Member Reviews

I loved this book! The title caught my attention first; once I started to read the book, I could not put it down. I love the characters, the descriptions of the country, usage of herbs for cooking and medicinal purposes, etc. I can almost smell the herbs and spices as I write this review. The book centers on a woman's return to a small area in Provence where her mother grew up and left when she was a young woman. Past family secrets are revealed and new relationships are formed. Wonderful debut novel and I look forward to reading more from this author.

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My first book by Aimie K Runyan to read and I must say there is a depth to this book that gratifies the reader. At the same time, there are some characters the reader will love to hate simply because of their attitudes.
When Tempesta's father dies and leaves her none of his estate, Tempesta's brother reveals that her mother had her own estate that went entirely to her. Tempy's mother was from Sainte Colombe in Provence in France, and so Tempy decides to move back to France to get to know her mom better through the people in her town. Her welcome was at first rather cool, except for Jenofa, a woman who had watched Tempy's mom grow up. Tiberi shows up to help put Tempy's house to rights, and there is a lot that needs to be done. Tiberi and Tempy work together to bring the hundreds years old house into the modern age, and then they work together to revitalize the village. There are some recalcitrant citizens of the village who don't want the progress or the influx of tourists that Tempy's ideas will bring, but they are soon won over.

Aimie has done such a masterful job of developing her characters in this book, the reader feels a kinship with some, a strong distaste for others, and still others fall somewhere in between. The settings she has included in the book make the reading far more interesting.

This is a five star book, with two thumbs up, and an herb garden that will help and heal your ills.

Harper Muse provided the copy I read for this review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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This book was an absolute pleasure to read.The name of the book got my attention immediately. The characters were relatable and the description of the village in France made wish I was the there. The cooking was amazing and the few recipes at the end of the book was a nice touch. I throughly enjoyed this book and I would highly recommend this book.

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THE MEMORY OF LAVENDER AND SAGE is an enchanting and exquisite story about family, placing roots, and starting anew. Sometimes we just need to be replanted in a more nourishing soil to help us thrive and grow. For Tempèsta, that's living in rural France, growing plants with her tender loving care in her greenhouse, and creating salves and delicious recipes for her community to delight in. With her journalism and finance background, Tempèsta does what ever she can to help save the town her mother grew up in. I loved the setting in a small village in France, with the countryside in the backdrop. I can just smell all the fresh lavender, basil, fennel and rosemary and picture the old house Tempèsta buys, filled with character and charm as she makes it into her own.

I will say that I wouldn't categorize this novel as a romance but more in the general fiction genre. But overall, a great story about family, history, and community. Thank you to Harper Muse and NetGalley for the digital advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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