Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for the eARC in exchange for an independent and honest review of Hate Mail.

This is my first Donna Marchetti read and I honestly LOVED this book so much. While it was slightly predictable, I did not even care for a minute because the story line was so intriguing to me.

Naomi and Luca have been "penemies" (pen pal enemies) since the fifth grade. Their letters exchanged over the course of years a filled with witty banter, insults, and downright rudeness on the surface. But just under the surface, an actual friendship and longing starts to form. As Naomi and Luca continue through their lives separately, they keep each other close through their intermittent letters sent to each other until suddenly the letters stop out of nowhere.

Fast forward two years to modern day Miami, and Naomi has done her best to move past her non-existent relationship with Luca when she meets her new neighbor, Jake. A relationship quickly forms and Naomi finds herself experiencing feelings she has never felt before. However, she just can't seem to completely get Luca off her mind and out of her heart. In order to fully move forward with Jake and put Luca in the past, Naomi and her best friend, Anna, decide to take a series of trips tracing Luca's letters back in hopes of finding where he is today and why he suddenly stopped writing to Naomi.

Their excursions take them on a series of last minute trips across the US in order to piece together the puzzle Luca has left behind in his letters. All the while, Naomi is falling deeper for Jake, who she is currently not being entirely truthful with in regards to the reason for all of these last minute girls' trips.

As the story unravels, who will Naomi choose? The past or the present? You will want to read and find out for yourself!

Absolutely fell head over heels for this book and I hope you will too!

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This book was an absolute delight! I loved the letters between the characters. The book wasn't perfect, and something about the writing wasn't great (it was all talk no action) but still highly recommend it!

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From the very first page this exceeded my expectations. I ended up really loving this, but especially the banter in their letters — it was dark & hilarious. My thoughts, even my dreams, were consumed with Naomi, FMC, and Luca, MMC, and how this was going to end. It was a little predictable but not enough for me to 100% predict the outcome, ya know? I still thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

The only reason I rated this less than 5 stars was the writing. It felt bland. Not much description and mostly dialogue. I didn’t like Anne, Naomi’s friend, very much… she didn’t seem like a very good friend at times. This story could have contained more passionate and descriptive writing to help us visualize and connect to the characters more deeply. Other than that, it was lovely. Thank you so much, NetGalley!

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Thank you to NetGalley, One More Chapter, and Donna Marchetti for the early access copy of Hate Mail.

Donna Marchetti, thank you for writing this hilarious, unputdownable book. Finishing Hate Mail has left me with a longing for more of Luca and Naomi’s story. I cannot wait to add this to my bookshelf when it is released..

Hate Mail tells the story of childhood penpals (or penemy’s) writing hate letters to one another from elementary into adulthood. When the letters stop, addresses change and life moves on. Or does it? The reader’s journey begins as a new letter arrives.

The letters are hilarious. I couldn’t help but laugh at the banter and how creative the hate mail was written. The chemistry was brilliant.

Hate Mail is a great read for those that love penpals, letters in novels, enemies to lovers, witty banter, and a bit of spice.

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GAH this was adorable. I am on a kick of books that are based on love interests writing letters to each other, and I completely blame Divine Rivals for this. Although the difference on this one is that our leads are writing mean, sometimes downright cruel, hate mail to each other. Exactly as the title describes, and I am all for it. Love can bloom in the strangest of places, and being mean to each other is one of them, and something I love doing myself. I like to call it *spicy love*. In the case of this book, our two leads begin with their hatred, turned love, of each other in the fifth grade as a penpal exchange of letters, and they continue to write to each as the years go on. I will say that I called the mystery of who Luca was fairly early on, and it was kind of funny watching Naomi figure it out when it seemed kind of coincidentally and ironically obvious.

This was an enjoyable and quick read. The plot was fun and the mystery of finding out who Luca was enjoyable, albeit a bit predictable, but that doesn't take away from the enjoyment of the story. One thing I absolutely hate in any book is intentional miscommunication, and this does occur in this book. I could understand where the characters were coming from, and it helped create tension to the plot, but when things seem to resolve fairly quickly it seems a bit unnecessary to me. Nonetheless, Hate Mail is still an incredibly good read, and I can't wait to be shoving this book into some of my friends' hands when this comes out in print.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for an advanced reader's copy in exchange for my honest review.

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3.5 stars

This book immediately caught my attention and I did have such a fun time with it. If you're looking for a quick, entertaining read, this definitely gets the job done.

Naomi and Luca became pen pals in fifth grade, and they kept sending each other mean-spirited letters through the years, until they didn't. When Naomi suddenly receives a new letter with no return address two years after she last heard from him, she is determined not to let Luca have the last word.

I will admit I feel like I underestimated the "hate" part of the title a little bit, and I was a bit taken aback when the letters started showing up in the story, but the more I got into it, the more I actually enjoyed them and found myself cackling at each new one. While I did find the plot predictable, it didn't take away from my enjoyment.

When it comes to the characters, I did connect with Luca more than I did with Naomi, but they both were overall pleasing enough to follow. I didn't particularly care for any of the side characters, but they all had their good moments every now and then, which was nice.

Even though I did see the conflict coming from miles away, it did make me mad for a second there, but I did really like the way it was allowed time to be sorted out, rather than being rushed just for the sake of bringing the couple together as soon as possible. It definitely was one of those rare occasions where I didn't mind the third act at all, and actually thought it made sense.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story, it had a pretty unique concept and a very romcomy feel to it which I very much love in a romance novel. It was very easy to overlook those little things I didn't really like on account of how much fun I had reading this.

A huge thank you to One More Chapter & Netgalley for providing me with the eARC for this book in exchange for my honest review

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Naomi and Luca have been pen pals since 5th grade. It was love at first hate. While their classmates stopped writing to their pen pals, they continued writing until Luca sends a letter about his upcoming marriage. Naomi never hears from Luca again until two years later she receives hate mail from her number one fan at the new station. Determined not to let her penemy (pen pal enemy) escape, Naomi relives the past trying to figure out where Luca could be.

This book will make your heart melt while also tearing it apart at the same time. The letters from fifth grade Naomi and Luca will make you laugh. Reading through the letters with the characters are some of my favorite parts of the book. Anne and Namoi’s friendship and adventures are also funny and entertaining. I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on the physical copy.

Thank you One More Chapter, Harper Collins UK & Netgalley for an ARC.

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From the very first page, 'Hate Mail' exceeded all my expectations! Donna Marchetti has crafted a delightful narrative that seamlessly weaves romance, humor, and touching moments into a compelling story that will leave readers yearning for more.

Naomi and Luca's journey began in fifth grade, where their correspondence was characterized more by acerbic banter than friendly exchanges. However, what started as a series of hate-filled letters gradually blossomed into a deep and meaningful friendship, spanning years and distances. Yet, just as their bond seemed unbreakable, the letters abruptly ceased, leaving Naomi reeling from the silence for two long years. When a surprise envelope lands on her desk at the local news station, Naomi is determined to reclaim the connection she thought lost forever, refusing to let Luca have the final word.

I have always been drawn to narratives featuring the penpal trope, and Marchetti's execution of it in 'Hate Mail' is nothing short of brilliant. The evolution of Naomi and Luca's relationship, from bitter rivals exchanging cutting remarks to steadfast friends and more, was portrayed with such authenticity and charm that it captured my heart from start to finish.

One aspect of the book that particularly stood out to me was Marchetti's masterful use of dual POV. Rarely have I encountered such a skillful handling of this narrative technique in contemporary romance. The juxtaposition of timelines, starting in different places yet converging at the peak of emotional tension, was executed flawlessly, keeping me thoroughly engaged and invested in the characters' journey.

'Hate Mail' is a heartfelt and captivating tale that left an indelible mark on my heart. Marchetti's skillful storytelling and memorable characters make this a must-read for fans of romance and contemporary fiction alike. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a story that will tug at their heartstrings and leave them yearning for more.

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*thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

Ok , but I devoured this! This was exactly what I needed! I didn’t know what to expect but the author definitely delivered and them some! I stayed up late because I couldn’t stop reading it !Perfect fun and lighthearted epistolary romance with a dash of enemies to lovers . I can’t recommend this enough! Love ! Love ! Love! 5 stars!

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this one was everything I had been looking for and MORE!

I love love love the pen pal sub-trope and getting to know Luca and Naomi through their funny/mean letters sets you up from the beginning to inevitably fall for them too! I would 100% recommend this one for anyone looking for a funny/happy rom com with some funny moments and some moments that leave you swooning 🥹❤️🫶🏼

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I’m actually obsessed with this book… such an easy and fun read AHH. The characters are so loveable, the plot is so cute and the banter is PERFECT!? such a fun experience I enjoyed every second.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Hate Mail by Donna Marchetti.
I LOVED this book. I couldn't put it down once I started it. It was an enjoyable fast-paced read. As a former 5th teacher who had my students write penpal letters I could totally relate to the premise of the book. I would have loved to find out later that any of my students had carried on the letter writing over extended years. Naomi and Luca are well-written characters whose chemistry is off the charts. I loved their banter and reading through all the "hate mail" letters through the years was so enjoyable. The book was filled with heartfelt moments that tugged on my heart strings and humorous moments that had me laughing out loud. My only problem would be a bit of a stretch on the timeline of the story, but other than that it is a perfect romcom read.
I would highly recommend this book to others.

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I am literally so obsessed with this book. I couldn't put it down and squealed and giggled too many times to count. I loved Naomi and Luca's friendship so much and I couldn't help staying up all night reading it. An absolute 10 out of 5 stars. Will be immediately purchasing in every form

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5/5 stars! I absolutely loved this book. I couldn’t put it down and finished it in one day. This might be one of my favourite reads of the year so far. I highly recommend reading this book when it gets released Mar 14, 2024. Thank you to HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, Donna Marchetti and Netgalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

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I really tried to enjoy this book, especially because the cover was so cute. Unfortunately, this book did not end up being a five-star read, even four. It began to get repetitive; maybe it’s on me for assuming the hate mail wouldn’t be so... hateful? It was, even as they grew older. The plot was so easy to assume, and the miscommunication between them was so hard. Don’t get me wrong, it did have some nice chapters, but it just felt long and repetitive, and these characters actions confused me.

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this was a super unique romance book! i was on the edge of my seat throughout the entire story. The characters felt flushed out. The story was sometimes a little unrealistic and move like a movie, but i enjoyed it.

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dnf'd at 37%.

i mainly wanted to read this book because of the cover but i couldn't get into it at all. it was a cute idea but not executed well. the fmc's actions felt a bit odd at first (particularly when it came to travelling/flying) & when the reason behind that was explained, it became even weirder & made the mmc unlikeable because how is that a way of "winning" against someone? also, anne's character was reason enough to dnf this because she was so pushy and insufferable & the fmc just went along with it?

thank you to netgalley and the author for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Omg I LOVED this book! I could not put it down and read it in 24 hours.

Naomi and Luca have been pen-pals since fifth grade. Their letters are a battle of wits through insults and verbal sparring. However, what initially began as a series of hate-filled letters gradually evolved into a cross-country friendship spanning several years. That is, until one day, without warning, the letters ceased altogether. It has been two years since Naomi received any letter from Luca. That is until a letter shows up at her work, with no return address.

This is the perfect enemies to lovers romance. I loved the premise of Naomi and Luca being pen-pals. The Grade 5 letters were so fun to read and made me laugh out loud multiple times. I can’t wait for this to release in March so I can buy my own copy!

Thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collins UK & One More Chapter books allowing me to read and review this ARC. This is the best ARC I have read in a while!

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Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

This book follows two pen pals who have been exchanging mean letters to each other for most of their lives until they stopped for 2 years. Then a letter comes out of the blue from Luca to Naomi without a return address, and Naomi refuses to let Luca have the last word, so the search is on to find Luca's current address.

The 5th grade letters were mean yet hilarious -- is it weird that I snort-laughed at them? It was interesting to see how the tone of the letters shifted as each of the characters were going through their own struggles, and Naomi and Luca became each other's support system/comfort through their letters.

I was able to figure out the plot twist and ending halfway through the book, but I still enjoyed the reading journey to the end. But it still didn't make sense to me how it could have gone this far in the present without either of them saying anything about it (trying not to put any spoilers).

At times, I felt that the FMC, Naomi, was a little naive and silly, even hypocritical, and I didn't really connect with her character. I also didn't really like the role of Anne's character. I felt like she was there solely to ask about Naomi's love life and that was it. There wasn't really any more to her character.

Overall, I thought it was a cute read with great humor.

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This was a very cute read! I was a bit confused throughout the story, not by the writing, but by Jake and Luca, who seemed very suspicious.

Hate Mail is a nice enemies-to-lovers story with a touch of mystery. I really enjoyed the letter exchanges, especially when it is hate mail! Given their supposed age, it was a very fun read!

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