Member Reviews

This is a sweet read.
It took a while to adjust to the Irish presence in the story, but it was a very enjoyable read.
Matchmakers are not in vogue now, which is fine by me. But I can’t imagine the pressure put on a matchmaker. What if a couple marries and are miserable?
I love Sara’s part in the tale.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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Lovely story!
A matchmaker who is in love with the rich man she has been tasked to find a match for. A poor widower farmer, who’s daughter wishes for a mother. Will the matchmaker choose her first love or the man her heart desires most.
I really enjoyed this sweet novel. The characters were well written and I felt like I was watching their stories play out like a movie in front of me. I would definitely recommend to any friends and family!

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Book four from Jennifer and I’m absolutely in love with this one as well. Seriously, I don’t think this woman can write anything I wouldn’t love. Her writing has a whimsical quality to it. This was another heartwarming story that completely takes the reader across the pond, into the beauty and hardship and love and enchantment that is Ireland. I savored every moment of this story and know I will come back to it again. Put this one on the top of your TBR pile!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Loved reading the fabulous and fantastic romance story. When Sara talks her dad, Donal, a farmer, to try to find a match, Donal goes to town and meets the Matchmaker's daughter, Catríona, who tries to find him a match, but Donal is interested in Catríona while Catríona is interested in a man of the gentry, Andrew. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and a must read riveting love story.

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I loved this read, from beginning to end I was drawn in, and really couldn't put it down. I think the little girl drew me in, she is so young, and had so many hardships, and her request for her birthday is for her father to make a match and get her a new mother! I loved how this father was willing, with reluctance to go to the matchmaker and the festival to help find a wife and mother!

Then we have the matchmaker's daughter who has set her heart of a Lord, but is she really seeing him?

I loved the twists and turns here, and was really guessing how everything would turn out!

Be sure to read the epilogue!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Revell, and was not required to give a positive review.

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The title of this book reminds me of a song I've heard many times--Matchmaker, Matchmaker make me a match, find me a catch, . . . (Fiddler on the Roof--a movie I've heard a lot about, but never seen. Oops, My bad.)

Catriona is the matchmaker in this book taking place during the festival of the town where they live. Donal is a widowed father whose nine-year-old daughter wants a new mother. Donal is a farmer barely making ends meet without enough money to do repairs on his equipment or buildings.

The Osbornes are looking for a match for their son, Andrew, and Andrew is looking for a quick buck, as well as finding a wife to produce his heir. He lives a profligate lifestyle and doesn't plan to change that once he is married. When Andrew and his father make an offer to Donal for his next six calves, they also offer to lend him money to repair his barns and equipment, but the loans are due in just a few short months. It seems like the plan is to cheat Donal out of his farm.

Catriona wants to match herself with Andrew, but she has to go through the available ladies first. Donal is also one of Catriona's clients to be matched. Dividing her time between the two men is giving her a taste of what she really wants out of life.

Jennifer Deibel has written a great story with twists and turns that keep the reader involved in the plot. The setting on the coast of Ireland is somewhat magical but at the same time rather brutal with the weather that comes in from the ocean. The characters are believable and relatable, which makes the reading all the more enjoyable.

Four Strong Stars

Revell Publishing provided the copy I read for this review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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