Member Reviews

I loved this book. I find very few 'rom-coms' genuinely hilarious, but the letters Luka and Naomi sent each other throughout the years had me in stitches. I couldn't wait to read the next one. 

The dialogue is super sweet and I really appreciated the dual POVs, otherwise I don't think I would have liked Luka as much as I did. It was nice seeing his vulnerable side.

As much I loved these characters, without giving too much away, they were both frustrating as hell at times. I just wanted to bang their heads together, but this just made the ending even more satisfying.

I have to admit, I did find this book a little predictable, but I still adored it regardless. It was really cute, well-paced and funny. I'm still smiling thinking about it. Definitely my favourite romance book of the year so far and I can't wait to buy a physical copy once it's released.

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3.5 stars

I did genuinely enjoy reading this book. If you’re looking for a quick and low spice read, this will get the job done.

I was just left feeling a little unsatisfied. I wish we could’ve had the resolution earlier so I could’ve basked in those happy ending moments for longer.

I also feel like I don’t know enough about Luca. I’m perfectly capable of taking a man at face value, but this guy went from being a little rat kid to a very sweet man practically one chapter later. I feel like we didn’t get enough background on him and we only talked about his past relationships. Also his career path felt so incredibly out of left field. Felt like there was no good reason he chose what he chose and it felt a little shallow.

Naomi was cool. Not overly exciting, but I’m not asking for super deep. I enjoyed that we got some insight as to why she decided to pursue meteorology.

Do I agree with how these characters handled their issues? No, but it worked out for them in the end so it’s whatever I guess.

Also we never got explanation of why Joel would frown at Naomi and Jake every time they walked by…. Wtf was that about?

Was super excited that this book had a playlist included, but I wish it could’ve been part of the story.

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As much as there are some things that don't add up, the letters Naomi and Luke wrote to each other remain unforgettable highlights. An extra star for the laughs I got.

Per quanto ci siano delle cose che non mi tornano, le lettere che si scrivevano Naomi e Luca restano degli highlights indimenticabili. Una stella in piú per le risate che mi sono fatta.

I received from the Publisher a complimentary digital advanced review copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.

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💌pen pal
💚enemies to lovers
💌rom com
💚never met
💌dual pov

This was such a cute story. This is my first read from this author and for the most part I enjoyed this book If you're looking for a book to blow you away this is not it. What this is a cute, fun book, filled with banter and some funny moments. This is the story of Luca and Naomi.

Luca and Naomi are in the fifth grade when they are first given an assignment for class to be each other's pen pal. While Naomi is excited for this Luca thinks it's lame and is often mean. But Naomi is a spunky kid and she gives it right back to him.

This goes on for years until Luca just stopped writing back. There's a bit of a gap, and now Naomi works as the local weather gal and receives a letter at work. And they start writing again. Luca never puts a return address on letters now so she's only gotten clues to his whereabouts.

Naomi decides she wants to track Luca down. She meets an ex military friend, his ex girlfriend but never finds Luca. The letters are now coming to her apt but again no address n no post mark. She also meets Jake, who is her neighbor upstairs, who works as a marine veterinarian. She starts having conflicting feelings about both.

This story was super cute. You do get flashes of both timelines the student years, and the current letters Luca is sending.
About 50% through I had my hunches on what was going on but to keep this spoiler free not gonna say. All in all a really cute pen pal book. Thank you to NetGalley n Harper
For allowing me an advance copy.

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I had so much fun reading this book. Like SO MUCH FUN. It had me in my feels, remembering my childhood, my teenage years, what it feels like to slowly fall for someone.

This is a fun rom-com about a weather girl and her childhood penemy (pen pal enemy). And I loved it. I found myself laughing at their hostility, I found myself smiling at the way the story developed.

While others might think the way Naomi and Luca interacted was childish, I disagree. I know what it feels like to not be able to put what you’re feeling in to words and have to resort to something immature. I’m not saying it’s right or healthy, but it’s more honest than most. And yes, there’s a lot of immaturity in their letters, but there’s a reason they kept writing. Even if what they said was mean and not true, it was probably the most genuine connection either of them had.

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4.5 stars (see below for why I dropped half a star)

Since they were kids, Naomi and Luca maintain pen pal friendship sending mean-spirited letters until two years ago when Luca stopped. To her surprise, he sends another letter but without a return address, leaving Naomi determined to track him down.

This book was so much fun! I couldn't stop cackling reading the letters between Naomi and Luca. I worked out straight away what happened to Luca, but the fun was seeing just how long it would take Naomi to work it out for herself. Both characters were just perfect together and I was cheering for both of them to work everything out when it started to fall apart. However, I was annoyed by Anne steamrolling Naomi into the other trips when she had plans, and later having the temerity to be annoyed when Naomi withheld some of the letters from her. I wished Naomi stood up to her a bit more.

My only issue with this book (hence my 4.5 rating) is the timeline made no sense. Naomi and Luca have been writing for 12 years since they were 10 years old. Then Luca stops for two years, which makes them 24 years old in the present day. But Naomi writes she's 25 years old in a letter sent two years prior, plus Luca's career involved undergrad and grad school which he didn't start until he finished four years service so they should be nearly 30. What was Naomi doing in those years after she graduated and before she moved to Miami? Doesn't that mean they were pen pals for at least 15 years or so before they were seperated?

'Hate Mail' is the perfect sparkling, fun and endearing rom com I didn't know I was missing. I stayed up late to finish it because I adored Naomi and Luca. I hope one day someone adapts this for a movie.

Thanks to One More Chapter/Harper Collins UK and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Thanks to HarperCollins UK & One More Chapter for the arc!

Hate Mail is a very cute romance - I finished this in one evening! Would recommend as a lighthearted, easy read.

I really enjoyed reading the letters between Luca and Naomi, all the way from their first exchanges in fifth grade to their adult lives, and seeing how they evolved. The pacing and writing style were amazing, and I loved reading Luca’s chapters - I think the dual POV really added to the story. Certain plot points were predictable but they were still written well and I enjoyed them even knowing what was likely to happen.

I would have liked to learn a little more about Naomi, as I still feel like I don’t know anything about her despite half of the book being from her point of view, whereas Luca’s chapters focused more on his story and he felt like a more fleshed out character. Anne could also have used some more development, but was still a fun addition to the story.

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When I say I devoured this book... I didn't move from start to finish. I love cute rom coms!

The story follows Naomi and Luca who have been pen-pals since 5th grade, writing hate filled but super funny letters to each other. As life goes on, so do the letters until one year they stop! 2 years later, Naomi receives a letter that changed everything.

I absolutely loved the back and forth between these two, there was no poker face reading this. A full-on smile on my face! The concept of this book was good, and the story was descriptive, I enjoyed the flashback chapters explaining where they were in life when writing & receiving the letters. We did have an obvious twist, but I found myself questioning it still.

If you're looking for a super cute, quick rom com then I would definitely recommend this.

Pub Date: 14th March 2024

Spice: 1/5

Key Points:
1st person
dual pov

enemies to lovers
he falls first

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Hate Mail is a cute and fun book about pen pals who have been writing each other since fifth grade. While the main characters are fun and reading how their relationship unfolds and transforms over the years really makes the book, I find the miscommunication a bit for fetched. However, with that said, this is a fictional book and it was enjoyable to read and had me laughing at moments.

Thank you for the ARC of Hate Mail by Donna Marchetti

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An intriguing, fun and gripping story, I loved the characters and can't wait to read more by this author.

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Hate Mail by Donna Marchetti is the best romantic comedy I've read since The Hating Game in 2016.

I loved this book! It was just so much fun to read. I had the biggest grin on my face throughout because Luca and Naomi were so adorable and funny. Their letters to each other were hilarious and had me laughing out loud. I literally devoured this book in a few hours, it was so good. If you like romantic comedies please pick up this book!

Thank you so much Donna Marchetti, HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter & NetGalley for giving me an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins / One More Chapter for the eARC!

Hate Mail was such a refreshing take on a contemporary romance! I've read so much in this genre recently that I can start to see the formula laid out ahead of me, and it takes a really fun or interesting concept (on top of lovable characters and good writing!) to keep me engaged. This book had all of that - the pen pal relationship gave them so much depth and history that is usually missing from these shorter romance novels, and the fear of losing that 20 year connection actually gave realistic stakes. A small thing I enjoyed was their careers - meteorologist is such an underrated source of material in this context - the greenscreen and other Luca dares reminded me a lot of How I Met Your Mother style romcom antics.

Structurally - I loved the way Marchetti wrote the dual POV, this was easily one of the best uses of the format I've ever seen in a contemporary romance. The timelines starting in different places but meeting in the present moment right at the height of the emotional tension was SO good. Even though I had my own suspicions and pieced together the "mystery" aspect earlier on, I was far from bored, and the dual POV was a large part of that.

The reason this book has earned 4 stars rather than 5 is honestly just two things for me:
1 - I don't mind a third-act breakup, but I don't love when the conflict is dragged out (especially between characters that have a lot of history) or the fight becomes cyclical/repeats every time they see each other.
2 - the trend of a HEA time skip epilogue... I'm so tired. I loved the way the story itself ended, it felt intentional and crafted for high impact! If an Epilogue doesn't show something of substance, like major change or someone achieving something outside of the relationship that they were struggling with in the story, then I'm happy with an implied happiness for them - this is the one case where I don't need to see something to believe it. This is fully a Me thing, which I acknowledge, but I feel like a book just falls so flat when it ends on a vignette of the couple in a few years talking about their To-Do list. I'd take an impactful ending scene and ambiguity any day!

Overall - loved the concept, really enjoyed the structure of the dual POV, loved both the characters, especially Luca. I felt engaged by the "mystery" aspect. I really enjoyed the depth and history that both the characters had with each other. The letters were so enjoyable to read too! I just had so much fun with this read, it's such a refreshingly well-written and well thought out contemporary romance.

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Really cute storyline and characters. However, the pace felt slow and the story quite predictable at times. Would recommend as a light read but found it overall average.

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this was SO cute and SO FUNNY!!! The banter in this one was particularly excellent. The dialogue was not tacky at all, there were lots of cute animals, that has nothing on the plot! I felt like I was reading a mystery and also a rom com. I stayed up late binging this!! It was like a cuter, more light-hearted version of punk 57. I wish I had figured out the twist a bit earlier bc I think I would’ve enjoyed it even more. I also wish it was a bit spicier but that’s a personal preference!

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I loved this it’s such a sweet funny love story with a difference. Naomi and Luca have been pen pals since fifth grade writing mean and silly things to each other I absolutely adored their relationship the way they grow up with each other but never actually meeting It’s so sweet.
I loved the light heartedness of this book I love the adventure Naomi and her friend go on to try find Luca. It’s a crazy ride and glad they find each other and get their happy ending. I also find Luca’s job so interesting.

It’s a lovely read I stayed up way too late and finished it in one night I didn’t want to put it down till I knew Naomi had found Luca.

Overall I think this a fun happy romance perfect for a nice day on the beach. It has amazing characters full of love and happiness adore pets some cool jobs and a unique meet.

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I LOVED this one so much - childhood penpals that have never met and now they're all grown up and they're STILL winding each other up.

It was so much fun watching the letters change from childish insults to more grown up topics whilst still managing to be cruel to each other. Naomi is just starting a new relationship when Luca gets back in touch after 2 years and try as she might, she cannot stop thinking about Luca. Jake is AMAZING but there's always the "what if?" In the back of her mind.

Secrets and pasts are unfolded drawing Naomi closer to Luca and I just wanted to give him a big hug 🥺 I couldn't wait for them to finally meet, the whole book is a big ball of tension and it is SO worth it.

I devoured this book in one sitting and I highly recommend for fans of Emily Henry, Hannah Grace and Lucy Score.

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I loved this entertaining story of Naomi, who is tracking down her childhood pen pal Luca at the same time as embarking on a new relationship with her neighbour Jake. I read this all in one sitting - the world of the book is so alive, I really didn’t want to leave it.
The characters are strong; both protagonists felt fully realised despite the narration mostly coming from Naomi, which reflects the quality of Marchetti’s writing and story. I just completely enjoyed reading ‘Hate Mail’ - it is slightly ridiculous in the way that most good romances are. This book exemplifies why I read romances: fun and escapism.

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Absolutely loved this books so much! The story timeline was perfect and it flowed very nicely. I never got bored of the book (especially after I have been on a reading slump lately) and I wanted to grab my kindle at every chance I got so I could find out what happened next! The plot twist at the end was shocking but I also realized that I should've seen some of the hints the author threw in there. They met through a Pen Pal project in elementary school and they have such an interesting relationship throughout the years. Naomi and Luca will always have my heart! I really hope to see a series come out of this book so I can see what's next in their life!

This book is perfect for someone who likes reading dual POV, romance, minimal spicy moments but can feel the passion between the two, and who likes the idea of a pen pal romance.

P.s. Anne really annoyed the crap out of me...why is she nosey? Besides that she was a cool friend to encourage Naomi to find her Luca love! I still don't like her that much

Overall Rating: 5/5
Spicy Rating: 1/5
Made Me Blush Rating: 2.5/5
Would I recommend? YES!
Version: Kindle e-book

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for gifting me this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you to Netgalley for this one, I liked the sound of this one as soon as i saw it. I bumped it up my TBR pile so i could read it straight away. I really liked this one even though it was very predictable and i knew what was going to happen i still loved the story! It had the right amount of spice too!

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Okay so I totally loved the mean letters that Naomi and Luca have been sending each other since childhood. They were so funny and aggressive, and you could tell they’d met their match and totally liked each other. Why else would you send hate mail to each other for decades. It was interesting to see both of their points of view, with Luca’s focusing more on his childhood and the things that happened in his life that Naomi didn’t know about. Naomi’s point of view was mostly present-day, and we watch her trying to track down Luca, who had been out of touch for a couple of years, with the help of her friend Anne. It’s difficult to know who to route for between Luca and Jake, Naomi’s hot neighbour that she starts dating as it’s obvious there’s a spark between Luca and Naomi but they’ve never met and her dates with Jake are sweet and he loves animals (it’s hot, okay?!).

There was a great set of characters in this book and the interactions at Naomi’s workplace with Anne and Mr Facey were amusing, plus I loved how forthright Naomi was in asking for what she wanted. Though I did work some things out early on eliminating a lot of the surprise from the novel, I still very much enjoyed the journey and though there were times I felt bad for Naomi (even though technically, she might have been slightly in the wrong at times) it ended well.

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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