Member Reviews

'Oh my darling, Frederick, not only are we on a remote island, but there's a dangerous-looking butler, an unsolved robbery, a treasure, and now a ghost. I really am living a fairy-tale romance."

This book is part of a series and being who I am I jumped in with book 3 lol. I am who I am. Before I get to my review of this book, there were a few things that could be deemed spoiler-y for the first 2 books, but nothing that ruined anything for me or would keep me from going back to read books 1 and 2. I also felt that this author did a great job of incorporating events from the earlier books, while allowing a new-to-the-series reader (like myself) to read it with zero problems with understanding past references, etc. This book was very well done.

My favorite thing about this book was the mystery. I LOVE a good mystery. I love trying to figure it out before everyone else in the story. Just when I thought I knew "who done it", I would realize my guess was completely inaccurate and I'd switch to someone else, and even go back and forth between suspects. The mystery is incredible...each clue fits like a perfect jigsaw puzzle and keeps the reader completely intrigued and entertained.

I loved the humor. Grace is a character-literally and figuratively. I loved her zest for life and love of fiction. Frederick is a saint to keep up with her. They are a fun match and I love that they faced everything together. Their love story is adorable and I'm excited to go back and see how it all began. I loved the side characters...even the ones I repeatedly suspected of all the crazy things that happened.

Overall, this was a very entertaining read and one I would recommend! I'm a new reader to Pepper's books (I started with her Skymar series and have LOVED those!)

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

Content: mild danger/peril/violence (risky situations, murders, etc), religious exclamations, mentions of a married man and woman being intimate and discussing foreplay (no explicit details given, but mild innuendo), kisses only.

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Thank you to Julie Wright and Net Galley for providing me with an ARC of this novel.

This was a quick, enjoyable read about a young woman who sends a letter to the man she thinks she's in love with, only to have it intercepted by his cousin, who happens to be one if her childhood friends. The two strike a deal to suit the both of them to help them reach their respective goals.

The story is straightforward and nothing happens that you wouldn't have guessed, but it's a nice ride. Read when you want a chill moment reading a sweet historical romance.

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Lord and Lady Astley have set out to continue their idilic honeymoon, only for this part of their trip the destination is Italy. Ha! Hold onto your hats, readers! Lord Frederick Astley should have realized by now, that wherever his beloved Lady Grace goes events will lead to a less than relaxing time. Mysteries and adventures seem to follow her, or them, at every turn. The author has once again taken readers on a merry chase, with some very real danger with ruthless villains, as they follow the adventures of amateur detectives Freddie and Grace. With their friend, Detective Jack Miracle, enticing them to help him solve this case, how could they say no? Readers of previous Freddie and Grace Mysteries, will thoroughly enjoy the banter, the peril, the ingenuity, and the romance in this newest novel. The characters are real to life. The plot has so many twists and turns, the reader will be guessing all the way along as to who the real villains are. I highly recommend this book to lovers of mystery, lovers of romance, and lovers of adventure. If you are new to this series, it might take a few pages to get into the story if you are jumping in without reading the others, but it will be worth it in the end. Sit back and hang on for a lovely adventure!

I requested and received a copy of this book for review. The opinions expressed here are wholly my own.

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Freddie and Grace are one of the most loved fictional couples. Their love for each other and tendency to get into trouble always causes some fun stories.

This third installment was just as fun and filled with mystery as the first two books. I loved how Grace always pushes Freddie out of his comfort zone. In this third book, Freddie starts to just accept the adventurous side of Grace and how to embrace it.

Missing paintings, murders and a possible treasure added to an adventurous read. I loved the additional characters we met, especially the open ending which might suggest that Jack might also have a HEA in the future (if we are lucky enough for another book).

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The Freddie & Grace Mysteries series is such a delight to read. I love Frederick and Grace and the flirty, lighthearted, humorous relationship they have with the love and faith that they have. In this third of the series, their honeymoon has moved on to Venice where they run into their friend, Detective Jack.Miracle, Jack talks them into helping him with working with a client who has had some artwork stolen from a gallery in Venice. The Juliet paintings are part of a set of paintings painted by a local artist and are based on Romeo and Juliet's story. Everyone who has owned a painting has died a tragic death. Thus starts a wild adventure with twists, turns, danger, and intrigue, one with characters who are not who they say they are and with a sinister motive. I highly recommend this book and whole series for those who enjoy historical suspense with a romantic flair and touch of humor and faith interspersed.
I was given a copy for the purpose of an honest review. All thoughts are mine only.

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This adventure with Frederick and Grace was just as delightful as the others. From the beginning, we get thrown into the hijinks of adventurous Grace and her more cautious husband. I love these two characters so much, and between their banter, the romantic moments that made me swoon, and the action, I was engrossed in the novel until its ending.

I especially liked the addition of Jack and the scenes from his POV, as well as the hint for a future romance for him.

Honestly, I could gush about this novel for a long time. This whole series, really. It’s definitely worth the read, especially if you’re a fan of historical romance sprinkled with a bit of suspense. If you haven’t read The Mistetoe Countess or The Cairo Curse, you’ll still enjoy The Juliet Code, but I recommend reading the series in order.

Overall, The Juliet Code is a sweet historical story perfect for romance readers who crave adventure.

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Welcome back to a new saga for Freddie and Grace! This time Lord and Lady Astley are finding murder and mayhem in beautiful Italy. Grace is probably my favorite character, as she is sweet but a bit naïve. The main setting is a stunning island with the duo in cahoots with detective Jack Miracle to solve the mystery of missing artwork. Join in the challenges as they find plenty of peril and a mystery or two to solve. I enjoyed the storyline but I did find it a bit choppy in some parts, but sweet Grace always shines through to make you smile and possibly save the day, both literally and figuratively. The spiritual thread was appreciated but sometimes felt like it was added as an afterthought. Please DO note that I read a Net Galley early copy of the book and it’s entirely possible that the rough edges have since been polished up.
I’ve enjoyed several of the authors novels and my favorites are Hope Between the Pages and The Mistletoe Countess. She is a very versatile author who writes everything from her beloved Blue Ridge Mountain series, rom coms, and historical fiction and that always has some romance involved. She has a nice backlist that I am slowing making my way through.
I received a copy of this book from Net Galley and I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
3.5 Stars

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I recommend Pepper Basham’s Juliet Code to anyone who enjoys an exciting faith filled mystery with a hint of romance. A reader who loves books will delight in the literary references and Grace’s love of literature. This book can be read as a standalone but reading the first two in the series will enhance the reader’s understanding of the characters. Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

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What a great read! This book is so good! It's a well written mystery that is full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the end. I highly recommend this book and the entire series.
I received a complimentary copy from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Oh, Freddy and Grace! I just love this husband and wife sleuth duo. Grace has the imagination to look at all kinds of possibilities as to who might be behind the thefts of the Juliet paintings. Freddy is the logical, methodical partner who can eliminate ideas that are not likely to have happened. Grace leaps, then looks, and of course, Freddy does the opposite. Together, they are perfect in solving this crime.

The Venetian setting and the surrounding islands lends an air of mystery to the case as Freddy, Grace, and their friend, Jack Miracle, must find the paintings and the clues to a rumored treasure before more tragedy strikes. I could imagine seeing the manor home and thought it the perfect place to investigate.

Seeing Grace and Freddy grow in their relationship with each other makes this book more than just a mystery. Grace finds Freddy even more attractive as he uses investigative terms when talking about the Juliet paintings. Freddy discovers even more reasons to love about Grace when they are uncovering clues. I can’t wait to see what other cases they will be solving in the future.

There are so many things to love about this story. Here are some of my favorites:
The City of Masks
Clues to a hidden treasure
A curse
False Identities
The islands of Dreams
Seaside caves

I highly recommend this book. it can be read as a standalone, but reading the other books in the series will give you background information about Freddy and Grace, plus they are really fun to read. You’ll want to read this if you enjoy whodunits, an adorable sleuthing couple, interesting suspects, new friends, and possible romantic relationships.

I received this advanced reader copy from the publisher through NetGalley. I was not obligated to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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I 100% loved The Mistletoe Countess that started this series - enjoyed the 2nd book - and really liked this 3rd Freddie and Grace mystery! I don't think any in the series will top the first book, but this third one was great!

Freddie and Grace are continuing to find mystery on their honeymoon - in Italy this book. Art heists, murder, ex-circus performers, and so much more -- and is anyone really who they say they are? And Grace meets her favorite detective and learns from him. Grace and Freddie's chemistry is so adorable, really enjoy these characters! Excited for their next adventure!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for a temporary, digital ARC in return for my review.

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The Juliet Code is the third book in Pepper Basham's delightful Freddie and Grace Mystery series. Fans of Jen Turano will also be fans of this book and series. Like Turano, Basham is able to add romance and humor into an exciting detective story involving quirky, lovable characters. They both build strong female characters who are supported by men during times in history when women were expected to stay within strict social boundaries. Most importantly they both develop plots that honor God and honor living a life that is pleasing to Him without sounding judgmental. The Juliet Code is the perfect example of all of these wonderful characteristics. I would highly encourage readers to read the series in order even though this book will work as a stand-alone read.

In case you are wanting just a little peek into The Juliet Code... We join Lord and Lady Astley on their honeymoon in Venice. While there, their friend, Detective Jack Miracle, pulls them into a case he is investigating concerning stolen paintings. An investigation that seems fairly safe as investigations go, quickly turns dangerous. Lord and Lady Astley must learn to trust God with their health and safety while doing what they feel Him calling them to. Readers may learn something about trusting in the goodness of God as they too join the investigation.

I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy of The Juliet Code from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own. I am hoping that there are more books coming in this series in the future.

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An exciting adventure and mystery starring newlyweds Freddie and Grace who are enjoying Venice help a friend discover who has been murdering the owners and then stealing a series of paintings called The Juliets featuring scenes from the famous play. It is rumored that the paintings hold clues to a fabulous treasure. When Jack disappears it is up to Freddie and Grace to rescue him and discover who is the culprit if they don't end up as the next victims...

This is the third in the series and the first I have read but definitely not the last. Freddie and Grace work well together in love and as amateur detectives. They also prove that romance doesn't have to disappear once the wedding happens. Jack proves to be an excellent addition as a friend and further investigator in a very satisfying mystery with plenty of twists, secret passages, and hidden treasure. I definitely recommend this exciting read.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion;

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I am so excited that there is a third installment in the Freddie and Grace Mystery Series! This book was set at a mansion on a private island in the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Venice, Italy. The art heist/murder mystery had enough twists and turns and suspicious characters that it kept me guessing and looking for clues all the way through the story. There were humorous moments as well as a lot of action and danger, and in the midst of it, some profound and comforting observations about who is ultimately in control in difficult circumstances. I especially loved the relationship between Frederick and Grace Percy, The Lord and Lady Astley. They are so different from one another and yet so perfect for each other. Their flirting and banter was charming and intimate and it showed the depth of their love for one another as well as their mutual admiration and attraction—all in an understated British way. I hope that there will be more books to come in this series. Highly recommend! I received a complimentary advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Oh, what a deliciously complicated mystery for Freddie and Grace to become entangled in! I love the way their very different temperaments complement each other. And though Frederick is a somewhat reluctant detective, he’s a great one, his calm gravitas the perfect foil for Grace’s impetuous naïveté. Their marital passion is so warm and natural (this case interrupts their second try at a honeymoon, after all!). Besides the fascinating treasure clues hidden in stolen artwork, there is the precious treasures of a new love for Detective Jack - what an interesting loose end to tie up in future stories! I was privileged to get an early peek at this best Grace-and-Freddie mystery yet via NetGalley, and was not required to post a review.

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"Marriage was a very exciting, romantic, and sometimes life-threatening adventure that seemed highly underrepresented within the fictional world."

Frederick and Grace are completely and utterly adorable and charming as they wander into mystery and danger in Venice, Italy. Their newlywed romance is so sigh-worthy and I loved seeing Venice through their eyes on their honeymoon. Grace's innocent, high-energy, joy-filled spirit perfectly complements Frederick's practical, somewhat somber, deeply loyal heart. Frederick and Grace get involved in an art theft mystery through their detective friend but the simple intrigue evolves into a complex plot in an atmosphere quite reminiscent of Clue. It was so much fun following the clues with the dashing earl and his highly capable countess. Filled with history, humor, intrigue, faith, and romance, this book will delight every reader. I really enjoyed getting to know Detective Jack and I am hoping that he will get his own story in the future.

I received a complimentary copy courtesy of Barbour Fiction via NetGalley and was under no obligation to post a positive comment. All opinions are my own.

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Once again involved in an investigation, Frederick and Grace, also known by their titles of Lord and Lady Astley, keep trying to have a real honeymoon. This time, their plans are thwarted by their friend Jack, a detective. When Jack requests their assistance in solving a mystery related to missing paintings, Frederick (reluctantly) and Grace (eagerly) put their sleuthing skills to work. Set in and around Venice, this third installment in the series is engaging, entertaining, and contains many plot twists to keep readers guessing.

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I have SO much love and adoration for Frederick and Grace. What a delight to travel with them to Italy on their honeymoon. If you have not read the other books in the series by Pepper Basham, that’s ok, you can still enjoy (but you need to remedy that ASAP). Grace has an almost magical way of finding herself in the middle of mystery and this time, her new husband Freddie gets to assist. I love the turn of them actually working together to solve this case. I laughed out loud so many times at Grace’s antics and sighed over Freddie’s enduring love and appreciation for her. They are truly such a delightful couple. The mystery is well done and full of twists and turns. I thought I had it figured out a few times and loved the addition of new details that made me backtrack my opinions. I loved the setting and rich descriptions of the locations they visited. There are some new characters which make this series far from over. I cannot wait to see what else these two have up their sleeves. I highly recommend this clean, historical, inspirational fictional romantic mystery.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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Pepper has risen to the ranks to sit among my favorite authors! When I pick up one of her books I know I can expect vibrant and multi-layer characters, witty and clever dialogue, & faithful and authentic faith on display.

And this third installment in her Freddie & Grace mystery series did not disappoint! As tongue-in-cheek as any reader expects a British mystery to be, this one features American characters and a setting in Venice.
Frederick and Grace have an adoring marriage that is built on not just a mutual love, but a true enjoyment of each other as a person. It’s refreshing to see this in fiction! The only thing I didn’t like was the intensity and frequency of their allusions and references to their “marriage experience.” Though it’s all very veiled, the mature reader will clearly understand what’s meant - and my mind doesn’t need to go there!

I highly recommend this whole series as they have brought me true enjoyment and remind me how much fun reading can be!

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I really enjoyed being back with Freddie and Grace in another adventure together! In book 3 of the series, we see our couple finally reach their honeymoon destination in Italy! However, as things would have it, they are back to sleuthing in a new mystery that needs to be solved.

This series is always a fun time and full of adventure and makes for a great romantic mystery with some nice faith content along the way. As usual with Pepper's books, the characters truly make the story SO great. I love Freddie and Grace and their interactions together are top notch. Add a little humor and mystery and you have a great story!

While The Mistletoe Countess remains my favorite in the series, books 2 and 3 have been an absolute blast as we followed their journeys in Egypt and Italy! We see them traveling through Venice when they meet up with a friend, Detective Jack Miracle. Jack is investigating a series of art heists surrounding the Juliet paintings and Freddie and Grace work to help out.

Overall a great 3rd book in the series and if you love a light mystery with a little bit of romance, check this series out! Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy to honestly read and review.

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