Member Reviews

This novel really kept me in suspsense. With plot twists along the way. I felt some parts weren’t that realistic and it could have had more details

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What seems like a wonderful relationship in the beginning quickly changes. This book was extremely hard to put down. There are lots of twists and turns and this is a great mystery. I highly recommend this book. It’s fast paced and an easy read.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Chad Zunker and
Thomas & Mercer for the ARC of this book.

Overall, it was enjoyable. Easy to read, short chapters, and somewhat adventurous. I would rate it at 3.5 star⭐️ rounded up to 4.

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I received a complimentary from Thomas Mercer and all opinions expressed are entirely mine.

How far will one go to find their loved ones? The book follows Luke who is madly in love with Ashley and his stepdaughter Joy. One day he gets off a flight to news his wife is a hero and wakes up to her having disappeared with their stepdaughter Joy. It's quite an interesting read on the power of love and how far someone will go to protect their own. Started pretty strong and along the way it became mildly strong. But it's a good thriller and definitely will keep you engrossed.


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Wow!! Thank you Netgalley, Chad Zunker, and Thomas and Mercer for this amazing read!! If I didn't have 2 babies and an entire family to take care of I would have finished in a day! So well written. Had me hooked wanting to figure everything out with crazy revelations at each chapter!

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Thank you Netgalley, Thomas & Mercer & Chad Zunker for the ARC of this book

This is my first by this author and it won't be my last. It was fast paced, full of secrets to unravel and twists along the way.

I was thoroughly gripped throughout and invested in the outcome for the protagonists. This is an easy book to binge in one sitting because the plot was so addictive. I love when our characters discover that someone they love holds secrets and their job is to solve the mystery and find the real truth.

The ending was unexpected and overall the book was an addictive, fast paced and highly entertaining read!


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One minute, you're visiting your wife in the hospital and she's a hero after saving kids from a day care fire, the next, you're desperately searching for her after she disappears into thin air, apparently voluntarily, taking her daughter/your stepdaughter with her, and you have no idea why. Worse yet, you soon realize you never really knew her. This fast-paced, easy to read & hard to put down thriller is told from the perspective of the husband, Luke Driskell. Money is no object as he tries to track down his mysterious wife's past, hoping it will lead him to her in the present.

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I have read a few books by Chad Zunker and I haven't been disappointed yet. This was fast paced and I was hooked from the first page. I really enjoyed the short chapters as well. If you want a fast paced thriller that will keep you entertained then I would recommend this book. I hope you enjoy it if you read it.

Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for allowing me to read this ARC in advance for my honest opinion.

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This isn't a bad read, but I didn't connect with it the way I wanted to.

The premise is great: Luke is a widower who marries Ashley, a woman with a young daughter Joy. One day Ashley saves a bunch of children from a burning day care, and is injured herself so is staying in the hospital at least overnight. Luke receives a phone call from the hospital asking if Ashley came home, because she isn't at the hospital. When he checks Joy's room, she's gone too--Ashley and Joy have disappeared. Luke begins to investigate what happened to them and he uncovers layers of secrets.

The execution was a bit too simplistic. I think the main problem for me was Luke's first person present tense point of view. It made the narrative choppy and awkward much of the time. Overall, the mystery ended up being fairly interesting, but I thought it took a bit too long for Luke to uncover all of the pieces, there were too many flashbacks about how Luke and Ashley's relationship developed that didn't really have much to do with the story. And I felt like only having Luke's perspective really limited things, I didn't care about Ashley very much because I didn't know anything about her, she's barely in the story.

Overall, if you're looking for a clean, easy to read mystery, this one might resonate with you. I found it just okay, but it is decently entertaining.

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3 1/2 ⭐️’s
Everything Luke Driscoll knows about his new wife, Ashley, is about to be questioned. When Ashley saves a group of children from a daycare fire, she becomes a national hero, but almost immediately disappears with her three year old daughter, Joy. Luke ups the ante to find her when he offers a million dollar reward, but there’s no trace of Ashley and Joy. Luke is not about to give up the search, he’s already tragically lost one wife and he’s not about to lose another. The plot thickens when he finds out Ashley doesn’t exist! When he finds a bag of fake ID’s he takes matters into his own hands and starts his own investigation. One that puts his own life in peril, but he’s not willing to stop until he gets the answers he’s so desperately searching for, but will they be the answers he wants? This was a cleverly crafted, quick read with and unexpected ending. Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

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'Ashley is a hero, but she has disappeared and no one has a clue what happened. After saving kids from a burning school, Ashley is taken to the hospital, from which she disappears and takes her daughter with her. Her husband, Luke is perplexed and even offers a huge reward for any information that helps him find her. When that doesn’t work, he hops on a plane and crisscrosses that country to finds. Along the way he picks up clues about her past. Excellent story!

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Ashley has found a man she loves he’s a great stepfather to three-year-old Lucy and she couldn’t be happier. So when she is on her way home and sees a local nursery on fire she does what most citizens would do in that a stop to help but when the video of her saving children from the burning building goes viral she feels like she is left with no options and after a quick hospital stay on the day she is to be released she disappears, along with little Lucy. Luke Driscoll has no idea where his wife and beautiful stepdaughter are at, nor why they left or who took them. when he starts trying to figure it out he learns there’s way more he doesn’t know about his wife starting with her name. The clues lead to the strangest places but it’s when he learns he isn’t the only one looking for her that the steaks go up in this mild mannered husband finds his self involved in the game of cat and mouse and he is the mouse. This book was so good when I say there was absolutely nothing wrong with this book I am not exaggerating it it was perfect I love a good David and Goliath story good against evil and a great cat and mouse chase and that is this book. When I saw this book I didn’t read the summary the title alone peaked my curiosity and I was down to read it and I was not at all disappointed. Usually when reading a book I can definitely find one or two things I didn’t like about the book, the characters, the pros ET see but I can honestly say I loved an eight up everything this book had to offer. I do believe Chad Zunker is a brilliant talented writer whose books I am definitely definitely going to look forward to reading in the future. If you like a man motivated by love in a dangerous game with dangerous people you’ll definitely love The Wife You Know by Chad Zunkker. Throughout the book you’ll be asking yourself will he find her and towards the end you’ll be asking and will it be in time. I want to thank the publisher and NetGalley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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I was really intrigued by the plot of this book. His wife disappearing, him realizing he didn't really know her at all, and trying to track her down. It ended up having an interesting resolution although I wasn't expecting it to be a political twist. There wasn't much action or thrill so it was a bit of a slow burn. My biggest issue was that some of Luke's actions/decisions were completely unbelievable and unrealistic. It's like he thought he was a vigilante who had to completely disregard the police and the FBI. Doesn't seem very plausible

Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for this ARC.

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Another good suspense read from one of my favorite authors. In this one, Luke and Ashley are happily married. Ashley has always been private and doesn't share too much of her life. After an act of heroic bravery, Ashley draws attention she never expected. Before Luke can ask questions, Ashley and her daughter Joy disappear.

This book kept my attention from start to finish. It was a little predictable, and I figured out much of the story quickly, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. This is a book that you have to suspend belief with, but it was a good popcorn read.

Thanks to Netgalley for my ARC.

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Ashley is in the hospital after running in to a burning day care to save children. She’s a hero. Her husband, Luke, is at home with Ashley’s daughter, Joy. But, when Luke gets a call from the hospital that Ashley had left against medical advice, Luke also discovers that Joy is missing.

Luke is distraught as he drives around town looking for Ashley and Joy. But, when Luke finds Ashley’s staff of fake ids, he begins to really wonder what happen to Ashley.

Luckily, money is not an object for Luke as he travels across the country tracking down the person in the fake ids.

Ah, this was so good. And I loved that this was a new storyline for me.


Thank you #netgalley for the complimentary copy of #thewifeyouknow in exchange for an honest opinion.

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This is a quick, thrilling read. A man on the hunt for his missing wife and step daughter. He knows they are together and left seemingly by choice. The question is why did they suddenly leave? The plot was entertaining but was too unbelievable for me. Luke made some questionable decisions but he clearly was a devoted husband who would do anything to find his family. Not a bad book but not a favorite for me. Thank you to NetGalley for my copy.

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Thanks so much to both NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC copy of this one! Out on 2/27!!!

I really loved Chad Zunker's first book that I read, which was All He Has Left.
I feel so familiar to the books being as he includes many of the small towns that I have lived in/around. It makes the books feel so relatable to me!

With this one, I thought it had a decent pace. It kept my attention & I kept wanting to pick it up and found out just what was going on.
I loved the tense action that came with this, however I do wish we had a little more to the ending. I wasn't really left with any questions per say, but I would have maybe liked to see a little justice perhaps.

Overall an enjoyable read & I will definitely continue to pick up Chad's work!

Be sure to pick this one up if you enjoy corrupt police/FBI/CIA & tense mysteries that need solving!

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If you read and enjoyed All He Has Left then you’ll love The Wife You Know by Chad Zunker which is an action-packed page-turner that kept my attention from beginning to end. This one was immensely fast paced and exciting.
The character’s were well-developed and believable.
This was an absolute thrill and I couldn't put it down at all.
Fast-paced, action-packed and twitst after twists. It was a thrilling crime and mystery story. The storyline was perfect to me and kept me turning the pages.
The Wife You Know was entertaining and I very much enjoyed it!

Thank You NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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A standalone novel, The Wife You Know (2024) by Chad Zunker is a thriller about a missing wife and her mysterious past. Ashely becomes a social media hit when she rescues children from their burning child centre. She is hospitalised for smoke inhalation and some burns, but decamps during the night, taking her three-year-old daughter with her. Her husband, Luke Driskel a tech entrepreneur is worried but cannot find any trace of Ashley, nor comprehend why she vanished. As he begins to make inquiries and even offers a reward for information, Luke realises there are things about Ashley’s former life which he has no idea of. His investigation kicks off a trip across various American states, trying to understand who the woman he married is or really was. It’s an enjoyable enough thriller if somewhat proforma with its surprising twists and tension that makes it a three and a half stars read rating. With thanks to Thomas & Mercer and the author, for an uncorrected advanced review copy for review purposes. As always, the opinions herein are totally my own, freely given and without inducement.

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The Wife You Know is a thrilling mystery that challenges what a man believes about what he knows about his wife.

Ashley is out running an errand when she drives by a day care center that is on fire. Desperate to know that all the children have gotten out safely, Ashley parks her car and looks inside. She sees scared children, so she finds something to break the window and climb inside to rescue them. Only after she is positive that she got them all out, she then climbs out the same window to safety.

Luke Driskell has just landed after a business trip when he is able to check his messages. His wife Ashley has left a message for him that she is headed to the hospital, and she thinks she is okay, there was a fire, and to call as soon as he gets the message. He rushes to his car and calls Ashley, but she doesn't answer. He locates the number to the nearest hospital and learns his wife is indeed a patient but won't reveal any details. But she tells him that his wife is a hero. There's a video of it all over social media.

When he arrives at the hospital, Luke finds the Dr. waiting for him and discusses Ashley's condition. When he gets to her room he feels better after seeing her. Ashley is more concerned about the safety of their daughter Joy. She pleads with him to go pick her up and take her home. Joy is three and very happy to see Luke. They go home and to bed. Luke wakes the next morning to a phone call from the doctor asking about Ashley because she left against medical advice. Luke goes to check on Joy but finds her missing also. He tries repeatedly to call Ashley who is not answering her phone.

Luke will go on a dangerous hunt to find his missing family, but the more he searches he wonders if they want to be found.

This was a fascinating mystery about a missing woman and her child. It was intense right from the beginning with the story going in many directions. I was able to read it in just a few short hours. I enjoyed this story very much.

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