Member Reviews

I received a free copy from NetGalley. First in a new series, I look forward to more. The settings of National Parks was well done, historical information about them that was given at the start of every chapter, which often tied in well to what the action of the story was doing in the park. Interesting characters with good back stories.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this book!

Took me a while to get into this book, but when I finally go past the first few chapters I enjoyed the read.

Not something I would typically choose.

For me it was a three star book. For others it might be more.

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This book is gripping, fast-paced, and action-packed!! Shall I say it again, it's gripping, fast-paced and action packed. If you are a fan of conspiracy theories this is the book for you.

In addition to this, the book included national parks. It was awesome to read the history behind them.

A great read that I would highly recommend.

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Amazing book that takes you around the great parks of the United States. The adventure starts at the Statute of Liberty and takes you to the West Coast and in between. Michael Walker is asked to handle a deadly bombing that happens n liberty Island. A small boy is a witness to the crime and he decides to protect him from everyone and anyone. It looks like the bombing could be an inside job. No one is to be trusted especially his ex father in law who believes Michael got his daughter killed.
The chapters start with a little known fact about each place/park that the action happens at. We along with Michael have to decide who to trust and watch the horror that seems to explode within every chapter. This book will rip at your heart, knowing that things like this happen and that we are vulnerable for it to happen again. Very suspense and hard to put down. Hopefully we will have other adventures in the future with this character.

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Very fast paced book. It starts with a terrorist attack at the Statue of Liberty and goes on from there. An exciting thriller that makes you want to keep reading to see what happens next. Great story although a little scary that things like this could happen.

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It's a bright sunny day in New York City when an explosion fills the air and the Statue of Liberty falls to the ground. National Park Service Investigator Michael Walker is sent to represent the Park Service in the investigation. Together with Agent Gina Delgado of the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force the pair must stop a right-wing terrorist network from carrying out more of its threats of attack.

This book is a fast paced thriller ride around the country as Walker and Delgado try to hone in on who's perpetrating the attacks as well as preventing new ones from happening. I really liked the pairing of these two characters, and I like how the author made Walker an amputee and portrayed him struggling with his prosthetic realistically. I feel like the characters were fully fleshed out as we got to hear quite a lot about their backstories, as well as those of the bad guys. I would definitely recommend this to those who love a good thriller.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books, author A.J. Landau, and NetGalley for gifting me a digital copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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This was such a fast paced thriller, I loved it! The book description is what initially attracted me and it did not disappoint! Thank you net galley and the publisher for the advance copy.. I have already recommended this book to several co workers.

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Leave No Trace captures your attention from the first page, the pace is quick and never lets up.

Mike Walker is a Special Agent for the National Parks Service and he is called to with the terror attack that topples the Statue of Liberty ,

The devastation is unspeakable and the casualties are catastrophic in numbers.

Gina from the FBI joins the investigation and everyone is working around the clock.

More targets are scheduled. The focus is National Parks.

The tension and mounts with every page as the body counts rises and both teams are rushing to end the terrorist attacks.

Each chapter starts with tidbits/trivia about the National Parks which I found very interesting as being Canadian I knew little of the history of the parks.

The book might be long but the pace is so quick it felt short.

Highly recommend you get your copy of Leave No Trace and buckle up for a crazy read.

I cant wait for Book 2 in the series.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for pulse pounding read.

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My advice: don't start this book unless you have plenty of time! Once I started, I couldn't put it down. Fast moving story crackling with tension! Two very likeable main characters work to prevent further domestic terrorist acts after an horrific explosion at the Statue of Liberty. Un-put-down-able!

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Special Agent Michael Walker works for an investigative arm of the National Park Service. He is called in when there is trouble at any of the parks. This book opens with Michael being called to the scene of a terrorist bombing at the Statue of Liberty. He investigates the scene and finds a survivor, a young boy who may have witnessed the terrorists who did the bombing. Michael does everything he can to protect his young witness, even when he is attacked in the hospital by the terrorists, who have learned about his existence somehow.

The terrorists strike again though, and Michael has to move to another location to investigate the latest attack. He has a bad history with the Secretary of the Interior, who was his father-in-law before his wife was murdered. So, Michael seems to get assigned to some of the worst locations.

Agent Gina Delgado from the terrorism task force takes charge of the investigations and Michael works with her to figure out where the terrorists will strike next. Together, they end up at many different parks and landmarks. They have to stay ahead of the terrorists, who are very well organized and seem to have insider information.

The story is told from the viewpoints of several characters, with incidents being described from their point of view. These threads begin to gradually weave together and give the reader a picture of the motives behind the attacks and who the perpetrators are. Along the way, it's pretty much non-stop action. The characters are described in some detail, but not incredible depth. Just enough that you can assess their motives. There is a sub-plot as well. But it all ties neatly together in the end. I thought it was well-written and it kept my attention well. I think it would be a great read for anyone who likes thrillers or action stories. I hope there will be a sequel featuring these investigators. They were a good team.

Thank you to the publisher for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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A bright sunny weekend in NYC is rocked when the base of the Statue of Liberty explodes. The eventual death toll will climb over 700. Michael Walker, on the National Park Service’s Investigative Service Branch (or is it Bureau?) is whisked to NY from his base in the Smokies. As the Statue of Liberty is under the jurisdiction of the NPS, he figures to be among the lead investigators. Upon arrival, he’s told in no uncertain terms that the Joint Terrorism Task Force is running the show under Agent Gina Delgado.

Pushed aside at the site, Michael inspects the devastation finding a 15yo boy lost in shock. Michael tries to comfort the young man who’s probably just lost his family in the explosion. While trying to help the boy to regain his senses, the boy points out that a retired harbor patrol boat had been just off the island’s shore and appeared to be recording video – the kid knew his boats. Seeing this, he then started recording the boat right up until the explosion.

Michael realizes he may have a witness with video and places the kid under park service guard to get him to a hospital. This pisses off Delgado as Mike made that decision without getting the OK from up the command chain. But it was a fortuitous decision, especially after Michael saves the kid from the terrorists while in the hospital and that the phone’s video provides valuable clues to the identity of the terrorists.

The chase is on. Find the perpetrators, see how far this plot reaches, and stop any further actions. The terrorists have a complex plan to shake the foundations of the public by attacking more and more national landmarks – next stop is Constitution Hall in Philadelphia.

Michael’s actions in NY convince Delgado that he’d be a valuable asset because of his knowledge of the park system so they head west attempting to catch up with the leadership behind the attacks.

If you choose to read this, buckle up for a blistering pace. One of the fastest paced books I’ve read in a long time and could easily have been a single-sitting read. And despite requiring the reader to suspend some manner of logic, it’s still a whale of a ride as this cat-mouse game jumps to Mt. Rainier, the Arch in St Louis, Zion National Park, the mountains of Colorado, secret compounds underneath Washington, DC, abandoned military bases, and dozens of other known and lesser-known locations in the country to the final confrontations in SD and OH. Be prepared for a bunch of subplots that help define the plot. Just make sure you go into this book knowing it’s a plot-base story and not character-based. We learn plenty about Michael and Delgado, but some might say what we learn just scratches the surface.

This is listed as being written by ‘AJ Landau’ but in reality is a joint effort of Jon Land and Jeff Ayers who write under the Landau pseudonym. And it looks like this is part 1 of a National Parks thriller series. As the national park system is perhaps the best thing our government ever did, I’m sure I’ll be looking for any future offerings by Landau.

Thanks to NetGalley for making the advance reviewer copy available. Publication date is 27 February 2024.

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A National Park Service investigator and an FBI agent join forces to stop a massive plot of domestic terrorism after the Statue of Liberty is toppled and they learn that other park service sights are in danger. NPS Investigator Michael Walker and Gina Delgado, an FBI agent and explosives expert, have only started their investigation at the Statue of Liberty when they are called to Independence Hall in Philadelphia, where they discover and diffuse another bomb. They soon realize that the bombings are related and that the perpetrators include ex-military personnel, a rogue general and a man hell-bent on destroying the Park Service, all while threatening the lives of millions of people in their attempt to overthrow the federal government. This book is a page-turner full of nonstop action and a blockbuster beginning to a new series. I look forward to reading the next installment and seeing what is in store for Walker and Delgado. I would like to thank NetGalley and Minotaur, the publisher, for providing me with an advanced reader's copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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One of the most exciting and best thrillers I’ve read in a long time. The plot is sophisticated and will keep you guessing, the characters are well developed.

A terrorist attack that blows up the Statue of Liberty brings together National Parks agent Michael Walker and explosives expert Gina Delgado to figure out what’s going on and bring down the perpetrators. Their only lead is a young boy who survived the blast with a video on his smart phone of an old military boat that shouldn’t be in the area. The hunt is on and the thrill escalates.

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read the uncorrected digital galley prior to publication.

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This is a new author for me, but the description hooked me and I wanted to read it. This is quite and intense thriller.

In a daring, brutal act of terrorism, an explosion rocks and topples the Statue of Liberty. Special Agent Michael Walker of the National Park Service is awakened by his boss with that news and sent to New York as the agent-in-charge. Not long after he lands, he learns two things - one that Gina Delgado of the FBI has been placed in charge of the investigation as the lead of the Joint Terrorism Task Force and two, that threats of a second terrorism attack are already being called into the media. While barred from the meetings of the Joint Task Force for his lack of security clearance, Walker finds a young boy among the survivors with a critical piece of information - a video linking the attackers to the assault.

As a radical domestic terrorist group, led by a shadowy figure known only as Jebediah, threatens further attacks against America's cultural symbols, powerful forces within the government are misleading the investigation to further their own radical agenda.

My Thoughts:
Gripping, fast-paced, and action-packed, I couldn't put this one down and raced through it. The first attack was at the Statue of Liberty at Liberty State Park and Agent Michael Walker from the National Parks Service was sent to New York as the agent in charge, joined soon after by Gina Delgado from the FBI, who took charge of the investigation. Soon after another crisis called and they were moved to another national park site with another attack. Together the pair made great inestigators with dedication and patriotism. They were determined to find answers and stop the perpetrtors. Each chapter was introduced with factual information about national parks. It was obvious the information was well-researched in the descriptions of the sites during the investigation. I liked the way the group of native american envrionmental group played a part in assisting. This is a debut novel by Jon Land and Jeff Ayers (A.J.Landau) together, although Jon Land has written many books on his own. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes thrillers, conspiracy theories, or political intrigue.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books through Netgalley for an advance copy. Expected publication February 27, 2024.

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Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Expected publication date: Feb. 27, 2024
“Leave No Trace” is a joint effort for authors A.J. Landau, Jon Land and Jeff Ayers and is the first installment of the “National Park Thriller” series of novels.
A heinous act of terrorism rocks New York City again, this time felling the Statue of Liberty and leaving the surrounding areas in ruin. FBI Special Agent Gina Delgado, in charge of the Joint Terrorism Task Force, calls all her available agents to the area and quickly realizes that the tragedies of the day are far from over, and there will be more attacks. Michael Walker, of the National Park Service, is the only one with enough knowledge of the areas surrounding the National Parks and Monuments to protect them from another terror attack. Together, the two discover the group behind the attack and as locations around the United States are in danger, it is going to take everything they have to save their country.
“Leave No Trace” is a pulse-pounding, action- packed thriller. Uniquely, it focuses on the National Parks and monuments of the United States, reinforcing just how important the often-overlooked landscapes are to the country as a whole. Each chapter begins with a tidbit of information about the park, area or landscape where the story is taking place, which reads like a love letter to the incredible majesty of the Parks, and the Park Services officers and employees who protect them.
The story is told from Michael’s point of view and, once Gina is introduced, she takes over narration for some chapters as well. Although the story starts in New York City, its setting spans the continental United States, including the Zion National Park in Utah and Mt. Rainier National Park (to name a few). The dangerous group behind the attacks are led by a particularly zealous individual by the name of Jeremiah, determined to cause as much damage as possible in the name of vengeance.
“Trace” flows so well that it does not read like a novel that has many authors. Each chapter blends seamlessly into the next, and the tension and suspense is rife from page one. This is the first in a series, so the ending obviously hints that more is to come, but all of the plotlines in this novel are wrapped up in a conclusive way so there are no outstanding questions.
I thoroughly enjoyed both Michael and Gina, and the unique backdrop of the National Parks along with the constant action and drama has me eager to enjoy the second novel in the “National Park Thriller” series.

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When the Statue of Liberty is toppled Special Agent Michael Walker of the National Parks service is called in to help the FBI. With threats of more attack, they must race to fight off the attack before it can take place.

This was an action packed, fast paced thriller. I love the factoid that was listed at the start of each chapter regarding the national parks, it was a lot of fun! I had never read anything about this branch of the National Parks before, so it was entertaining though I’m not sure how realistic it is. It’s fun to think that it is real though!

I loved that the main character was based at Mt. Rainier National Park as that is right in my backyard, and we go about once or twice a year. My husband actually proposed to me in Mt Rainier National Park so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Now we like to go up and play in the snow or go for hikes. We are lucky to have several National Parks in our area and they are all gorgeous.

The characters were a lot of fun despite this being a fairly far-fetched plot. This was more of a plot driven novel, so the author didn’t dive too deep into each of the characters, which was fine with me though getting a little more of each character would have been nice.

This entire book was a cat and mouse game with the stakes being very high. The writing was well done and really drew me in. This is one that made me want to binge it really quickly because I absolutely needed to know what was going on.

If you are up domestic terrorism focused thriller, then check this one out. The reason that this one is a four star and not a five star for me is just how far out there the whole idea felt to me. Maybe it’s good that this didn’t feel realistic to me, I can probably find some comfort in that.

If you are up domestic terrorism focused thriller, then check this one out.

A copy of this review will be placed on my blog, during publication week.

Thank you to Minotaur books for sending me an arc copy as well as Minotaur and netgalley for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Leave No Trace begins with a terrorist bombing that takes down the Statue of Liberty, killing hundreds. A park ranger investigator works with an FBI agent to track down the perpetrators, but turns out this is just the beginning. Who is behind the bombings and what is their motive?
In light of current events, this book is more scary than many thrillers. The story is fast-paced and well-woven and I enjoyed the movement of the story through several national parks.
Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC.

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Leave No Trace is action-packed and an excellent read. I thoroughly enjoyed the history and information about the National Parks that was incorporated into the story. It's an outstanding thriller and really kept my attention throughout. Highly recommend!

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I enjoyed the book, especially towards the end, but I found it a bit draggy in parts. I would recommend this book to anyone that is interested in the national parks.

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This one starts out with a BANG - literally - when someone blows up The Statue of Liberty (not a spoiler!) and you get the feeling you’re in for a wild ride. However, for me, I started out ready for all kinds of action then the book just sort of faded into boredom for me. It wasn’t bad in any way, it simply just didn’t keep my attention and keep me excited. I liked the characters but didn’t love them, but, I could tell the authors heavily researched this one and that I absolutely love. I felt like I learned a lot, and as a big fan of National Parks I loved the facts are the beginning of each chapter. That all being said, I believe this is the first in a series of national park thrillers, and I would pick up the second one for a quick and easy read if I needed.

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