Member Reviews

The suspense in this book is next level. It highlights so many important issues such as domestic violence, gang crimes and the dangerous of online dating. Highly recommend reading this book, loved every minute of it.

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This one is a slow burner. I dont mind slow burners but with this one I found it easy to put down and do other things unfortunately. I felt like there was something missing and the ending was disappointing.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

Oh wow! I could not put this book down, it was so gripping!

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From the prologue on, I knew I would love this book. Gemma at first is hard to really understand or connect to for me. But once I got her, I loved her. If you like murder mystery who done it/whose hiding what type books, read this!!!

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Three years have passed since Gemma Morgan's fiancé was tragically murdered, and she's finally beginning to rebuild her life. However, just as she starts to find solace and companionship with a new man, she discovers that he may be harboring a significant secret.

Suddenly, Gemma finds herself plunged back into a world of uncertainty and doubt. As suspicions mount and paranoia takes hold, she grapples with the unsettling realization that her new partner may not be who he appears to be. With her sense of safety shattered, Gemma is consumed not by grief, but by a fear for her very life.

As the tension escalates, Gemma must navigate a treacherous path fraught with deception and danger. Is her fear justified, or is it merely the product of her own anxiety? With her life hanging in the balance, Gemma must unravel the truth before it's too late.

This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.


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ot is hard to know how to review this book as for the most part I really really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed the short chapters and the way in which the book was unfolding
however there seemed to be too much happening in the book for the author to write a fulfilling end
after reading the book and thinking so many theories and fully engrossed, or just fell a little flat for me towards the end.
I did enjoy it for what the book was though, a piece of fiction and would definitely pick more up by this author as i have loved his previous work. It was just a little bit rushed at the end

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The Other Fiancé is a decent thriller that I enjoyed, I was just left confused by the title because as far as I am aware there was only 1 fiancé??
Gemma Morgan is a reporter for a local paper, she is still trying to get her life back after her fiancé and dog were brutally murdered. She has dipped her to into online dating and so far hasn’t felt a connection with any she’s seen. She agrees to a date with John but right from the get go is over committed and obsessive, Gemma goes on two dates with him and calls it a day but he doesn’t want it to end and stalks her. Meanwhile her best friend is in an abusive relationship and her husband is blaming Gemma for putting ideas of splitting up in his wife’s head so he starts to threaten Gemma to stay away or else!!
This is a full on read as I said at the beginning the title makes no sense but if I forget about that Gemma was very likeable and the chapters were fairly short so it allowed the book to be picked up and dropped very easily throughout the day. The storyline was decent I was a little let down but he ending but in the whole an enjoyable read.
I would like to thank NetGalley and Avon Books UK for this ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this thriller
I found it engaging and well paced with great plot, i really liked the main character and routed for her from the get-go

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I found the story very hard to get into. It never really got me.and I struggled to keep engaged. Once animal cruelty got a mention, despite it only being a few short sentences, I totally gave up on it.
All in all it just wasn’t for me.

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#TheOtherFiance #NetGalley
Three years after her fiancé was murdered, Gemma Morgan is, at last, starting to move on with her life. He's long gone But just as she thinks everything is back on track, she realises the new man in her life seems to be hiding something big from her. Gemma’s hurled right back into her pit of despair, but is it just paranoia playing tricks on her? Or is he?Only this time, it isn’t grief that consumes her ,it’s fearing for her life.
Thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for giving me an advance copy.

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I really enjoyed The Other Fiance. It had plenty of twists and turns that kept me gripped and with a really likeable character in Gemma Morgan I really connected with the book as I cared what was happening.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for my ARC.

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The Other Fiancé by Ali Blood is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. Gemma Morgan is a young woman who is trying to move on with her life three years after her fiancé was murdered. She has found a new man, but she can't shake the feeling that he is hiding something from her. As Gemma investigates, she begins to fear for her life. The Other Fiancé is a well-written and suspenseful thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end. Ali Blood does an excellent job of creating a sense of suspense and dread, and the characters are well-developed and believable. I highly recommend this book to fans of thrillers and suspense novels.

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Good past time thriller. Gemma is strong and brave. The storyline is engaging and fast-paced. Short chapters keros you hooked. Gemma is a survivor, whose fiance was brutally murdered three years ago, and now her best friend's abusive husband is also threatening her. John is a psychopath and murderer and so is Cain. The ending revelations are shocking and twisted. Great mystery thriller. Highly recommended.

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I enjoyed The Other Fiance by Ali Blood. The chapters are shorter helping to make this a quick read. The start of the book is a little slower and theres quite a few things going on involving domestic abuse, stalking, crimes etc.. But it's easy to straighten out once the book gets going.

John is.... ICK! Straight up ICK!!! He is so disturbing and obsessive from the start. I can't say we all know someone like that but i can sure think of a few myself... ick ick ick! Then you also have Gemmas friend Alice who is a very abusive relationship.

The plot kept me going! I wanted to know how this was going to end!

Overall I thought this was a good thriller and would recommend it!

Thank you to NetGalley and AvonBooks for the ARC! Loved it!

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This was a really good thriller that had me captured from the first page to the last. I was really confused by the title though, as there was only one fiance, so I don’t understand the title at all. The characters were good and although a lot of stuff happened to Gemma it was written in a believable way and wasn’t fake at all. There’s some domestic violence in the story, so if that triggers you I’d give it a miss. Thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Jimma is an investigative reporter and leads a very busy life but it has been three years since she lost her fiancé and believes it is now time to MoveOn. This is how she meets John Jackmen. They meet on a dating app and after talking to him Gemma thinks he sounds like the perfect gentleman if not a bit anxious even after their first date she knows she should be over the moon about Mr. Jackman but that was just something not fitting in the proper places for her. Not only that her work life is getting busier it seems the crooked policemen DCI detective Elias cane is willing to do an interview with Gemma and this is an opportunity she’s wanted he has a missing wife and is rumored to have killed someone and he also believes Gemma and her colleagues are out to get him. There’s also the plot line of her friend Alice who is in an abusive relationship which makes for some awkward conversations with Alice’s partner and Jimma. Thankfully she has Martin who is always there for her no matter what I thought by the end of this book everything will fall in place in the POV‘s would some how come together in the end alast that did not happen. Having read her other book which I absolutely love I really believed the plotting would be the same but having said that I still thoroughly enjoyed this book I enjoyed these characters and would definitely read a second book with Gemma and Martin and her good friend Alice. Although it isn’t a straight thriller but a thriller mixed with crime fiction it is still thriller worthy an Ollie blood is definitely becoming an author to look out for. I want to thank Avon Books UK and NetGalley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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I enjoyed this book. Gemma Morgan is a really likeable character. Her job as a journalist sees her cross paths yet again with a Met Detective.,whilst her personal life is moving on after the death of her fiance some years previously. . As the story builds the plot thickens . Gemma could be in danger and this is edge of your seat reading. So many twists and turnes made it a compelling read .

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I really enjoyed reading this psychological thriller… there was plenty of twists and turns throughout, with a good ending. The characters were enjoyable, the story had enough suspense to keep you glued and the style of writing was perfect.
This is the first book that I have read by this author, I’ll be keeping my eye out for more in the future.
I would recommend this to anyone who likes reading this genre.
Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a honest review.

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A great story with so many twists in it, I felt like I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see how this was going to play out.

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I received an advanced copy of this book from Avon Books UK via NetGalley.

In the aftermath of her fiancé's tragic murder, Gemma Morgan has dedicated three years to rebuilding her life. Just when it seems like she's finally on the path to recovery, a new man enters her world, bringing with him an air of mystery. As Gemma delves into the complexities of her burgeoning relationship, she can't shake the feeling that he's concealing something substantial. The initial optimism gives way to a pit of despair, leaving Gemma to grapple with the unsettling question of whether her fears are grounded in reality or if they're mere products of a paranoid mind.

As a reader, cruelty to animals is my ultimate red line, and encountering it in literature, even when acknowledging its unfortunate reality, remains deeply unsettling. The theme of gangster-related activities, coupled with the recurrent portrayal of a female crime reporter, felt somewhat worn out for my taste. However, Gemma's character did manage to resonate with me. Her unwavering loyalty to her friend Alice and her earnest attempts to offer support stood out in a world filled with toxic relationships, dominated by controlling males.

The exploration of online dating in the narrative struck a chord with me, having navigated through it myself, although my current relationship took a different path. The book adeptly exposes the prevalent fakeness in online personas, showcasing a stark contrast between the curated "internet persona" and real-life behavior—a reflection I found all too familiar.

Gemma's perspective dominates the narrative, with occasional contributions from Jackman. The story delves into the profound impact external circumstances beyond our control can exert on our self-perception and reactions within a given environment.

While the predictability of the ending loomed from the book's outset, Gemma's journey and the exploration of contemporary issues kept me engaged, despite my reservations about certain thematic elements. The interplay of characters and the unveiling of societal complexities painted a nuanced picture, making the read an intriguing experience.

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