Member Reviews

Wow wow wow, the book THE WIFE YOU KNOW BY CHAD ZUNKER was definitely the best story!!! It pulled me in since the first chapter, I loved that it had a lot of suspense and mystery, I like the characters to me they were likable, I definitely enjoyed this book, I cannot wait to read more of Chad zunker books

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One day, Luke gets a call from his wife, Ashley, saying that she is in the hospital. She ran into a burning building to save a class of children, and has suffered some major burns, but is otherwise going to be fine. The next day, she has vanished into thin air. He becomes panicked and takes the search for her into his own hands. He quickly realizes that she may not be who she says she is, and he must uncover the mystery of her past to find her.

The Wife You Know is a twisty domestic thriller perfect for anyone looking for a quick and easy read. The things I liked about it include its short length, fast-paced plot, and straightforward storyline. As someone who tends to be a little more picky about thrillers, I didn’t love the way it got a little unrealistic and far-fetched at the end, but this is on par with many thrillers in my opinion, so I don’t think it will sway fans of the genre. Overall, this is a solid thriller which should appeal to many readers.

3.5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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The Wife You Know? More like the wife you DON'T know :O nothing is sacred, nothing is safe, not even your marriage. Yikes!

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Wow I have never read anything by this author but I definitely will now!!. I read this book in one day. This book follows the story of Ashley, or Amy, or, Sarah and her young child. This woman has been just trying to live a normal life since her college years. This ends up being a thriller with many twists that her newly husband is trying to find out who she really is and why suddenly she just vanished with her daughter. The political ties and lies and coverup that lead to her "vanishing". Would you give up absolutely EVERYTHING for love?

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The Wife You Know by Chad Zunker is a fascinating thriller. This book had me hooked from the very first pages. A man finds out how little he really knows about his beloved wife and stepdaughter and the endurance of his love is tested as he tries to find them when they go on the run. When the media highlights his wife for an act of heroism, that is all that is needed to spook her. And what could she be running from? The husband pursues this question throughout the novel. Readers of psychological thrillers will enjoy this book. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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This book has great promise but fell short for me. It took a bit too long for the main character to piece together the mystery and there were way too many flashbacks that didn’t have much to do with the story. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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The Wife You Know is a psychological thriller that packs on the thriller part. It is a quick read, but I could not connect with it. Many portions of it seemed very unrealistic and a reach for what would truly happen. Luke's wife and step-daughter have gone missing after his wife appears on the local news for saving children from a school fire. The amount of time it took for Luke to realize that the disappearance is related to the news segment is laughable. As the book progresses Luke dives into his wife's past, following the secrets she has kept for years. The ending was far fetched, and honestly, disappointing.

I want to thank Netgalley & Thomas & Mercer for an ARC of this book.

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This was my first by Chad Zunker and it won't be my last. I applied for this one after seeing a friends review and I am glad I did. It was a face paced thriller with lots of twists and turns to keep me interested

I love a domestic thriller and this one was a goodie! I recommend everyone adds it to the reading list

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Loved this action packed story of a girl on the run and the man who loves her hunting for the truth and the future.

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The Wife You Know by Chad Zunker

What would you do for love? Luke Driskell has some hard decisions to make as he travels state to state hoping to learn something that will lead him to Ashely and his stepdaughter. They have only been married a few months, but he knows he needs to find the people he has grown to love so dearly.

What I liked:
* Luke Driskell: tech guru, wealthy, widowed a year before meeting Ashley, orphaned when young, raised by his grandfather, tenacious, intelligent, deeply in love
* Ashley Driskell: loving single parent, artist, raised in foster care, has secrets, seems fearful at times, will do anything for her daughter, religious, caring, kind Luke
* Joy: three years old, happy, loves her mother and Luke, has never known her birth father
* Nick Cantley: ex-CIA agent, works as an independent operator and consultant, good friend, plays a big part in this story
* The plot, pacing, and writing
* The way the hints were found slowly and how they gave depth to Ashley’s backstory
* The ending – although I would have liked to have had an epilogue

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how expendable others can be to those with political, financial, or other power

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars

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Luke investigates the disappearance of his wife Ashley, and her daughter Joy. Overnight, Ashley goes viral for rescuing kids from a burning daycare facility. Once she sees that she went viral, she panics and disappears. Luke is on the hunt to find her. How well did he really know Ashley?

This was my first book by this author, and I truly enjoyed it! What a great read! This story was fast paced and full of drama. I was hooked from the very beginning, and stayed that way until the very end. Ashley disappearing without a trace is our first clue that she must be hiding something. This was nail biting. The whole time, I felt I ws on the journey with Luke, curious about what "we" would discover.

The plot was fleshed out well. We also get great character development with flashbacks to how the couple met mixed in with present day. The present day scenes were fast paced and full of tons of action. The ending was such a perfect wrap up for me! I highly recommend this one!

Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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When I say I couldn’t put this book down! Unbelievably engaging and had me on the edge of my seat the entire time I read it!

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Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and Chad Zunker for providing a digital ARC of this novel through NetGalley!

A fast-paced thriller will always be at the top of my list for favorite reads. This one definitely held up to that expectation. I love the short chapters and the story line about a mysterious past and creating a new life for our main character and her daughter. The development into a search for her after she disappears is fully engaging and I was satisfied with the ending.
Overall, this was an awesome quick read for me and I am grateful to have the opportunity to read it!
#netgalley #thewifeyouknow

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The Wife You Know: A Mixed Bag of Suspense

"The Wife You Know" took me on a journey that felt both familiar and fresh. Drawing parallels to "The Last Thing He Told Me" by Laura Dave, this novel, narrated from a male perspective, offered a unique twist to a familiar storyline. However, while the premise held promise, I couldn't help but feel that the narrative would have benefited from a more varied perspective, perhaps incorporating Ashley's point of view or delving into flashbacks from before her disappearance.

The story follows widower Luke Driscoll, who finds unexpected love and remarriage with Ashley, a woman who becomes a social media sensation after a heroic act. However, when Ashley and her daughter disappear without a trace, Luke embarks on a frantic search for answers. While the premise is gripping, I found myself questioning Luke's decision not to enlist the help of a private investigator, given his resources and the gravity of the situation.

Throughout the book, I found myself concocting various theories about Ashley's disappearance, none of which matched the surprising revelation provided by the author. While the unexpected twist was intriguing, I wished for more depth and exploration, particularly through flashback sequences.

Zunker's writing style, though simplistic at times, serves the story adequately. However, certain plot holes, such as the plausibility of Ashley's swift departure from the hospital despite severe injuries, tested my suspension of disbelief. Nevertheless, "The Wife You Know" offers a fun, albeit flawed, reading experience that could translate well onto the big screen.

The pacing of the novel fluctuates, with the opening and closing thirds gripping my attention, while the middle section, focusing on Luke's solo investigation, felt sluggish and repetitive. Additionally, the ending left me feeling unsatisfied, lacking the resolution and closure I craved after investing in the characters' journeys.

In conclusion, "The Wife You Know" presents a compelling premise with elements of suspense and mystery, but falls short in execution due to pacing issues and a lackluster resolution. While it may not reach its full potential, fans of the genre may still find enjoyment in this imperfect yet entertaining read.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the publisher, NetGalley, and Chad Zunker for the opportunity to explore this novel ahead of its release. Your support of readers and reviewers is truly appreciated

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I loved this book! I never saw the twists coming. I liked all of the characters. I’ve never read from this author before but I will definitely be again!

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I was a real fan of the author, especially his Sam.Callahan series. The plot was intriguing but the characters could have been cleaned out a bit more. On the other hand, the story kept me hooked and I finished it in a day. Fun read for your next vacation

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At the time, I was interested in mystery/thriller books; however currently I am no longer interested in reading the book.

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I love the premise of this book. Unfortunately, this one didn't work for me. I never really connected with the characters, so I didn't care about what happened to them. I think getting Ashley's point of view would have helped connect with her. I did like the short chapters and it was a fast read. I look forward to trying something else from the author in the future.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Thomas Mercer for the digital arc.

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This was a super quick read for me! I read it in less than 24 hours. I found myself needing to pick it back up to find out what happened next anytime I tried to put it down. Such a good book that kept me needing to know what was gonna happen next.

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I read Chad Zunker's Family Money and enjoyed the storyline but found the twists too expected and predictable. This is one is much better. It's a very quick and easy read at 205 pages with no major twists but still definitely kept my interest. Software entrepreneur Luke Driskell's wife Ashley appears on national television and all over social media as a hero for saving preschool children from a burning day care center building and then disappears the next day with her three year-old daughter Joy. Luke's investigation into their disappearance uncovers Ashley's hidden past including fake IDs with different names, cities, and hair cuts and colors. Luke sets off across the country to find the truth, but he has no idea the kind of danger he's about to enter into. Thanks to #netgalley and #thomasandmercer for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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