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As a category 5 hurricane bears down on their Florida home and the Davies family prepares to shelter in place, a boat shows up on their dock carrying two men and a young woman who also need shelter from the storm. The Davies reluctantly welcome the strangers into their home, but as the storm ramps up, it becomes obvious that these strangers have an ulterior motive and the timing of their arrival was no coincidence. Most of the people shuttered together in the Davies house are hiding something, but some of the secrets are more dangerous than others. The chapters alternate between several points of view and the tension between characters mirrors the tension created by the storm. A riveting read!

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I knew that I wanted to read The Guests as soon as I read the blurb. I love a good storm/natural disaster angle in my thrillers, and the fact that the characters are all kind of trapped in the same mansion also gives it that locked room vibe. Add the promise that not everyone is going to make it out alive, and I was fully hooked even before I started reading it. And I have to say that I ended up having an excellent time with this story! Fast-paced, ominous and packed with secrets and tension: I simply couldn't stop reading.

Before I continue, a little warning is in place. The Guests is one of those books where it is key to be able to suspend your disbelief, and if you aren't up for a possibly farfetched and over the top plot this won't be the book for you. BUT. If you are able to sit back and enjoy the ride, you will be in for an absolute treat. Like I said before, things can be said about the credibility of it all, but there is no doubt that the entertainment level is through the roof. So many twists, so many secrets, so many tense hurricane moments! Some of the twists were more predictable than others, but overall I liked what they added to the plot.

The Guests is set in Florida during the arrival of a Category 5 hurricane, and you will feel every single ominous second of this extreme weather. The weather is almost like an extra character, and plays a very prominent role throughout the story. I also love how it gave the story that locked room vibe, with the characters being cut off from the rest of the world! The story itself uses a multiple POV structure, switching between the different characters in play which helps us give more insight in their thoughts, actions as well as secrets. There are also some flashbacks to help reveal certain events... Like I said before, some of the twists/secrets were quite predictable and I could have done without the cheating angle, but as a whole I still appreciate what they added to the plot.

As for the characters... Most of them are pretty flawed, and it can take a little while to warm up to them. Some of their decisions are particularly questionable (like for example inviting three strangers into your mansion), but I guess we wouldn't have a plot otherwise... With the accute situation, it was somehow surprisingly easy to root for certain characters though, and I enjoyed watching everything unfold. I also liked how everything was wrapped up in the end, as it gave you a sense of closure after everything that happened.

All in all The Guests is an excellent locked room thriller set in the middle of an hurricane and packed with characters with something to hide. Just make sure you are ready to suspend your disbelief before you start, because it might not be the right book for you otherwise.

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This had lots of potential but missed the mark for me. The premise of an upcoming Category 5 hurricane, paired with unwarranted guests showing up in seek of shelter, ending in what can only be called 'tragedy'? Sign me up! But the repetitive nature of the story and the lack of character development lost me about halfway through.

Without spoiling, there were deaths that happened in the book, and I felt the reactions of the characters were vague and not realistic. In one part, an MC says "Poor [blank]" as if they were injured or lost a diamond earring. Some scenes were so intense, so it just didn't match the whole vibe.

There are many bad weather/locked-room thrillers out there, so you can skip this one, IMO. Thank you to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for providing me with an arc of THE GUESTS.

TWs: multiple mentions of sexual assault, drug overdose, infant loss, infidelity

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Three strangers dock their boat on the Davises dock just as a category 5 hurricane is hitting land. They join the family sheltering in their home to ride out the storm. But when strangers join in, secrets come to light. This is a locked room suspense that took a turn I wasn’t expecting.

Numerous perspectives give this story depth and insight. I was captivated from the start and just wanted to keep on reading to find out who, and what, would survive the storm boy in and outside the home.

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I really like the guests. Taking place in south Florida during a hurricane Lee and Marlowe Davis are prepping for a storm when 3 people show up by boat now stranded. The twists were pretty awesome. Pretty fast paced read with lots of drama and secrets

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Reminded me of The Cabin at the End of the World for the first 50 pages, but then fizzled into okayness.

The opening of the book was tension filled, relatable, gave me that sinking stomach feeling. A hurricane is coming, strangers show up needing shelter. Your hackles are up, something doesn't seem right with these people, but you can't leave them to die in the storm, can you? Sitting in that feeling was the best part of the book. The problem is that it doesn't last long. Soon you find out the strangers' intent, and crash land in domestic thriller land. It's one of those situations where the 'monster' is scarier before you actually see it. Afterwards, you're just like... Oh.

The main reason I chose this book was to read something atmospheric of storms, which I also didn't get a lot of here. It was fine. I'd primarily recommend to people who like domestic thrillers and stories with family drama. If your interest is more in storms or home invasion, I think there are better options.

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It's been a long time since I read a book in one day, but I did it with THE GUESTS!

This is a great, quick read that flies by: a Category 5 storm, Hurricane Celeste, pounds down on the Davies family-Lee, Marlowe, and their teenage twins. It feels like the hurricane is truly happening and the tension building as the storm hits. Just before Celeste arrives, a boat docks at the family's home, and three strangers (brothers Bo and Jason and Bo's girlfriend Darcy) arrive. Since Celeste changed track, they need a place to stay.

What ensues is a totally wild read. Some of the characters reveal a few surprise connections, and the book feels like a locked room thriller, with the family, the new arrivals, and a few others (a friend, an assistant, a handyman) all stuck in the house. I felt like I could hear the wind howling and rain pounding down. Things get a little preposterous by the end, with a few predictable turns and some not at all, but the result is still a fun, exciting, and often violent (!) thriller.

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3.5 stars, rounded up. Fast paced, and while some of the "twists" are telegraphed a mile away, there are enough surprises to make this one intriguing. The author isn't afraid to really "go there" with the story, making it a tense read.

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A category 5 hurricane is heading towards Marlowe and Lee’s Florida home. They waited to long to evacuate and are planning to stick out the storm at home with their two teens and Marlowe’s assistant. Just as the storm rolls in, 3 strangers pull up in a boat at the family’s dock. They allow them to stay and wait out the hurricane with them. Little do they know, these strangers have a hidden agenda and a dangerous plan for them.

I enjoyed the story, I knew from the start that these strangers were going to be dangerous and that intrigued me to see how everything would play out. Little did I know, this was a planned visit and the strangers seemed to know quite a bit about the family. Divulging secrets even Marlowe didn’t know about those she loves most. When the storm started, no one imagined 3 people would wind up dead. But who died?! Read to find out!

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I liked the idea of THE GUESTS. I've been through many hurricanes and they are scary!!. Margot Hunt is so talented. I really enjoyed all of her previous novels but this one was not my favorite. I was not a fan of the dialogue or characters and I felt myself not really caring about what even happened them.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my gifted copy.

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What a fun read!! This story is about a family with money, living on an intercoastal with a water view! A category 5 hurricane is coming in and 3 boaters get stranded with this family. The chaos that ensues includes murder, infidelity and twists galore! It was suspenseful and the ending tied it up perfectly. I will definitely pick up more of this authors work. Thank you to Netgalley, the author and Thomas and Mercer publishing for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Thomas Mercer & NetGalley for an ARC of this book, in exchange for my honest opinion.

Honestly, one of my TOP reads of 2023!!!!

Holy smokes….. this book was absolutely incredible!! I stayed up late and finished this book in two sittings because I couldn’t put it down. And it’s safe to say I will not stop talking about this book until it is made into a movie!!! It was a true nail biting, pulse pounding, hands sweating, holding your breath while reading thriller. Honestly, 100/5 stars for this story because it was executed flawlessly.

I grew up in FL and as soon as I saw the premise for this book to take place during a hurricane, I was all in!

Lee and Marlowe, along with their 17 year old twins Tom and June, all live a life of wealth and privilege in their river front mansion, complete with a private dock and boat house. When a very dangerous category 5 hurricane is closing in on their area of FL the family waits too long to evacuate, and must hunker down at their house for the storm. Along with their family, their handyman Mick has agreed to stay and help with last minute tasks before heading to his Moms, Marlowe’s assistant Isabel, and Tom’s friend Zack are also staying with them as well.

But as Hurricane Celeste makes landfall a mysterious boat docks at their house, and Marlowe and Lee agree to let the passengers ride out the hurricane in their house. At first Bo, his brother Jason, and his girlfriend Darcy are just thankful to have refuge from the hurricane outside. But it doesn’t take long for their real motives to unravel about showing up to this specific family during a hurricane that shuts them off from the rest of the world. Secrets are shared, hearts are broken, people are killed, and betrayed.

If you’re looking for a new thriller to completely draw you in, this is it! It will have you have feeling like you are in the room with these people experiencing a hurricane, and trying to find a safe way out of the hell that has been unleashed.

My first book by this author, but I can’t wait to read more from her!

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Florida author Margot Hunt returns following Lovely Girls with her latest locked-in thriller, THE GUESTS — A hurricane is brewing on the southeastern Florida coast in this chilling tale of a family and art trapped by a storm and their uninvited guests.

Hurricane Celeste was to make landfall in September on a Tuesday along the Intracoastal waterway as a Category 5 with winds of up to 150 miles per hour and storm surges of up to 12 feet.

Marlowe Davies takes refuge in their waterfront home (Marlowe, Lee, their teen twins, Tim and June, and their close friends). Lee is an attorney and his heiress wife, Marlowe. As in Florida, it is always stay or go? They will be prepared. The other family is Tim's friend, Zack, and Marlowe's assistant, Isabel. Staying secretly in June's room is her best friend, Felix.

Marlowe was in the process of facilitating her deceased parent's multi-million dollar donation of paintings to the Norton Museum. Thomas and Katherine Bond loved art with eclectic taste and traveled all around the world to collect it. They dream of donating their collection here in the Bond Wing at the Norton.

The family did not evacuate in time and is now awaiting the storm. Little do they know, one twin is hiding a friend upstairs. Worse yet, uninvited guests with an emergency dock on their property. They have no choice but to take in the three unknown people.

Three strangers dock on the family's shore before the storm descends—Brothers Jason, Bo Connor, and Bo's girlfriend, Darcy. They take them in even though they are uninvited guests, providing them a haven. Who are these people, and what do they want?

At first, they seem okay, but as the storms intensify, so do the tensions. Who will make it out alive? Celeste is a monster, planning to consume everyone in its path. Will the Coast Guard be able to save them>

THE GUESTS is a locked-room thriller, but you may have to set disbelief aside to find it believable or to be entertained. It wraps up in the Epilogue one year later. I also enjoyed the references to the Norton Museum here in West Palm Beach, where I reside.

Told from Marlowe's POV and other characters with some flashbacks for more of a popcorn thriller. While I did not enjoy this one as much as her other books or audiobooks, if you enjoy storms and locked-room thrillers, you may enjoy THE GUESTS.

My eighth by the author, and since I am a Floridan, I always enjoy revisiting the fictional beachside town of Shoreham, Florida. I love her audiobooks as well. I have lived through many hurricanes in Florida, the Keys, and North Carolina, so I always enjoy stories set in the areas. I did not think this one was as engaging as her other books.

Thanks to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for the privilege of reading an advanced digital review copy for my honest opinion.

I look forward to listening to the audiobook narrated by some of my favorites with a possible higher rating: Amy McFadden, Sarah Naughton, Michael Crouch, Soneela Nankani, and A.J. Beckles.

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
My Rating: 3.5 Stars
Pub Date: Jan 9, 2024
Jan 2024 Must-Read Books
Jan Newsletter

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What a fantastic read! I thoroughly enjoyed this one and loved having a couple of WTF and OMG moments.

"The Guests" by Margot Hunt is a gripping and suspenseful novel that explores the dynamics of a family forced to shelter strangers during a devastating Cat 5 hurricane.

The story revolves around the Davies family, who, in an act of kindness, opens their doors to 3 strangers seeking refuge from the impending hurricane. Initially, the atmosphere is filled with hope and camaraderie as the characters bond over their shared vulnerability. However, as the storm intensifies, so does the underlying tension within the house.

Margot's descriptive prose is evocative, vividly describing the hurricane's destructive force and the way it affects the characters. Her writing allows readers to feel the mounting fear and uncertainty that accompanies a natural disaster of this magnitude.

Margot's ability to create a palpable sense of impending doom adds to the overall intensity of the story. I was very anxious while reading this book but that's what made it seem realistic and such a remarkable story!

"The Guests" will keep readers engaged from start to finish, with its well-crafted plot, complex characters, and atmospheric setting. Prepare to be swept away in this tale of secrets, danger, and the fight for survival.

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The Guests by Margot Hunt is a highly recommended locked-room thriller set during a Category 5 hurricane. Admittedly, you have to set disbelief and some logical reasoning aside, but once you decide to go for it, you will be entertained either by the action or betting who will survive.

Hurricane Celeste is due to arrive very soon and attorney Lee Davies and his heiress wife, Marlowe, along with their teens, Tim and June, are planning to ride out the Category 5 storm in their palatial home. Joining the family is Tim's friend Zack and Marlowe's assistant, Isabel. Staying secretly in June's room is her best friend, Felix. Just as handyman Mick Byrne finishes putting up their hurricane shutters with help from Tim and Zach, a stranger docks their boat at the house.

As they head down to the dock to see who they are, an accident incapacitates Mick and the strangers help carry him into the house. The strangers are brothers, Jason and Bo Connor, and Bo’s girlfriend, Darcy. Once they are in the house, Bo seems charming at first, but as the storm begins to intensify, tensions begin to rise with these uninvited guests. It is soon clear that they are not safe.

Each chapter is told through a specific character's point-of-view, with Marlowe being the prime voice. There are a few flashback chapters to provide background details. Yes, there are several times eye-rolling may happen and you have to suspend all disbelief, but if you are able to just roll with the action as written, it is very entertaining. There are some twists, surprises, and soap-opera material in the plot along with the more predictable parts.

The Guests is a fast-paced thriller that will hold your attention to the end if you commit to getting through the hurricane with these people. Me thinks it wasn't really written with character development in mind and wants all focus on the action, secrets, twists, and locked-room aspect of the plot, which I happily obliged to agree to do.
Disclosure: My complimentary review copy was courtesy of Thomas & Mercer via NetGalley.
The review will be published on Edelweiss, X, Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

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A category 5 hurricane, a house full of people you aren’t sure you can trust and high priced pieces of art. Throw in complete strangers who seem to be stuck in the storm…all of this makes for a very high action fast read!! I was team Marlowe from the start! You won’t regret reading this book it was a quick read packed with action!!

Thank you NetGalley and Thomas Mercer for allowing me to read the ARC!!

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Here for this! The Guests was the perfect storm (pun intended) of sinister characters, drama, and suspense throughout the book. The idea of having strangers in your house that may want to cause you harm is deeply unsettling and this book layers on a hurricane that leaves you sheltering in place. Very enjoyable!

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This is fast-paced and packed with tension! Thank you to the publisher via Netgalley for the early copy to read and review!

I liked this story. Was it perfect? No. Were the characters shallow? Yes. Did I care about what happened to them? Eh, not particularly ,if I'm being totally honest. But the story was fast-paced and packed with high-tension, mid-thrill moments. There are a LOT of twists and this gets CRAY CRAY so buckle in, friends. Like, the reasoning/ full story is WILD. All that said, I did keep turning pages in a rush because: 1. it is an easy read 2. short chapters helped and 3. I wanted to know what happened for one character in particular :)

I liked that the author left some breadcrumbs about some characters. There were twists that were out of left field but it was a good mix of "I guessed that" and surprising.

Overall, would recommend if you like high tension as this is all set in one SUPER stressful day and night spent locked in a house in a hurricane.

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Thank you NetGalley and Thomas Mercer for the chance to read this book. It starts as a category 5 hurricane is about to hit the coast of Florida. The big house is secured and the family inside is safe. Until they spot a boat heading for their dock. With little choice they take in the three "guests" - two brothers and a bikini clad young woman. All is jovial as they eat, drink and chat until one of the brothers makes a pass at June, the 16-year-old daughter of the homeowners. Her twin brothers' best friend Zack intervenes, and one push is all it takes for Zack to fall, hit his head and die. Then the story takes a turn and the reasons for the guests to appear and motives and lies are uncovered. There's plenty of action as tension builds and the storm rages on. Once the storm eases up and the family being held hostage looks for a way to escape, the truth is out, shots have been fired and it's a situation there seems to be no escape from. It's scary to think this could happen to you kind of thriller. I enjoyed the book and would easily recommend it.

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3.5/5 ⭐️
A family decides to weather out a serious hurricane instead of evacuating and find themselves hosting strangers that have secret, deadly intentions.

This one started out slow, but it had some good twists! I think in general the writing didn’t build suspense enough, but once I got to part two, it picked up enough for me want to continue.

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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