Member Reviews

This was a fast paced thriller following a family who is stuck in their house during a hurricane and the uninvited strangers that take shelter with them. It was a quick read good for a readathon and it was full of drama.

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Fun and engaging! In this story, a monster category 5 hurricane is bearing down on Shoreham, Fl and the Davies family is well prepared to wait it out in their beautiful and fortified beach home. However, they can’t predict the series of events that will bring three strangers into their home, at the last minute, or the violence that will ensue before Hurricane Celeste exhausts herself. I love Margot Hunt’s books, she always entertains me! This one was a little predictable and the ending seemed rushed, but it was another fun one to read and I look forward to what she writes next! Thank you Netgalley, Thomas & Mercer, and the author for this eARC in exchange for my honest review. This book will be available for purchase on January 9, 2024

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I loved this read, it was so fast paced and exactly what I needed to get me out of my book slump. I will definitely be recommending this to everyone!

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"The Guests" by Margot Hunt is a riveting psychological thriller that ensnares the reader in a web of suspense from the very first page.

As a Category 5 hurricane bears down on the coastal town, the Davies family extends their sanctuary to close friends, but the unexpected arrival of three strangers introduces an ominous undercurrent. Margot Hunt skillfully weaves a tale where the storm outside mirrors the escalating tension within the waterfront manse. The characters, expertly drawn, navigate a treacherous landscape of broken confidences and unveiled secrets.
The blurred lines between family, friends, and strangers intensify the unfolding danger, creating a palpable sense of unease. The narrative's relentless pace propels the reader through a maze of twists and turns, culminating in a chilling truth: not everyone will emerge unscathed.
“The Guests" is a captivating exploration of human nature under duress, a masterfully crafted thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

Very grateful to the publisher for my review copy through NetGalley, opinions are my own

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Thank you Thomas and Mercer and NetGalley for an early copy of The Guests. What an Awesome cover!!! I really liked the plot of this book, the characters were either so likable or disgusting. It took on a twist that I NEVER saw coming, my heart pounded quite a bit. I had no idea how it would end, it was a GREAT thriller. Don't read with the lights off.

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"The Guests" by Margot Hunt is a story of poor choices, vengeance, and betrayal. A family besieged by a storm has to deal with the consequences of their actions.

Celeste, a Category 5 hurricane, is headed toward the small coastal town of Shoreham. The Davies family (Lee, Marlowe, and their 17-year-old twins, Tom and June) decide to brave the storm in their waterfront mansion. They invite Zack, Tom's best friend, and Isabel, Marlowe's assistant, to stay with them during the storm. With the help of their handyman, Mike, they are in the middle of putting storm shutters when a strange boat docks on their shore.

The strangers in the boat are the Brothers Jason and Bo, and Bo’s girlfriend, Darcy. With no other alternative, the trio is invited to join the family during the storm. However, something feels off about them, nor does their reason for sailing forth ring true. As the storm advances and tensions increase, it is clear the trio has a hidden agenda. Thus, a worsening situation rapidly spins out of control, endangering them all.

The book is written in the third person, but each chapter focuses on a different character. It explores issues of family interactions, food disorders, infidelity, and survival. Overall, I enjoyed the book despite some issues that required the suspension of belief. People staying at home despite evacuation warnings, inviting strangers in, or acting foolishly. Another thing that didn't make sense was a killer that wasn't incarcerated, fear of dealing with an anorexic girl, or a boy faulted for the action of another.

While the book has its flaws, it did capture my interest. I will give it that. I was invested in the plot and cared about a few of the characters. A couple of twists caught me by surprise, and I loved the ending. I also enjoyed the setting and the descriptions of the weather. Luckily, I never lived through hurricanes, so I don't know how accurate its description is, but it convinced me.

To conclude, I enjoyed the book, flaws and all. I loved the pace of the book. It was a quick read with an interesting scenario that drew me in. Hence, I decided to rate it 3.5 out of 5 stars, rounded up to 4.. This is my first read by this author, and certainly not the last. I recommend the book to those who enjoy a quick thriller and don't mind an implausible plot.

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc. All opinions are my own.

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When a huge storm approaches, the Davies barricades themselves in their mansion....unfortunately, they are soon joined by uninvited guests.

Oh boy, was this bad.

This was missing...everything. Plot development, character development, believable dialogue? This seemed like it was rushed to beat some sort of hurricane.....

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book, but this one should be thrown into the storm.

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Hurricane's can be really dangerous to coastal towns in Florida, but when the Davies family takes refuge from Hurricane Celeste, a Cat 5 that unexpectedly turned to hit their town, there seems to be more danger than they anticipated. Last minute, three strangers docked on their family's shore and under maritime law, they can't refuse them safety under duress. Marlowe, Lee and their children and friends got more than they expected.

Wow, just wow. I could feel the tension building as I kept turning the pages. I really didn't want to put this one down. You're told the story from multiple POVs which of course switched at the craziest times, but it added to the suspense and mystery. Between Marlowe, Lee, Isabel, and the teenagers, there were a lot of perspectives, which got a little confusing but Margot Hunt did a great job of pulling it all together. Honestly, the premise of the story was a little outlandish but I think that Margot Hunt did a phenomenal job of an isolated setting trope. It was a quick, fast paced thriller that was easy to dive into and just as easy to finish (even in a day or two). I rated up for 4.5 Stars.

Thank you NetGalley, Thomas & Mercer Publishing and Margot Hunt for the eARC of The Guests in exchange for an honest review.

Publication date for The Guests is 09 January 2024.

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I am a fan of Margot Hunt and have really enjoyed several of her books in the past. This one just had too many unbelievable things going on that I found myself saying "really?" and rolling my eyes a lot.

The premise of this book was really interesting - a family decides to stay in their Florida mansion during a category 5 hurricane (Celeste). As they are just finishing closing everything up, a group of boaters pulls up to their dock and ends up waiting out the storm at the family's house. It appears that "the guests" just caught up in the storm not realizing how serious it was, however, not everything is as it seems. All the characters were so unlikeable, and overall, it was just hard to sympathize with stupid, greedy, rich people.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Margot Hunt's The Guests.

Living in Southeast Georgia, I am no stranger to hurricanes. That scenario alone is terrifying enough but to add in these strangers that turn up out of nowhere, kept me guessing throughout.

I enjoyed the fast-paced nature of the story, but I felt like the "twists" were a bit expected and I was able to figure them out prior to the reveal. Even with that, I enjoyed the book and seeing how the story ended up unfolding.

I give this a solid three stars.

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I will be reading Margot Hunt books from now on! This thriller was so good and unique. I highly recommend this!

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I have loved some of her previous books, Best Friends Forever and For Better and Worse but this one I found myself skimming through ALOT of this book to get to the end. I’ve lived through 8 hurricanes being in FL and NC so to me, I just kept shaking my head throughout. I was disappointed in this book. I’ll give it 3 stars for effort. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release but it wasn’t for me. To be published January 2024.

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I loved this book so much. I expected that they family and the guests would be in danger form the hurricane. Instead they were in danger from the guests. I guessed Isabel would be involved but not the husband. The author wrote Bo as so horrible. Jason’s attitude toward June could be felt. I couldn’t believe the stuff that took place in one book. I can’t wait to read more Margot Hunt.

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Loved the hurricane and storm aspect added to the mystery. Really enjoyed the story and would definitely recommend. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC

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I could not put this book down!
A category 5 hurricane is coming and a family decides to ride it out from the comfort of their home. Shortly before the hurricane hits a boat pulls up to their dock with the three strangers on board. They claim they thought they could handle the storm but realized it was too intense. The family is kind enough to bring them in to shelter from the storm.
It is clear that the strangers have an agenda but I was surprised by the depth of the twists and turns. I don't want to spoil anything but there were a few moments that I felt were over the top and unnecessary (Zack).
I really enjoyed this book and found myself eager to pick it up each day. I'll definitely be reading more books by this author!
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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✨The Guests by Margot Hunt✨⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
📖 I received this digital ARC copy of The Guests from @netgalley and @margot_hunt that will be published on January 9, 2024!⁣

I was looking for a quick easy read while I travelled with my mom and Poppop cross country in his RV. I got through this book in a day and a half! ⁣

3 uninvited guests dock their boat on the Davies family’s dock right before a category 5 hurricane. The Davies family feel obligated to take them in but quickly realize they are all trapped there together and things are uncomfortable.⁣

This book had great suspense and I was constantly wondering “what is going to happen next!?” I enjoyed the way everything was connected throughout the story. Definitely a quick but great read!

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Who has two thumbs and has a girl crush on the cover of “The Guests”?

That would be meeeeeeee.

I am also a crazy, slightly obsessed fan of Margot Hunt . I mean who could really blame me, am I right or am I right ?

The Guests, is one hell of a twisted thriller . Talk about an instant addiction, once you pick this book up you will not be able to put it down so make sure you clear your schedule

Don’t let me tell ya how to feel, pick this one up for yourself. Check out this teaser :

When a Category 5 hurricane is poised to hit their coastal Florida town, the Davies family takes refuge in their waterfront manse. Marlowe, Lee, and their teenage twins invite their close friends to wait out the storm in comfort and style.

Uninvited are the three strangers who dock on the family’s shore right before the storm descends. Brothers Jason and Bo—and Bo’s girlfriend, Darcy—are a charming, helpful trio in need of a safe haven that the family is only too happy to provide.

But as the storm outside grows more threatening, so does the tension in the house.

Soon, the lines between family, friends, and strangers blur. Danger mounts with every pointed finger and broken confidence, and long-held secrets are revealed one after another until only one truth remains: not everyone is going to make it out alive.

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From start to finish this book was as tumultuous as the hurricane taking place within the story.
Some of the twists were slightly predictable, some definitely were not.
A good 4 star read.

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I love Margot hunt books, definitely a psychological thriller that leaves you wanting more! Never disappoints!

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I love a good ‘locked room’ storyline. I was really interested in the premise of this book and overall found it entertaining, but I don’t think it will be everybody’s cup of tea.

I really liked the twists and the weather/hurricane descriptions. I felt uneasy and on edge the whole time.

I knew I was rooting against the bad guys, but didn’t find myself really loving any of the characters. I also thought some parts were a little hard to believe, like that a family would allow strangers in their house during a hurricane and that they wouldn’t have evacuated with their proximity to the water.

Overall it was a quick read and it kept me wanting to find out what would happen next.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Thomas & Mercer for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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