Member Reviews

2.5 stars

I really struggled to get engaged in this story. This book was the 3rd in a series and maybe I would have enjoyed it more if it had read the first two. The first half of the book referred a lot to events that had previously occurred and I felt a little out of the loop. There were a lot of characters and some with multiple names (if you read it you will understand) which became confusing for me. The romance at the end felt rushed and forced and I would have liked to see that blossom throughout the story more. I’m sad to say that I was bored or zoning out while reading because this story was very plot driven but the plot just wasn’t holding my interest.

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“Because courage isn’t about being fearless. It’s about choosing to do something when we are afraid.”

Another thrilling, romantic Freddie and Grace mystery! I love this duo. Their charm, wit, and delicious romance make them a favorite sleuthing couple. I’ve been eagerly anticipating their next adventure since The Cairo Curse and found The Juliet Code thoroughly entertaining. This latest mystery takes them to Italy where the newlyweds are hoping to enjoy their honeymoon. But, life wouldn’t be complete without Grace stumbling into a mystery, so when their friend Jack Miracle shows up in Venice investigating an art heist, Grace and Freddie find themselves involved in another case.

The stolen series of Juliet paintings based on Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet are meant to lead to a hidden treasure. Jack is investigating the heist of one of the paintings owned by an eccentric millionaire and involves Grace and Freddie. They find themselves on the millionaire’s remote island with plenty of suspects, a ghost, and of course danger and mystery.

I loved the house party atmosphere reminiscent of Agatha Christie. The remote island location provides the perfect scene for a murder mystery where one feels a sense of being trapped. Coupled with that is a mansion containing secret rooms and passageways.

Freddie and Grace are their adorable selves. Grace’s bubbly enthusiasm is contagious. She definitely has a knack for solving mysteries but finds herself in the middle of danger. Freddie is right there along with her. While he appreciates his new wife’s talents, he’s learning to trust her and let go of his overprotective tendencies. I loved how they grew more as a couple in this story. Grace has some understandable fears and I loved seeing Freddie help her deal with those. I loved their banter, humor, swoonworthy sweet romance, and faith. The side characters in this story are just as endearing. I loved Jack and can’t wait to see more of him and his hopefully new female assistant.

The mystery was definitely full of twists and turns with a few red herrings along the way. It was a clever plot and I loved how the paintings contained clues to the treasure. While I had my suspicions of who the “bad guys” were, there were some definite surprises.

If you’re short on reading time, I highly recommend listening to the audiobook. The narrator did a fantastic job bringing these characters to life. I love how she interjects just the right amount of emotion and really brings out the characters’ personality, especially Grace and Freddie.

Now I can’t wait for the next adventure! Highly recommend to historical romance/mystery fans and inspirational mystery fans. While this book is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone. However, the first two books are must reads and I recommend reading them too. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the publisher but also purchased the audiobook version. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.

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We are back with Grace and Freddie for book 3. They are finally getting to go on their honeymoon, so this is more mystery book than romance. Our intrepid couple finds yet another mystery that needs solving.

We get much of what we have come to expect from this dynamic duo. Grace is still her determine self and finds her way into trouble left and right. She has that mind of a sleuth and won't stop working on a problem until it is solved.

I really enjoy these Grace and Freddie stories, even though sometimes I wish Freddie could calm Grace down a bit more. But then she wouldn't be the Grace we, and he, have come to know and love.

Thanks to Barbour publishing, Pepper Basham and Netgalley for the advanced digital copy. I'm happy to leave an honest review.

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Having not read the first two books in this series I wasn't sure what to expect. It was a very enjoyable read from the first page. I highly recommend it.
Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this ebook

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What delightful fun and mystery. All three books in the series are worth your investment and can be read alone. It's gratifying to read the success of Pepper Basham in a continuing series of another genre.

I received a complimentary copy of the book without obligation. This review is my opinion.

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I love these Freddie and Grace mysteries so much! Grace is such a spunky and full of life character! I love her excitement for adventure and for life. She brings so much excitement and joy to Freddie, and she also can bring a lot of heart palpitations too! Hahaha! Poor Freddie. But at least there's never a dull moment for these two. And secretly Freddie loves it all...well I think he does! ;-)

These two keep trying to enjoy a quiet vacation and honeymoon together, but unfortunately trouble finds Grace, or is it that Grace gravitates to trouble (or should I say adventure?). But it definitely makes for a fun reading adventure.

I loved all of the twists and turns. I kept making guesses and adjusting my guesses due to the twists and turns. And don't think you know who is who because again...surprises and twists and turns.

Jack goes missing, there's danger around every corner, searching for missing paintings, trying to decide who they can trust, wishing for time to be real tourists and do some sightseeing all while trying to keep each other safe. Add to that some sweet and clean romance and you've got a great read that kept this reader turning pages!

If you haven't read the previous two books in this series, I highly encourage you to do so because they're great. But you could read this one as a standalone if you absolutely must! ;-)

Content: Clean. Some moments of mild peril. Sweet and clean romance with nothing further than kisses.

I received a copy from the author/publisher, Barbour Publishing, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

Happy Reading!!!

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Once again Pepper Basham has created a thoroughly intriguing mystery with this delightful hero and heroine. This series is one of the most refreshing I’ve read, and this installment doesn’t disappoint. Basham starts off with action, which doesn’t let up until the final chapter. She definitely shows she has talent for romantic suspense and uses humor to the best advantage. I don’t know of any other series that has me wondering how the good guys will get out of their latest predicament and in the next scene laughing out loud at the methods they use to escape. This is one of the most entertaining novels, I’ve read this year.

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Another Frederick and Grace Story full of mystery and packed with action!

The characters are so well developed and have some quirky aspects! This mystery takes us to Venice and its full of a whole lot of mystery! I laughed and rooted for Frederick and Grace figure things out! Add Jack and Miss Whitby and this book was amazing!

I look forward to many more adventures!

Audiobook: Narrated by Pamela Klein
Pamela has the perfect voice and accents for this book! I love when the audiobook meets my expectations! She compliments the story itself and allows you to immerse yourself in the story and just relax. I lover her accents and voice inflection that brings the book even more to life.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from NetGalley on behalf of the Publisher and was under no obligation to post a favorable review.

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I just love Frederick and Grace stories, and this one is on par with the other 2. This time we find them in Italy, continuing their honeymoon travels after Egypt. Detective Jack Miracle asks them to help him with a simple investigation, which turns in to so much more than anyone expected. The interactions between our main characters is still fun, and Grace is still a riot. Other characters we meet mostly deal with the paintings they are investigating and the person who's hired Jack, a Mr Laraby and his house party. Another very entertaining, hard to put down story. Make sure to plan time to read this one, as it will demand your time until it's finished.

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Lady Grace and Lord Frederick Astley have finally made it to Venice for their long awaited honeymoon, only to discover their friend Detective Jack Miracle (great name BTW) happens to be in town. He's on assignment and could do with their assistance. Grace, in particular, is desperate to join in the fun but Frederick is less inclined being concerned for his wife's safety. We'd expect nothing less from our chivalrous English Lord.

It's not long before the honeymoon festivities are once again deferred as they're quickly drafted into another mystery here in the magical city of Venice. With a cast of possible villains that reminds one of a Hercule Poirot mystery with the humour reminiscent of Hart to Hart, this third instalment in this series has all the delightful ingredients of a good mystery. Clues continue to be disclosed and Grace uses her inquisitive nature and love of great fiction stories while Frederick and Jack use their own skills of logical deduction in attempting to solve the mystery of the Juliet Code.

Humour is never far away when it comes to the newlyweds as is their love of adventure and passion for each other. I'm continually flipping pages with a smile on my face but Basham surprises us by once again putting her couple into danger. The latter is important as it gives depth to the story and also helps further reveal more of our dynamic duo.

I really can't get enough of these two and I do hope Ms Basham has another mad capped story or two involving this wonderful couple.

I feel very blessed to have received an early ebook version of the story from Barbour via NetGalley but this has had no bearing on my review.

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The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham, the third installment in the Frederick and Grace Mystery series, takes readers on a captivating journey through the enchanting canals of Venice. Newlyweds Frederick and Grace Percy find themselves embroiled in a thrilling mystery of art heists and hidden codes, guided by their friend Detective Jack Miracle. The novel expertly balances a sweet love story between the protagonists with a gripping mystery involving the elusive Juliet paintings and a disappearing detective. Basham's seamless integration of faith, unexpected plot twists, and a cast of authentic characters adds depth to the narrative. Against the backdrop of Venice's atmospheric setting, the story unfolds with red herrings and plot twists, making The Juliet Code a delightful continuation of the series, blending romance, mystery, and faith into a compelling tale that will leave readers eagerly anticipating the next adventure.

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Grace and Frederick finally make it to their honeymoon, but adventure awaits.  The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham is the third book in this series and follows the honeymooners as they try to solve a mystery of the missing paintings.

It was fun to see Frederick and Grace a few months after the wedding, with Frederick finally accepting that life with Grace will be an adventure.

The mystery was slow to start, but once it does, the reader will realize that nothing is as it seems and no one is who they appear to be.

I had a good time guessing who the villains and good guys were.

Readers will be reminded that their lives are in God's hands. He has a perfect plan for each of us that will play out in the allotted time. All we have to do is trust Him and keep our eyes on Him.

I received an advanced reader's copy from the publisher through NetGalley; a positive review was not required.

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I received this book as a free ARC; opinions are my own.

This is the third book in a series by Pepper Basham following Grace and Frederick through adventures and mystery. It had been quite some time since I had read the first two books (Mistletoe Countess and The Cairo Curse) so I was a *tad* rusty on the backstory. Having said that, this book works as a stand alone as well where Basham gives you enough details to follow along without rehashing everything ad nauseum from previous books.

The storyline was amazing. Every time I thought I may have an idea of where it was going or whodunnit, the author threw in a plot twist. It kept me on my toes and reading much later into the night than I should have! Grace and Freddie kept up their familiar banter throughout the book, oftentimes making me smile, and you could see how the author develops their love from book one to book three. Insert dreamy sigh here. Basham also weaves the gospel through the story subtly, without it being preachy, and made me consider things she said long after I put the book down.

I loved everything about the book and highly recommend. And easy and fulfilling read.

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In the past two years it's become quite evident that Pepper D. Basham has firmly established a place for herself on my all time favorite list of authors. I truly think she dominates every single genre she chooses to write within, and at this point, I just might read her grocery list if she so chose to publish it.

I wholeheartedly adored The Mistletoe Countess, and I was thrilled when I heard she was going to turn it into a continuing series. The follow up, The Cairo Curse, was every bit as phenomenal as the first, and I've been waiting for book three ever since. I'm not sure a book has ever been built up so much in my mind before, and yet this extremely talented lady managed to make it even more than I ever could have expected or hoped for. The Juliet Code is without a doubt one of the best books I've read in 2023, and I can't possibly recommend it enough.

Fredrick and Grace have become quite the sleuthing team, and in the midst of their honeymoon, Detective Jack hires them for their first "official" case. While in Italy, famed paintings are going missing, and the thefts seem to be connected to nefarious deeds that have Fredrick concerned for his beautiful wife's safety amidst all the details. Grace is determined to get to the bottom of what's going on, and the reader gets to follow the dynamic duo on a whirlwind mystery that's tied up in history, greed and a decades old unsolved mystery.

With a continuing swoon worthy romance, a hilarious and witty storyline that's fast moving and always engaging, and a mystery that will keep every reader on the edge of their seat guessing, this is truly one of those rare books that I think could appeal to almost every single type of reader. Fredrick and Grace are truly both a hoot and a delight, and I always look forward to their hilarious interactions, and their big hearts for Jesus. Alongside the classic characters, a few new ones are introduced throughout the story, and it was a special treat trying to figure out who the dastardly villains were among the bunch.

I don't think I've enjoyed a book this much since Pepper's last release, and I hope she has many more stories to come for her reader's in the future. I love how the faith element is at the front and center throughout the entirety of her stories, and I couldn't have loved this more.

Final Rating: 5/5.

Definitely go ahead and pick this one up! I can guarantee you won't be disappointed.

Thanks so much to Barbour Fiction for allowing me to advance read and review this title!

I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary advance reader copy of this novel from the publisher (Barbour Fiction) via Netgalley. I was not required to give a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own, and this is my honest review.

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4.5 ⭐️

Freddie & Grace are back and FINALLY able to resume their honeymoon, but of course adventure isn’t far behind them!

Everything about this story was truly a dream! Touring Venice, spending time with detective friends, the deliciously mysterious Agatha Christie vibes, a family secret, stolen paintings, a string of murders. Basically everything I like in a story.

Something I’m really loving about this series is that we get to follow a married couple. Sure, they’re in the honeymoon stages, but it’s a refreshing experience to see a Christian couple following God, growing together, and going on adventures. Marriage didn’t end the excitement; it brings them even closer together. Frederick keeps Grace grounded & Grace helps Frederick fly. The balance & dynamic between them is so lovely.

And the themes! A powerful & touching reminder that our lives—as children of God—are in our Heavenly Father’s hands. Frederick’s desire to keep his wife safe was natural & good, but he still needed to entrust control to God. Such a beautiful reminder!

Lastly, I have to add this just because. Do I miss Elliot? Yes. Yes, I do. However, I am wishing him good fortune with his lady love, haha. And I was consolable with the appearance of none other than Detective Jack Miracle… aaaaaaaand his slight romance thread, which I am also totally shipping! 😍

*Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for the complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.

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If you love mysteries, this is certainly a well written fun one with lots of twists and turns to figure out. Freddie and Grace are nothing if not fun, clever, affectionate and curious. I have loved them ever since The Mistletoe Countess, which is one of my favorite books ever. But the one thing, I have decided since I've finished the last two books in this series is that I am not a person who likes mysteries. I really am not anxious to figure it all out. They are just not my thing I guess you would say.
But if it's yours, this is your series then.
Thank you to Net Galley for allowing me to read this book. The opinions are entirely my own.

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This was the third book in Pepper Basham’s Freddie and Grace Mysteries, but it was the first book I’ve read in the series.

The book is far from boring! There’s a lot going on and the twists and turns make for a fun ride. I think I would have liked the book better, however, if I’d read the first two. Some of the nuances of the relationship between Grace and Frederick are lost if you don’t experience how they got together.

Also, there are far too many characters in the books and too much backstory on the pages of the first seven chapters. They read like one continual explanation of what had gone on before Grace and Freddie entered the investigation. A little of that would have been okay, but I wanted them to get in the mystery, not to be told about it.

I will definitely go back and read at least the first book in the series. I like the main characters and want to get to know them better!

I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley and Barbour Publishing. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Juliet Code is the third novel in Pepper Basham’s mystery series featuring heroine Grace Percy (an American), recently married to the Englishman Lord Frederick Astley. Readers can’t help but love Grace and how show finds herself in harrowing situations yet, like a good detective, through her powers of deduction and ingenuity seems to find a way through. This particular novel takes place in Venice and the action surrounds a map to treasure hidden in a series of nine painting featuring Juliet from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The plot line kept me interested, the characters kept me guessing, and I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I tried to read during a busy season, and every time I had to put the book down, it frustrated me to have to wait to find out what would happen next. Exciting, suspenseful, quirky, mysterious, enough crazy clues to keep you guessing, and a satisfying ending—all marks of a great mystery novel.

While the book certainly wasn’t preachy, I appreciated the author’s addition of spiritual elements—showing how Grace and her husband Frederick were learning to trust God more and more and how they grew and were stretched in different ways. My only complaint is that for a Christian publisher, this book pushes the limits of sexual propriety. The author never described any sex scene, she did allude to quite a few and lead the reader to think in that direction. While yes, the Astleys are married and this would be totally proper and biblical, I don’t think that a Christian book should push its readers to begin to imagine sexual fantasies. That, to me, begins to border on pushing the boundaries far beyond what Christian books should. While I’ve loved every one of Pepper Basham’s books that I’ve read, that alone may keep me from reading other books in the series and make me cautious about other books of hers. Whether that’s Basham’s call or the publisher’s call, I’m not sure, but I don’t think either should give in to culture. Otherwise, why not publish with a non-fiction publishing house.

Note: I received a copy of the book in exchange for this honest review. The opinions expressed are my own.

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Another fun and interesting read in this third story. A fun mystery and lots of little details made this story just as good as the first two. The writing was fun and quick-witted. There were many characters and it was nice to see a side romance take place as well. A great end to this series. I also appreciate how faith was a huge part of the main characters daily lives—raising awareness to how God ultimately is the keeper of all of us, and all we can do is trust Him in all things, no matter the outcome.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham, is the third book in the. Freddy and Grace mystery series. This is supposed to be their delayed honeymoon in Venice since their first one took place in Egypt but they ran into a few snags. This is just my opinion but I think where ever they go they will meet up with adventure. They arrive in Venice, only to find that their friend Detective Jack Miracle has been looking into an art heist and asks for their help. That's all of the plot that I will say-- except for there are disguises, you certainly can't judge a book by it's cover. Also the greatest faith statement was that before you were ever born, God had your name and the number of days that you would live written in His book. When you had fulfilled your purpose on earth then He would take you home. The Juliet Code could be a stand alone book but it makes more sense to read them in order.The Juliet Code will be published December 1,2023 but can be pre- ordered now.I received this ARC from the publisher and was not obligated for a positive review. All opinions are my own. 5 stars

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