Member Reviews

I received this arc in exchange for an honest review. 🤍

i loved this! it was so easy to read and kept me captivated the whole way through.

luca and naomi have been pen pals since elementary school but after 2 years of complete radio silence, luca writes to naomi again. naomi sets out to find him, but is he closer than she expects?

such a lovely read! it kept me guessing from beginning to end and the chemistry between the characters was undeniable.

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I put together the Jake/Luca thing pretty quickly. But the reveal was honestly awful. I was fine with the miscommunication because of the letter thing. I thought maybe he was going by his middle name or something. But just her not knowing his name after weeks of dating lol. Are you kidding. I would have liked it better if he’d tried to tell her multiple times and she just missed it. Or he told her over idk dinner or something? The way it happened was sooooo awkward. He should have told him how he was the first time she asked him to meet her. It got weird because she asked like 4 times and he never thought to show her the letter n be like hey I’m here. Or maybe she could have found the letters when she broke into his apartment. Literally nothing except the way it happened. Also the epilogue … I don’t love pregnancy tropes like that, but it’s cute they worked out.

I love everything else. I thought this was a cute and fun read. I like both of our main characters. The story was fun and unique. I love love love the cover. If you don’t like cartoony covers like this on romance, you’re wrong. The relationship between Luca and Naomi was fun, I loved their banter. It was fun how Naomi and Anne travelled around to try to find him, especially for him just to be right there. I loved the Luca POV of the first time he saw her.

I enjoyed this. 3.5-4 stars for sure. I’d recommend it and will probably look to buy a physical copy!

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"Hate Mail" is a captivating, original, and very fun book from author Donna Marchetti! The Florida setting was fun to read about. The characters feel three-dimensional and like real people along with personalities, emotions, and struggles/challenges of their own. I would have liked to hear a bit more about Naomi's family though! At first I wasn't sure I was going to like Luca's character but as I read more and got to know him better, I realized what a good guy he is despite his mean letters to Naomi! And after reading a little while the dynamic of their teasing penemy friendship was clear. Now, I love Luca! They are both such fun characters. I really like how the author has included their letters to each other as a narrative element in the story! It was so much fun getting to know both their present and past selves this way. The romance is swoony and emotionally deep with lots of chemistry! It was so sweet seeing Luca's inner thoughts and memories about his feelings for Naomi! The side characters were lots of fun too. The speed of the plot is perfect, the author's writing style is smooth and sparkling with beauty, wit, and emotion, the plot is enthralling and never dull, and the very idea of this book feels new and fresh to me. I love all of the pets in this book too! So sweet! I very highly recommend this book! Especially if you enjoy reading contemporary romance with sweetness, angst, and lots of emotion! 5 stars

Thank you very much to the author Donna Marchetti, OneMoreChapter, Harper Collins UK, and NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy to read and review honestly.

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Hate Mail by Donna Marchetti is a pen pal romance and the story of Naomi and Luca.
Naomi and Luca have been pen-pals since middle school and their letters to each other were rather feisty and mean, but they never stopped writing to each other until they’re adults. I absolutely love writing letters and you can connect with a person on a whole other level and that’s what this story showed, and I adored it.
Naomi now lives in Miami, and she is a meteorologist and one day she receives another letter from Luca without a return address and she wants to write him back and reconnect. She is such a loving person and I also loved seeing her friendship with her co-worker Anne.
Luca has been through so much and I deeply felt for him. The letters were a lifeline for him, and I appreciated seeing how much they mean to him. He has a heart of gold and I especially loved seeing him with the animals throughout the story. Roland, Phoebe and Bruno were perfect little companions.
Naomi and Luca‘s relationship starts off with those hate to love letters and they slowly become friends and I liked seeing that through the past scenes. Their banter was everything and it feels like fate finally brought them together in the present. They truly belong together, and I rooted for them from the first page and devoured every chapter. If you like romcoms and stories à la To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before and Punk 57, you need to check this one out.
Overall, Hate Mail is the most sweet and heartfelt pen pal romance and I loved everything about Naomi and Luca’s story. 5 stars.
(ARC kindly provided in exchange for a review.)

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I’ve always adored getting letters in the mail. I feel like it’s one of life’s greatest pleasures that is almost nonexistent in today’s world of instant gratification and DMs.

Hate Mail was so fun to read! It was hilarious right from the start with how mean they were to each other and how that each threat got better each time! It was predictable as far as discovering who Luca was and while Naomi’s reaction was a bit uncalled for seeing as it really wasn’t his fault she believed otherwise, I’m glad she actually chose to communicate with him sooner versus letting her anger fester and ruin their relationship. I would have liked to see more on Luca’s relationship with his dad and how he healed from repairing their relationship, as well as more about Luca’s life from his perspective versus being solely Naomi’s story.

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"Dear Naomi,
I hope you get struck by lightning and die in the middle of your next weather report. Wouldn't that be ironic?


Hate Mail is a cosy and sweet contemporary romance follow Naomi and Luca, two childhood penpals that lost touch two years ago. Spread across over a decade these two jabbed, ridiculed, and teased each other and Naomi always wondered what happened to end their letters. Yet one day Naomi receives a letter at work, a letter from Luca, and she knows the game is on because Luca has given Naomi challenged...a challenge to find him or else his letter will be the last word.

This was an utter delight to read!

Naomi is a meteorologist for her local news station and she is determined to find Luca after he extends his challenge. She fun, witty, and has such sharp quips back at Luca. Luca, meanwhile, is a bit harder to define in the initial stages. You get a lot of his hesitancy behind why he was so gruff in the beginning but you can see how important the letters became to him - his lifeline in many ways.

Now there is also Jake...I adore Jake. I felt his romance to Naomi helped stirred the pot with Naomi and Luca and he was wonderful...especially his fostering tendencies.

In terms of spice, this book is about a 1.5 spicy pepper out of 5 spicy pepper. The romance is a slow burn and when we do finally get the spice it isn't super detailed - more romantic than explicit. I felt it fit the sweetness of the story quite well. I would saw there are a few scenes overall.

In terms of the story, this is a fairly traditional uncover the secrets kind of story. I like how Naomi learned a little bit more about Luca's life when she travelled back to his old homes to gather information. I also really loved how we explored Luca's POV through flashbacks of their letter writing journey. I think the connection between the characters was rounded out really well through this addition. It left me feel good and gushing out how sweet this was progressing. There is a sort of third act breakout that was a bit vicious but the ending provided HEA that I wish was longer.

Overall this is a fast cosy read that delivers all the vibes you want. The angst between these two is banterful and I could not get enough!

Thank you One More Chapter for this arc!

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I really enjoyed this book! The characters were very complex and the setting was gorgeous. I loved the little details, to me they really make the story. I would definitely recommend!

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Naomi works as a Meteorologist and does the weather report for a TV station. When she receives a letter hoping she gets struck by lightning, Naomi is reminded of a Pen Pal she had when she was in fifth grade. Naomi wrote to a boy called Luca for many years. Each letter they tried to out-do each other by writing insults.

Naomi loses contact with Luca and has not heard from him for a few years. She wants to send an insulting reply but needs to find his address.

Anne is a co-worker with Naomi and she encourages Naomi to find Luca. Anne and Naomi spend some fun weekends travelling to different states trying to find an address.

This was a fun story. I loved the way the friendship developed between Naomi and Anne. Anne helps Naomi get over her fear of flying and other phobias. Full of humorous incidents.

Written in two different points of view between Naomi and Luca and how they react to the letters they receive from each other.

Thank you NetGalley and One More Chapter for a chance to read and review this E-Book. It was a feel good story that made me laugh.

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If I could give this book 100 stars, I would. I like every single second of this stories, like the letter where they are mean to each other. The dates. All of it. I would marry this book if I could.

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Fantastic. Wonderful, warm and fuzzy with a dash of spice. Perfect for nosy people like me who love to read other people’s letters.
This book got me out of a slump and I devoured it in two sittings-it would have been one but a girls gotta sleep.
I really enjoyed the chemistry, the comedy and the hate mail-I’m officially terrified of my next hangnail 😂. Can’t wait to read all about Emma and Patrick in the next book…there’s going to be a next book right??

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The premise of HATE MAIL sounds fine enough, but in execution it's a discomforting read. I was thrown completely off by the malice and derision in which the characters speak to one another in the beginning of the book. I'm not naive, I know that it is the point, but it's not what I signed up for when I picked up this cute, pink books that is being propelled into the bookverse as a romantic comedy. This book was quite heavy and sad, and the mismarketing is bad.

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Hate Mail" by Donna Marchetti is a charming and delightful read that had me smiling at all times.
While the premise may seem far-fetched and unrealistic, the story quickly draws you in with its hilarious chain of hate-filled letters between Naomi and Luca, evolving into a heartwarming friendship spanning years and coasts. When the letters suddenly stop, Naomi is determined to reclaim the last word, leading to unexpected twists and turns. Despite Naomi's occasional naivety, her character remains endearing and she grows stronger the more we learn about her. There are so many scenes when heartwarming scenes were mixed with more serious moments that both balanced the overall story in a great way in my opinion.
Luca's character arc is greatly portrayed, and Jake, Naomi's neighbor, adds the perfect touch of charm to this story. “Hate Mail" seamlessly blends cute romance with deeper themes, making it a highly recommended read for anyone seeking a fun, heartfelt story.

Very grateful to the publisher for my copy through NetGalley, opinions are my own.

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Naomi and Luca have been frenemies since the 5th grade, writing nasty letters back and forth until they lose touch during one of many moves.

Fast forward to present day, and Naomi is a successful meteorologist in Miami, when a distinctive letter from Luca appears - without a return address. And so begins a game of cat and mouse that sends Naomi across America to find Luca, while at the same time nurturing a fledgling relationship with the hot guy in her apartment block.

This was a fun romcom, with laugh-out-loud absurdities and poignant moments. The ending was easy to spot, but that doesn't matter - this is a quick read that kept me hooked to the end.

Spice level - a couple of sex scenes, but not a lot. Plenty of sexual references.

Perfect for those wanting a quick romcom beach read

~Many thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review~

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Read from March 13th, 2024 to March 14th, 2024. Written on March 14th, 2024.


wow wow wow wow

I was NOT expecting this when I found this book! And I genuinely do not remember the last time I read over 200 pages in one day so that felt like running a marathon.

Honestly, where do I even start? It was funny as hell, it was sweet, it was awfully mean at times (that hangnail still haunts me), it was spicy and, above all, it was a rollercoaster of feelings all around. I laughed, I smiled, I almost cried, I screamed, I had it all!

The writing was fenomenal, I loved the mix between the POVs, the storyline had a great pace and it was an easy page-turner. The characters were relatable and fun to get to know and, in a way, the story felt so real to be reading. And those ending chapters, like the last maybe 10 chapters, OH MY GOD!??!?! How could someone do that to me? I was expecting the plot twist, but not all THAT! Oh, I love it when a book drives me crazy like that!

I mean, this book made me want to have a pen pal and send letters in the mail like old times. And I love that so much!

Donna Marchetti, your book is *chefs kiss* and I am so so happy that I got to read it before it came out today. Much love and luck in the future! (Also, Anne + Patrick...count me in on a book about whatever that could be!)

Signing off.

(Free ARC from NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, that I chose to review after reading)

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Thank you to HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter and NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review ✨

Naomi and Luca became pen-pals in fifth-grade, quickly becoming bitter rivals exchanging letters full of epic insults. While they were the last pen-pals standing from their classes and continued to exchange letters for years, the letters suddenly stop.

Naomi has been waiting for a letter from Luca for two years, and wonders whether she'll ever hear from her pen-pal nemesis again... until a letter turns up for her at work out of the blue with no return address. Refusing to let Luca get the last word, Naomi enlists the help of her friend to track Luca down.

I'm a sucker for stories with letters so I rushed to request this when I saw it. Definitely a fun read and worth picking up if you need a light-hearted rom-com!

I loved the premise of this story and the start was incredibly strong. Getting to read some of the letters was fun, it was a great way to get an insight into the characters' pasts and see how they ended up reconnecting. I did find it quite predictable (not always a bad thing, and I feel that readers are probably meant to work out the 'twist' anyway) so I had the puzzle pieced together much quicker than our fmc did. I really enjoyed Naomi's adventures to track Luca down (although I'd have preferred it if she left Anne at home, I wasn't a fan), again it was an interesting way to learn more about him.

I found the latter half of the book a little repetitive, and felt that the 'reveal' was a little clumsy and rushed when there had been so much building up to it.

The fmc and mmc were both likeable and I liked them together. I was a little frustrated by them towards the end but I think that's because I found all of it quite rushed anyway.

Definitely needed a read like this, had a good time and I think many readers will enjoy this.

Thank you to HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter and NetGalley for the arc!

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This novel's story has childhood pen pals Naomi and Luca evolve from witty adversaries to close friends despite years of silence that added a mysterious twist to their tale. The way their past and present intertwine through letters is brilliantly executed, making every chapter a delightful surprise. Naomi's down-to-earth character and Luca's emotionally rich backstory added depth, while the supporting cast, especially Anne, provided a heartwarming sense of camaraderie. The clever use of dual timelines was refreshing. With its blend of humor, romance, and unexpected twists, this book is a standout read that I couldn't put down.

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Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this adorable book in exchange for an honest review!! I loooooooved this. I started reading and had to payse due to work but oh my gosh when I picked it back up I could not put it down!
Favorite parts:
enemies to lovers (i love this trope) and they have known each other for a while so it adds to the build up!!
cute cover/title

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This book was great! This is my first time reading Donna’s books, and it won’t be my last! The cover is what drew me in. I love the pink and stunning artwork of the characters. Naomi and Luca’s relationship was fabulously written! Their journey from enemies to friends to lovers kept me entertained. From their witty banter, to the love that grew for each other in their hearts, I could not stop reading! 4⭐️ rating from me!

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Naomi and Luca have been penpals since fifth grade, when they have competed to send the meanest letters to each other. They lose touch, until one day, as adults, Naomi receives a letter from Luca reigniting their feud... with no return address. This leads her, with assistance from her friend, to try tracking him down.
Wow, this book took me by surprise - I didn't expect to love it this much!
Following Naomi and Anne on their weekly road (or air) trips to the different destinations was so much fun, I loved their friendship and seeing what they would discover each time.

I loved slowly learning more about them both over the years through the letters, and seeing how their relationship evolved.
I thought I saw the twist coming but questioned myself multiple times until it all came out. 😂 There were definitely a few things at the end I wasn't too pleased with (spoilers - 1. Luca turning out to be who he was and essentially tricking her for so long, Naomi's conveniently being bad with names... 2. Just because of how Luca's mom treated his dad, DOES not excuse how he treated Luca!), but overall this was such a fun read, I'm so glad I picked it up.

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Hate Mail is the debut of Donna Marchetti. Even before this book was published I heard so much good things about this book, making me really curious about this title. The simple pink cover is really appealing and fits the title really well. I was really curious about what the story would have in store. Will this debut be a succes? What twists await in this story?

"There's a fine line between love and hate."

"Naomi and Luca have been pen-pals since fifth-grade. Well, more like bitter rivals caught in an epic battle of insults and verbal jousting... But what starts as a hilarious chain of hate filled letters, slowly develops into a friendship spanning coasts and years. That is until one day, years later, when the letters suddenly stop. It’s been two years since Naomi last heard from Luca. Two years since the letter that changed everything. But when a new envelope turns up out of the blue at her desk at the local news station, Naomi is determined not to let Luca have the final word."

From the first moment this book already had me hooked. The writing style is amazing right from the top. The fan mail Naomi recieves isn't friendly at all, but she knows who send it and she isn't going to let him have the final word. The only problem? There is no return adress. Together with her coworker Anne, who wants to know all the details about the whole situation.

"Dear Naomi, I hope you get struck by lightning and die in the middle of your next weather report. Wouldn't that be ironic? -L"

Even though Naomi is busy with finding Luca, she also is opening her love life to Jake, her neighbor upstairs. However, their dates are often canceled due to trips with Anne to find Luca. Even though the search doesn't seem to go as smooth as wanted, the attraction to Jake goes really well. Every moment with him is really nice, even though the incomming letters and Luca still are in Naomi's thoughts. Can she find Luca and have the final word? What will Jake think of this whole situation?

Donna Marchetti has an amazing writing style. The whole story is written smoothly and has some really great vibes. The letters between Luca and Naomi really add to the story, and even though they are bullying each other they also find peace in the letters. In addition, I really liked Anne's positivity and Jake's character as well.

This book could have been one of my rare 5 star reads, however I am sad to say it wasn't. I really feel like this is a 5 star read, but because I predicted the ending of the story in chapter 3 the story lacked the element of surprise for me. Therefore I am able to give this book no more than 4,5 stars, even though I still feel like it definetly is worthy of a 5 star read! I would highly recommend reading Hate Mail to everyone who is looking for an easy and adventerous read.

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