Member Reviews

I was blown away by this book! I was initially interested because I'm a big fan of Faith Gardner's Jolvix series. Upon starting this, I immediately knew it wasn't that but it was still in the general vicinity.

Baby X is a technothriller set in the 2050's, and the author thought of just about everything. Nearly all babies outside the religious South, are born through a Selection process so as to ensure health and prosperity. "Unforseens" which are babies conceived the old-fashioned way, are becoming a rarity.

With this new technology comes responsibility and risk. Philosophically, you are choosing the best candidate for a baby, or most like you, so obviously there's an ethical conundrum here. Kids can even sue you later on if you don't choose in their best interest.

One of our main focuses in this book is the loss of privacy and government overreach. I really thought this would end up taking one political direction and annoy me but it was balanced and made me like it even more.

Another downside of this type of conception is that it can be done with pretty much any kind of DNA, so if you're a Desirable aka a celeb or smarty, people will steal your DNA for the highest weirdo bidder on the dark web. That's where our story starts and it's a wild ride!

We're following 3 different women with different connections to this type of technology. They all have something valuable to add. The characters were really neat. I've read a few books by this author and this is her best yet

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read and review.

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Set in the near future but worlds away this book blew my mind. I love a dystopian story that seems like it could be real life within our own lifetime. My mind was absolutely blown at the insanity of what was happening!

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Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I literally finished this in 2 hours as I could NOT put it down! A fast-paced thriller with a super original premise and the storyline was absolutely riveting.

The inclusion of advanced technology, whilst making sense with the story, did end up feeling slightly overused. However, it did work in the context of reproductive technology, which was really the main crux of the book. The ending was also kinda.. meh? I don’t know how to explain it, but everything leading up to the conclusion was much more satisfying.

This was a very interesting read overall, and I would recommend it to fellow dystopian thriller lovers.

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Thanks to Net Galley for the eARC of this novel. I liked the use of future reproductive technology as the basis for a near future sci fi thriller. I kind of wish the rest of the world building was more fleshed out. My issue was with the thriller part of the novel. Plot movement relied on ridiculous situations where women put themselves into or were put into unnecessary danger. How many times were Quinn and Ember just left to their own devices, even by FBI agents? The Lily subplot was odd. I am not sure why you need the storyline of a petulant daughter to get to that ending. And I still have a lot of questions.

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In the not-so-distant future, technology has advanced to a point where creating life from anyone's cells is possible. This thrilling story unfolds in a world where stolen celebrity DNA is a hot commodity, fetching high prices in an underground market. If you can imagine a mix of Gattaca and Black Mirror, you're in for a ride with Kira Peikoff's "Baby X."

Meet Trace Thorne, a famous singer tired of being a target for DNA theft on the black market. The Vault, a shadowy organization, specializes in stealing genetic material from celebrities. Frustrated with paying ransom money to protect his own cells, Trace decides to take a stand. He hires Ember Ryan, a skilled bio-security guard, to ensure the safety of his biological material.

Ember is no stranger to the Vault's tricks, ranging from discarded tissues to used straws and lipstick tubes. She's successfully prevented numerous DNA thefts and is committed to keeping her clients safe. As she works to protect Trace Thorne, however, her focus becomes divided when romantic feelings start to develop. Despite the growing connection, Ember remains vigilant—love or not, the priority is keeping Trace's DNA secure.

The plot thickens when a pregnant woman named Quinn enters the scene, claiming that Trace is the father of her baby. Suddenly, everything is in question, and the stakes are higher than ever.

Kira Peikoff weaves a tale that explores the implications of advanced bio-technology in a society where the creation of life is no longer limited by traditional means. The story delves into the ethical dilemmas and consequences of stolen genetic material, all against the backdrop of a future that feels both familiar and eerily plausible.

The characters, particularly Ember and Trace, are well-developed, making you empathize with their struggles and decisions. The tension rises as the narrative unfolds, and unexpected twists keep you engaged throughout.

"Baby X" is not just a thriller about genetic theft; it's a reflection on the intersection of technology, ethics, and human relationships. Peikoff skillfully blends suspense with thought-provoking themes, creating a narrative that captivates and challenges readers to ponder the potential consequences of pushing the boundaries of science. Whether you're a fan of futuristic thrillers or intrigued by the ethical implications of cutting-edge technology, "Baby X" offers a compelling journey into a world where the line between science fiction and reality blurs.

I just reviewed Baby X by Kira Peikoff. #BabyX #NetGalley

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This was different in a good way. It is the not-so-distant future and technology has become greatly advanced. One of the advancements is that babies are more or less lab-grown from the dna of two people (regardless of chromosomes). Once embryos are made, parents can select the best one based on a full genetic profile that includes personality traits and possibility of various illnesses. But what happens when dna is stolen? Could you become a parent without even knowing it?

I wasn’t sure how it was all going to come together and I didn’t expect the way it did. It was really creative and well thought out.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Baby X, what genre would I put you in? I'm not entirely sure. And because I didn't go in expecting a traditional mystery or thriller, I had such a good time reading this book. Baby X is part mystery, part near future dystopia, part "realistic" sci-fi, and has moments that feel like general fiction.

This story is told in several parts and from the perspective of a handful of women: Quinn, Ember, and Lily. Quinn is a surrogate about to pop. Ember is a security professional who has fallen in love for her pop star client. And Lily is a young, struggling journalist trying to secure a job at the end of her internship.

They all live in a world where unplanned pregnancies are a thing of the past, and nearly every baby is "selected" for the best genetic profile that can be created with parental cells. Selected folks seem to far exceed "Unforeseens" in all aspects of life, and being unforeseen is Lily's big secret. Quinn is carrying a selected fetus. And Ember? Well you'll have to pick this one up, because I don't want to give anything else away.

Some of the twists I definitely predicted which was fun and satisfying, and the final twist of this genre bender totally got me. Should I have guessed it? Maybe. But dang, that was fun. This is easy reading sci-fi so don't let that scare you off. If you like a bit of dystopia, a bit of mystery, and a lot of how the heck are these stories connected, this is well worth the quick, engaging read.

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Really great book with amazing characters and a great plot. Was easy to get into and it was very engaging. This is a book that I can see a lot of people in YA enjoy.

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Baby X by Kira Peikoff was a really interesting and unique story.
I thought the writing was truly fascinating and very well done.

Thank You NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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A sci/fi & thriller mix - set in the not too distant future where people's DNA is no longer their own.

This was a medium paced thriller with multiple narratives. Some that run parallel to each other, one that doesn't. The one storyline that didn't seem to match the narrative I found a bit superfluous to the story but the ending & how it wove into the story. Wow.
I am usually very good at seeing the twist but that one definitely wasn't what I saw coming!

Great read. Will definitely look for more by this author.

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In this book it is the 2050s when it begins and instead of phones and swipes they have glasses and blinks you blink to bring up a message just like you do with your fingers on an iPhone but that is a minor part of the story so on we go Quinn approaches famous singer thorn in his fiancé ember and tells them she thinks she may be pregnant with his baby. Ember is also a part of Thorns security and make sure he doesn’t leave any material with biological matter on it because these are the days any genetic detritus can be used to make an embryo. In another timeline we meet Lily she is so excited to have a fellowship at one of the last magazines in the country and they write hard-hitting helpful and/or inspirational articles and Lily has been a fan since she was a little girl. So working at Vanguard is a dream come true for her. This is her first day and she is excited to be there but cannot stop thinking about the fact her mom and dad want to have another baby they are in their 60s and yes a bit older but not the oldest want to be parents at this time Lily loves her parents and would be excited for them but cannot forgive her mother for not being a part of her life the first 10 years she was in federal prison and even though Lily has asked time and time again they give her a brief summation of the story but never anything in detail and irregardless the story makes no sense. Quinn however one year before is at a Thorne concert she’s a big fan and this is where she meets a guy name ROBERT he is a cryptocurrency fund Manager and is loaded he tells Lily about his deceased husband Evan and how much they loved thorn and his music. Quinn and ROBERT become fast friends but nothing more she makes money being a surrogate and has just given birth to her first couples baby. She loves hanging out at ROBERT‘s lavish home they grow very close and he asked her to be a surrogate for he and Evans child and says the embryos are already available and he will pay her double what her next clients were going to pay. So she excepts they still hang out and for Christmas she wants to make the baby an Evan AI it’s a doll that looks like whoever you choose in with voice recordings the makers can have it seem like you’re having a conversation with your deceased love one, celebrity, ET see the only problem is Quinn cannot find any evidence that Evan even exist. Lily however is having her own issues she is trying to redeem herself after almost ruining her parents chance at a new baby and the best thing she can come up with is to write an article about her mother being an older mom but her mom dismisses the start and refuses to do it so when her fellow fellow Radia tells their boss Shane they’re going to do a joint article with essays about how hard it is being a picked embryo and how much pressure that is at first Lily doesn’t want to do it but gives in because she doesn’t wants to tell Radia the truth that she was conceived naturally and wasn’t a picked specimen so she goes along with it. Oh geez I forgot Amber also has a POV in end of the beginning it’s all about how she got away from her abusive ex-boyfriend and she’s very alone in the world so when her and Thorne start seeing each other and he is known as the youngest celebrity she is so excited and when they fall in love she is even more ecstatic the only problem is ember has a secret. Like all multi timeline stories or multi POV stories eventually they all come together and you find out what one had to do with the other and although I thought I figured it out and for the most part I did there is such a big twist I was just blown away you’re not prepared for it this is such a genius intelligently written narrative consuming Book I want to thank crooked lane books and Net Galley for my free Ark copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review. and I thought it was totally and completely awesome! I mean the author has not only created a whole future world but FutureTech the laws guidelines… There’s just so much is just so so intelligent and so good and I absolutely recommend this book.

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I think this was truly my favorite read of 2023!!!! The world Kira Peikoff created was addicting and captivating. I always thought a jaw-dropping twist was just an expression but my jaw literally dropped at the twist. I absolutely loved this book and can't wait to read more by the author!

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In a future not too far off, science has enables citizens to create egg or sperm from cells. Having children has never been easier but the technology is used to evil purposes when celebrities are targeted and their cells are stolen to create children via a secret site called the vault. Singer Trace Thorne has hired Ember Ryan to protect him and she will at all costs. In a parallel story, a young journalist is hoping to make it big with her own story about genetics and hopes to use her family as the basis for the story. How does this all connect? Can Ember realistically keep Thorne safe? Read this thrilling and realistic novel by Kira Peikoff. My only complaint is that the general citizenry became too easily involved with police matters. - but I still loved every minute! #Crookedlanebooks #BabyX #KiraPeikoff

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baby x was a very quick read that kept me hooked until the end. would recommend to anyone who loves the mystery/thriller genre.

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I absolutely loved this book!! It was so suspenseful and had me on the edge of seat!! I've read all of this Author's books and they never disappoint!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for giving me a free eARC of this book to read in exchange for my review!

This was a book that I absolutely TORE through. I couldn't put it down. From start to finish, I wasn't able to predict what would happen next, and I loved every minute of it.

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THIS IS THE BOOK I DIDN’T KNOW I NEEDED! I’ve been reading (if we’re being honest here) some very similar ARCs lately. This fall/winter is full of books that are decent, but full of the same themes. This book is completely fresh, original and one of a kind!

This book is set in the near future, with GenG growing up and dealing with their Millennial parents. Phones are nearly obsolete, everyone uses autonomous cars, and a new version of parenthood has come to be. No longer do you have to have a baby the old-fashioned way; now you can submit a DNA sample, and any two people can have their cells turned into sperm/eggs. The healthiest cluster of cells is analyzed, and parents can choose which embryo to implant based on intelligence, physicality, looks and risk for disease.

Babies born this way are called Selected, and except for in rural and religious areas, this is now commonplace. The problem? People are trying to pay top-dollar to have a celebrity’s baby. Famous people now have to hire bio-cleansing experts to get rid of their DNA everywhere they go. One napkin or fork left behind could mean a stranger having a child with them - obviously not an ideal situation!

I don’t want to get too much into the story, as trying to review science fiction can sometimes make the book come off as cheesy. This definitely wasn’t cheesy, and it doesn’t seem highly unrealistic. DNA is easy to get - but adding in the science of turning cells from the mouth into eggs makes everything almost horrific.

I’m very picky about the sci-fi that I read, but I had a good feeling about this one, and I wasn’t disappointed. This was original, tense, engaging, page-turning, suspenseful and thoughtful. I don’t think I’d change a thing about it - five stars.

(Thank you to Crooked Lane Books, Kira Peikoff and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. This book is slated to be released on March 5, 2024.)

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Fast forward into a time when characteristics and potential diseases as found in our DNA are ranked and lab created embryos are selected in addition to the sex of your child. I thought this was a little creepy at first but as you read more and the endearing characters develop this book draws you in to a different and interesting futuristic time but also through a lot of twists and turns and if I say too much more I’m afraid I’ll ruin the best parts of it for you!. Kudos to Kira Peikoff for creating an original and creative page turner that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Thank you to Crooked Lane Books for the ARC!

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This is the quintessential read for anyone who loves a good near-future thriller, such as The One or Dark Matter. I loved the topic of trying to control the theft of DNA and was on my toes the whole time!

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A very novel thriller, which keeps you very attentive and expectant. I loved the futuristic vibe, and the details that helped give context to it. It is a book that moves fast with different points of view, and with excellent plot twist of which I am proud to have guessed some, but which I think will leave many with their mouths open. Definitely a book that I would recommend to thriller fans to vary a bit in terms of plot. <spoiler> the final twist gave me the same vibes as I felt with the one in The Silent Patient <spoiler>

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