Member Reviews

A different spin on a typical love story. I loved this book and found all the mean letters they sent to one another quite hilarious!

The book touches on some difficult subjects but it's all done with wit and humour, so that reading about a difficult childhood doesn't feel like a chore.

I also enjoyed getting to know Luca through the eyes of his friends and even his ex(!), rather than everything being told in the first person.

All the characters are cute and likeable, I found caterpillar girl especially endearing :)

A cute p'enemies to lovers romcom that had me laughing out loud.

**Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for an ARC of this novel. All opinions are my own.

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A lovely romance for people looking for the perfect spring read!
Absolutely loved the characters, their relationship as well as the storyline. It has the the ideal vibe for this moment when the first sun rays shine outside, as it is fresh, fast-paced and packed with snappy dialogues and lines that will make you giggle.
Highly recommend!

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I love to read a romance novel after I’ve read a heavy fantasy book and this one did not disappoint.
This was such a cute and cosy romance book which follows a young Naomi at school as she writes a penpal letter as part of an assignment, to an unknown person. That unknown person is a boy named Luca who definitely doesn’t want any part of being a penpal and writes back being mean in hopes of ending the exchange. Naomi ends up writing back with an equally scathing letter. It doesn’t take long before the pair continue to exchange similar letters throughout the years before they abruptly stop when Luca stops responding. Only for Naomi to receive her letter back after Luca has moved and not passed on her new information. I loved seeing how the pair developed through the letters without having meet in person.
When Naomi meets her handsome new neighbour more drama ensures, as she ends up torn.
I loved the dual POV of the characters as it gives us insight into both characters feelings and emotions.
This is such a light romance read and I definitely recommend.

Thank you to Netgalley, the Author and the Publisher for an eARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Hate Mail - Donna Marchetti 📫


Loved this! Such a cute story and concept that I've never read before.

Luca and Naomi have been pen pals or rather penenemies since 5th grade although Naomi hasn't received a letter in 2 years she suddenly receives an envelope at work. Could this be the start of the letters again?

This book has romance, puppies, kittens, hot boys and mystery, what more could you want?

Up until the last minute I had no idea what was coming, the mystery element was a really good added bonus to the already interesting romantic elements.

Highly recommend if you are looking for a new adventure within a book!

Thank you to Chloe Cummings at Harper Collins for sending me this book in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own*

#netgalley #HateMail

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I do love some witty banter. Hate Mail features the pen pal letters between Naomi and Luca since they were in the fifth grade, and man, they have some creative insults for each other.

The story alternates between current day Naomi and her historical letters with Luca. After a “return to sender” letter comes back a few years ago, Luca writes to Naomi at her TV station—where he basically challenges her to find him (no return address, of course).

The hijinks that follows is kind of ridiculous, yet humorous. I still can’t believe the lengths Naomi goes to find Luca. The storyline is a little predictable, but I still enjoyed seeing their relationship grow through letters (and in person!). Be warned there is a minor third act break-up, but the resolution is quick!

Overall, Hate Mail was a funny, lighthearted, and cute romance.

Thank you to One More Chapter UK for the review copy.

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I want to thank NetGalley, Publishers HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, and the author Donna Marchetti for providing this e-ARC. Which, I will be giving my honest and sincere review.

This is the most adorable thing ever. And the cover OMG I need this book fiscally.
The book starts with Naomi in school writing a pen pal, the letter has an assignment to someone, but she doesn't know who, to her surprise, a boy starts writing back Luca, but he's mean. So they start a pen pal journey. but suddenly the letters stopped, Naomi never thought she would care that Luca disappeared but his last letter came without an address and he challenged her to find him.

This is the cutest thing I have to repeat myself. It's descriptive, and a perfect Summer book, I don't know why but something about exchanging letters reminds me of summer break.
The last chapters were so nice I SOOOO recommend it to everyone, reading this review.

#Haterstolovers #Longdistance #Romance #Contemporary #Fiction #NewAdult

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I really really liked this book. I've seen a lot of hype for it so I was curious to see if it lived up to expectations and it did (for me). I enjoyed the different media used in the book. It was a good read and an unexpected plot.

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This book hooked me in from the first chapter. I loved the character development and how the story progressed.

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Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collin’s UK for this arc in exchange for a review. I really enjoyed Hate Mail. I think Naomi and Luca were meant to be and I very much enjoyed this funny and cute romcom. I also really loved the fact that we were given a dual pov giving us both sides of their story. As we definitely needed to know both sides to understand the relationship that developed amongst these two pen-pals, only one that they would understand but what would be considered disturbing to others. I really enjoyed the storyline and how it developed I just wish the ending slowed down a bit more instead of just rushing to be done with it. I would have loved reading a bit more about them as they progressed. I definitely recommend to others for a fun refreshing romcom!

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The premise for this caught my eye right away, reminding me of Love, Rosie, but much funnier.

Hate Mail uses a dual perspective format to follow two characters: Luca and Naomi. Fifth-grade Naomi is really excited to have a pen pal, but her dreams are dashed when her assigned partner, Luca, is less than kind. Luca, meanwhile, doesn’t want to do this stupid pen pal thing, so he writes exactly that, hoping his pen pal will get offended and stop writing him. Instead, Naomi writes back, equally scathing. And thus begins their lifelong correspondence, years of handwritten letters that are half insulting, and half actual life updates. And then Luca abruptly stops writing and Naomi’s new letters get returned, telling her that Luca has moved — this time without telling her his new address. Life goes on, and so does Naomi, who now works as a meteorologist/weatherwoman. When she starts getting to know her handsome upstairs neighbor, she realizes that this could be something real...and then she gets an envelope.

The plot is overall a really fun and light-hearted one, and pretty expected; there’s a twist that might not seem like a twist if you already know it’s coming, which I definitely did. However, it did require some suspension of disbelief on my part. Yeah, I didn’t really expect to say that about a book that’s a very simple contemporary romance, but this is what I mean: while the ending is pretty predictable, the way we got there was kind of outlandish. As long as you don’t expect some very profound backstory, you’ll be fine and get a good laugh out of it.

Now, the characters. They’re okay. The letters between young Naomi and Luca are very endearing and reading their silly insults put a smile on my face.

On the other hand, I really wanted their adult versions to deviate from the goofiness and be more serious; they certainly did in the sense that they weren’t rude to each other anymore, but not in the sense that I felt their relationship was emotionally deep. I couldn’t really connect with them. The romance felt very surface level, like seeing two people see each other in a coffee shop and exchange phone numbers. It’s realistic, but it’s just not very interesting.

The side characters, are typical “friends” that you see in chick lits; Naomi’s friend is a little too pushy for my liking, but she does the job as a helper of plot development.

Overall, I think this was a fun read — like most books in this genre it’s really easy to sit down and read through it in one go. It’s not really memorable or one of my favorites but anyone who reads this will have fun.

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While I enjoyed Hate Mail from the start and blitzed it in a couple of days, I did feel that the book overall was a bit disappointing.

I loved the letter writing aspect and the penemy introduction to both MCs. Naomi's brutal letters to Luca were entertaining and I enjoyed her friendship with Anne, especially when they started travelling the US trying to find Luca.

Hate Mail was a super quick read but I figured out the 'twist' and when it felt like the twist was being twisted it became a bit too contrived for my liking. It evolved into a mess of misunderstanding, miscommunication and pointless conflict. It wasn't the direction I thought the book was going in and while sometimes I can appreciate that that is a good thing, in this situation, I didn't have the patience for the last minute squabbles.

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Hate Mail is a cute romcom with an interesting premise: what if elementary school penpals kept on writing to each other, right into adulthood, but those letters were more hate than love? This is what happens with Naomi and Luca: does the hate mail conceal something deeper? I laughed out loud at times, I enjoyed the mild spice, and would definitely read more by this author.

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The story starts with Naomi and Luca as penpals, it follows them from childhood to adulthood. The banter happens right off the bat, we love enemies to lovers.
Naomi finds herself torn wanting to date Irl but also having this pen relationship with Luca little did they know that they hand an invisible string that strung them together.

This is a cute easy cute read although repetitive at times it was a good storyline.
For debut Author Donna Marchetti!
Thank you Netgalley, HarperCollins Uk, and One more Chapter for this arc

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Hate Mail is the perfect story for those who love watching how relationships evolve over time, especially from animosity into affection. The novel traces the journey of two characters who begin as nemeses exchanging antagonistic letters during their youth. Despite their apparent disdain for one another, a deeper bond secretly blossoms between them. Their barbed words hide an underlying current of curiosity and fascination with their pen pal. As they grow older, their correspondence continues, and they find themselves confiding their innermost thoughts and feelings within the safety of their letters. Their tones soften; their language becomes tender. Animosity shifts into understanding and then into love. They become each other's closest confidante and support system, despite having never met in person. The author beautifully captures the push and pull of their changing dynamic over the years. Watching the hostility melt away into genuine caring and romance is deeply satisfying. Their witty, lively letters reveal two kindred spirits forming an unbreakable connection through writing. Hate Mail is for anyone who enjoys watching relationships evolve in surprising ways, and who roots for unexpected pairs to overcome their differences. It's a heartwarming, rewarding read.

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🎧Audiobook Review🎧


I'd like to thank Netgalley for approving me for an ARC of this book.

✒️ Penemies
💜 Romance
🥰 He Falls First
😆 Banter

This was a fun and easy listen. I found it entertaining, especially the letters, and enjoyed theorising as the story developed. Special thank you to my fellow buddy readers @bex_boys_and_books @agirlreadsbookss 💜


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Thank you to NetGalley for giving this ARC, and this doesn't influence my review. This was a very cliche and not well written book in my POV, sorry I just didn't like it. The synopsis was better.

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I loved this book so much it was so cute and well written. I loved Luca and Naomi and the banter between the two of them was soooo good!
This book is contemporary romance follow Naomi and Luca, two childhood penpals who wrote letter to each other for a decade before the letters just stopped. Until one day Naomi received a letter with a challenger to find Luca. Not very spicy so if you are looking for high spice this is not the book. But if you're looking for a cute romantic comedy with lots of banter and fun this is for you.

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★ ★ ★ ★ | 🌶🌶

check TWs

Note: I try my hardest to not include spoilers in my reviews. However, spoilers and how you define a spoiler is subjective. Proceed with caution.

*A special thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for access to this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.*


This was a really cute read. I’ve been in a reading slump so bad recently, that it seems like no matter what I read, I’m not loving. But this started to break that.

If you’ve ever read the book Love, Rosie; and disliked it as much as I did. This book is what that book could have been and more. It had all of the tension and chemistry that was missing from that book.

That being said, the chemistry from the letters and the tension there could have transferred over to the real life interactions more. And the plot was predictable. Though, it didn’t change how I felt about reading the book.

I can’t wait to read more from this author.

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"I hope you get struck by lightning and die in the middle of your next weather report. Wouldn’t that be ironic?
—L “

I really wanted to read this book because of the cover and title! I am a huge enemies to lovers fan and the cover was so freaking cute that it was calling to me. I ended up loving this book! We read about Naomi getting a letter from her penpal after a few years of not hearing from him. She then decides, with a little help from her coworker and friend, to go searching for him and meet him after all these years. I loved reading how we would go from present to past, but with the past only from the letters. I am not the biggest fan of multiple timelines, but with this book, it just work. I really fell for Luca. He had a hard life and really fell for Naomi and I just wanted him to get his happily ever after! I loved how the story played out especially at the end! There was a few plot twists that I saw coming, and a couple that I didn’t. In this book there is somewhat of a love triangle, but it’s also not one if that makes sense. I am not a big fan of love triangles, and I loved this book so not to worry about this trope! I would also say that this is an open door romance, but the scenes aren’t so descriptive.

Read if you like:
Dual POVs
Pen pals
Multiple Timelines
Neighbors to lovers
Adorable pets
Open door romance
Swoony hero
All the feels

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I love books that include the epistolary trope and Hate Mail does this in fine fashion, and you can kind of guess what kind of letters from the title!

Naomi and Luca began writing to one another in the 5th grade as part of a school project and their letters are one constant in each other’s lives. Cue the present day with contact lost a couple of years prior until Naomi receives mail at the tv station where she is a weather presenter, and their communication starts up again.

Hate Mail is a story that takes the readers around the country, as we follow Luca’s whereabouts as well as the emotional ups and downs of Naomi and Luca’s lives during their teenage years and into adulthood.
I laughed out loud at times, their letters were an obvious way of trying to one up each other in nastiness, though it certainly cemented their connection and I enjoyed the direction the story took us, concluding with the present day.

Hate Mail has some open door scenes, with a mild spice level that complements the story. This was a fun read, I enjoyed it!

Thanks to netgalley onemorechapterhc and the author, Donna Marchetti for the early copy I received, this is my honest review.

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