Member Reviews

"The Wife You Know" follows the gripping tale of Luke Driskell, a widower who finds love again with Ashley, a mother to a girl named Joy from a previous relationship. After Ashley becomes an overnight sensation for heroically saving children from a daycare fire, an incident that propels her to local hero status, she and her daughter mysteriously vanish from the hospital.

Luke is left reeling, desperate to find out the whereabouts of his wife and stepdaughter. His search for answers leads him down a rabbit hole of revelations about Ashley's concealed past. As a newcomer to this author's work, I was impressed by the well-maintained pacing fit for a suspenseful thriller.

While the book delivers on its promise of entertainment, it doesn't shy away from the occasionally far-fetched plot twists endemic to the thriller genre. In its entirety, the book provides an engaging experience and possesses all the qualities of a story that would translate seamlessly into an exciting film.

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Okay, let me spill the tea on this book. First things first, it's short. Like, really short. It's the perfect quickie popcorn thriller—something you breeze through in one night to unwind.
Now, here's the scoop: the whole story unfolds from the husband's point of view. That's cool, but I felt a bit in the dark about the wife and her backstory. It made it kind of hard to fully get into the story when I'm waiting around for twists that never showed up.
But hey, the twists and turns that do happen are slick. They're nicely mixed in with Luke's memories of falling in love with Ashley, giving you a breather between all the action-packed scenes.
The ending? Yeah, I saw it coming. We find out who Ashley really is, and Luke's got a big choice to make. The build-up to that moment was solid, but I wouldn't have minded being kept on the edge of my seat a tad longer. Overall, a decent thriller, just don't expect it to be a marathon read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read this ARC and leave my honest review!

Honestly, this book reminded me of the books I would read when I was younger and was pretty much only allowed to read Christian books with a few exceptions here and there. I personally have nothing against Christian fiction - in fact, I can without a doubt say that some of my favorite books to this day are Christian fiction! This book was just okay - the plot was predictable and it just felt like we were explained to as the reader instead of being shown what was happening.

I expected there to be more written from the MMC’s wife’s POV, but there was only a brief section at the beginning and the rest was from his POV. I feel like the story would benefit more and lean more into the thriller aspect if we saw Ashley’s side of the story and had more explanation about her other life rather than just learning about it in bits and pieces.

It was a clean, predictable mystery type read that tried to be a thriller but just fell somewhat short of the mark for me. Definitely took me back to my early reading career as a preteen and teenager and made me feel kind of nostalgic for the simpler stories I used to read!

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Thank you @netgalley and Thomas & Mercer (@amazonpublishing ) for the chance to read The Wife You Know.

Pub date: February 27, 2024

First off, this book is short. So so short. There’s no real plot, the characters don’t get fleshed out and it’s definitely a binge read.

The premise sounds so good!! But unfortunately the sentences are at times stilted and… lazy. There’s no real effort to get the reader invested in this, no descriptive language and no enticing explanations.

On NetGalley I read a review that someone made where they described it as a “popcorn thriller” and that sums it up perfectly!

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Is it ok to tell white lies?

My husband believes Louis Vuitton is a target brand . He is completely clueless when it comes to my shopping habits. Burberry? Um hellloooo it’s cheaper than Old Navy, don’t judge me .

And you ask how he doesn’t see the charges? I use PayPal which I pay our household bills from. This is pure evil isn’t it? So is the deceit you will experience while reading this book .

There is nothing juicier than a synopsis that teases secrets, fake identities and a disappearance.

Had I know this book would have consumed my soul the way it did, I wouldn’t have even set out to watch the Southern Charm Reunion . Clearly, Shep did not need to be seen as much as I needed to read this book .

The Wife You Know

This book is everything !

Hold on to your seats folks, you are about to be on one twisted ride!!

Teaser :

Everything he knows about his wife is called into question when she mysteriously vanishes in a breathtaking novel of suspense by Amazon Charts bestselling author Chad Zunker.

Widower Luke Driskell didn’t expect to fall in love and marry again so quickly. But Ashley and her daughter, Joy, are special―a quality borne out when Ashley rushes into a burning day-care center to save the children. Immediately she’s a social media sensation and hero. Then, just as suddenly, Ashley and Joy disappear into the bitterly cold night.

With no trace of their whereabouts, Luke begins a panicked investigation. Alarmingly, he can find no proof that the woman he loves even exists. Left behind: just a hidden stash of fake IDs. Different names. Different cities. Same haunted face. Now the devastated husband has only questions: Who did he marry? What is she hiding?

Luke’s cross-country pursuit of the truth soon spins into something more dangerous than he imagined. Because Ashley’s secrets run so deep and dark that finding her could threaten all their lives.

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Ashley and Luke are only married a few months when Ashley goes missing and she’s nothing what he thinks she is. This was a pretty good thriller and kept me wanting more. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to Chad Zunker and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

After seeing the description of this book, I was excited to read it. However the book fell short for me. Yes it was fast paced and a quick read as was able to finish in 2 days. Being only in the husband’s POV, I felt it was lacking to really understand the wife and her history. It was hard to be invested in the story when I was waiting around for the plot twists that weren’t there. Things I have come to crave in my thriller reads.

This is my first book by this author but have seen some great reviews on others. So I will surely try another of this author’s books.

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How much would you give up for the person you love?

In The Wife You Know, we follow Luke as he investigates the disappearance of his wife Ashley. Literally overnight, Ashley goes from being a hero for single handedly rescuing eight school children from a fire to being completely off-grid, without a trace. How far will Luke go to find her, and does he really know her as well as he thinks he does?

This was an absolute thrill ride for me as a reader. I was hooked from the very beginning where we see Ashley rescuing the children. I read within two sittings because it was very difficult to put down.

I enjoyed the fact that Luke and Ashley come from different worlds- despite their rough childhoods that bind them- he is a rich, software developer, she is a broke artist with a three year old child named Joy. However, during their time together, she begins to make Luke question what the value of money is- as witnessed in the fact that he takes private jets to multiple locations when he begins looking for her.

At first, I didn’t think too much of Ashley not wanting too much attention for her deed (she’s terrified of speaking to the press) and virtually no social presence. However, when she disappears without telling Luke she is leaving, it’s a big clue that she has a lot that she is hiding.

From the moment that Luke realizes that Ashley has a lot of aliases and is hiding, it’s a non-stop nail biting read. Where will it go to track her down? Will he ever find her? Is he willing to put himself in danger to find her?

The twists and turns are well executed. They are also paired well with Luke’s memories of meeting and falling in love with Ashley. These flashbacks provide a few minutes of rest between intense action-packed scenes.

I wasn’t really surprised by the ending, where we learn the truth of who Ashley really is and Luke needs to make an important choice about staying with her. I thought that the action that had gone before prepared the reader well but I would have liked to have been kept in suspense a slight bit longer.

I am gladly giving this a five-star rating and would like to thank Chad Zunker, Thomas and Mercer publishing and NetGalley for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I'm giving this 3.5 stars and rounding up as it certainly kept me reading.
Pubs: 27 Feb 2024
Thank you Thomas & Mercer and Mr. Zunker for the copy via Netgalley to read and review.

I have liked the other Chad Zunker books I've read (2 others). This one isn't my favorite but I still liked it.
Would recommend if you love:
-fast paced
-mystery that keeps getting more and more mysterious
-FBI rep
-I'd call this a popcorn thriller, just put your disbelief away for a bit and dive in

My reason for 3.5 vs 4 stars is there are a few plot holes I didn't see resolved. Sort of minor but sort of took me out of the story for a minute.
I did like the short chapters, this was incredibly fast paced, the beginning pulls you right into the story. The ending gets TWISTED so buckle in and set your disbelief aside for the few hours you're reading this.
This is entirely told from husband Luke's POV as he unravels the mystery of The Wife He Knows :-) vs who this woman really is.

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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ ½
Genre: Mystery Thriller

The Wife You Know is a mystery thriller story that revolves around widower Luke Driskell. Luke falls in love and marries Ashley. Ashley has a daughter (Joy) from her previous marriage. One day, Ashley heroically rescues all the children at a daycare center from a big fire. Her heroic act is captured on video and goes viral on all social networks. She becomes a local hero. Ashley, who was admitted to the hospital due to some burns, disappears along with her daughter.

Luke is in shock and needs to figure out what happened to his wife and her daughter. In this adventure to find the truth, he gradually uncovers the secrets his wife has been hiding from him.
I have never read anything by this author before. I think the author has done a great job maintaining the story's pace. This is a suspense thriller, so the story is fast and steady, which is suitable for such a genre.

This book succeeds in its intended function of providing entertainment, but it does so at the expense of some implausible aspects of the plot, as is typical of thrillers. Overall, this was a fun read, and I think it can be turned into a very entertaining movie too.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book.

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The wife you know is about Luke who's wife rescues a bunch of children in a fire accident. The next morning is Luke finding out that she disappered from the hospital.

I liked the story, even though it was little bit predectible. However I did not like the constant questions (in Luke's head), it was little bit annoying. I could not wrap my head around marrying someone who you know like two things about and around Luke doing the most stupid things. Also everyone he asked about his wife was so sharing, I find it hard to believe that would happen in real life. Even though it was a short story with short chapters, it felt slow. And I really liked the ending.

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Chad Zunker's "The Wife You Know" is a gripping mystery that hooks you from the start. With its compelling plot and unexpected turns, it keeps you guessing until the final reveal. Zunker's writing is sharp and suspenseful, making this a standout read for mystery lovers.

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This book was just ok for me. It was a fast read and intriguing however I didn't like that it was mainly from the husband's POV. I think adding in more from Ashley would have given in more depth.

Thank you for the opportunity to read this book.

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I liked the short chapters but this book wasn’t for me. No character or plot development. Like really? So disappointing and unrealistic

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"The Wife You Know" is a gripping novel written by Chad Zunker that delves into the complexities of marriage, trust, and the consequences of keeping secrets. The story follows the lives of three intertwined characters - a wife, a husband, and a mistress - whose fates become irreversibly entwined after a tragic incident. Set against the backdrop of a small town, the narrative unravels the hidden truths and buried emotions that shape the characters' decisions. Zunker's skillful storytelling and vivid character development make this novel a compelling read for anyone interested in psychological thrillers and domestic dramas.
I highly recommend this book.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the eARC to read and review.

This was a quick, easy read, but was all tell, no show, all plot, no characterization, and told from one POV in a way that felt like little more than a stoic play-by-play. A solid premise, but unfortunately missed the mark entirely.

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This book!! One of my favorite in a long time !! Wealthy man meets artist who is struggling as a single mother to make it ! She has trust issues and doesn’t let people in her life. They fall in love and marry! Next comes a fire and then the wife and child disappear and he begins to learn it isn’t what it seemed. This story went back and forth between past and present and wove a tale with everything in it. Love, wealth, secrets, intrigue and so much more!! 5 star read for me. Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and Thomas and Mercer for the arc in exchange for my honest review!

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"Unfortunately, 'Frozen Shadows' failed to capture my interest. The plot, centered around Luke's search for his missing wife, Ashley, lacked the necessary depth to overcome its predictable elements. The narrative, despite its potential for suspense, felt tedious and uninspired. The attempt to build mystery around Ashley's identity and disappearance became more of a chore to unravel than an engaging journey. Overall, a mundane read that struggles to elevate itself beyond a basic, forgettable storyline."

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I did not finish this book. It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be. Maybe if I can borrow it from the library I would try this book again.

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The wife we know is a fast read thriller.
Mainly told from the husband's point of view, we follow his search for finding his wife and stepdaughter, who suddenly disappeared, following a heroic act of his wife which became viral on social media and national news. Diving into his wife's past to try to understand what is happening and where she might be, Luke realises that there is actually very little he knows about his wife, and that the more he uncovers, the more he might be in danger.
Even if this was a very fast read, and I wanted as much as Luke to discover the truth about his wife, I thought the book would have been better if we would have been given the opportunity to dive more into Ashley's story through her point of view.

Thank you Netgalley for providing a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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