Member Reviews

Freddie & Grace Mystery #3 starts off right away with another swashbuckling adventure (do I sound like one of those 1940s movie commercials?)! Seriously though, I thought I was prepared for their engaging shenanigans since this is the third book in the series, but alas, the fun starts in the second paragraph! Right away, Grace's purse and gondola are stolen. As usual, her funny antics prevail, even in the scariest of times.
It felt as if I was on vacation with Grace and Freddie during their time perusing Italy because their characters feel very real. Although that would be awkward since they were technically on their honeymoon! I love that they were addressed as full-fledged detectives in this book after agreeing to help with an art heist investigation. Once again, Grace had me laughing with her quirky, bookish thoughts and positive reflections. I also enjoyed how the author brought out more of Freddie's personality and charm in this book as well.

From Grace: "I was rather good at steering it [the gondola] as long as there were too many birds to distract me. Who would have thought this day would start with such an adventure, and it's not even noon."

There are several scenes and conversations about death, suicide, & ghosts. I could do without the murder talk, but it isn't approached in such a dark way as other books, if that makes any sense.

4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Thank you to NetGalley & Barbour Publishing for the Advanced Reader Copy for my honest review.

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The Juliet Code is the third installment of Pepper Basham's Freddie & Grace Mystery series and, oh my word, the adventure, the danger, the romance. It has it all. Grace is probably my favorite character from Pepper's imagination. No spoilers, but I believe that we haven't seen the last of these mysteries. At least I hope there are more coming. If you haven't started this series, what are you waiting for? It's fabulous!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The opinions expressed are completely my own.

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Having heard so much about this book, I was thrilled when given a chance to read an ARC. Such a delightful, fun read that did not disappoint. Releases Dec. 1.

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Delightful installment in the Freddie and Grace series that began with the Mistletoe Countess! So sweet and mysterious! Lord and Lady Astley are in Venice for a belated honeymoon when they find themselves swept up in an art heist. As murder and mayhem surround them, their sweet chemistry is adorable. They agree to help their detective friend solve his case. Lord Frederick teaches Lady Grace how to cane fight should the need arise. They add their keen intellect, their wise questions, and their unique personalities to the investigation. I love the strong Christian message woven throughout and was kept guessing until the end. Kudos to Author Pepper Basham for another captivating and humorous story! The Juliet Code can be read as a standalone, but really, why not read the whole series and all their adventures!

I recommend to all Pepper Basham fans, and any lovers of romance, humor, and mystery.
Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for allowing me to read an early copy. All opinions are my own.

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The Juliet Code contains the further adventures of Lord and Lady Astley that began with the Mistletoe Countess. I am going to date myself by saying they remind me of the the old Hart to Hart tv series, the beginning monologue stated that "When they met, it was murder."
I love Grace's enthusiasm for life. She has certainly turned Lord Astley's life upside down, but somehow I think he is happy that she has stirred things up. I really enjoy reading all of Grace and Freddie's adventures, even if they continually stumble into rough situations.

So brew up a pot of tea, grab a cozy blanket, and settle in for a great adventure!

I was given a copy of The Juliet Code with no expectations. All thoughts are my own.

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“If Frederick wanted to shower his wife with the types of presents she loved best on this honeymoon, the answer came clear and evident. No expensive jewelry or extravagant gifts for her. But near-death experiences and daring adventures? His shoulders dropped for a moment. Well, at least he didn’t have to try and wrap them.”

Stolen paintings, secret messages, and hidden treasure are the perfect recipe for a mystery! When a detective friend of Grace and Frederick introduce them to a case while honeymooning in Italy, they quickly find themselves on a quest to solve the mystery of the missing Juliet paintings.
Will they be able to unravel the intricate web of lies and deceit?

As I turned the pages, I was pulled into a delightful mystery. Throughout the story, I was left guessing and was only able to solve the crimes with the help of the detectives.

This book is the equivalent of a beautiful work of art! It’s the perfect blend of romance and mystery. The author writes with such eloquence, wit and humor. I also really appreciated the faith that was woven throughout the story!

*A big thank you to Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for the complimentary e-book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is a book that plays in the first part of the last century. The main characters, Grace and Frederick are wealthy newlyweds turned detectives. I like a good mystery, but I struggled my way through this novel and found myself celebrating every percentage I had read. It’s not a bad story, but the type of writing is so not my style. A few examples, “Grace… bathing him with a look of unadulterated adoration”, “It sounded so lovely from his kissable lips” or “his grin crooked in a rather dastardly way.” The one statement that Frederick makes (referring to a husband who looks at other women) that is worthwhile repeating is, “Grace, wise men recognize the treasures they already possess and do not go in search of more.” There are very long-winded descriptions of minor actions such as Frederick taking a whole chapter to show his wife how to use her parasol as a weapon. At a certain point, there is a dead body. Despite the fact the newlyweds have discovered this and are in the same room, they continue their hunt for the clue that will lead them to the treasure. What kind of people would do that? Towards the end of the novel, other characters get a chance to have their say, which is less painful than hearing Grace prattle on. I love the opportunity to try out new writers and whenever I get a free ARC, the least I can do is finish it. With some speed reading, I got to the end. I’m certain the author spent hours and hours trying to get the story just right, therefore I gave it two stars. If this is the type of writing you like, you’ll love the book. Unfortunately, it wasn’t for me.

Many thanks to Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Another stellar Frederick and Grace mystery that kept me on my toes! I love Grace’s tongue-in-cheek perspective and I could NOT figure out the mystery, which is always a win!

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Grace and Fredrick are on their honeymoon in Venice, Italy ready to take in the gondolas, art and spend time together but things don’t go as planned. First, Grace’s handbag is stolen and then their dear friend, Jack Miracle, an aristocrat turned detective, makes an appearance. Jack tells them he has been hired by a Mr. Laraby for a new case. He asks them if they will be interested in joining him in some detective work.

Not inexperienced in detective work they agree but what they could not count on is the amount of darkness that awaits the three. JULIET’S CODE is the third book in the Freddie and Grace Mystery series and even though you may not have read the first two books, it won’t detract your enjoyment from the book.

Grace is a woman whose references stem from fiction books and her love of reading. Fredrick loves Grace and goes along with these adventures to keep her safe and also because he is starting to get a thrill from sleuthing. JULIET’S CODE is a book that will keep you glued to the pages with its humor, mystery, and romance between Fredrick and Grace.

JULIET’S CODE refers to the mystery in which a group of paintings, which depict scenes of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, are being stolen. There is an understanding that all of the paintings may contain a code that directs you to a treasure. With three dimensional characters, action, and great dialogue, I highly recommend JULIET’S CODE. Run out and get your copy today.

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Characters who are not as they appear, art thieves, abductions, and a mysterious treasure keep the reader turning page after cliff-hanging page. But what really drew me into this story is the relationship between Freddie (otherwise known as Lord Astley) and Grace (now Lady Astley), two newly wed amateur sleuths. Their banter, often amusing and always endearing, reflects their love and growing faith, as well as Grace's tendency to view life through the lens of her beloved novels.

Initially, I met Freddie and Grace in The Mistletoe Countess; then, I traveled to Egypt with them in the Cairo Curse. I strongly recommend reading these two books first, not only because they are wonderfully engaging stories but also because of the many references made in the Juliet Code to Freddie and Grace's previous adventures. The Juliet Code can stand alone, but I think the reader's enjoyment is enhanced when they catch the references to the other stories. One additional tip: Pay careful attention as each character is introduced. There are many characters in the story, and keeping track of who's who can be challenging!

I received a complimentary copy of The Juliet Code. My opinions are my own.

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I have loved Frederick and Grace from the first pages of The Mistletoe Countess (book 1 in the series) and they are still wonderful. The Juliet Code started a little slower for me. It took me a little time to get the fairly large cast of secondary characters straight in my head. But once the mystery got going I was hooked. I love Pepper Basham’s historical fiction, which is what prompted me to pick up the first book of this mystery/romance series even though it is a bit outside my normal pick. The story is exciting and entertaining, especially quirky Grace. I am hoping there are be more tales of Frederick and Grace yet to come.
Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for the opportunity to read for my honest opinion.

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’m writing about this book a month before its release because it’s absolutely delightful and if you haven’t read the first two books in the series you have a chance to get them now before book three releases.

If you didn’t gather it from the above, I adored this book. I generally don’t like murder mysteries, but I do like treasure hunts and art and the characters of Grace and Freddie and their friends. Grace and Freddie just keep growing and in this book you really begin to see Grace less through the eyes of naivety and more in the context of the beauty of trusting faith and expectation. There is a solid theme of trusting God that weaves it way through the series, but it particularly comes forward in this novel.

Despite the trauma, and the characters have experienced a fair bit of trauma and near death experiences over the course of the series, the books felt light and hopeful. Grace’s character is radiant and somehow her enthusiasm for life lifts not only the characters, but the reader as well.

The mystery is intriguing and the author is good enough to keep you guessing when it comes to conclusions. And of course, I love Italy and so a Venetian island is an excellent setting for a mystery.

I do hope the author doesn’t stop at a trilogy, but keeps taking us on new adventures with Freddie and Grace.

I received a digital pre-release galley of this book in exchange for my honest opinion…which is go and read this series. It is so fun.

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Pepper Basham has a lovely way with words, and it really shows in this book. The Juliet Code is a great book that everyone would enjoy. You will experience love, mystery and adventure all in one.

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I haven’t read the Cairo Curse, book 2 in this series. That would make this one more understandable. I remember from the first book that Grace is obsessed with novels and acting like a sleuth. Here she reminds me of Hallmark movies of women doing a better job of solving crimes than the police.

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This is another great adventure for Grace on her honeymoon. I have loved Grace’s uniqueness since she was first introduced in The Mistletoe Countess.
Stolen art, murder, and mayhem will keep you turning the pages! Nothing slows down this enthusiastic new bride as she makes the most of her honeymoon journeys!

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I was a bit concerned about starting to read the third book in a series without having read the other two books. Sometimes one gets lost picking up a book in the middle of a series without having read the previous books. The author avoids this by clearly introducing the characters from the start. The main characters are Grace Percy, Lady Astley and her husband Lord Frederick Percy. Grace is described as a joyful, a bit naive but intelligent woman. Grace's husband loves her for her “wit” and ability to rise to an occasional challenge. Frederick is an English earl. He is sometimes seen as a bit of a worrier--he worries about money and, more importantly, that Grace will be safe during the adventures that the two find themselves in.

The couple are on their honeymoon in Venice. They are taking in the sites when they come across their acquaintance Detective Jack Miracle. Detective Jack has been hired by Daniel “Danny” Laraby, a rich young man with an important missing painting. Danny's painting is part of nine paintings known as “The Juliets”. They were painted by an artist who lived on an island near Venice (Danny lives on the island now). Nobody knows where the other Juliet paintings are though. The paintings are supposed to have clues as to where a hidden treasure is located. Will the team of Grace, Frederick, and Detective Jack be able to track down the paintings and figure out the Juliet paintings' code?

My View

I once read that successful writers, like Shakespeare, have action from the very start to get their audience or reader interested in the story. The author of this book has followed this advice and does a great job in sucking you in the story from the start. After introducing her characters, the author starts to provide suspense filled occasions and “twists” that one does not expect.

I like both Grace and Frederick as characters. Each have unique perspectives without feeling like they are conflicting with each other. They feel “fleshed out” and not “cookie cutter” representations (i.e. Frederick is concerned about things without feeling like he is the stereotypical “stiff upper lipped” gentleman). Grace is kind and sweet without being “sappy”. The two complement each other well. However, one does not even know if Detective Jack is to be trusted. His family background is revealed to be full of shady dealings and it appears (at the start of the book) that he has nothing left but his job as a detective. Danny, despite having a fiance, feels like a rich boy who enjoys playing games with his friend Paul more than anything else.

Despite these different personalities, the author does a great job weaving them together to form an amazing adventure and mystery based story. I highly recommend this book to people who like mystery, adventure, or books in historical time periods. I was so impressed by the book that I have already purchased the first book in this series to find out what I have missed. If, like me, you have missed the other two stories in this series, I suggest that you read them in advance of this release.

Final verdict: five stars! I hope there will be many more adventures to come.

Disclaimer: I was given a free advanced copy of this book in exchange for my views on it. My views are my own and not those of the author, publisher, or anyone else associated with this book. I thank the author, publisher, and anyone else associated with this story for this privilege.

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The Juliet Code was a delightful continuation of the Freddie and Grace mysteries! I hope this series continues.
My only criticism would be there are so many characters, it was sometimes hard to keep them straight. But otherwise, I loved it.

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Thank you to Barbour Fiction for this ARC of The Juliet Code.

Not only did I get a great story - but I have found a new author.

Grace and Frederick are a newlywed accidentally married couple who keep finding adventures. Grace sees herself as a sleuth and Her husband Frederick loves her enough to want to go along.

I started with the first 2 novels in the series when I found this book on NetGalley. I highly recommend starting with the first novel.

It’s a great and thoroughly enjoyable cozy mystery series.

I just reviewed The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham. #TheJulietCode #NetGalley

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Another fun adventure with Freddie and Grace! Continuing on from book two, the pair finally gets to enjoy their honeymoon in Italy, but is interrupted by a surprise encounter with a friend from home, who needs their help on a case.
Plenty of romance, a mystery with a cast full of suspicious characters, and an adventure involving a treasure hunt made this a delightful read. Grace seems to attract trouble wherever she goes, and Freddie has to learn to trust her more. I liked how they grew in faith and matured as a couple in this book. They lean on each other and God as the danger grows. Overcoming fear from past traumas is a deep issue for Grace. She shows great courage, and still gives others help when needed. She and Freddie made a good team. Hoping there will be more adventures to follow!
Recommend to readers who enjoy lighter mysteries with romance and faith. 4.5 stars

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This was such an interesting book by Pepper Basham, interesting storyline and characters.

I just reviewed The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham. #TheJulietCode #NetGalley

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