Member Reviews

5 ⭐️

This is the best book I’ve read this year so far —a new favourite!

It follows Naomi and Luca, who have been exchanging hostile letters since fifth grade but eventually become friends. Two years after communication stopped abruptly, Naomi receives a mysterious letter reigniting her determination to have the last word.

I had the best time reading this book— couldn’t stop reading and found myself eager to go back to it all the time! This author was born to be a writer! She delivered such an awesome story with great banter, and I can’t wait to read more from here in the future.

I wish I could read this book for the first time again!!! My congratulations to the author on an exceptional and amazing debut novel ❤️

Read if you like:
📩 pen pals.
📩 childhood frenemies to lovers.
📩 open-door rom-com.
📩 dual POV.
📩 miscommunication.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Hate Mail by Donna Marchetti will be coming out on March 14th.

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Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the arc of Hate Mail.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to complete this book. The authors writing style, how the banter flows and everything is wonderful. But I just found myself reading only a little bit and then coming back later. It couldn’t keep me wanting more if that makes sense? I know many people who would enjoy this read, I just don’t think it was a complete fit for me. Overall, my rating is a 3 ⭐️

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I received a free copy of, Hate Mail, by Donna Marchetti, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Luca and Naomi have been fighting for years, sending each other actual hate mail through the mail, pen pals since fifth grade, but people grow up and change, can they actually have an adult conversation? I thought this book was alright.

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This book kept me up until 1am! I had to keep turning pages. Grab your copy March 14th so we can chat about this one!

First off, I am a SUCKER for the back and forth letters/writing vibes in a book. (Hello, Divine Rivals!) So when 5th grade pen pals leads to a decades long hate mail exchange. I was intrigued. The letters stop for two years and then suddenly start again. Naomi (FMC) finally tries to find Luca (MMC) and we are taken through a compelling journey of their intertwining lives. We get duo POV and we are teased with tidbits of story that lead you wanting more and wanting to know how this ends. I can't say more without spoiling - but I found myself smirking, laughing, feeling like I was gut punched and teary, and all warm and fuzzy. There's a bit of spice - it's a slow burn and no cringey lines! Is it a perfect book? No, but for giving me that reader high and not being able to put it down, it's gets high marks. 5/5!

This appears to be a debut author and I'd read more from her if her other books had a similar style.

Many Thanks to NetGalley, Donna Marchetti, and One More Chapter for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This honestlymade me laugh outlaid and cry at the same time. it was adorable and a true enemies to lovers in a way I never expected from a non-fantasy book. The characters were adorable. Although "twist" at the end was a little predictable I can say I enjoyed it nonetheless.s

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Thank you NetGalley for this arc!

When I saw the synopsis of hate mail I was sooo excited to read it. I love the idea of pen-pals + childhood friends to lovers - both are my cup of tea, but this book didn’t hit the mark for me. I think a lot of people would enjoy this rom-com. This book did have a lot of pros such as, the sending eachother letters aspect, the summery feel, and the “ enemies “ to lovers trope.

I really wished I enjoyed this book but there’s a lot of things that fell flat for me. I didn’t enjoy some of the juvenile letters at the beginning I felt like it was extremely off putting for them to talk to eachother life that, but the do have some redemption letters towards the middle & end. I also predicted all of the “plot twist” I felt like this book didn’t need the mystery aspect to it.

I think someone who wants a quick romance read would love this! The vibes were vibing, but not in the way I personally needed them to.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Collins, and Donna Marchetti for the review copy.

Naomi and Luca have been pen pals since they were in the fifth-grade. But not in the way you'd expect. The more letters they sent the meaner they would get. Until the chain of hate filled letters develops into a distant and still somewhat mean friendship. Two years after the letters suddenly stop, they begin again, with no return address. The adventure begins...

This was definitely a book premise that I hadn’t read before and it was really interesting. I loved the entire treasure hunt vibe and found the adventures Naomi went on really fun. Reading some of their earlier letters, they were like scarily mean to each other but I appreciated that the glimpses of the past were through the letters instead of being entirely dual timeline. I did guess the twist in advance but it didn’t take away my overall enjoyment of the book and I’ll definitely be looking out for more of her books in the future!

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I loved this book!!!
I am super impressed that this is a debut!
Their mean letters were so creative and funny. I was rooting for Luca the whole time. I loved how they kept writing to each other for so many years. 
I laughed, I cried, and I was gathering clues to figure out what was what. It was such an incredible read. Could have easily read it in one day if it weren't for life.

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This was a light and funny book - I loved the writing style. Hearing the story partially through their letters made the story extra fun.
I generally don’t like love triangles or miscommunication tropes - I am happy that I made an exception for this book.
Now I did guess the major twist pretty early on, but that’s a me thing…I tend to do that.

* Childhood penpals
* Hilarious banter
* Side characters with big impact
* Flirty amounts of spice

Overall 4.5/5

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Aww I really liked this!!!

The cover drew me in, it's pink, and cute, beautiful art!!

It's far fetched and a little predictable but it's FUN and I really liked it!

I really liked Naomi, I loved her career and seeing how she became who she is in the present day. I wasn't too fond of anyone else!

I laughed so much. In between laughing I was scoffing as well but I couldn't stop reading!!

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I was really anticipating this book but everything about it just didn’t click for me. I felt a lot of disconnect from the characters, who have no personality outside of the plot. I don’t know how to quite explain this developing pet peeve of mine, but it’s almost like a bechdel test for how often the characters speak about anything besides their interest in each other. That internal and external dialogue gets boring really quickly and leads to really one dimensional characters. I also got a massive ick from the love interest, even if he is a fifth grade boy the cruel vitriol he spews inexplicably towards the female main character didn’t endear me much to him. The pacing of the novel was also awkward—really clunky and slow. I put this book down a couple times and tried picking it up again, hoping my reading slump was making me extra judgemental, but honestly I just couldn’t get through it.

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Such a fun rom com! Easy read that sends you on a whirlwind of emotions. The Enemies to lovers was well done! Read if you love
- pen pals
- rivals
- dual POV's
- spice

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This book is super cute and I just couldn't put it down.

At the news station where weathergirl Naomi Light works, she receives a piece of "fan mail" which is slightly on the mean side. Assistant and best friend Anne is shocked but Naomi knows exactly who this is from; her pen pal Luca Pichler who she hasn't heard from in two years.

Naomi and Luca had begun writing letters to each other for a school project back in fifth grade but whilst their classmates letters declined as time went on, Naomi and Luca continued to write their mean letters to each other.

Naomi meets handsome new neighbour Jake at her apartment block and she agrees to go on a date with him but she is distracted by the fact that Luca is now back in touch with her. She is determined to track him down.

This was super entertaining and although the miscommunication trope is usually one that I hate, I really enjoyed this! It has dual POV and Luca is just a fantastic character. I loved his personal growth. Such a cute read!

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~ Pen Pals
~ Dual POVs
~ Very Spicy 🌶️
~ Enemies to Lovers

I loved Naomi and Luca. The chemistry between them was undeniable. I love that they’ve been pen-pals since fifth grade. The cover gave off major 2000s chick flick romcom vibes! A heartwarming and hilarious romance. Highly recommend!

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for the arc of this book.

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Love love LOVEEEE. Wow, this book just gave me all the feels. It is this authors first book and it think it is such an amazing debut novel. I laughed out loud in the beginning and I know that is a tell sign I’m gonna love the book. I didn’t think it was your typical coookie cutter romance book and I loved the letter writing aspect. Naomi and Luca become pen pals in elementary school and eventually keep writing letters decades later. Through life’s ups and downs they still remained in contact. Then after a 2 year pause Naomi receives a letter from Luca with no return address. Determined to find out where he is she goes on a wild goose chase looking for him. Can’t recommend this one more gave me lots of butterflies and I cannot wait for more from this author.

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I don’t usually love books centered around letters but this was so good. I also loved how well the dual POV was done with the timelines and letters

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This was cute! Didn’t love the huge miscommunication between MC, but we don’t read romance because the story lines are similar to real life!

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So I am not gonna lie. I requested this book solely on the cover before I even looked at the synopsis. I am currently trying to figure out what kind of romance books I like. So I'm kind of going through all the sub genres and trying to read what interests me. This one with the pen pal thing was intriguing from the get go. I loved that aspect of it so much. I absolutely loved the main characters and was rooting for them from the beginning. I loved the writing of this so much. The letters from the present and the past were great also. By the end I was so invested I needed to know what was going to happen. So good!

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I absolutely LOVED this book! It was such a unique story that I haven't seen in a romance book before, and it was so fun! It literally had me giggling, squealing, and kicking my feet! And it had twists I didn't see coming!! I will absolutely recommend that the store I work at sells this!

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"hate mail" is a pen pals-but-also-enemies-to-lovers (that's a mouthful!) romance that was absolutely delightful, hilarious and had me kicking my feet and giggling the whole time. i had a fantastic time reading this and i think it look me less than a day to finish the book, that's how much fun i was having! i loved naomi's inner monologue, the flashbacks through her letters with luca, the shenanigans she got up to with anne, and most of all, the romance!! i don't want to give everything away but i would absolutely recommend this book to anyone who loves a fun romance with a twist!

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