Member Reviews

Leslie North's flair of internal dialogue and realizations for both her main characters takes us full force from the first page and carries us to the end. I have read this twice and still love it! Really good story line!.

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This book follows Declan, a broody rich Irishman in need of a nanny for his niece, and Olivia, who becomes the nanny. When we first meet the characters, they feel more like caricatures than real people. Olivia is the word clumsy personified, and Declan acts like being grumpy is his full-time job. It just felt very unrealistic and this didn’t change throughout the book. While the writing was fine, I was mostly bored throughout this. It felt like someone had Googled “What plot points does a romance story need?” and just stuck in a bunch of scenes that weren’t interesting and didn’t accurately portray a romance. I was more interested in the nanny storyline than the romance because the tension just wasn’t believable. They went from enemies to friends to lovers but through all these seemingly intense changes there were no intense scenes between them. I didn’t believe that they really fell in love with each other and by the end, I couldn’t care less if they got together or not. I think this is largely because there was a lot of telling rather than showing. At one point when the characters are supposed to be getting to know each other, Declan says “It was also fun to get to know Olivia outside of her role as my employee” then summarizes what he learned instead of actually showing the reader what he learned, how the conversation went, what he told her, etc. There were many descriptive scenes of going to the bookstore or making the niece breakfast, but when there was an opportunity to develop their relationship in this romance novel, there were only a few paragraphs. Overall, this story felt like it had a solid backbone of writing and somewhat of a structure, but not much more aside from that.

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I’m not usually a cheesy romance book type, but wanted an easy weekend read and thought ‘why not?’. And then I read the whole book in one day, because J simply couldn’t get enough.

In this book, Declan finds out his sisters needs to check into rehab and agreed to care for his niece for 2 months. Declan hires a Nanny (Olivia) to look after his niece, and the rest is history. There’s tension, spice, the classic 3rd act break up - but the plot was surprisingly twisty and really hooked me in.

Is it the best book I’ve ever read? No. Is it way better than the typical romance way read? Yes - hence the well deserved 4 stars.

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What a great book! It is so much more than that you’d expect! It takes off right from the start; the author takes you along for the ride and you can't put the book down! And there are so many layers to it - amazing! It's not just about a billionaire who needs a nanny; the story has multiple angles and sub plots, storylines that will keep your attention. Some of the sub plots are obvious but you are so invested in the characters that you want to know how that’s going to play out.
The story is fun, sweet, intriguing, exciting, entertaining, funny and moving. There’s love, loss, heartbreak, grief, vulnerability, revenge, forgiveness, hope, second chances and how to deal with what life throws at you and always trying to grow.
I love that not everything is black and white. Not in relationships, not in things that are difficult and different people struggle with different issues and come up with different solutions. Put all of that together in a new relationship between a man and a woman, and you see that it takes hard work to figure out stuff. I loved that the author perfectly inserted this in the book!

<i>Maybe this was how you built a relationship. You just kept making it up to each other, coming back together, patching over cracks, for as long as you possibly could. Even if it was messy. Even if it was humbling.</i>

And I always love that the main characters love bookshops and love to read.
What I didn’t like: all the swearing. Why would you add that? You can be a confident adult without swearing. And there’s one mention of masturbation, which I would delete as well. But despite that, the book gets a solid five star rating. It really is a marvelous book.
I loved the beginning. I loved Catie. She is just adorable, I loved her and her cookies!
I loved Snug - not just the name (but nonetheless sooo much better than some other name some tech giant came up with!)
I loved that Olivia and Declan both are good people but I liked that they misunderstood each other at first and I loved the link with the film ‘You’ve got mail’. It simply great fun, it's my favorite film! But the book is not a copy of that movie. It is so much more.
I loved that both Olivia and Declan are flawed, and they both were right in pinpointing each other‘s shortcomings and expecting more. It really is a story with a lot of depth!
I know I said ‘I loved’ a lot, but most of all I love that the book wasn’t “problem, problem, fixed, happy, the end” but that they grew and developed as a person, that they gradually became better versions of themselves and then were ready for their happily ever after together. I am so happy because the conclusion doesn’t disappoint, it leaves you fulfilled and happy with how it played out.
I really enjoyed the book a lot, and I will go and buy my own copy as soon as the book is published. I can highly recommend that get your own copy, you will not be disappointed!
I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

P.S. A little spelling error: shouldn’t the sentence <i>The word was an ending, but it was a beginning to.” be: The word was an ending, but it was a beginning, too. </i>?

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Declan Byrne only wants some peace and quiet. Instead he finds himself seated next to Olivia, who can't seem to stop talking. Olivia has been fired from her most current nanny position and all she wants is a bit of comfort and a glass of wine. Instead she gets seated next to a sexy Irish grump. After a tension filled flight the two are happy to part ways at the airport only to find themselves meeting again, ready to board a flight to Ireland. Imagine Declan's surprise when he finds out that the nanny that he has hired for the summer to care for his six year old niece is none other than the beautiful, talkative know it all from his previous flight.

The Bossy One is a easy and entertaining read. While the story deals with some heavier topics like alcoholism, drunk driving, and revenge, there are plenty of lighthearted romantic moments between Declan and Olivia to keep the story from being dark or depressing.

I like that there is balance as well in how the author dealt with having a story with a child in it. It is very balanced so that Catie is a central figure with a story of her own, but doesn't take over the entire story.

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This book played with my emotions! I loved the drama, and the storyline! The author created an amazing couple that will make you smile and tear up as well. Each character is strong individually which is what I look for in a book. Olivia was there for a nanny job and found the love of a great man instead.
The funniest part of the book where this nanny, Olivia, would come in and take wonderful care of her charges but there were conflicts with the parents, and then she would then get fired!
The MMC was bossy, but I was there for it! I am happy they opened up to each other because that is what they needed. Their first meeting was hilarious. I am so happy they found their HEA!
The first meeting between Olivia and Declan was hilarious and, of course, she would be who would be hired as the nanny for his niece. There was conflict, some steamy episodes, some intense arguments, and they eventually learned some important lessons about themselves to get to their happy ever after.

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"The Bossy One" is a delightful contemporary romance that combines humor, heart, and undeniable chemistry to create an engaging and enjoyable reading experience. This novel offers a fresh take on the classic opposites-attract trope, and it does so with charm and wit.

The story revolves around a lovable Minnesota girl who, despite her nervous chatter, is easy to root for. Her journey to Ireland to become a nanny for a billionaire's niece sets the stage for a series of entertaining and occasionally exasperating interactions with the enigmatic Declan Byrne. Declan's gruff exterior and the protagonist's sunny personality create a compelling dynamic that keeps readers engaged.

The author excels in building romantic tension between the two main characters, allowing their feelings to develop naturally and authentically. The vivid Irish setting adds an extra layer of enchantment to the story, making it feel like a true escape.

At its core, this novel explores themes of family, personal growth, and the transformative power of love. Both characters experience significant emotional development as they learn to open up and embrace their feelings.

One of the book's standout features is its witty banter and humor, which provides moments of laughter and lightness throughout the narrative. The supporting characters, especially Catie and Declan's family members, add depth and warmth to the overall plot.

While the storyline incorporates some familiar romance elements, it does so in a way that feels fresh and engaging. The pacing is well-balanced, ensuring that the chemistry between the protagonists remains palpable from start to finish.

"The Bossy One" is a charming and heartwarming romance novel that transports readers to the captivating landscapes of Ireland while exploring the magic of unexpected love. If you enjoy contemporary romance with charismatic characters and a touch of humor, this book is an excellent choice that will leave you with a smile on your face.

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