Member Reviews

I loved this tale of found family and self discovery. This book really explores what happens when you finally break out of other people’s expectations of you and how beautiful it can be. I loved the setting and I swear I saw it in my head. This was such a beautiful love story to small towns in French countryside.

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I loved how this novel reads like a historical fiction but it's contemporary. Tempèsta Luddington's mother was born in Provence but moved to NYC when she married her father. Tempe's mother was never accepted by her mother in law, and neither was Tempe. The story starts when Tempèsta's dad has passed away and she is told her only inheritance is a sum of money from her mother's estate. Her younger brother has inherited everything else. Feeling very much alone she travels to her mother's hometown, a small village in Provence, and learns so much more about the mother she adores, while finding a life she didn't think possible. Lots of beautiful descriptions of France to go along with the gorgeous cover.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first book by Aimie K. Runyan and I loved it -

It was the story of a community and so well done!.
I loved the subtle hint of magic in the book - the scenery alone inspired a magical feel.
The author paints pictures so vividly - that you can smell the herbs and the scents of the city!

Some people will say it is a trope that has been done before and predictable but it's ok - I loved it all!

Thank you to Net Galley and Edelweiss Plus and HarperCollins Focus for the advanced copy!

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Sadly, this novel wasn't for me. The Memory of Lavender and Sage by Aimee Runyan didn't quite meet my expectations. While the premise of exploring the uses and significance of various herbs was intriguing and enjoyable, the overall execution left much to be desired.

The character arcs in this novel felt abrupt and unrealistic, with personalities changing drastically without sufficient buildup or explanation. The most glaring example is the grouchy old mayor, whose sudden shift in demeanor felt more like a plot device than a natural evolution.

Additionally, the relationship between Arderi and her love interest was unconvincing. Their interactions felt stilted and out of touch, more like a conversation from 1924 rather than a modern dialogue one would expect in 2024.

Despite these issues, the detailed descriptions of herbs and their uses were a highlight. Runyan's evident passion for the subject added a layer of authenticity and interest to the narrative.

In summary, while The Memory of Lavender and Sage has its merits in the herbal lore and descriptions, the character development and dialogue fell short for me. It wasn't quite my cup of tea, but herb enthusiasts might find it a worthwhile read.

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Food critic Tempèsta Luddington has always felt like the odd person out in her family, ever since she lost her beloved mother at the tender age of thirteen. When her workaholic father passes fifteen years later, Tempèsta is not surprised that the majority of the considerable family money will pass to her dutiful younger brother, Wal. Still, she is left a modest remembrance from her mother, and for the first time Tempèsta has a world of choices before her. She uses the money to travel to her mother's home village, Sainte-Colombe, in Provence. She stirs up a lot of old memories but buys an old house and starts supplying the surrounding area with homegrown herbs. She finds her father and a family that embraces her.

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I have read several books by the author, Aimee Runyan, and was looking forward to getting lost in the pages of this contemporary fiction story. I was pleased to be able to enjoy this delightful book. A story of loss, legacy, self-discovery, you will journey with Tempèsta Luddington as she discovers aspects of her mother she never knew. As she grows in confidence and discovers her true calling in life, you will be transported to a small village in France. There is a touch of romance, but it is not over the top syrupy and just adds to the depth of story and have you absorbing every word on every page. “Even something as simple as a spring of lavender and sage” can reveal the magic and beauty in the everyday. When you have read the final word and closed the book, you will sigh with satisfaction and know that your time has been blessed through the author’s gift of words.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Muse for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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I read a review of Memory of Lavender and Sage that said this novel was “warm, generous and satisfying” and I couldn’t agree more. A lovely story about finding ones roots in a village in Provence (lovely setting) and discovering what community means. Love the inclusion of recipes. A great book choice and one I will be recommending to mine to consider. Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Muse for the arc.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Aimie Runyan’s first contemporary women’s fiction. Her love for the culture of southern France shines through this story of a young woman on a journey of self- discovery. Tempesta’s initial desire to learn more of her mother’s heritage leads her to finding value, finding a home, finding love. It is a story of the family we are born into, but also of the families we make.

I loved the vivid prose that spoke to the senses. I almost felt as if I was experiencing the colorful sights of southern France, the smells of the herbs in Tempesta’s greenhouse, the tastes of the magnificent food. Most importantly, I felt the sense of belonging as Tempesta learns to use her talents to revive the community. Heartwarming story!

****I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher and Netgalley. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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A tender story of fractured familial ties and uncovered secrets, The Memory of Lavender and Sage is a gripping account of the Second World War and the effects it still has on society today. Runyan tells her dual time story in an expert hand, balancing the past and the present seamlessly. Any fan of historical fiction would enjoy this novel.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harper Muse through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Loved everything about this book. The characters, the setting and the touch of magic. The story is beautifully written with well developed characters. Loved it.

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A whimsical journey into the heart of family and community. The story is a gentle ode to love, loss, and the healing touch of nature.
Many thanks to Harper Muse and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I had a difficult time getting into this one and wound up putting it down. I liked the protagonist but the other characters felt a little too much like stereotypes and I wasn't able to stick with it.

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The Memory of Lavender and Sage is a lovely escapist read but was only okay for me. It’s well written but has a bit of a Hallmark storyline feel. While the characters felt real and interactions were realistic it bothered me that there were some things that just worked out too easily. The light magical realism touch meant that the main character had a supernatural way with plants and also was able to know how to produce multitudes of lotions, salves, and spa products in quantities to sell. The handsome local carpenter had time to voluntarily build greenhouses, rewire an old house, and do spruce up work on the town’s shopping area – after he did his money earning carpentry? I got bored in the last quarter of the book and felt like the description of the happily ever after ending drug on too long. The cover is gorgeous and I’m sure many will enjoy this book more than I did. Thanks to Harper Muse for an early copy to read through NetGalley. I am leaving this review voluntarily as my honest opinion because I love books and authors. This book came out in March 2024 so is available now.

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The Memory or Lavender and Sage is a beautiful and delightful tale about love, belongingness, and found family. I never expected to have breezed through the pages of this book but the characters has captured my heart and kept it with warmth and graciousness that it was difficult not to devour the story.
Tempèsta Luddington knew growing up that she was not experiencing the same treatment as her younger brother gets who will be the heir to the Luddington empire specially after her mother’s death when she was 13. She understood or rather convinced herself that being the first born was not enough to be favored. When her father died, Tempe felt like there is nothing that is holding her back to truly find her place which led her journey to a small town in France called Sainte-Colombe. Here, the town knows her mom and moving away from the concrete jungle of New York, she found her purpose.
I love this story! The characters, the names, the secrets and even the touch of magic! Sure, it has parts that were exaggerated and maybe too good to be true but I am all here for it! Why not? We all want a happy ending at some point and this book was offering.
Special thank you to Harper via Netgalley for the advance copy to review. I highly recommend this book.

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Reading this was like being pulled through a portal to the past 25 years ago when I lived and went to school in Provence. Such delightful characters and descriptions made this truly wonderful.

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A heartwarming story of a woman trying to find out more about her mother and finding more than she could have imagined. Tempèsta lost her mother when she was young and her father and the rest of the family didn’t treat her very well. When her father passes away and leaves her only with the money her mother saved for her, she decides to go to France and find out more about her mother. This is a wonderful story set in a beautiful town. It is everything you want in contemporary fiction with friends, love, townspeople stuck in their ways, and a town wanting to stay alive. This book will transport you to France and a place where life is a little slower and time is savored.

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I really Iiked the idea of getting an old farmhouse in France and fixing it up. This story felt much like Mayle's Year in Provence. There is countryside, a small town, and small town people. Tempy, the heroine, falls in love and finds what her life has been missing. It is a sweet story that I'm sure many will love.

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for an advance copy.

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A cozy, heartwarming journey
Reviewed in the United States on March 24, 2024

This is the first novel that I've read by Aimie K Runyan and I'm so glad that I did!

The Memory of Lavender and Sage tells the story Tempesta, a mid 30's woman living in NYC. She is dealing with the death of her father when we are first introduced to her. Her relationships with her father, brother and grandmother are tense at best. Her mother, who had passed unexpectedly many years prior, hailed from France.

Dissatisfied with her life in NYC and longing to trace her mother's heritage, she journeys to France, starting over.

This novel reads like a love letter to France as well as food, as a foodie myself, I especially appreciated all of the care and detail that went into that aspect of the novel. It's a heart warming story about a woman who learns about her mother and also finds herself.

I highly recommend this book! I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I actually picked this book up because I thought the cover I was beautiful and I normally love a book about finding yourself and starting over.

Tempeste has never felt like she fit into her business minded family. Her mom died when she was young. She never really connected with her dad. He was more focused on running the family business than connecting emotionally. When her dad unexpectedly died her affluent family handed everything down to her brother and she got a small inheritance from her mom. With the money she decides to make some big changes. She wants to leave New York and discover more about her family and mother’s roots in a small village in France.

I enjoyed this book. The house and town were really charming. I could imagine living in this rural community. I loved that Tempeste found her roots through cooking and gardening. The story was sweet and good for anyone that likes a good “finding yourself” book.

Thank you to netgalley for a copy of this advanced readers copy.

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A beautiful story of a young women, who has never really recovered from the death of her Mother, at age 13. When her father dies, she takes the money she has been given by both parents and goes to her Mother's town in France. I loved the descriptions of the French countryside and the descriptions of the food from the region. Through hard work, determination, and friendship, she finds her place in the community.

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