Member Reviews

Such a fun concept and a new spin on enemies to lovers. Hate filled pen pal letters & a thoroughly enjoyable Romcom vibe throughout! It was laugh out loud funny in many places & a great lighthearted vibe throughout! I read this after reading a lot of thrillers & horrors so it was a fun change up!

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I found this book a super cute rom-com! I felt like it was predictable but that didn’t stop me from enjoying this book. I would say that this was a super easy comfort read! I will be definitely rereading this book!

“I’ll give you a hint: it’s a box of nose strips. Oh, shit. I just gave it away, didn’t I?”

Their hilarious banter back and forth had me absolutely grinning and it honestly makes the book!

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Let me preface this by saying I hated Hate Mail, for at least the first 40% of the book. I hated the mean letters and it seemed a little bit like a juvenile young adult book. Usually I would have given up by now but I kept going and I’M SO GLAD I DID! The second half of the book was so good, if you like You’ve Got Mail as much as I do, you’ll love this book. Naomi and Luca become pen pals in the 5th grade. They continue writing letters throughout their lives, until Luca writes that he’s getting married and there are no more letters for 2 years. Naomi then becomes a weathergirl in Miami and the letters start up again, but this time Luca challenges her by not giving a return address. Naomi and her friend/co-worker Anne decide to search for Luca, but there’s also a hot guy named Jake in her apartment building that has captured her attention. This was a fast and easy read, and I really enjoyed it way more than I originally thought I would.

I received an advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for a review and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley, One More Chapter and author Donna Marchetti for this eARC.

I loved this book! Is the premise a bit far fetched? Yes. Is it realistic? No. Did I habe a big grin on my face while reading it? Absolutely I did!

Naomi is a bit naive and at times cluesless, but I still love her. Anne is just amazing and I wish we could get her book/story! Luca has an amazing character arc, going from immature and pretty mean to a great and caring person. And then there is Jake, Naomis gorgeous neighbor. The absolute perfect golden retriever boyfriend!
To anyone who loves a cute, fun romance with some heavier topics sprinkled in, I highly recommend this book!

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the advance copy to read.

Naomi and Luca have been pen-pals since fifth-grade. Well, more like bitter rivals caught in an epic battle of insults and verbal jousting…
But what starts as a hilarious chain of hate filled letters, slowly develops into a friendship spanning coasts and years. That is until one day, 12 years later, when the letters suddenly stop.

This book had me laughing out loud so many times when reading the hate filled letters. I thought this idea was such a brilliant and unique idea for an enemies to lovers trope.

This reads like a romcom and it was great for a light break between some heavier books I've read recently.

It was fairly obvious from the start where the book was going but that didn't make it any less enjoyable.

If you're looking for a light-hearted romcom that will have you laughing out loud then this is for you. It doesn't take itself too seriously and was a lovely little read.

4.5 stars.

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Hello Fellow Readers,

I was really looking forward to this book and read it pretty quickly, however, it didn't achieve what I thought it would. I will start by saying that I do appreciate the flashback chapters and how it gives us a glimpse at Luca and how his life was while pairing it with Naomi's search for him. I also surprisingly liked the enemies-to-lovers trope in the context of this book, a trope I don't usually like, but Marchetti made it interesting.

Unfortunately, most of the plot and characters fell flat to me and I didn't understand Naomi's need to go searching for Luca. I also really disliked Anne, Naomi's friend, she was extremely annoying and I was really hoping she wouldn't have that prominent of a role but she did. All the nicknames, also, felt unnecessary. Honestly, I just think maybe, this book just wasn't for me as I just felt most of the writing choices Marchetti made were not my cup of coffee.

Overall, not for me but might be for you.

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First of all, Thank You netgalley for the ARC granted. Altough It took me a little to get involved with the narrative, I could enjoy the development as the story progressed, and I had a great reading it.

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4.5 ⭐

-Enemies To Lovers
-He Falls First
-Dual POV

"Hate Mail" was just the right blend of Dark Humor and Rom-Com . I thought the author did a fantastic job crafting an intriguing premise and engaging storyline.

I personally love reading stories with a Penpal trope, I wish I saw it more often in books. From just that aspect alone I had a feeling this book was going to be a great fit for me and the author did not disappoint.

I really enjoyed seeing Naomi and Luca's relationship unfold over the years told in dual timelines and POVs. This storyline was so cute but it did have some really deep and heavy moments incorporated within it as well.

I think you should definitely check this one out!

Thank you Donna Marchetti, Net Galley and Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter for providing me with an ARC of this book!

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Thank you to @onemorechapterhc for the arc. I was really looking forward to read this romance, mainly for the cover 😍

Also anything with the two main characters sending each others letters sign me on.

This was such a cute Rom-com. I loved how we space from chapter in the present and the ones in the past, where we get to see the letters they wrote to eachothers when they were still in school and younger.

There are some bits which were a little bit more serious and I might have shed a couple of tears. But it did showed how no matter how much detached Luca wanted to be while writing those letters he really couldn’t. Whenever he was having any issue in his life he would always find a way to write to Naomi and to open up to her in their weird way 🥹

Naomi and Luca together made me laugh so much 😂

The idea of the story was really cool and also “watching” Naomi getting all confused and flustered after one letter from Luca after years and having no idea what to do 😂

Anne as well is such a great and funny character.

I loved how the author managed to include their bickering even in the letters 😂

Can I adopt a puppy as well? I feel like I need a dog now after reading this book!

Book is out 14 March 2024 🌟

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This was such a fun little story... filled with cute people and animals. I really liked the fact that the main characters had friends who were there to tell them when they did something wrong. I also really liked the idea of hate mail and loved what the two characters wrote to each other... really fun and a little disturbing.

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I was grateful when the publisher reached out to me to have me review this book, because I really enjoyed myself with this one. The premise was a lot of fun, wherein we meet Naomi and Luca who had been penpals for years, with a gap of 2 years due to Luca stopping correspondence, and then they pick up writing to each other again. I enjoyed the formatting of this book, where we got to read the letters and then follow along with both characters as they grew into adulthood. This book does a really good job balancing romance, but also the realities of real life, as well.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK/One More Chapter for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Firstly, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It’s been sometime since I’ve stayed up late reading a book and this was one of them.

We follow the journey of Naomi and Luca, how they became very interesting pen pals (or penemies) when they were younger and have been sending letters to each other for over 12 years without meeting till Luca stops for 2 years and suddenly his letters appear again. The romantic suspense in this hooked me, as we follow Naomi on her hunt to find Luca, or well, his return address.

I really loved the concept of this book and how the author used their letters to convey unspoken feelings and words to each other through their journey into adulthood. Even though some of the stuff they wrote about was damn right mean and funny at the same time.

Naomi is so likable, she feels like a real friend you could have and honestly. I think she was in love with Luca long before she may have realized. Heck I would be in love with someone that I wrote to for 12+ years. However, their story is different, they didn’t only just write to each other, they grew a strong friendship with each other and went through some hardships together. Especially our sweet yet hot Luca who we got to understand from his pov and letters. There’s an extra character in here that I totally fell for too, wont spoil and I can say I enjoyed the love triangle that went on throughout the story. Also the spice in this book was top notch, it wasn’t too much, it was just right because the tension in this book was something serious.

I went into this thinking it would be a fun, light, sweet read. It had all those things but some of the topics were quite heavy especially with Luca’s back story and oh did I tear up!!

I’m trying not to put spoilers so I won’t say too much (even though I’ve written a whole essay😂) but this book felt like I was watching a rom com series! I kind of figured out the plot twist early on but it was fun to see how the author was going to go about it and she didn’t disappoint. There were actually some other small plot twists that shocked me more than the main one and that just added more to the book! Personally I also feel like the end got sooo dramatic and some things could have been avoided.

Thank you very much to HarperCollins, One More Chapter, Donna Marchetti and Netgalley for the arc!

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Naomi and Luca have been pen-pals since fifth-grade. Well, more like bitter rivals caught in an epic battle of insults and verbal jousting… But what starts as a hilarious chain of hate filled letters, slowly develops into a friendship spanning coasts and years. That is until one day, 12 years later, when the letters suddenly stop. It’s been two years since Naomi last heard from Luca. Two years since the letter that changed everything. But when a new envelope turns up out of the blue at her desk at the local news station, Naomi is determined not to let Luca have the final word.

𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬:
This book did not disappoint! I received exclusive access to this book from One More Chapter books and as soon as I started it, I didn’t want to put it down. I really liked the personalities of the main characters. The letters between Naomi and Luca had me laughing throughout the book. I also really liked Naomi’s friend Anne. She was fun and I think a really good friend towards Naomi. Also, I wish I could have been the one to hug Luca at his high school graduation 🥺. This fun read was a blend of romance and humor, but also had heartfelt moments. Donna Marchetti delivers a book that will delight her readers and want you begging for more.

Check out Hate Mail on March 14, 2024 .. you will not be disappointed! 💌

Thank you @netgalley , @onemorechapterhc for this arc in exchange an honest review.

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2 stars

Naomi has been writing hate mail to her penpal Luca since 5th grade. But when he ghosts her for 2 years then starts sending her letters again, she's determined to find him. Naomi and her friend Anne try to piece together clues from their letters as to where he could he.

I think this was a cute idea but it just wasn't executed well. Naomi begins looking for Luca while also going on dates with Jake, the guy from her building. All of the characters are very surface level and I had a hard time getting invested in the story because of this.

I didn't like the nickname "husky eyes" for Jake and thought it was very forced. Anne calling Naomi "Gnome" all the time was also annoging.

It was strange that they were flying all over the place to try and find Luca when he was still writing to her. Especially when he tells her he'll give her his address in the next letter?

The scene where they eat take out in the hallway because her apartment was messy was odd to say the least.

Luca being so passive in his own life that he let's some girl tell him he's engaged and he's just like sure?? Absolutely ridiculous. This book kept dragging on and on

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