a new mystery! The mystery lover in me really enjoyed the mystery in this book! And can I just say I absolutely LOVE Freddie and Grace! 😍 They have become some of my most favorite characters, and I hope we see more of them in the future! 

I highly recommend this whole series; you will not be disappointed!

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The continuing adventures of Grace and Freddie shows them just trying to fit in their honeymoon between all the mysteries. This time we find them in Venice, enjoying the sites as newlyweds when they get caught up in an adventure they didn't see coming. First, I think their relationship is adorable, as Grace keeps things interesting for Freddie, and Freddie grounds her.

Freddie is coming to realize that he and Grace may not have a normal honeymoon, and maybe not a normal life. But in the beginning of these chapters, he realizes that the gift of adventure and sleuthing is the best gift he can give to Grace. It pleases her so, and he loves her so. What's a guy going to do?

Their adventure consists of a secluded rich man's island and stolen artwork which may or may not hold a hidden message to a long-buried treasure. This was another fun addition to this series, though I do admit I felt for Freddie and his dreams of a quieter life. However, Grace is happy as can be as her reading adventures are coming to life and her life is much more fascinating than a fictional book.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

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“The Juliet Code” is a fun, lighthearted mystery with unique, quirky characters that are easy to love. Freddie and Grace’s witty banter and loving relationship is enjoyable, and their honeymoon takes them on a wild, unexpected adventure.

I enjoyed learning about the Juliet paintings and was curious about the thefts and deaths attached to them. The story contains wonderful elements of mystery, danger, adventure, and sweet romance. But the element of faith throughout the story is most inspiring!

It was fun visiting with Freddie, Grace in Italy and enjoyed witnessing their growth in their faith and trust as the story progressed. If you enjoy playful, faithful, romantic, mystery stories with original characters and plenty of action—no doubt you’ve found a great choice.

#CoverLoverBookReview received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions are 100% mine.

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What Danger Does Grace Get Into in Venice?

"The Juliet Code" is the 3rd 📕 in Pepper Basham's Historic, Action/Adventure, Romantic Suspence, "Freddie & Grace Mystery" Series. To fully understand Frederick, Grace, & other characters, you really need to Read the Series in Chronological Order.

This Engrossing Story has: danger, hidden identities, murder, mysteries, boats, paintings, an island, & a Honeymoon in it. I appreciated that there is no cursing, or explicit sexual scenes in this Wonderful Novel.

I ❤️d the 📕. That's why I Highly Recommend This Pepper Basham Story & Series! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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The third installment in the Grace and Frederick mystery series, and I loved it! It works great as a standalone but if you want how Grace and Frederick got to this point you should read the others. In this story, Grace and Frederick are helping Jack figure out who is taking the Juliet paintings and what exactly The Juliet Code is and where it leads to. This story has danger lurking around every corner, including murder. I really enjoyed the mystery in this story, and Grace is charming as usual. I liked the little bit of romance involved as well. Great Christian content. Mentions Philippians 4:8. Overall, a great mystery and story! I definitely recommend!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from netgalley . All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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3.5 Stars

THE JULIET CODE is a Christian historical that is one part sweet romance and one part cozy mystery. The plot brings vast amounts of banter mixed, at the beginning, with an almost nonchalant try at solving a mystery that quickly turns serious as the danger intensifies. Set in historical Italy lends a very picturesque story. An entertaining read for Christian romance fans!

This book is by far my favorite of the series. For me, it was entertaining between the banter, innuendo, escapades, sleuthing references, and mounting danger as these characters try to solve the mystery and escape with their lives. The romance is very strong in this series, and holds the same in this third book. It did make me laugh several times even though it is fairly over the top. Of course there is quite a bit of fanciful ridiculousness from Grace who is so excited to do any investigating and is thrilled by reading mysteries and then acting them out in real life. Frederick finds that he too can get caught up in the thrill against his better judgment. Together they counter each other between Grace's fancifulness and Frederick's seriousness. I liked that Frederick's military training, among other skills he's picked up, come out more in this book and he begins to realize that he can teach Grace a few things, which endears him even more to her. They don't escape each dangerous escapade unscathed, however. Grace faces some reoccurring nightmares from the previous book as well as danger in this one. I thought this interchange between the two of them was rather sweet:

"It just feels rather cowardly to wake up in tears over a nightmare. And I do so want to be brave." She searched his serene eyes. . . . "Being afraid doesn't mean you're not brave, darling. . . It's what you do when you are afraid that proves your bravery. And you usually choose brave things to do."

There is also a strong religious element woven throughout this book. I felt it was handled well and didn't come across as pushy. The actual mystery I found to be intriguing. I figured things out quickly but there were still enough twists and turns in how everything was resolved that it kept me engaged. Plus it's an overall fun, lighthearted story.

I also had a few complaints. The romance is very strong. Too much for my tastes. The religious aspect is also very strong. I think I would have been okay with both of those being so prevalent except that there were almost entire and multiple chapters taken with both. This made the story stretch, almost feeling like it stalled in several places. After this happened a handful of times, it made me feel disinterested and wanting to skim to finish the story. I know other readers may not have the same issues. Just something to note if those aspects aren't a good fit for you.

In the end, was it what I wished for? An overall entertaining read with moments of lighthearted friendship and romance mixed with mystery and danger. Recommended to fans of Christian cozy mystery who also enjoy sweet historical romance with the emphasis on the romance and religion.

Content: Innuendo and slightly suggestive closed-door scenes between a married couple. Some violence.
Source: I received a complimentary copy through Celebrate Lit, which did not require a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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Cue Happy Squeal! When I saw that the story of Freddie and Grace would continue with another novel, I was absolutely ecstatic. These are the happily ever-after romances you dream of—especially for lovers of classic romances like Anne and Gilbert. If Pepper Basham continues these mysteries, I will be a faithful reader of every single story. Grace is funny and relatable and... squirrel... yes, she gets sidetracked easily, but it's all part of her amazing charm. And the way Freddie takes care of her and loves her in all her quirkiness will make the heart swoon. This is the perfect detective duo, and I hope they will go on many more adventures together.

One of my favorite elements is the fact that these romance mysteries follow Grace and Freddie AFTER they're married. So, while they contain more references (in chaste thought) to marital intimacies, it goes to show that romance is as much a part of marriage after the wedding as before—make that even more so. It shows single women that romance continues after the vows are said.

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Grace and Freddie are back, and we accompany them on their honeymoon trip. I enjoyed the way Freddie’s eyes are opened to just what sort of an adventurous life he’s signed up for in marrying Grace. The mystery in this third book was just okay, so I wasn’t as engaged as I wanted to be. I also felt the author overused the cutesy banter between Grace and Freddie about upcoming intimacy. I get it—they’re on their honeymoon, they’re obviously attracted to one another, but the repetition of these moments just became eye-rolling distractions from the flow of the plot.

Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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I found myself captivated and entranced by this story from page one. It’s so exciting to see the main characters from the previous books caught up in another mystery. This story brought out such a fun personality in Fredrick and endeared him to me even more. I found my heart racing often as this is an action-packed story that kept me white-knuckling the book until the very end. I loved that the mystery took place in Venice, it made the art work with all its secret codes so real. You will be whisked off to the art museums and among the world of art only to end up in an Italian Villa with secret rooms and danger. Pepper Basham is an author you won't forget, she weaves a powerful tale that keeps you hanging on to every word. I don't want to miss a single book!
Was given a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

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Another reviewer described Pepper Basham’s novels as “fiction with a purpose”. I couldn’t agree more and truthfully wish I had coined that phrase myself. If the author ever needed a short but sweet description of her work, that would be an excellent one.

But I digress. As seems to be the case with most fans of Basham’s works, other readers cannot get enough of the Freddie and Grace tales. The eternally optimistic Grace seems to be always ready for an adventure and outwardly appears to be fearless. Her adoring but more restrained husband worries about her but always has her back even when they find themselves in one dangerous situation after another.

In The Juliet Code, the newlyweds finally make it to romantic Venice for their delayed honeymoon only to find their detective friend Jack is also there. He convinces the pair to join him on a job for a rich client who owns a private island nearby. They agree and that is when they soon learn that nothing and no one is what they seem. As can be expected, mysterious paintings that may lead to buried treasure, murder, mystery, and mayhem enter the scene and Freddie and Grace are once again right in the center of the action.

I thoroughly enjoyed The Juliet Code and all its interesting characters. It was fun to encounter Detective Jack again and I would love to see him find his own true love in a future book. Do yourself a favor and pick up copies of all three Freddie and Grace novels. I suspect you will be delighted with them.

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"I've secured a meeting ..., so we can view all the photos of the paintings. We need an idea of what they look like, so we will have a better idea of what we're searching for. And if someone is stealing them to puzzle out whatever code there is to the treasure, perhaps we can locate the thieves by locating the treasure."

Freddie and Grace were supposed to be having a calm and relaxing honeymoon. After all, Cairo was not what they expected. Venice should involve strolling and peaceful boat rides. But as always when Grace is involved, life is not quite that simple.

Suddenly they find themselves wrapped up in a mystery involving a series of paintings featuring Shakespeare's "Juliet." Figuring what is really happening is also challenging considering the players that are involved. Will they be able to help solve the mystery and get back to vacationing.

The Freddie and Grace mysteries are a fun blend of adventure, intrigue and romance in a historical setting. I highly suggest reading "The Mistletoe Countess" and "The Cairo Curse" to fully appreciate this third book. While one could follow along with the plot, truly appreciating the characters happens with a bit of background.

Lord and Lady Astley (Freddie and Grace) are an affectionate couple. While nothing is detailed or inappropriate, certain married behaviors are implied. Marriage is celebrated in this title. I think it adds to the charm. In my opinion, teens and up would be fine with this title.

There are definitely unpredictable parts and predicaments. The suspense level is moderate and details are few. But be aware that some characters do not make it out of the book alive. I did not figure out all of the details. There are plenty of surprises.

I did read a copy of this book through NetGalley. I requested to read it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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“Surely God knew exactly what He’d been doing when He bound Frederick to this darling woman in marriage, didn’t He? Was it some sort of cosmic trust exercise?”

Frederick Percy, Lord Astley, is slowly coming to the conclusion that his life as a newly married earl will involve much more adventure and sleuthing than he would have chosen. Lady Astley, Grace, is delighted to have their honeymoon turn into one murderous adventure after another, finding great exhilaration and satisfaction in the happenings.

Pepper Basham brings back one of my favorite fictional detective couples from the Mistletoe Countess and The Cairo Curse. It’s best to read the series in sequence to get the most enjoyment from this seemingly mismatched couple. Britain Freddy, hurt and lonely from his childhood, is the antithesis of American Grace, who is bookish, yet social, and impulsive. When the couple teams up with their detective friend Jack to find the missing Juliet paintings, confusion, and delusion, and danger abound.

Grace and Frederick communicate in sparkling repartée. Their conversation sizzles while remaining a clean read. As they learn more about each other, they learn how they complement each other and encourage each other to grow in their faith. Frederick encourages Grace with her fears, “And when you feel your courage is small, He is quite capable to lend you some of His.” Grace’s impetuosity will either cause Frederick to become overprotective of her, or learn to trust God.

I recommend this novel for those who appreciate historical romance, mystery , and humor intertwined with faith.

I received a copy of the book through Celebrate Lit via NetGalley. I also bought my own paperback for my keeper shelf. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“I know we haven’t the power to change the world, but we can start in our little corner where God places us. To help right wrongs. Bring about justice and mercy. Sprinkle joy where it’s needed.”

“It was quite delightful to think of herself as a character in God’s book instead of just a wandering character without an author or book at all. In fact, if He wrote her days and she was trying to love Him and others well, then she had all the reason in the world to live bravely, didn’t she?”

“God is the great wrong breaker…

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